Archery/Devices Guide [I7]




This is my first real "guide" post, I will do my best to follow the popular and correct format for most parts but if there is an error along the way, please feel free to correct me. I will also include a small soloist's view section to share my experiences in this game with others. Anyways, on with my first guide.


I. Why Archery?
II. Devices? Are you mad?!
III. Archery Powers
IV. Devices Powers
V. View on soloing and teaming
VI. Afterthoughts

I. Why Archery?
This is a question I've been asked by many. Why would one pick Archery over other more powerful Primaries? Simple answer on my part? I picked Archery for concept. With that said, let's look at some pros and (sadly) cons of Archery.

-Not very heavy on endurance
-Recharge is quick for most powers
-Blazing Arrow->Ranged Shot makes a very potent one-two combination
-Attack chains are very smooth thanks to the animations
-The "nuke" power does not drain the whole end bar and recharges very quick.

-Mostly Lethal damage, which is one of the most heavily resisted damage type.
-The "nuke" does not pack the same kind of punch that other powersets do. Is more of a massive area attack than a nuke.
-Painfully long animation on some powers, rather low damage output compared to other sets due to this.

So as you can see, Archery isn't all bad, but it sure isn't a competitor for the ice Blast powerset. But as stated it does boast a very good one-two punch in the form of Blazing Arrow and Ranged Shot. However, at the higher end of the game, Archery suffers due to the fact many higher level factions resist Lethal damage like there's no tomorrow. You will find yourself constantly pumping out arrows while watching those Ice/EM Blasters shred through one enemy after another with their powerful combination of primary and secondary attacks. If you're looking for incredible amounts of burst damage, this set is not for you.

II. Devices? Are you mad?!

Ah yes, the hated child of the Blaster secondaries... Devices truly is the most underpowered secondary set, however it is a good synergy for Archery in my point of view due to its non-aggressive nature. I will explain this later on. I personally chose the Devices secondary, again for concept's sake. However, I've seen that Devices CAN be effective if the player can show a little patience and think ahead. But sadly, Devices isn't a very team oriented power, on the other hand, it will serve you well if you prefer to solo.

III. Archery Powers

Now we get to the good stuff. Note that Archery itself seems to generate much less aggro than other Blaster primaries, which can make you an excellent puller for your group. Now then, onto the powers.

Snap Shot
Damage: Minor
Recharge: Very Fast
Range: 80 feet

Snap Shot is your tier 1 blast power. As with all other primaries, this is the quick and less damaging choice you can start off with. Many others who play Archery tend to skip the Snap Shot and never look back. I personally love Snap Shot. It makes a great pulling power, thanks to its quick animation and decent range.

Personal Power Rating: 3/5

Recommended Slotting: 1 Acc, 3 Dmg, 1 Rch, 1 Rng

Aimed Shot

Damage: Moderate
Recharge: Fast
Range: 80 feet

The other choice available at Level 1. I personally took this power at Level 2 after getting out of the tutorial zone. The damage is decent, the activation time is slightly longer than Snap Shot, but it is still good. The recharge is also rather short on this one. This power will be a staple in your attack chain and you'll find yourself using this power until you hit Lv50.

Personal Power Rating: 4/5

Recommended Slotting: 1 Acc, 3 Dmg, 1 Rch, 1 Rng

Fistful of Arrows
Damage: Moderate
Recharge: Moderate
Range: 40 feet (40 degree cone in front of the Blaster)

Fistful of Arrows. I personally didn't like this power much, considering it didn't fit too well into my concept or my playstyle. I do see many other Archers loving this power and tried it out on a low level toon. The power isn't bad, it deals good damage to all enemies within the area. Only problem would be the fact it only has about half of the range for most of Archery attacks, as well as hitting more enemies mean generating more aggro toward you. As an Archer, you want to avoid unnecessary aggro or close quarter combat.

