Where do these two fall in the line up?
For pets, their effective rank appears to vary based on what the pet itself is, if memory serves.
For mastermind minions, their rank is equivalent to lieutenant--they con one higher than their level.
I know there are different ranks for mobs. AV/Hero>GM> Elite Boss> Boss>Lueitenent> Minion and Underlings but where do pets and henchmen fall under?
[/ QUOTE ]
The Ranks are equivalent to Archetypes for players -- each one has it's own unique stats. In general, the Underling, Minion, Lieutenant, Boss, Elite Boss, Archvillain and Giant Monster Ranks cover everything. Pets, Henchmen, Snipers, certain Rularuu critters, the Civilians in Mayhem Missions and a couple other, rather esoteric groups exist as well.
Pets, for instance, do slightly less damage than Minions, but have greater Hit Points. There are three varieties of Henchmen: Minion, Lieutenant and Boss. Each of these does less damage than the equivalent Critter, but have greater Hit Points. Henchmen also have a greater base perception than other pets or critters, as well as enabling the Mastermind Command hotkeys.
*runs into thread*
*shoots _Castle_ with ZAPPY ARROW!*
*runs back out before he can AS*
*runs into thread*
*shoots _Castle_ with ZAPPY ARROW!*
*runs back out before he can AS*
[/ QUOTE ]
*Sneaks in an AS attack while Luminara is busy hitting Castle with the Zappy arrow*
Leave the dev talking to us alone!
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
*runs into thread*
*shoots _Castle_ with ZAPPY ARROW!*
*runs back out before he can AS*
[/ QUOTE ]
*Sneaks in an AS attack while Luminara is busy hitting Castle with the Zappy arrow*
[/ QUOTE ]
*Hurdles away*
Leave the dev talking to us alone!
[/ QUOTE ]
He's mine, I can torment him all I want!
*picks up _Castle_ and saunters back to the Lumiverse*
*Watches as Luminara saunters right onto field of trip mines*
/em Stewie "Victory is mine"
*hurls a robot into the mines*
I'll save you Lumi!
(hits Soul Drain)
(Nova's everything)
(lights a cig)
yeah...that's the good stuff
Pets, for instance, do slightly less damage than Minions, but have greater Hit Points.
[/ QUOTE ]
Heck, some pets have more Hit Points then Lts.
*Watches as Luminara saunters right onto field of trip mines*
[/ QUOTE ]
Double gak!
*double gurk*
/em Stewie "Victory is mine"
[/ QUOTE ]
*toggles off Phase Shift while Speq is gloating*
*shoots Spec in the face with Acid Arrow*
*toggles on Hyperphase and runs*
*hurls a robot into the mines*
I'll save you Lumi!
[/ QUOTE ]
Triple gak!
*triple gurk*
*gets smooshed by the hurtling robot*
*shakes fist at SuperTech*
*blushes and scuffs the ground with his foot*
Sorry. T.T
Not that you see many of them now, but how do Monsters work these days?
I thought they were effectively Giant Monsters minus the automatic level scaling, although I imagine I'm off somehow.
Forum mod: less obtrusive signatures
... AV/Hero>GM ...
[/ QUOTE ]
I really have to question this relationship.
When I consider that in a recent TF, six of us laid waste to the Clockwork King (AV) in very short order, while the same gang of six could not even scratch the paintwork on Babbage (GM), I'd have to say that the current standings are GM>AV.
Likewise, a (different) team of six dispatched Nemesis (also an AV, I believe) a damn sight faster than a team of 8 (with a Shivan) took out Adamastor (GM).
And then there's everyone's favorite: Lusca .....
Scrappers are just like chainsaws. Somewhat hard to handle, EXTREMELY dangerous, and by far the most fun when wielded by the slightly insane.
@Alissara - an Angry Angel
The Angry Angels. When it absolutely positively has to be spanked today.
... AV/Hero>GM ...
[/ QUOTE ]
I really have to question this relationship.
When I consider that in a recent TF, six of us laid waste to the Clockwork King (AV) in very short order, while the same gang of six could not even scratch the paintwork on Babbage (GM), I'd have to say that the current standings are GM>AV.
Likewise, a (different) team of six dispatched Nemesis (also an AV, I believe) a damn sight faster than a team of 8 (with a Shivan) took out Adamastor (GM).
And then there's everyone's favorite: Lusca .....
[/ QUOTE ]
The difference being that GMs are supposed to be taken on by several teams, whereas AVs have to be restricted to what a maximum of 8 players can handle. You can gather 48 people to fight in a zone, but not an instanced mission.
Well, not legitimately in an instanced mission. >.>
The difference being that GMs are supposed to be taken on by several teams
[/ QUOTE ]
You just hit the nail on the head! Now can someone explain the GM's in Eden scaled for 48 heroes only being taken on by at most 8?
