Stan and Lou -- More COH audio




I have re-recorded the first Stan and Lou (in Outbreak) and added a second one, in Breakout.

Stan and Lou in Outbreak
Stan and Lou in Breakout

These recordings are allegedly comedic. Judge for yourself!

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Where are ya Hertz?!!! come back and finish to 50 :-)



I think we need a Stan & Lou comeback. Hertz, we need to know how Stan & Lou feel about going back to Roman times!



Man, I can't believe that jerk hasn't posted more Stan and Lou yet. What a bum!




Maybe Stan & Lou were abducted in one of the recent Rikti Invasions? Or maybe the somehow got lost in Cimerora? Or they could be PL'ing each other to get their own VEATs...

If I see 'em, I'll tell 'em that Hertz, and plenty of others, are lookin' for 'em!

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:



*whistles innocently*



hhhheerrrtttzzzz! i clicked on the link in your sig, and I found all the stan & lou recordings but they wont plaaaaayyyyy

*disclaimer* im sick and whiny and wanted to listen to stan & lou to make me feel better

"I don't wonda what Rose is like in RL, I just imagine she is a catgurl an' wish I could cyb0r wit her. "
- the legendary J-man

Silence!!! I kill you!



Just checked it out - I had to reload the site to get the players to all load for the various episodes. I started listening to one at random to check, but haven't tried them all.

Edit - try this -it worked for me twice. From that site, go to another site (I rt-clicked the players and went to the Flash Media player site) then click 'back' to return - all the players appeared to me then,.

My Deviant Art page link-link

CoH/V Fan Videos



I've put the Stan and Lou files into a "new" temporary MP3 player while I figure out a better permanent solution.

It will play the files in a random order in a pop up window. This is only temporary.

w00t Radio



Just an FYI to the thread: I have recorded all the voices I can personally do for Stan and Lou #28 in Croatoa. Since it might be a few more days until I can get it all put together, I'm now working on Stan and Lou #29 in Dark Astoria. The script is already written, in fact; it just needs to be recorded.

The question is, do you want #28 first and then #29, or do you care if they're out of sequence?



I've waited this long, I'm willing to wait a couple days longer to get them in-sequence, but then again, I'm a patient sort of person. Well, not really, but I kinda am when I've got so much else going on I don't really think about it.



Okay, I'll record S&L #29 and greedily withhold it, laughing maniacally all the while. Well, until #28 is done, anyway.



Okay, I'll record S&L #29 and greedily withhold it, laughing maniacally all the while. Well, until #28 is done, anyway.

[/ QUOTE ]

More Stan and Lou!!!




Okay, I'll record S&L #29 and greedily withhold it, laughing maniacally all the while. Well, until #28 is done, anyway.

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More Stan and Lou!!!


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"I don't wonda what Rose is like in RL, I just imagine she is a catgurl an' wish I could cyb0r wit her. "
- the legendary J-man

Silence!!! I kill you!



Update: I might not get the pieces for #28 together until this weekend or even later. I must wait for two lovely volunteers to record their lines now before I can put it all together.

On the other hand, Stan and Lou in Dark Astoria is complete.

The episode after next is all recorded, completed, and tidied up. I just have to upload it. The consensus so far (if any) is that I shouldn't post it until #28 (in Croatoa) is done, but heck, I might just post it to YouTube on my lunch break anyhow.



Suppose, just hypothetically, that I had finished Stan and Lou in Dark Astoria. And suppose that it was posted on YouTube already.

If you were the kind of person who would go listen to #29, I'd want to remind you that we skipped #28 (because my lovely volunteers are still working on recording their lines).

If you are the kind of person hates spoilers and wants to listen to them in order, stop reading now.

Are you still reading? Good. Then you must not mind knowing the plot ahead of time.

To recap the plot:

#27 Stan and Lou in Striga Isle. Stan and Lou go shopping for temp powers and pick up a Warwolf, whom Stan names George.

#28 Stan and Lou in Croatoa (not completed yet). Stan and Lou round up some more temp powers for their fight with the Guy In The Hat.

#29 Stan and Lou in Dark Astoria. Our two favorite mooks finally take on the Guy In The Hat. Do they win?



So, did they win?



Suppose, just hypothetically, that I had finished Stan and Lou in Dark Astoria. And suppose that it was posted on YouTube already.

If you were the kind of person who would go listen to #29, I'd want to remind you that we skipped #28 (because my lovely volunteers are still working on recording their lines).

If you are the kind of person hates spoilers and wants to listen to them in order, stop reading now.

Are you still reading? Good. Then you must not mind knowing the plot ahead of time.

To recap the plot:

#27 Stan and Lou in Striga Isle. Stan and Lou go shopping for temp powers and pick up a Warwolf, whom Stan names George.

#28 Stan and Lou in Croatoa (not completed yet). Stan and Lou round up some more temp powers for their fight with the Guy In The Hat.

#29 Stan and Lou in Dark Astoria. Our two favorite mooks finally take on the Guy In The Hat. Do they win?

[/ QUOTE ]

What? Stan & Lou are back!

(we won't mention anything about Hertz!)




Yay! I had given up on more stan and lou! Whoo!




...i need more....


"I don't wonda what Rose is like in RL, I just imagine she is a catgurl an' wish I could cyb0r wit her. "
- the legendary J-man

Silence!!! I kill you!



#30 will be in Siren's Call. I think I can get the background sound effects I need without bothering too much — I mean, it's annoying to sit in a PVP zone with all your toggles down so you can get a clean record, but I don't need that much of it. I'll just go late at night or something when there's nobody about.



I love #29! Without giving spoilers I love the name of Stan's "contact"

Just perfect. Now I have to hear 28 to see what happened before.