Personal Power Rating: 3/5

Recommended Slotting: 1 Acc, 3 Dmg, 2 Cone Rng

Blazing Arrow

Damage: High
Recharge: Moderate
Range: 80 feet

This is your first big damage power with Archery. Blazing Arrow has a painfully long animation, however it does sort of make up for that with its high damage. The initial impact causes heavy Lethal damage, followed by ticks of Fire damage. I personally use this power to start off my attack chain.

Personal Power Rating: 4/5

Recommended Slotting: 1 Acc, 3 Dmg, 1 Rch, 1 Rng


Recharge: Long

Aim is a great power for a Blaster to have. It boosts your accuracy greatly and even adds some damage. The recharge itself isn't so bad either. With 3 Recharge SO's you will have Aim up before every battle. This power, in my personal opinion is a must, in order to complement Archery's low damage output.

Recommended Slotting: 3 Rch

Explosive Arrow
Damage: Moderate
Recharge: Long
Range: 80 feet (Target PBAoE, 15 feet around target)

Ah, the explosive arrow. This too has a long starting animation. Your Archer will fire off a heavy looking arrow which will explode upon impact. This thing has a 30% chance of knocking back your enemies and deals Smashing and Lethal damage. By itself, the power doesn't seem all that great, however this makes a great follow up attack for your Lv32 Power, Rain of Arrows.

Personal Power Rating: 3/5

Recommended slotting: 1 Acc, 3 Dmg, 1 Rch, 1 Rng

Ranged Shot

Damage: Extreme
Recharge: Long
Range: 120 feet

Ranged Shot is your standard Snipe attack. Nothing too different here, use this power after Blazing Arrow for some serious damage on your enemies.

Personal Pwer Rating: 3/5

Recommended Slotting: 1 Acc, 3 Dmg, 1 Interrupt Reduce, 1 Rch

Stunning Shot

Damage: Minor
Recharge: Slow
Range: 70 feet

Stunning Shot is, as the name suggests, a stun power. Your character will load up an arrow with a blunt object as the tip. Upon impact, this power deals a Magnitude 3 Stun to the target, which is enough to stun a minion or an Lt. This power can be very helpful if you want to take out a particularly annoying enemy out of the fight, such as a Malta Sapper.

Personal Power Rating: 4/5

Recommended Slotting: 1 Acc, 3 Disorient Duration, 2 Rch

Rain of Arrows

Damage: Extreme
Recharge: Long
Range: 60 feet (20 feet around the targeted center area)

Ah yes, Rain of Arrows. The Lv32 Power many Blasters look forward to. First and foremost, do not consider this power as a heavy nuke, because it isn't. However, it does pack a mean punch and can drop a mob of minions and Lt's in a blink if you've positioned it correctly. Few things to note, first off, the moment your character releases the arrows, the mob will notice you and run toward you, however the damage does not come until after a couple of seconds, so if the mob leaves the area before the arrows fall, the attack will either not affect the mob or only deal a portion of the total damage. Secondly, this power DOES get a boost from Aim in case you were wondering, so it's always a good idea to fire off Aim before using this power.

Personal Power Rating: 5/5

Recommended slotting: 3 Dmg, 3 Rch

Well there you have it, the Archery Powerset. Now then, onto its partner in justice!

IV. Devices Powers

Note that all click powers will cause your character to put away their weapon, the weapon has to be redrawn after each click power.

Web Grenade

Range: 60 feet
Recharge: Fast

Web Grenade is your first Devices power, and it will serve you well for many levels. Your character will toss a grenade at the enemy, immobilizing them. This power also brings down flying foes and deals a rather nasty -recharge component to your enemy.

Personal Power Rating: 3/5

Recommended Slotting: 1 Acc


Damage: Minor (DoT)
Range: 5-10 feet (20 feet area of caltrops around the designated target area)
Recharge: Long

Caltrops! This power will help you out in many battles. Once activated, your character will throw a handful of these spiky little devils to the floors. Any enemy that steps into it will have their movement slowed and suffer ticks of lethal damage. It also has a built in fear, which will case the enemy to run away from the area of the Caltrops. A good use of this power will be to use it around a corner then pulling your enemy.

