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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I would no longer skip Crippling Axe Kick for PvP - A single power that does decent damage, slows, immobilizes, AND has a -fly component is pretty damn useful.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Exactly my thoughts. After reading a bunch of guides over the months, I decided to test out all the powers for myself, just to see what they're like.
    Crippling Axe Kick worried me, because the description says it does minor damage, but without any damage enhancements, it does as much damage as two-slotted Thunder Kick!
    My new attack strategy will be to CAK a foe, then Cobra strike him, so he's stunned and cannot do the Drunken Run Away.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    ahh, i've never been able to pvp with the build my MA/regen has right now. It doesn't have cobra strike, but it does have CAK, perhaps I could respec and drop out of dragon's tail for cobras strike? I don't know, I'd have to find out more about PvPing with MA scrappers, I don't know squat, but I really wanna try it out
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    about Cloaking Device, i've noticed in the description that it grants +DMG. i don't know exactly how much dmg it boosts but i have noticed an increase in my killing speed since taking Cloaking Device at lvl 22. it could just be that i started using SOs at lvl 22 but who knows.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    My arch/dev is 21 atm, and I currently have the leaping pool (cj, sj, acrobatics), fitness pool (swift, health, stamina), and speed pool (hasten). I only have three dev powers atm, including targetting drone. I have several archery powers, but I REALLY want the cloaking device at 22 to stealth TFs and such. What are your opinions on me squeezing the power in? Should I do it at the cost of hardly any other arch/dev powers atm? Or should I wait until I have dev. more developed? Opinions and feedback would be greatly appreciated, thanks
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Hi there,

    Sg name : Digital Warz

    Recruiters : ZZ KRUGER, Seventy Nine, and who ever will join..

    Look me up , as im one of the 3 members in that tiny

    Now, i built this Sg to adress the European Players, and mainly non US gamers that play during Euro Daytime, which is mainly between 1 am and 10 am US time ... i guess most of us dont find much to do in American Sg's , cos most of them players are deeply sleeping dreamin' of takin' over the world (JK)
    Well, i know that deutch, french, germans, italians, spanish etc.. got their own SG's, but oh well, its Europe nowadays...

    on CoH since June 9/2005

    Actual main: Seventy nine, 43 Psy/kinetics Defender

    ZZ KRUGER, 50 Claws/Sr Scrapper,
    FEARS, 50 Sonic/Energy Blaster,
    Ether Nitty, 50 Dark/Kinetics Defender,
    Bengali, 50 Invul/Energy Tanker,
    Jeez, 50 Illu./Kinetics Controller
    Subteranean, 50 Rad./Energy Defender,
    ETI, 50 Broadsword/Regen. Scrapper,etc...
    (all Trailblazed)

    on CoV since Nov.11/2005

    Actual main: Stridge, 40 Energy/Sr Stalker

    Rules, 1st 50 Fire/Kinetics Corruptor
    Weeder, 50 Energy/Regen. Stalker,
    LOVE, 50 Claws/Sr Stalker, etc...

    "i'm not a farmer, im a hero" no PL, no Farms, no Bridges,
    My body by Superadyne"

    Over 2000 badges, 4600 hours ingame...

    [/ QUOTE ]
    w00t digital warz ftw haha...damn i'm gonna go on a recruiting spree for ya just watch haha
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    I love this guide

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Haha yep...My first toon was MA/Regen, ended up being my first 50, had so much fun on him and followed most of this build
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Thanks Kinrad. Congradulations on being my first real reply. It only took almost 2000 views =P

    [/ QUOTE ]
    haha these look fuuunn,
    im gonna have to try them out once I get CoH on this comp -_-
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    It's next to useless slotting Combat Jumping. Jut put 1 LoTG +7.5 recharge and you're golden.

    Man this 'guide' should be named 'Bad fire kin builds'...

    Now what most farmers use is this build (epics can be fire - the most commeon - or psy instead of stone - I use Assault instead of Maneuvers, it's the only difference from the standand build below):

    Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1,30

    Yet Another Fire Kin: Level 48 Mutation Controller
    Primary Power Set: Fire Control
    Secondary Power Set: Kinetics
    Power Pool: Fitness
    Power Pool: Leaping
    Power Pool: Speed
    Power Pool: Leadership
    Ancillary Pool: Stone Mastery