** Hands Lumi a Respite and Catch Breath **
** Shoots off Clear Mind and Heal Other **
No worries on the trip mines Lumi...I gotya
Kenja's Logitec G15 Masters Guide
Kenja's Concise Commands and Emotes Guide (I10)
Kenja's Links Guide for Badge Collectors
Visit SalsaVille!
The difference being that GMs are supposed to be taken on by several teams
[/ QUOTE ]
You just hit the nail on the head! Now can someone explain the GM's in Eden scaled for 48 heroes only being taken on by at most 8?
[/ QUOTE ]
There are GMs in Eden? I thought there were just normal DE, some Crey, and some Nemesissies.
If you mean the Monsters (no Giant, though they are giant) in the Hive, they're yet another class and can be handled by smaller groups of players. My Kinetics scrapper can tank a Monster easily, as long as it doesn't have a Disorient or Sleep, and I only need one other player to defeat it at that point (for damage output).
** Hands Lumi a Respite and Catch Breath **
** Shoots off Clear Mind and Heal Other **
No worries on the trip mines Lumi...I gotya
[/ QUOTE ]
I was fine until SuperTech threw his stupid robutt on me. AND made me waste my Hyperphase toggleon! -_-
*flicks a bubble at Lumi*
The difference being that GMs are supposed to be taken on by several teams
[/ QUOTE ]
You just hit the nail on the head! Now can someone explain the GM's in Eden scaled for 48 heroes only being taken on by at most 8?
[/ QUOTE ]
There are GMs in Eden? I thought there were just normal DE, some Crey, and some Nemesissies.
[/ QUOTE ]
I think they mean the Quarries and the other Giant Monsters in the Eden Trial who, despite protests from Cryptic/Positron/_Castle_ and others, seem to have gotten an unannouced boost when the rest of the AVs/GMs did with Issue 7.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
*flicks a bubble at Lumi*
[/ QUOTE ]
YOU STOP THAT! I don't want your nasty spit bubbles on me!
Geez. First you smoosh me, then you bubble me. I'm going to punch your kitty if you keep it up! *stomp*
The difference being that GMs are supposed to be taken on by several teams
[/ QUOTE ]
You just hit the nail on the head! Now can someone explain the GM's in Eden scaled for 48 heroes only being taken on by at most 8?
[/ QUOTE ]
There are GMs in Eden? I thought there were just normal DE, some Crey, and some Nemesissies.
[/ QUOTE ]
I think they mean the Quarries and the other Giant Monsters in the Eden Trial who, despite protests from Cryptic/Positron/_Castle_ and others, seem to have gotten an unannouced boost when the rest of the AVs/GMs did with Issue 7.
[/ QUOTE ]
Oooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I haven't fought them since I6. I hope they fix that so defenders and controllers who don't have -regen can get in on some TF-tastic action. That's the only TF I actually like doing. :/
... AV/Hero>GM ...
[/ QUOTE ]
I really have to question this relationship.
When I consider that in a recent TF, six of us laid waste to the Clockwork King (AV) in very short order, while the same gang of six could not even scratch the paintwork on Babbage (GM), I'd have to say that the current standings are GM>AV.
Likewise, a (different) team of six dispatched Nemesis (also an AV, I believe) a damn sight faster than a team of 8 (with a Shivan) took out Adamastor (GM).
And then there's everyone's favorite: Lusca .....
[/ QUOTE ]
The difference being that GMs are supposed to be taken on by several teams, whereas AVs have to be restricted to what a maximum of 8 players can handle. You can gather 48 people to fight in a zone, but not an instanced mission.
Well, not legitimately in an instanced mission. >.>
[/ QUOTE ]
Taken at face value, your explanation tends to confirm that GM > AV.
If GM == 48 (or 16 for the last attack on lusca), while AV == 8, then most definitely GM > AV.
Or am I missing something simple here?
Scrappers are just like chainsaws. Somewhat hard to handle, EXTREMELY dangerous, and by far the most fun when wielded by the slightly insane.
@Alissara - an Angry Angel
The Angry Angels. When it absolutely positively has to be spanked today.
It's hard to compare GMs to AVs, two teams of low level heros could take down a GM that a team of high levels couldn't. On the other hand AVs are restricted to levels.
So almost certainly GMs are harder in that you need a greater level of teamwork and understanding of whats going on, but AVs can be harder simply because you have to face them with so few players.
And just to throw something out there, where do the RV signiture characters fit in?
*shoots Lumi with a healing arrow*
The Ranks are equivalent to Archetypes for players -- each one has it's own unique stats.
[/ QUOTE ]
So, which AT gets to be Underlings?
I know there are different ranks for mobs. AV/Hero>GM> Elite Boss> Boss>Lueitenent> Minion and Underlings but where do pets and henchmen fall under?
Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator
Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!