Personal Power Rating: 4/5

Recommended Slotting: 1 Slow


Damage: Minor
Range: 5 feet (melee range)
Recharge: Long

I personally never took this power and I do not regret it one bit. First off, just to inflict stun on an enemy you HAVE to go into melee range, not only that the recharge is also rather long, so you can't even stack it into itself to stun a boss. As stated earlier you do NOT want to go into close quarter combat, and a power that forces you to do that is just not worth it in my opinion.

Personal power rating: 2/5

Recommended Slotting: 1 Acc, 3 Disorient Duration (If you HAVE to take it)

Targetting Drone

Recharge: Moderate

Ah the Targetting Drone! Some consider this as the gem of the Devices secondary, I myself agree with them This power is great! Even unenhanced, you get roughly about a 25% ToHit bonus from it, which is almost as good as having a single Accuracy SO. The endurance drain is also minimal so you don't have to worry about this thing being an endurance hog like its cousin Focused Accuracy.

Personal Power Rating: 5/5

Recommended Slotting: 3 ToHitBuff

Smoke Grenade

Range: 70 feet (Target PBAoE 35 feet around the target)
Recharge: Moderate

This power is great! I use this power often before going into battle. Smoke Grenade lowers your opponent's Accuracy and Perception. And it also covers a wide area which makes it an ideal power to use on a group of enemies tightly packed together! Also, the -Perception debuff will mean that most enemies will not be able to see you past melee range, which makes it easy for you to bypass some mobs that you do not wish to fight.

Personal Power Rating: 4/5

Recommended Slotting: 1 Acc, 3 ToHitDebuff, 1 Rch

Cloaking Device

Recharge: Long

The Cloaking Device power grants you self stealth, which is not invisibility, but it allows you to bypass some enemies without having them notice you. The endurance drain isn't very bad on it either and it provides a small defense bonus to all melee attacks. I personally took it for the stealth factor.

Personal Power Rating: 3.5/5

Recommended Slotting: 1 Rch

Trip Mine

Damage: Extreme
Recharge: Long
Range: PBAoE (20 feet from the mine itself)

I personally view the Trip Mine as a love it or hate it power. Some people swear by it, others swear at it. Once activated, your character will kneel down and set down a mine on the floor, it will begin beeping and stay beeping for a very long time. Any enemy that gets too close to the mine will cause it to detonate, at which point it will deal a very high amount of Lethal and Fire damage to all enemies within range. Only bad thing about this power is its INCREDIBLY long activation animation. That and the fact the mines are stationary.

Personal power rating: 3/5

Recommended slotting: 1 Acc, 3 Dmg, 2 Rch

Time Bomb

Damage: Extreme
Range: PbAoE (15 feet around the bomb)
Recharge: Very Long

This power is basically like Trip Mine, however, instead of detonating when an enemy gets too close, it'll go off after 15 seconds, dealing Lethal and Fire damage. I personally chose not to take this power, considering its rather situational use.

Personal power Rating: 2/5

Recommended Slotting: 1 Acc, 3 Dmg, 2 Rch

Auto Turret

Damage: Minor (DoT)
Range: 60 feet (Someone correct me if I'm wrong)
Recharge: Very Long

The long awaited Lv38 Power. Auto Turret may seem great at first, however as you progress through the game, you'll find this thing seeing less and less action. This power is just horrible in my opinion. The long activation, the below mediocre damage and the short duration coupled with incredibly long recharge time makes this power something to stay away from. I personally only use it when fighting Giant Monsters of Arch Villains in teams and even then it's not much help.

