Stan and Lou -- More COH audio




I liked the one about the Fortunata.

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Though the Star Wars outtakes were amusing, too...



Hands down, the episode that introduced the word "roffle" into everyday usage. The Freakshow never fails to make me laugh.



My favorite? Probably Dark Astoria, I could not stop laughing during that one.

I really hope you do more with video. So funny!



Actually, the video wasn't mine — the guy who put that demorecord together did that on his own. It turned out great! I'm not sure if he's doing more, but if anybody's inclined, they're welcome to record some video for 'em.



"Did you six-slot stupid?"




I cant choose a fav. I like them ALL. And, I cant wait to see what happens when they hit 50 LOL. You have done very well Hertz!
I can listen to them over and over again...(I do) ...hehe

If brains was a power it would be a toggle cause yours aint always on.<----winner!



NEIN! Alvays ask qvestions. ZEN shoot.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



I love these guys, for me Lou sounds like Brad Garrett and Stan sounds like Jon Lovitz



Hey folks just wanted to let you all know that Stan And Lou's page over at w00t Studios has been fixed up so you can listen to the individual episodes more easily. Also download links have now been included!

It is important to note that for some reason the players don't always load right in IE7, I'm still trying to figure out why. BUT if you can't see the play button you can always download the file and play it with any Mp3 player!

Episode's 1 - 29 (with the exception of 28) are available now!

Lets hope 28 is ready soon!

w00t Radio



Hey folks just wanted to let you all know that Stan And Lou's page over at w00t Studios has been fixed up so you can listen to the individual episodes more easily. Also download links have now been included!

It is important to note that for some reason the players don't always load right in IE7, I'm still trying to figure out why. BUT if you can't see the play button you can always download the file and play it with any Mp3 player!

Episode's 1 - 29 (with the exception of 28) are available now!

Lets hope 28 is ready soon!

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I tried to DL some of these and they say page not found. :-/

A Guide to Champion Drama
My Videos
Ashcraft been published.



which ones? All the ones i've tested worked fine.

w00t Radio



i'll reupload the files this evening.. not sure what might be wrong with them.

w00t Radio



I discovered when I was putting together #28 that I am MISSING a line. I thought we recorded it — several times, actually, because there was a problem with it — but I can't find it. I need my volunteer back to re-record that one line.

I'm not blaming her. But this is why I like to do it all myself: I'm always available.



Ha! Love the LOLCats...



which ones? All the ones i've tested worked fine.

[/ QUOTE ]

These here Jester.

#5 #9 # 13 #14 #23 # 29

Thanks Jester

And Hertz, I cant wait till ya get all these done. I can only imagine what they will be like and do at 50 lol.



Just want to confirm that the first four in that list simply don't load. The last one shows it loading, but never actually plays.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



I've uploaded the missing files (thanks Hertz) and reuploaded 29. They should all be functioning now!

w00t Radio



Hey, thanks Jester They all work fine now.

*nudges Hertz for issue 28&30*



*HA! HA! HA! HA! *

I have just seen what my favorite voice stars have been doing, makin movies... appearin in cruddy TV shows.... PERFECT!!!

was great

"I don't wonda what Rose is like in RL, I just imagine she is a catgurl an' wish I could cyb0r wit her. "
- the legendary J-man

Silence!!! I kill you!



I now have all the pieces for #28. I'm just sayin'.

Also, nicely done, Ashcraft.



I only just discovered Stan and Lou. This stuff is hilarious. Awesome work.

Stan and Lou are entrenched in the community of COX.
Maybe they'll become a permanent part of the game and we could find them in one of the zones, say Outbreak just standing and talking.


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With the mission creator in I13, we could make our own missions featuring them