Battle_Angel (WIP her, wip her good!)
very cool, its an angel like replete ^_^ I'd like to see those wings in heroes! im liking how its turning out so far keep up the good work. (why have i never seen you in my art topics before, meh maybe im just crazy lol)
Oooo I really like it!! I like the wing the way it is, but I also think it would look good held up and kind of shielding her as well. This is going to look GREAT!!!
*does the yay Graver's going to do an oil painting dance*
I love the pose! I wish I understood more about piece composition, because the concept of the wings leading the eyes away and never back escapes me. (Granted, just proportions have a tendancy to elude me, but I digress!) Hmm, speaking of proportions, rest assured you have my envy in that respect as well.
I have a feeling this is going to turn out to be another killer piece. Can't wait to see the updates!
Graver pwns the universe >.>;
What? >.> He does <,<m
A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.
Loving it, Graver! I really think you get better with each piece!
Nice start. I am looking foward to this picture.
But do I read correctly?? an OIL painting? That is going to be different! For you I mean. I am really looking to see you in another medium.
Proud Member Of the Paragons of Justice
Kidraid, Golden Guard, War Emblem, Eridani, Greymist, BabyTank and more many more.
My Gallery (There I am KidRaid since Greymist was already taken)
Man....Just wow! I can see where this is going and I cant wait to see the final piece. Just like Greymist, I am looking forward to seeing you work in another medium.
I think the wing position is next to perfect. If you want to make sure they don't pull your eye out of the frame, you could have the tips fade off so they have less strength as a design element. I wouldn't suggest making them curl.
But yeah... oils? This is gonna look great. But perhaps I'm a little bit biased
"WIP her, wip her good!" PERRRRRRRRRRRRVERT!
Wait, forgot to comment on art:
The way I figure it, you have two choices here.
One, you draw the wings as though they've just sprouted, with the elbow of them thrust upwards, but the "fingers" of the feathers kind of like a folded umbrella pointing back towards the main figure and the gory mess below.
Two, you draw the wings upraised and arcing outwards and purposefully draw the eye that way, towards perhaps a clear and open sky with golden sunlight. You'd then have the feet in the clay (and blood), with the wings into the heavens.
I guess it depends on what you're conveying here. What's more important, the cost, or the redemption?
Looks like another great piece. Battle Angels pose is great don't change that. My thoughts on the wings: it maybe the perspective but her left wing (our right) doesn't seem to be in the same position as the other. I really like the way you have the right wing formed. In my mind natually wings would have the same form left and right as they naturally flap together. I invision that they can move seperately but its a forced motion and would only look right if moved with the coresponding arm. I stretch out my left arm to the side and my wing with it, so they point together. Then the other side, then both arms out and wings spread. So my 2 cents opinion would be to curve the left wing the same as the right so that the wing tip is near her left leg. And that keeps the focus rounded and not making the viewers eyes follow the wing off the tip into nothing.
Holy cowzilla! Thats just pure awesome in a can!
*can not wait to see the finished*
I think the wings look fine though. I know wings arn't easy to draw, but those look great Graver.
ok add my 2 cents here. Overall I love the pose, and wow oils!!! The sketch is great, and I did not notice the leading away thing until you mentioned it graver. I first looked at the sketch loved it then read the comments, now my eyes wonder off, LOL the power of suggestion. I think I agree with most here when it was said leave the position it looks great.
A possible solution may be by having a narrow focus on the piece. The body at the center nice crisp, bright, while the wings are more blurred and muted in color. But, I really have no place giving you advice.
I like it alot, you are by far one of the most unique people here in style, and one of the more innovative.
"Big Bada Boom(tm)!"
1295 Badges - Virtue
Niska: Are you Familiar with the works of Shan Yu?
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Okay, I've been working on this piece off and on for a few weeks in what I laughingly call my free time
Either way, it's finally starting to take some kind of shape, though it's growth is going to be a bit slow as I'm going to be tackling this piece in my long forgotten love, oils.
Either way, here is the pose that was decided upon for the piece...
Battle-Angel: Pose
I'll be redoing the wings I think. They were the hardest part of this and took me forever and a LOT of different poses just to get the wings working with the composition instead of just being ... incidental. I'm still not happy with them as they lead the eye off and away with no return ticket. I'll be working on that...
There will be more updates at random times on this one,.. it might take a little while