Personal Power Rating: 1/5

Recommended Slotting: 1 Acc, 3 Dmg, 2 Rch

V. View on Soloing and Teaming

As an Archery/Devices Blaster, you'll find it slightly easier to run solo than on a team. What I mean by that is the simple fact that an Archery/Devices Blaster needs to set his/her own pace of battle. In the case of teams, this becomes very hard or almost impossible unless you find a team of very mature players who will work with you for the common goal. However, even in that case Archery/Devices works slower than most other Archtypes and powersets. Thus, this somewhat encourages an Archery/Devices Blaster to run solo and in most cases they will be successful runs. As you go into the higher end of the game, this will prove especially true. With such tools as Trip Mine, Smoke Grenade and Caltrops, the Archery/Device Blaster needs to have patience and must be able to plan ahead with at least two back up tactics in case things go wrong. However, the rewards for a well executed plan will always be sweet. I personally have mostly solo'd well into the higher end of the 40's. And from experience I can safely say that running solo guarantees a much higher chance of survival for the Archery/Devices Blaster. If you're on a team, try not to set your own pace of battle. Refrain from using long activation time powers such as Trip Mine and Auto Turret. Rain of Arrows will truly shine in a team where a good Tanker is present, who can hold all the aggro within the area. Trip Mine also can be used as an alternative for Rain of Arrows by having the Blaster jump in after the Tanker and setting it down.
Also, in teams it's best that you volunteer yourself to be the puller if the need arises. Archery, as stated, generates less aggro compared to other blast sets and will have a better chance of getting a safe pull.

VI. After Thoughts

Well there you have it, my first "guide" so to speak. I still am aware of the fact that this combination is very weak compared to many other sets and that its secondary is one of the most heavily nerfed powerset there is. Despite this, I personally had a lot of fun leveling my Archer and I hope that the sheer number game itself doesn't discourage other players from choosing Archery/Devices.

Kalthos, Lv50 Archer/Devices Blaster, Champion Server



Nice guide. I've recently played an arch/dev blaster up to 37, and am loving it!

Something I've never known because I've never taken any foe-targeted -per powers; do they stack with stealths or not? That is, can I toe bomb smoke-grenaded badguys while running cloaking device? Not that I'd want to, but I'm curious.

I'm not sure I agree with you re: working on teams, at least on one point. It's probably not the maturity and "willingness to work with you," that will prevent teammates from letting you set the pace. I've honestly quit more teams over people who insist on wasting time doing things that are effective solo but ineffective on teams, than for any other reason, and mine-laying qualifies in about 80% of all team situations. I think as an arch/dev on a team, your job should be to deal maximum AoE damage, and eat up as little of your defenders' attention span as possible.

I'd be curious to hear if you have any opinions about leadership on arch/dev. I myself already took assault, and I'm actually considering tactics; I don't normally blast OR PvP, but I think among other things, it would be interesting to try out all that +per at once. Plus I'm at the point of being not *quite* happy with my accuracy overall, against +2s, w/ targeting drone + 1 Acc SO.

Thx again for the guide!

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Weird Controller Powers | Conf & XP/Time | Controller Damage
Being a Healer | The word Necessary | Natural Concept Characters



Well thanks for the feedback, I'm glad you liked the guide to a certain extent. As for the question regarding Toe Bombing, it won't work even with Smoke Grenade+Cloaking Device. I've tried doing it once and was killed brutally and swiftly.

As for the team game, the main problem with Trip Mine is the fact it has a limited use. You either toe bomb it or you set it around a corner and wait for a Tank to herd or a pull to come through, in my personal opinion, Trip Mine truly shines when you're running solo.

In terms of Leadership Powers, I'm not very sure what to tell you. I personally have no problem hitting upto +6 con mobs, I have 3 ToHitBuff SO's in Targetting Drone as well as 1 Acc SO in all my attacks. (Yes, even rain of arrows) If you feel the need for the extra Accuracy bonus, I wouldn't stop you from taking Tactics, however, I've never had a problem with missing my targets.



