Rogue Leaders and Players




OK I think the GM's need to take a trun on the game with Rogue plays or leaders. Like when a person is made leader for no reason and they delete base and kick everyone out. People send in petition say the person is going crazy and saying stuff that should not be said. I like this game a lot. I just feel the GM's need to step up like othere MMORPG and IE: ban, kick players from the game. I was just wondering if players out there feel this way?



Yeah, earlier tonight I had an experience where someone was mistakenly given too much power, and they managed to gut the group, kicking everyone but the other leaders. Those of us who were still in the group ran to the base to make sure they couldn't edit things, but the whole experience ruined what might have otherwise been a good, fun evening of gameplay. We all sent petitions once this person started kicking group members, and it would be nice if there were enough GM's on staff to respond to these petitions quickly enough to lessen the damage.

Squandering the planet's oxygen since 1976
Arc ID 3796 - The Other Side of the Screen
Arc ID 339466 - Rescue the Lorebreakers



Yes I concure. This has happened to me personally and I have seen it happen to others. I, as a paying customer, play this game to have fun and situations like this cause the game to be not as much fun as it could be. I do understand with I9 getting ready to drop that things are hectic but it should not be dismissed with the normally said "be carefull who you promote to leader". It is this sort of thing that causes people to turn away from playing this game. There is my 2 cents like it or leave it.



This has happened to me as well. These sgs and vgs take a lot of time and work to create. And if a person has a grudge the hard work can just be wiped away in a matter of minutes. Such petty instances occur too often and need help and support to correct these people before too much damage is done. These events cause players to leave the game which is unfortunate. It is a issue that needs work and attention.



This happened to my VG recently. It completely ruins the time we would be spending on leveling up our characters, and replaces it with guarding our base from uder destruction. I think the GMs should have a quick reaction about this.



I agree whole-heartedly. It take a lot of time and effort to regain what you've contributed to a SG. It's a shame that it can be gone in an instant with absolutely no recourse or GM intervention against the actor. Disappointing to say the least.



Three things...

1. Yes, it hurts when something like you mention happens, but that is why there are 5 levels of hierarchy in the SG rankings, and the ability to assign permissions accordingly. Be more cautious when promoting people.

2. Please don't use Blue as your font color - it's impossible for people using the Hero "skin" to read.

3. This is the guides section, please post in an appropriate area, like Suggestions/Ideas.

Unexplained Investigations Supergroup on VICTORY!
UI Cards
Snuph's Hero Helpers



Why does this look like one person, with four accounts?




Really? I couldn't tell. It's not like the reg date and singleton post is a dead giveaway. :3



Yeah, Me neither. I mean their writing styles are totally not alike, no additional letters and or anything in the wrong spaces, and all that prattle's good and meaningful. Man, whoda thunk it. And it's in the wrong forum too.

Sheesh, sockpuppets are a pain to spot.



Three things...

1. Yes, it hurts when something like you mention happens, but that is why there are 5 levels of hierarchy in the SG rankings, and the ability to assign permissions accordingly. Be more cautious when promoting people.

2. Please don't use Blue as your font color - it's impossible for people using the Hero "skin" to read.

3. This is the guides section, please post in an appropriate area, like Suggestions/Ideas.

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Just said when someone from the hierarchy add's someone just to run havok on the SG. Wish the GM's would jump on this a lot after and punsh both sides. At the same point seeing peoples info posted in MOTD is kind of jacked.



OK I think the GM's need to take a trun on the game with Rogue plays or leaders. Like when a person is made leader for no reason and they delete base and kick everyone out. People send in petition say the person is going crazy and saying stuff that should not be said. I like this game a lot. I just feel the GM's need to step up like othere MMORPG and IE: ban, kick players from the game. I was just wondering if players out there feel this way? [/color]

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1. A person in a SG/VG will not be promoted "for no reason". Someone either promoted them, or activated a feature to give them that promotion. Either way, it didn't "just happen".

2. If that person is promoted to a position in said SG/VG where they can add/delete/kick members, then it is fully within their right to do so. If whomever is in charge doesn't want them to do this, then they should either demote this person, or kick them form the SG. Otherwise, they can pretty much do whatever they want.

3. If you dislike the actions of those above you in the SG, alert the leader/founder of the SG, and have them correct it. If you are not of high enough rank to make the corrections yourself, then perhaps the leader of the SG doesn't find your input/opinion of much value - join another SG that is more in line w/ your values, or form your own.

Why should anyone else be held accountable? How is this the GMs' responsibility? If the person who did the deleting/kicking admits, in-game, that they did what they did to spite someone or to piss you off, then take a screen cap of it & petition them.



It's the GM's responsibility when the rogue leader in question is at the top of the ranks. Since you cannot demote or kick someone of equal rank, there is not a way to get someone out of the SG/VG who starts behaving like this. It would also be nice if there was a way for other leaders to see who promoted who, so we know who take action against.

Squandering the planet's oxygen since 1976
Arc ID 3796 - The Other Side of the Screen
Arc ID 339466 - Rescue the Lorebreakers



It's the GM's responsibility when the rogue leader in question is at the top of the ranks. Since you cannot demote or kick someone of equal rank, there is not a way to get someone out of the SG/VG who starts behaving like this. It would also be nice if there was a way for other leaders to see who promoted who, so we know who take action against.

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Nope. He is *THE* leader of the SG - he answers to no one. If the top-tier guy wanted to dissolve the SG, sell or remove things from the base, kick people, etc, then he has every right to. A SG is not a democracy. It would sure suck, and it wouldn't be the right thing to do - "right" as in, polite, nice, considerate thing to do, but nowhere is it stated or even implied that it is illegal/prohibited. If this person was made top-tier by the other top-tier, and it was by mistake, then there needs to be a way to demote them, if one doesn't already exist.