    Hero Profile:
    Level 1: Char -- (A)
    Level 1: Transfusion -- (A)
    Level 2: Siphon Power -- (A)
    Level 4: Fire Cages -- (A)
    Level 6: Hurdle -- (A)
    Level 8: Hot Feet -- (A)
    Level 10: Siphon Speed -- (A)
    Level 12: Combat Jumping -- (A)
    Level 14: Super Jump -- (A)
    Level 16: Flashfire -- (A)
    Level 18: Hasten -- (A)
    Level 20: Health -- (A)
    Level 22: Stamina -- (A)
    Level 24: Speed Boost -- (A)
    Level 26: Maneuvers -- (A)
    Level 28: Cinders -- (A)
    Level 30: Acrobatics -- (A)
    Level 32: Fire Imps -- (A)
    Level 35: Transference -- (A)
    Level 38: Fulcrum Shift -- (A)
    Level 41: Tactics -- (A)
    Level 44: Fissure -- (A)
    Level 47: Rock Armor -- (A)
    Level 49: Earth's Embrace -- (A)
    Level 1: Brawl -- (A)
    Level 1: Sprint -- (A)
    Level 2: Rest -- (A)
    Level 1: Containment

    <font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>| Copy &amp; Paste this data chunk into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
    &gt;-KE4\MJPS`0O!O\#_Z`!J*'+8F&gt;2DMH:7,*%'HTC6@,00ZV& gt;B@(?WM7MI-5O#0_4&amp;3CT&lt;YH-=JUGFW
    NHM!!8\'(4?AB5,&gt;2T5\\,0I+T-%V\43ISQZJH@BJ2@W4`_JPZ!"Q(\F34V&lt;BEAS110R42A0T! P*.R&gt;
    </pre><hr />

    [/ QUOTE ]
    that build made me laugh. i took hasten later in the build so i could have stamina and speed boost asap. the end is so ridiculous, especially running hot feet. i took acrobatics around lvl 26 i believe, good to have asap. i respecced into maneuvers + tactics after i hit 50 for my imps, and earths embrace isnt really necessary. i skipped it for ID (useful pre-50 for your imps when they're put to sleep or w/e) and am now respeccing out of that for recall friend or something....
  7. why slot char for end red? 6 slotting it for 2 acc/2 holds/1 rech would be much more efficient. imo, i would have left siphon power one slotted for acc and found better use for the other 2 slots. it isnt end heavy at all, and it'll become replaced with fulcrum shift anyways, so the extra acc slot wouldnt be necessary. again, with fire cages, the end red. slot really wasnt necessary, it isnt heavy on the end. hardly noticable after you get stamina. the 2 slotting of combat jumping was questionable, seeing as it gives minor defense bonus. just stick with one end red. in it and you should be fine. hot feet should be 6 slotted with 3 dam. slots and 3 end red. slots, it does good damage but it can eat your end. 3 slotting sj wasnt smart at all, just stick with one end or jumping slot in that and find better use for the other 2. swift shouldnt be slotted with more than one run enhancement either, just a waste. cinders could be 6 slotted for 2 acc/2 holds/2 rech, seeing as the rech. rate is veeery slow. stam should have been 3 slotted for end mods, the build can be a real end. hog and you'll need it. again, acrobatics shouldnt be slotted with more than one enhancement, and super speed shouldnt have even been taken at all, regardless the 3 slots you put in it. maneuvers could be slotted with 2 def/2 end red. or something along the lines, and tactics could be slotted with 2 def/2 to hit IOs. i personally took stone mastery, but i know if you take fire you need to go with the maximum damage, so you should have 6 slotted fire ball, probably with 2 acc/3 damage/1 recharge or something like that. your mastery AoE is very important. overall, your build needs a LOT of work...
  8. Probably not....I don't think this build has been updated in a while.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    I have yet to understand why anyone says that Stone/ is gimped, in any fashion.

    First of all, it's one of the few sets that provides a Defense to Psi. Granted, it's not a resist, which would have been nice given that the bulk of the set is resists, but it's more than any other Tank gets against that particular damage type. This means that once the Carnival of Shadows shows up, your teammates need no longer fear their damage-soaker dropping.

    Second, I highly suspect that a large part of why you felt gimped prior to Granite Armor is that you intentionally skipped most of the resistance toggles in the set. There isn't a single power in the Primary that's not worth taking, even Stone Skin. With creative juggling of your toggles, you should easily be able to handle any situation into which you find yourself thrust. For my part, I was capable of soloing in Invincible pretty much as soon as I had SOs, and I did have to deal with a few AVs single-handedly along the way, though I'd hardly count Maestro as that much of a challenge.

    Third, Fire Sword generally isn't a useful pick. YMMV as always, but I found that the recharge time versus the damage meant I was better off slotting Scorch with an extra recharge and throwing it twice in the same timeframe.

    Fourth, I think the slows in Mud Pots are a waste. Sure, it's a great power, but its radius doesn't extend far enough around you to make the slow effects that useful. I stick an endred in mine, as well as a taunt duration and an accuracy to make sure the damage actually hits.

