* Winners will be identified on the page with first initial, last name, and city, and State (or country if from outside the US).
* Characters in shots will be identified by character name and server.
[/ QUOTE ]
Up until this point I was interested... but I'm not keen on the idea of publically posting a list of winners' last names and locations such that they can be correlated with a list of characters and servers... and unless there are a lot of posted winners, it'd not be hard to correlate them.
I think I'd be a lot happier if it were first name, last initial than the other way around. There are a lot of people with my first name in my area, but very, very few with my last name.
One drawback of the internet is how it has trained so many people to think that one day is a long time.
Too bad it seems like the shot has to include your character, otherwise I'd use this shot.
Hopefully I'll get in game today so I can get a better shot than this.
I think I'd be a lot happier if it were first name, last initial than the other way around. There are a lot of people with my first name in my area, but very, very few with my last name.
[/ QUOTE ]
Arctic Sun
Just to be clear - is converting resolution (eg from 1600x1200 to 800x600) considered "manipulating" the image, or is it OK?
"Trust me, it worked in the Simpsons." - Calash
I think I'd be a lot happier if it were first name, last initial than the other way around. There are a lot of people with my first name in my area, but very, very few with my last name.
[/ QUOTE ]
[/ QUOTE ]
Excellent. Thank you!
One drawback of the internet is how it has trained so many people to think that one day is a long time.
I think I'd be a lot happier if it were first name, last initial than the other way around. There are a lot of people with my first name in my area, but very, very few with my last name.
[/ QUOTE ]
Arctic Sun
[/ QUOTE ]
Now we'll hear from all the guys who play female characters on here that this will give them away. In PMs to Arctic, probably. That's why I stick with male characters and board name.
can we use photoshop to lighten the photo if it's too dark and things are a little hard to see?
can we use photoshop to lighten the photo if it's too dark and things are a little hard to see?
[/ QUOTE ]
You may not manipulate or edit the shot in any way (although basic cropping is certainly allowed and encouraged for dramatic effect).
My guess would be no

Umber's Hall of Heroes & Villains
I've got a screen shot in the aoe ko blow test period days... I think I'll submit that picture It's the Haymaker one I'm gunna submit tho because it's got a cool shockwave to go with it.
EDIT: I realize now that there is no Tsoo here and thus invalidated. I leave it here for you guys to laugh at my noobiness.
Rules don't say anything about test server Of course, she's originally from liberty, so I'll mention both servers. Hopefully that's legal :/
Yeah.. it's prolly as good as I'll get. Maybe I'll get another one tho.
Yea but most of the screens from CoV are dark anyway. What's the point, if my graphic cards which is not crappy but not fantastic can't do anything about the darkness factor of the game. I always have to lighten up the photos is photoshop.
Guess that let's me out the contest. Unless I get another graphics card.
Good luck everyone else!

Finally a purpose to having a Tsoo Ink Man toon, yay fighting my brothers. This should be fun.
I've got a screen shot in the aoe ko blow test period days... I think I'll submit that picture It's the Haymaker one I'm gunna submit tho because it's got a cool shockwave to go with it.
Rules don't say anything about test server Of course, she's originally from liberty, so I'll mention both servers. Hopefully that's legal :/
Yeah.. it's prolly as good as I'll get. Maybe I'll get another one tho.
[/ QUOTE ]
Of course, you aren't engaged in a fight with any tsoo in that shot, so I doubt that'd be very good to submit.
Like others I also am worried about the quality of my pictures, because they come out very dark. If I can't brighten them it's all over before it starts.
Only you have GUI visible and you're not figthing Tsoo, so I'd say a no-go on that shot.
Hmm, I'll have to sift through my screenies for an entry.
Edit* Damn you MaskedHero and your 5 min headstart!
I've got a screen shot in the aoe ko blow test period days... I think I'll submit that picture It's the Haymaker one I'm gunna submit tho because it's got a cool shockwave to go with it.
Rules don't say anything about test server Of course, she's originally from liberty, so I'll mention both servers. Hopefully that's legal :/
Yeah.. it's prolly as good as I'll get. Maybe I'll get another one tho.
[/ QUOTE ]
Rules DO say, however, "UI must not be visible."
Nice shot, though.
/screenshotui = 0 is your friend, just remember to set it to 1 again after you take your contest shots.
Of course, you aren't engaged in a fight with any tsoo in that shot, so I doubt that'd be very good to submit.
[/ QUOTE ]
Not reading the rules for the lose
Guess I'll come up with another screenie
Rules DO say, however, "UI must not be visible."
[/ QUOTE ]
Multiple rules I failed to read for the lose
Just to be clear - is converting resolution (eg from 1600x1200 to 800x600) considered "manipulating" the image, or is it OK?
[/ QUOTE ]
Totally fine!
I just don't want to kill the inbox with giant mega-pics.
Honestly, if people want to also save a higher res version of the image that they can send to me if selected, that would be swell. But I wanted to try this out as simply as possible first, and then refine it if it goes well.
Arctic Sun
Since some eMail providers limit the total amount of eMail a person can send/receive/store, would it be possible to eMail links to screenshots?