Nice guide, but arch dev...



Another reason for archery, accuracy.

Like all drawn weapons archery gets a small 5% acc buff.

Archery's inherant power is a base acc buff of 15% I believe.

Add another 20% acc or so from targeting drone.

You won't really need to slot acc enhancements.



Well thanks for the feedback, I'm glad you liked the guide to a certain extent. As for the question regarding Toe Bombing, it won't work even with Smoke Grenade+Cloaking Device. I've tried doing it once and was killed brutally and swiftly.

[/ QUOTE ]
You can toe-bomb with CD+SG. The combo of the two is essentially invisibility. However, since SG is considered an "attack" your stealth is suppressed for a short time. You have to wait for the suppression to end. Also, you have to make sure that you are not too close when you use SG or the mobs will see you.

I find this method way too slow. It might work if SG was autohit, but since it's not you invariably end up missing a mob. So you have to wait for SG to recharge and try again. If you want to toe-bomb, take Superspeed. In PvE SS+CD = Invis.

As for the team game, the main problem with Trip Mine is the fact it has a limited use. You either toe bomb it or you set it around a corner and wait for a Tank to herd or a pull to come through, in my personal opinion, Trip Mine truly shines when you're running solo.

[/ QUOTE ]
You can also use it as a point defense. Set a mine in front of you just before combat starts. If any mobs charge you, they're in for a surprise. Just make sure to throw Caltrops a little in front of any mines. This slows the mobs and will prevent them from running past the Trip Mine. It also bunches up the mobs so that the mines hit multiple mobs.

In terms of Leadership Powers, I'm not very sure what to tell you. I personally have no problem hitting upto +6 con mobs, I have 3 ToHitBuff SO's in Targetting Drone as well as 1 Acc SO in all my attacks. (Yes, even rain of arrows) If you feel the need for the extra Accuracy bonus, I wouldn't stop you from taking Tactics, however, I've never had a problem with missing my targets.

[/ QUOTE ]
I have TD slotted the same way. For PvP you'll eventually want Tactics as well so that you can become Stalker-bane. However, you shouldn't need it in PvE. My AR/Dev has less of a +Acc than my Archery/Dev and he almost always hits with 1 Acc in his attacks (except snipe and nuke).

The issue with Tactics on a Blaster is that even if slotted with 3 ToHit Buffs, it won't even give you as much +Acc as a DO, let alone an SO in the power.


"40 characters is my limit... okay, 50... 50 is my limit... okay, 60... 60 is my limit... okay, 70..."



Numbers for Archery/Dev, 3 slotted targetting drone:
0 Accuracy:
+0 1.118
+1 1.002
+2 0.898
+3 0.806
+4 0.702

1 Accuracy:
+0 1.490
+1 1.336
+2 1.198
+3 1.074
+4 0.936

With Tactics (3 slotted):
0 Accuracy
+0 1.245
+1 1.129
+2 1.025
+3 0.933
+4 0.829

1 Accuracy
+0 1.659
+1 1.505
+2 1.367
+3 1.244
+4 1.105



Numbers for Archery/Dev, 3 slotted targetting drone:
0 Accuracy:
+0 1.118
+1 1.002
+2 0.898
+3 0.806
+4 0.702

1 Accuracy:
+0 1.490
+1 1.336
+2 1.198
+3 1.074
+4 0.936

With Tactics (3 slotted):
0 Accuracy
+0 1.245
+1 1.129
+2 1.025
+3 0.933
+4 0.829

1 Accuracy
+0 1.659
+1 1.505
+2 1.367
+3 1.244
+4 1.105

[/ QUOTE ]

Maybe I'm misunderstanding this, but doesn't it makes Tactics look BETTER than TD? Is that correct? I always thought Tactics was less powerful.

