Signature powers... for players -- I had this idea





first and foremost i see nothing wrong with the system you made. i just prefer to have one power with all effects right away as opposed to building it up. your system is based on points and that didn't appeal to me so i came up with an alternate approach.

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I doubt we'll ever get anything that "let's us have it all at once" - the original idea (which is not mine) was to start it from 32, which is when your character unlocks their last power in the primary pool, and new powers start coming slower. Gainign a point a level let's you increase your "powers" during the slow end game in a very cool way.

your idea was great i believe my idea was pretty good and the both might give a new angle to the magnificant idea. by the way i read the first post and like the first two pages and then decided 34 pages was too much and made my post

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Again, not actually my idea. But if we're going to get the devs to take us seriously I thought it best to demonstrate that the system could actually work, and produce what people wanted (within reason) without becoming too over-balanced.

Originally Posted by Psychoti View Post
" I headbutted the blind chick."
I used to have superhuman powers, but my therapist took them away...

[ cruise / / / / / quantam sufficit ]



This idea is awsome, ive had the game for about a year now, and i think this idea would make the game even better!!
Good Luck with it man..



Hheheheh, you certainly started something big here. The devs have probably been agonizing over this sort of system when they have a chance. This really would add more of a "super" feel to the game and make it more comicky.

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This is a really great idea, kudos! I personally would love to see this implemented, and I think that it would alot to the game and make players really stand out from one another. I have a question, not so much about the topic, but about the thread. Who controls stickying?



There is one major flaw with this idea: If it gets implemented, I will end up wasting even more time in CoX than I do already and I don't think my real-life can take that!

Seriously though, this is a great idea. Every time my account ages enough to unlock new vet rewards, I find myself spending hours trying them out with all my alts to see how they affect the game. Imagine how much time I'll put into the game once I can actually custom-build my own powers...




so.. i had a couple new ideas last night that could allow for a bit of a nice twist..

1) SigPow "Tailors" - pay influence/infamy to change animations used, colors (if it ever gets implemented), or other cosmetics

2) SigPow Respecs - sell back an entire SigPow creation for the points spent, (possibly also a monetary fee for the service to counterbalance the usual need to buy new enhancements as in a normal respec) then be allowed to respend those points to make a wholly different SigPow.. just in case you don't like the way yours turned out.

My first MA: It's a No Good day. (Arc ID: 92684)
@CybinMonde: Nethershift - (50) - Dark/Regen/Dark scrapper (Infinity)
@Solunis: Desumater - (27) - Elec/Dark brute (Pinnacle); Syrah - (23) - DB/WP scrapper (Pinnacle) (proud member of Pinnacle on Tap)



Awesome idea. I've been out of the loop for a little bit or I would have done this days ago.....


Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



I'm about 3 months late seeing this, but even so....

/signed all the way!




so.. i had a couple new ideas last night that could allow for a bit of a nice twist..

1) SigPow "Tailors" - pay influence/infamy to change animations used, colors (if it ever gets implemented), or other cosmetics

2) SigPow Respecs - sell back an entire SigPow creation for the points spent, (possibly also a monetary fee for the service to counterbalance the usual need to buy new enhancements as in a normal respec) then be allowed to respend those points to make a wholly different SigPow.. just in case you don't like the way yours turned out.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think the original idea was that you could reconfigure them as and when you wanted - it is your signature after all, you should be able to do whatever you want with it. I can see the arguments for it being too overpowered like that. Maybe add it as an option at the trainers? And you can only access it when you level/gain a new point?

Any other thoughts on how often/easily/where you can change the signature powers?

Originally Posted by Psychoti View Post
" I headbutted the blind chick."
I used to have superhuman powers, but my therapist took them away...

[ cruise / / / / / quantam sufficit ]



/SIGNED x1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00

this idea is awsome mabe have it were you earn points before lvl 32 but only one per every 3 lvls to compensate with getting a power afterr lvl 35 every 3 lvls but ya I LOVE THIS IDEA







I think it would be nice to have varying differences in power, where some are very powerful, but can only be used like very infrequently, but others are fairly balanced and can be used more frequently.



We can but hope - I get the impression they do want to add lot more customisation to CoX - the character designer is the major selling point for the game for many people, and they've said they want to add power customisation (and have tried to).