It's the GM's responsibility when the rogue leader in question is at the top of the ranks. Since you cannot demote or kick someone of equal rank, there is not a way to get someone out of the SG/VG who starts behaving like this. It would also be nice if there was a way for other leaders to see who promoted who, so we know who take action against.

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Nope. He is *THE* leader of the SG - he answers to no one. If the top-tier guy wanted to dissolve the SG, sell or remove things from the base, kick people, etc, then he has every right to. A SG is not a democracy. It would sure suck, and it wouldn't be the right thing to do - "right" as in, polite, nice, considerate thing to do, but nowhere is it stated or even implied that it is illegal/prohibited. If this person was made top-tier by the other top-tier, and it was by mistake, then there needs to be a way to demote them, if one doesn't already exist.

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Yes, but if the top person is gone and left a long time. You can do nothing but take what is done.



It's the GM's responsibility when the rogue leader in question is at the top of the ranks. Since you cannot demote or kick someone of equal rank, there is not a way to get someone out of the SG/VG who starts behaving like this. It would also be nice if there was a way for other leaders to see who promoted who, so we know who take action against.

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Nope. He is *THE* leader of the SG - he answers to no one. If the top-tier guy wanted to dissolve the SG, sell or remove things from the base, kick people, etc, then he has every right to. A SG is not a democracy. It would sure suck, and it wouldn't be the right thing to do - "right" as in, polite, nice, considerate thing to do, but nowhere is it stated or even implied that it is illegal/prohibited. If this person was made top-tier by the other top-tier, and it was by mistake, then there needs to be a way to demote them, if one doesn't already exist.

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Yes, but if the top person is gone and left a long time. You can do nothing but take what is done.

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Which means, sadly, that it's time to pack up and form your own SG w/ the members that are still active. A responsible leader would do something like hand ownership of the SG over to a person that will remain on, before he leaves.



We should not have to leave. The GM's should step up and see this and boot the player who is doing it and the player who is made leader. No one should have to put up with this if they pay! Just saying othere games step up and kick the player or boot them from the group.



We should not have to leave. The GM's should step up and see this and boot the player who is doing it and the player who is made leader. No one should have to put up with this if they pay! Just saying othere games step up and kick the player or boot them from the group.

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Except that it is not *your* SG/VG - you are merely a member of someone else's SG. Why should you have any say in that SG? If the leader of the SG wanted you to have a say, he'd have promoted you.

You are not paying to have fair and equitable SG treatment, you pay for access to the game. Anyway, how do you propose that this system of booting the leader be implemented in a way that doesn't promote internal coup's or exploitation?



Well the SG is the group. My point is that the GM's should take a faster trun around on this. It's all about how the group is run. Some groups have one leader and some have more then one!



!) This is not a guide. take it somewhere else please. Mods, please move tis thread if you see this.

2)I have a good cheese to go with your whine, Beamer. SGs are not democratic. What you're asking for is micromanagement of an SG by mods, which, is not only really inefficient, but draws GM action and attention from other, more important things. It's bad enough that 50-70% of the time you ahve to wait more than 20 minutes for a GM response, can you imagine it would be substantially worse if we had to divert them to matters like this? You're asking for the inefficient, and if you cna't deal with th fact that sometimes, player-based hierarchies are unfair, go home.

Also, stop posting here. This isn't useful in any way to anyone. Go to player questions or the general forum.



My point is that the GM's should take a faster trun around on this.

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I dissagree. The GMs should have -ZERO- turn around on this. The system is not at fault here, the players are. I hate to say it, but the person who promoted the 'jerk' to the top level should not have.

It is a regretable event. I won't argue that it's an easy thing to go through as an SG. But I won't accept that the system was to blame when the players could have prevented it easily.



!) This is not a guide. take it somewhere else please. Mods, please move tis thread if you see this.

2)I have a good cheese to go with your whine, Beamer. SGs are not democratic. What you're asking for is micromanagement of an SG by mods, which, is not only really inefficient, but draws GM action and attention from other, more important things. It's bad enough that 50-70% of the time you ahve to wait more than 20 minutes for a GM response, can you imagine it would be substantially worse if we had to divert them to matters like this? You're asking for the inefficient, and if you cna't deal with th fact that sometimes, player-based hierarchies are unfair, go home.

Also, stop posting here. This isn't useful in any way to anyone. Go to player questions or the general forum.

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If we wish to run it as a democratic then we can!



!) This is not a guide. take it somewhere else please. Mods, please move tis thread if you see this.

2)I have a good cheese to go with your whine, Beamer. SGs are not democratic. What you're asking for is micromanagement of an SG by mods, which, is not only really inefficient, but draws GM action and attention from other, more important things. It's bad enough that 50-70% of the time you ahve to wait more than 20 minutes for a GM response, can you imagine it would be substantially worse if we had to divert them to matters like this? You're asking for the inefficient, and if you cna't deal with th fact that sometimes, player-based hierarchies are unfair, go home.

Also, stop posting here. This isn't useful in any way to anyone. Go to player questions or the general forum.

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If we wish to run it as a democratic then we can!

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And how's that?



My point is that the GM's should take a faster trun around on this.

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I dissagree. The GMs should have -ZERO- turn around on this. The system is not at fault here, the players are. I hate to say it, but the person who promoted the 'jerk' to the top level should not have.

It is a regretable event. I won't argue that it's an easy thing to go through as an SG. But I won't accept that the system was to blame when the players could have prevented it easily.

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Not saying the game was to blam. Just saying the GM's should jump on the fact when people send tickets in about player info being put up in the MOTD. Then they should step in and find out who made that play leader. If it happen in the same day.



Don't bother replying bio; just let this thing die out.