Ideally, the tank will die precisely as everyone else starts fighting, allowing aggro to be spread evenly among the blaster. -seebs, "How to Suck at CoH/CoV" Guide



Those are numbers for Tactics on top of Targetting Drone.

Targetting Drone is base +13.875% ToHit
Tactics is base +7% ToHit (for blasters)



Thanks for the guide! This is exactly what I was looking for.

One question I have is what does an Archery/Devices blaster do for defenses? It appears that Cloaking Device is the only thing we have. Is that right? I'm level 13 and I'm getting tired of the Council (and others) knocking me down.

BTW, my travel power is going to be Super Speed, so Acrobatics won't help...


"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." -- Dr. Seuss



As a Blaster, you have to learn the concept of active defense, or positioning yourself so that you take the least amount of damage possible.

Also, if you're looking for knockback protection, sad to say you'll have to take Acrobatics. Archery/Devices is a pretty loose build for most parts, considering there's so many powers you can opt to not take from the Devices pool. Currently on my Lv50 Arhcery/Dev Blaster, I have the Leaping pool, with acrobatics, Fitness pool with Stamina, and even the Leadership pool where I took Assault and Tactics. You should definitely able to fit in the leaping pool and the speed pool with this build.



Okay, thanks for the response. I think you're absolutely right, there should be room in my build for both jumping and speed. Jumping is so cool anyway. I was just trying to figure out if there was something I was missing.


"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." -- Dr. Seuss



clap....clap....clap thanks for the info



This is a little off the subject but, I have been playing Archery/Energy Blaster for a while and it too is very fun.

Sure there is no targeting drone but...You can get build up in its place to gain BIG damage. 3 slotted Recharge on Aim and Build up is very nice. Currently, I can hit Aim and Build up, then fire off Blazing Arrow, Snap Shot, Aimed Shot, Snap Shot and have very good results again Bosses and Lueits.

Something else to add in just for the fun of it is Increased Range. Now you can sit WAAAYYY back and click the powers as fast as they fire off Havent made it to Rain of Arrows yet, but wonder if the range and/or Radius expands even bigger?



Good guide. I have an archery/devices build, but haven't taken very many device powers (just web grenade and targeting drone). I might have to reconsider some and respec my character.



Hover also works as reasonable knockback/down mitigation, plus it makes SS less onerous in troublesome missions/maps.

I've used Hover as my kb/kd pro on numerous toons, including my ar/dev blaster, and it works quite well, just the little 'flip in the air' and you're good to go.

Currently: 50s (5), 40s (3), 30s (5)
Red and blue side, mostly Infinity, Virtue, and Freedom.



Nice guide bud! Have a 50 Fire/Energy/Fire and a 32 Energy/Devices, just started putzin' around with a Archery/Devices and loving it so far at 12.

In the section about the attacks, you list the reccommended slotting for Fistful of Arrows as 1 acc, 3 dam, 2 cone rng-Could you clarify this a bitsy. Last I thought, they took the seperate 'cone range' enhancement out of the game and just left it at one to do all jobs, similar to the endurance modification enhancement to cover end recovery and end drain.

I think Devices is a great secondary, maybe it is 'underpowered' compared to the others but it gives you such a nice mixed bag of alternatives, the Drone being one, and a great one at that, plus a bit of debuff, bit of soft control. Yes I agree that Trip Mine, Time Bomb and Auto Turret could use a bit(or lot) of work. If yous'd properly though, its wicked aaasome guy!

Also, your bit about Auto Turret gave me quite a chuckle.

Other than that one burning question, the guide is great, nicely put together and well worded. King's to you!

Actual Location: Inside the system itself.

"When the most exciting thing about Mace is AceMace's avatar, then it's time to get realistic."

Shield Guide

The only thing anyone in this game is "supposed to be doing" is having fun. Everything else is negotiable. -Jet Boy



Good guide. I have an archery/devices build, but haven't taken very many device powers (just web grenade and targeting drone). I might have to reconsider some and respec my character.