A text message without an attachment takes less "bandwidth" then one with an attachment.
Sometimes, I impress my boss. Sometimes, I impress myself. The rest of the time, I scare people. I can live with that.
Wow... I'm going to have trouble finding Tsoo for the next couple days! I just know it!
Hrmm.. >< darnit; I don't have any people in the right range to bash Tsoo <>.<> gonna have to get cracking I guess <pops knuckles>
Heeeeere little ninjas! Come out and plaaaaaaay <^_^>/)
Could someone tell me what power that is, 4th slot, tray 2?
I recognize all the inv and ss stuff, but what's that other toggle?
Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.
I recognize all the inv and ss stuff, but what's that other toggle?
[/ QUOTE ]
I believe that is Tough from the Fighting Pool.
Hrmm.. >< darnit; I don't have any people in the right range to bash Tsoo <>.<> gonna have to get cracking I guess <pops knuckles>
Heeeeere little ninjas! Come out and plaaaaaaay <^_^>/)
[/ QUOTE ]
Who says anything about being in level range? Just take your favorite character and find some Tsoo, and squash them! Nothing in the contest rules says you have to be earning XP.
Like others I also am worried about the quality of my pictures, because they come out very dark. If I can't brighten them it's all over before it starts.
[/ QUOTE ]
That shouldn't happen, regardless of the video card. You've probably got a brightness setting wrong somewhere. Perhaps the card is turned up bright and the game turned down dark to compensate - or vice versa?
Anyway - a suggestion for an additional rule to keep the dozen-or-so of us who like to play with demos under control....
Screenshots from demos are allowed only if the image is one that can reasonably happen in normal play. Screenshots from demos with the time of day changed or some power effects removed, fine. Demos with a 50ft version of your character squashing a Tsoo sorc or an army of ninjas wearing the freakshow disguise, no. When in doubt, the judges will disqualify. Especially if they come from Zloth, who is a known perpitrator.
(Reasoning: just reflecting reality. Most people have no idea demos even exist, never mind how to maniupulate them, so they are at a disadvantage. I couldn't blame you if you outlawed demodump shots entirely. The thing is, there's really no way you can tell they have come from a demo. Worse yet, there's no way *WE* can tell! I've been taking screenshots from demos for two years now. Both my in-game and demo shots come out in TGA which I then re-save as JPG so I can't even check the JFIF info. The only way for either of us to tell is if something impossible is going on.)
P.S. You might have the same issue with minor cleanups like making the image brighter. If you took a screenshot back in May 2004 and adjusted the gamma a tad when you converted it to JPG, would you remember?
P.P.S. Come to think of it, converting an image from TGA to JPG is a manipulation.
You spend your days patrolling the streets of Paragon, battling it out with dastardly villains. Or perhaps you spend your evenings cruising the Rogue Isles, looking for weak fools to smack down on your rise to power. Would you like to be immortalized in the background lore?
This is a pilot project for a new way to use screenshots, and give your characters a spotlight in the City of universe.
What We Want
An engaging screenshot of your character
Fighting with the Tsoo.
It can be an action shot. It can be an atmospheric shot. It can be a funny or interesting shot. It cannot be a boring shot.
DO take a crisp, clean, high-res image.
DO NOT photoshop the picture (minor cropping is ok).
DO NOT include the UI
DO NOT manipulate the picture.
You MAY enter ONLY ONE screenshot, although more than one character can be featured. (For example, if CuppaJo, Arctic Sun, and Cricket were all in a Super Group, they could each enter one screenshot. Arctics might feature only him, while Crickets show both her character and Cuppas, while all three characters might be in CuppaJos shot each player/account can only submit one screenshot so make it sharp!).
Submissions can be made by emailing your screenshots (details below) from TUESDAY MAY 23th until 5:00 PM (CST) FRIDAY MAY 26th.
* You may only enter 1 screenshot. If we see multiple entries from you, all entries may be disqualified.
* You may not manipulate or edit the shot in any way (although basic cropping is certainly allowed and encouraged for dramatic effect).
* EMAIL submissions to: cohsubmissions@plaync.com
* Screenshots MUST be JPG format, at LEAST 640 x 480 pixels (72 dpi) and MAXIMUM 1024 x 768.
* We reserve the right to re-crop or otherwise modify any pictures.
* Your submission MUST include:
- Your real name
- Age
- Address
- PlayNC Master Account name
- Game account name
- Character & server name (for all characters in the shot)
* Finalists will be selected with an eye towards dramatic scenes/engaging action, however, the winner(s) will ultimately be chosen randomly from the finalists.
* If you arent selected, its likely that its because the number of submissions is so high. If this goes well, you will have another opportunity to submit.
* Anywhere from one to four winners will be selected. Winning screenshots will be featured in a web site article.
* Winners will be identified on the page with first name, last initial, and city, and State (or country if from outside the US).
* Characters in shots will be identified by character name and server.
* Screenshots that are too dark, too small, or otherwise unclear will be disqualified.
For full submission guidelines & legal notice, please click here.
If you have problems taking screenshots, check out the Knowledge Base article here.