    Fifth, if you're relying on Granite for your primary mitigation, then either you would have wanted Hasten somewhere in your build to offset the reduction in recharge rate that it causes, or you'd probably want some recharges in your attacks. You don't have Taunt, and you don't have a Taunt duration in Mud Pots, so you're going to be relying on Gauntlet to hold aggro, but they're going to come up too slowly for you to reliably overcome the power of the insane elec/elec blaster that's running up beside you and zapping your herd. Worse, you're not going to be able to protect the Kin/ defender that's keeping you Speed Boosted so you can move.

    Finally, I really don't think the Fighting pool is going to do you much. Yes, it's a few extra points of both resistance and defense, but it's an extra pair of end-heavy toggles that, if you have Granite, you'll never need. If you're fighting a mob in which Granite Armor, Rooted and the occasional inspiration isn't enough to overcome, then you and your team have bitten off more than you can chew.

    I know that, for my part, I only use Granite as the Uh-Oh button, and at 50 I can routinely solo on Invincible and clean up three- and four-person maps, given enough time. I usually team with a Kin/Sonic defender and then a few open SK slots, and my regular teammates have learned that if I've dropped into Granite, things have not gone according to plan.

    I will admit, I'm not a PvPer, but the few times I took my Stone/Fire tank into a PvP zone, it took at least three opponents to actually scratch my health bar in any serious fashion, and four to actually keep the damage coming in fast enough to really be an issue. Outside of that, I was keeping all of my targets taunted sufficiently that my teammates could make short work of the rest of the opposition. Solo, it's usually a stalemate proposition, and most Stalkers realize that pretty quickly. "Oh noes, you have ASed me; I pop Earth's Embrace now". Six toggles running means at worst, I lose mez protection for a few seconds. This is by no means an optimized PvP build, but then, I never optimize for PvP.

    For comparison, here's the build that I use:
    Level: 50
    Archetype: Tanker
    Primary: Stone Armor
    Secondary: Fiery Melee
    01) --&gt; Stone Skin==&gt; DmgRes(1) DmgRes(3) DmgRes(3)
    01) --&gt; Scorch==&gt; Acc(1) Rechg(23) Rechg(39) Dmg(45)
    02) --&gt; Rock Armor==&gt; EndRdx(2) EndRdx(7) DefBuf(7) DefBuf(11) DefBuf(13)
    04) --&gt; Earth's Embrace==&gt; Heal(4) Heal(5) Heal(5) Rechg(11) Rechg(13) Rechg(17)
    06) --&gt; Mud Pots==&gt; Acc(6) EndRdx(15) Taunt(15) Dmg(36) Dmg(37) Dmg(37)
    08) --&gt; Rooted==&gt; EndRdx(8) EndRdx(9) EndRdx(9) Heal(17) Heal(19) Heal(19)
    10) --&gt; Taunt==&gt; Taunt(10)
    12) --&gt; Teleport Foe==&gt; Acc(12)
    14) --&gt; Teleport==&gt; Range(14)
    16) --&gt; Swift==&gt; Run(16) Run(42) Run(46)
    18) --&gt; Health==&gt; Heal(18) Heal(42) Heal(42)
    20) --&gt; Stamina==&gt; EndMod(20) EndMod(21) EndMod(21)
    22) --&gt; Combustion==&gt; Acc(22) Rechg(23) Rechg(40) Dmg(46)
    24) --&gt; Brimstone Armor==&gt; EndRdx(24) EndRdx(25) DmgRes(25) DmgRes(31) DmgRes(34)
    26) --&gt; Crystal Armor==&gt; EndRdx(26) EndRdx(27) DefBuf(27) DefBuf(31) DefBuf(36)
    28) --&gt; Minerals==&gt; EndRdx(28) EndRdx(29) DefBuf(29) DefBuf(31) DefBuf(36)
    30) --&gt; Fire Sword Circle==&gt; Acc(30) Rechg(37) Rechg(40) Dmg(45)
    32) --&gt; Granite Armor==&gt; DmgRes(32) DmgRes(33) DmgRes(33) DefBuf(33) DefBuf(34) DefBuf(34)
    35) --&gt; Incinerate==&gt; Acc(35) EndRdx(39) Rechg(40) Dmg(45)
    38) --&gt; Greater Fire Sword==&gt; Acc(38) Rechg(39) Rechg(43) Dmg(46)
    41) --&gt; Build Up==&gt; Rechg(41) Rechg(43) Rechg(43)
    44) --&gt; Char==&gt; Acc(44)
    47) --&gt; Fire Blast==&gt; Acc(47) EndRdx(48) Rechg(48) Dmg(48)
    49) --&gt; Fire Ball==&gt; Acc(49) EndRdx(50) Rechg(50) Dmg(50)