[/ QUOTE ]

Dude.........I did the same exact thing. I made my Energy/devices blaster waaaaay back when i started and I was like this sucks and that blows and 'I'm never takin' this or that', but after playing for a while and actually learning how to play the game and slot and all that jazz, I picked him back up and started trying stuff other than the Drone and Cloak and man is there some nice stuff in there.

Taser, which i originally thought was lame is so not, when that guy is in yer grill-zapp him
Smoke Grenade, really takes the edge off the enemy attacks.
Caltrops-same, didn't take it with my En/Dev yet, but did right away with my lvl 12 Arch/Dev and cant live without it right now(I solo a lot with that one).

Moral-Take 'em, try 'em, they be good, can save butt. Enjoy!

Actual Location: Inside the system itself.

"When the most exciting thing about Mace is AceMace's avatar, then it's time to get realistic."

Shield Guide

The only thing anyone in this game is "supposed to be doing" is having fun. Everything else is negotiable. -Jet Boy



As a Blaster, you have to learn the concept of active defense, or positioning yourself so that you take the least amount of damage possible.

Also, if you're looking for knockback protection, sad to say you'll have to take Acrobatics. Archery/Devices is a pretty loose build for most parts, considering there's so many powers you can opt to not take from the Devices pool. Currently on my Lv50 Arhcery/Dev Blaster, I have the Leaping pool, with acrobatics, Fitness pool with Stamina, and even the Leadership pool where I took Assault and Tactics. You should definitely able to fit in the leaping pool and the speed pool with this build.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hover is a quick way to mitigate KB problems and unlike acrobatics, you don't have to take 2 other powers first.

205723: A Different DESTINY
When Soldiers of Arachnos got their names added to the Destiny List, Longbow managed to get a copy of the list and began rounding villains up. But one name on the list shocked them...



I really enjoy the guide, I've pretty much followed it step by step for the most part, and my archer is lookin good at lvl 16. I guess I just wanted to try something different, and now I'm in love with it. Thanks



First off thank you for this wonderful guide. I'm basing a lot of my decisions for my build on this. So far this is my favorite character I have made in the game. Secondly I have a few questions to ask. Are CD and SG very helpful in PvP? Also will I regret it if I do not take stamina? I have only gotten to lvl 8 so far, but I like to plan ahead. I just want to make this guy as great as I can =)



I've gotten to 19 so far, and no need for Stamina so far even running Targeting Drone (one End Reduction DO), sometimes I just leave Superspeed on in combat for maneuverability even, something I'd never consider on my rad defender WITH Stamina. And thats with a recharge DO in every attack, no End reducers (yet) and occassional use of Hasten. Its nice to have so many options for other useful pools and such, I even have Aid Other and Stimulant since I team almost exclusively, often with an earth/rad defender who will protect me a lot better if he doesn't get mezzed.

End might be more of an issue if I soloed more, or were on a low damage team, so take this with a grain of salt. But obviously I still have room for some End reduction slotting if need be.

Tip; if you have Inf from a sg or another rich character; take Natural origin and get the Damage SOs at lvl 16 or so from the new Faultline store. You will equal or surpass damage from other blasters till 22 even against lethal resistant foes, and look out Vahz, they are vulnerable to lethal, bwa hah hah.



This is a very handy guide. One of the few archery guides out there, and a great one at that. I love my archery/devices blaster, and I too, like many others, realized we have very little defense/resistance. I try to position myself far away from melee range and target through my friendly tank (if not, scrapper) and boo ya! Damage galore without a scratch. As for the whole kb situation, I too have taken SS, and I'm planning on taking leaping for acrobatics soon. Hasten works great with my archery powers, as if they couldn't get any faster!




Does targeting drone give bonus damage on ranged shot like it does with sniper rifle? Seems like it should since both sets suffer from the same all lethal snipe damage and lack of build up.