Certainly the fact this is sticky is encouraging - it's been seen, and recognised as important to us, the players, at least. It's a start

Originally Posted by Psychoti View Post
" I headbutted the blind chick."
I used to have superhuman powers, but my therapist took them away...

[ cruise / / / / / quantam sufficit ]



Man, they've had the same damn sounds for Mind Control powers since they first appeared. Hearing the voice cry "ow" two hundred times a day can only be tolerated for so long.

My suggestion is that not only should colors be selected but sounds.



excellent point, cartophilus!

i agree wholeheartedly.. choosing sounds would be more than welcome in the designing of SigPows.

My first MA: It's a No Good day. (Arc ID: 92684)
@CybinMonde: Nethershift - (50) - Dark/Regen/Dark scrapper (Infinity)
@Solunis: Desumater - (27) - Elec/Dark brute (Pinnacle); Syrah - (23) - DB/WP scrapper (Pinnacle) (proud member of Pinnacle on Tap)



Hrm, good point. All the sounds would have to be classified ("technological", "animal", "mental", "energy", etc.) which would be a lot of work for the devs - and I don't think one big list of sounds would be very nice to scroll through - to say nothing of having to listen to them all trying to figure out which one you wanted...

Unless they're labelled according the powers they're currently used on - then when you hear a power that has the sound you want, it's easy to get the same one on your signature power.

Originally Posted by Psychoti View Post
" I headbutted the blind chick."
I used to have superhuman powers, but my therapist took them away...

[ cruise / / / / / quantam sufficit ]



It would be awesome to have a power that only my 50 has!



this would be the awesomest thing ever, now if only the Dev's will actually do it....



I think they want to, as it is stickied. This would fall into the Power Customibility field too, I beleive. It'd be pretty sweet to see this added.




Excellent idea!! /signed x1024

However, my only fear is the devs. The 1st "if" is if the devs decide to put this idea in, which I certainly hope they do for it will enhance the game tremendously. Plus, although I fear time my be against this, it would tie in well with Issue 9's Inventions feature.

The other "if" is how powerful these powers are going to be. Granted, you did list how to keep the powers from overbearing but the devs may think differently. My concern is that the devs will take the fear of them being too powerful to another level, one that these powers will be reduced to underwhelming abilities (Origin Inherant Powers, anyone?)

Great idea, I hope it does get implemented and, if it ever does, the results are great!

Rising to the Challenge: Spines/Willpower



I love this idea. so much. an my suggestion for keeping PVP a problem if any, a simple idea might work: they could lock this out of PVP area useage.
Or just have it with reduced effects. Like how ratios and precentages lower while using a power against a human rather than NPC enemy.
In any way though, a lot of players may try to have something to help balance their own downside of their character rather than go into the background of the character to explain the power. That's up to the creator how they want to use this power. Just as long as it's kept in check with the character's 'type'. A Brute or Scrapper wouldn't be able to hold an enemy with a 'hold' type power as well as a Controller, Dominator would. But they would have a lower damage rate from it.

IMO, at LV50 an with the max points put into it I think should it be equal to, if not a tiny bit better than a regular power.



This has got to be one of the best ideas I've ever seen for this game. Gosh, this just sounds like so much fun and coolness!

I give you the highly coveted Double Otter Thumbs Up!

d=. .=b



I actually came here with a similar idea and wanted feedback. after reading this i think im satisfied now. send it to devs plz.

Red Hot Rage lvl 50 scrapper
SG: Visions of the Victorious




I have a few ideas on what my power would be..
Zmmann power name: Z awakening effect: Either a buff to team members like vengence or MoG Or a powerful wave of psionic attack PbAoE 4 seconds, leaves you drained for one miniute unless u pop a blue (z is a mind controller before everyone thinks i am just tryin to be an unresistable attack with a spines/regen)

Ex-Paragon Protector Power name:Flash back Power effect: A self buff of a 30 second to 50 second MoG power, or a wave of electrical damage PBAoE 4 seconds, leaves you drained

My illusion controller Dancing Danger A power that speeds up everyone, increases damage, weakens acc a bit, and causes a small knockback, effecting all including teammates, bystanders and enemies.