    [/ QUOTE ]
    That's a great guide...I love it...Absolutely love it.
    I'm sorry but your guide is kinda off..
    My stone/fire tank is at 11 and only has scorch, and besides all the primaries available it only has hurdle from the fitness pool
  10. Okay, well I've decided to become a PvP ice/energy blaster...So I'm only taking ice bolt/ice blast/aim/bitter ice blast from primary. I've seen some brutal damage done with BU + Aim on at the same time...Nice guide for PvE even though I won't be using it heh..
  11. Wow, seriously the first and only guide I've ever fully read. There were some great tips there, and btw I NEVER take the stupid scrapper taunt...Debt is all that lies there. I rolled with Spines/DA originally for the uber AoE but found out the cons (especially end) heavy outweighed the pros...Lovin regen though. Kudos on the great guide.
  12. I've always favored scrappers over blasters, and lately I've felt like playing a katana scrapper. And the way I see it the only choices for secondary were regen and SR, and seeing as everyone and their mother has a kat/regen I wanted to try something different. I absolutely love it! Great guide, kudos.
  13. I'm excited to play ice/energy for the first time. I've only had one other blaster, a lvl 18 fire/energy, which I deleted due to the AoEs that do little damage and cost way too much aggro. I hope I'm not as disappointed with ice/energy as I was with fire. Great guide.
  14. Great guide, I just created a spines/DA scrapper, I love spines so much. It's tons of fun. I suppose a spines scrapper's best friend is a controller? I think duoing with a troller would be great at the higher levels. Think about it, mass disorients/holds/immobs from the troller to lock down the mobs, then you jump in and finish em off with all your AoEs. It'd be heaven
  15. I see..I haven't taken any power pools yet except SS for hasten. I'm only lvl 12, and I currently have all emp powers possible except for AP. Does anyone reccomend anything in specific I should consider taking? I know I'll be getting swift/health/stamina soon, as well as a travel power (probablly take leaping pool for SJ and acrobatics).
  16. Is it true dark/dark defenders aren't very squishy? Because the only defender I have is emp/psi and I rarely die unless the rest of the damage dealers on the team fail to do their part.
  17. I only have one thing to point out. Why didn't you take recall friend? I though that was like a semi-essential power for an emp...And I've seen it on almost every single (experienced) emp I've ever teamed with...
  18. This is an amazing guide. Very detailed yet still to the point. For some reason there are many guides out there that don't discuss epic powers. I can't thank you enough for running through them! I like Spines/DA so far, I've got a lvl 14 on Justice and I've followed this guide so far.
  19. I was always wondering if ice as a secondary would deal a lot of damage. I never tried it out hehe. I've been told stone/fire works well with holding aggro and drawing a lot of it from the AoEs of the fire secondary. I'm wondering why you took taunt so late though. Sorry if there's a big reason for it, and if I sound stupid. I don't have my own tanker yet...I just plan on making one soon, and I've heard about diff tankers on the boards and from friends. This seems like a very useful guide though, kudos to you.
  20. Ahh, I like the guide. I'm just wondering why you took fire sword a lvl 4...It's such a horrible waste of a power. I'd rather wait for Greater fire sword. Plus, I'm thinking what did you use as a travel power...TP sucks for traveling. I'm always being told stone is sooo slow. And I really see it when I team with the 32+ stone tankers. They constantly need SB if they're going to herd. TPing into mobs is great and all, but that's not exactly gonna get you anywhere fast.
  21. This is a very handy guide. One of the few archery guides out there, and a great one at that. I love my archery/devices blaster, and I too, like many others, realized we have very little defense/resistance. I try to position myself far away from melee range and target through my friendly tank (if not, scrapper) and boo ya! Damage galore without a scratch. As for the whole kb situation, I too have taken SS, and I'm planning on taking leaping for acrobatics soon. Hasten works great with my archery powers, as if they couldn't get any faster!
  22. Emp/Psi defenders are very fun to play. This is a great guide, and I really need something like this to look at and make sure I don't mess up my toon.
  23. This guide is magnificent. I plan on getting my MA/regen to 50 very soon, and I have followed this guide (for the most part) up to where I am so far. However, I noticed in the sample build revive was not taken, yet MoG was. Personally, I took revive and skipped MoG. To me, MoG is more like a last resort run away power, and as a scrapper you shouldn't be doing much running away. I also noticed the guide has no information on epic powers. If you could update it with info on epic powers this guide would be even better! I give it two thumbs up.
  24. I really enjoy the guide, I've pretty much followed it step by step for the most part, and my archer is lookin good at lvl 16. I guess I just wanted to try something different, and now I'm in love with it. Thanks