So, I got this tablet...
You're welcome!!!
*looks balefully at the drawing Graver did after having a tablet for less than 24 hours*
*goes to throw hers out into traffic*
oooo great work Graver , Peps gonna love it !
Great job Graver <,< hehe, that's awful nice of you Star <^o^>m
A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.
All this tablet talk makes me want to skip buying my X-Box 360...but if I am patient it seems I may find one in the street...*rubs chin*. And very nice work there Graver. Considering your goal was a circle and all.
Arcaine, Penumbra-Edge, Penumbra Edge, Paragons Scrap, Umbral Assassin, Repulse Shock, Clopin, Dynamo Charge, Storm Jammer, Deceptive Fallout
Teen Squadron ftw
Arc's a Deviant!
great Graver.
If this is a first try I am looking foward to you actually getting some practice on it.
oH and by the way if yo really want to practice you couls do KidRaid
Proud Member Of the Paragons of Justice
Kidraid, Golden Guard, War Emblem, Eridani, Greymist, BabyTank and more many more.
My Gallery (There I am KidRaid since Greymist was already taken)
Geez... your first attempt was leaps and bounds above my first attempts. Tremendous job!
You're welcome!!!
*looks balefully at the drawing Graver did after having a tablet for less than 24 hours*
*goes to throw hers out into traffic*
[/ QUOTE ]
Haha, for a minute there I thought you gave graver yours. All that talk about not liking it and all. Anywayz, pep's one lucky girl!
What did you use to make this? It looks like you got different weighted lines.
*Also throws tablet into street*
Awesome Graver!
wow...definately very generous of star! congrats graver
and as always....very nice work!~
...the sword is truth...
Heh, thanks all... and, really, it's not a very good circle.. maybe next time... next time...
What did you use to make this? It looks like you got different weighted lines.
*Also throws tablet into street*
[/ QUOTE ]
And this was made with a Wacom Intous 6x8 tablet and PaintShop Pro X. I just used the standard paint bush for the line work in 2 sizes, 5px and 10px. I set brush variance for the paint brush to increase/decrease the size of the brush based on pressure as well as the opacity. I'll try width next time to see how that looks.
Also, I have sick neurotic compulsions which prevent me for ever just drawing a line once. I have to go back over it again and again and again and again and...
great job bud.
So... that's your version of a circle?
"starts thinking of other shapes to ask Graver to draw... LOTS of other shapes*
Seriously, man, that's really good. I've owned tablets before, but like other people here, I didn't get very good results with them.. mainly because I have no freaking TALENT FOR DRAWING...
"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."
I'm getting a tablet of my own tomorrow... I've tried my dad's before, that's why I'm getting one. Then I won't have to use the freakin' MOUSE if I color or ink on the computer, lol
Your circle makes me feel a square.
I seem to recall a certain someone asking me a certain someone else why they don't do watercolors anymore... this is how it starts... nice work my friend.
*cough* So um..Graver......Where's all our new art pieces done by tablet?
*whistles innocently*
�Alas, regardless of their doom, the little victims play!� - Thomas Gray
Pfft, yeah, *I'm* his best friend, *I* bought him a tablet, and who's the first person he draws??? PEP!!!!
So THAT's why Fenris has been sneaking off from Wind in the middle of the night!!!
Pfft, yeah, *I'm* his best friend, *I* bought him a tablet, and who's the first person he draws??? PEP!!!!
So THAT's why Fenris has been sneaking off from Wind in the middle of the night!!!
[/ QUOTE ]
Jealous much?
Can't you leave my frisky were-bengal space pirate from another dimension alone? He's very sensitive, especially after losing his shagadelic spaceship.
Be patient Star, I bet Graver is saving something super special for ya.
And to Graver, ZZZOOOOMMMGGG That's awesome!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I love circles!! She's perfect, even down to the big hands and feet. I always like how you make the backgrounds so they bleed into the border in a cool way. And I like the white lines that make here look like she's in the act of punching her fist into the air.
I had the same trouble, what do I mean had? I still do, with using my tablet. I always wanted to turn it to get a better angle on curves, and the plastic top with the plastic tip on the pen is so slippery its tough keeping the pen from sliding all over the place. I even started putting a piece of paper on top of the tablet to get some friction.
You didn't have to make anything for me in return for the Abby pic, but I always hoped......
The expression on her face is terrific. Great picture!
Jealous much?
Can't you leave my frisky were-bengal space pirate from another dimension alone? He's very sensitive, especially after losing his shagadelic spaceship.
[/ QUOTE ]
Heyyyy, I'm not gonna fall for that spaceship line again!!
Jealous much?
Can't you leave my frisky were-bengal space pirate from another dimension alone? He's very sensitive, especially after losing his shagadelic spaceship.
[/ QUOTE ]
Heyyyy, I'm not gonna fall for that spaceship line again!!
[/ QUOTE ]
*runs away*
Man I wish I had friends like that!!
Man I wish I had talent like that!!
an Intuos, as a gift from the greatest, bestest person in the whole wide world, Starchasm! *hugs Starchasm 'till her head pops off and bathes all in her wonderful spiriting life that springs eternal from her new neck stump*

And I am no, forever, in Starchasm's debt (I think she planed it this way too... sneaky little wench!).
Either way, I played with it some last night... just mainly doodles to see what it was like. I decided that it was definitely gonna take me some getting used to. I also noticed that my hands aren't nearly as steady as I had once thought
So, today, once I had gotten some caffeine in me, instead of doodling in my sketchbook to warm up to getting some sketches done, I decided to doodle with the tablet and maybe possibly see if I could draw a decent circle with it. This is what I ended up doing.
While, granted, it's a piss poor circle, I'm still quite satisfied with the results. It took me about 3 hrs to do, but a lot of that time was just me adjusting to the tablet. I kept catching my self turning the tablet around to try to get a better angle to draw a certain curve (with disastrous results), brushing away the non-existent leavings of the eraser when I would erase something, and vigorously rubbing the tablet with a finger or two in an attempt to quickly smudge a line... old habits
Still, I would have to say, I dearly love this tablet! And it's only my first day of using it too
Oh, and yes, that is Pep Rally drawn pretty much from my own head.. and only using Atomic Knights version of pep (look here! )... so I apologize for anything I got wrong