Devs! Please Confirm Hero Mayhem Coming!





Besides, isn't half the fun of Mayhem missions being able to blow the crap out of your surroundings?

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"The <insert villain group here> is up to no good. They have a warehouse full of supplies and vehicles stockpiled. We need you to make sure none of it is ever used . Destroy all their supplies and arrest as many of them as you can in the process."

Can you say "GANK THE MAP"? Now THAT is some good ol' fashioned heroing!

All the best.

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There aren't very many of these new maps, I think they are fairly intensive. Hopefully we get to see some really great things out of it though!

Still here, even after all this time!



Yes. It's coming. Safeguard missions. Being worked on right now (outside my office, in fact).

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What? Someone is tasked with safeguarding States' office?


That would be a cool mission...

Test Subject 42 - lvl 50 Sp/DA Scrapper
Oku No Te - lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper
Borg Master - lvl 24 Bots/traps MM

Nyghtfyre - lvl 50 DM/SR Scrapper



Yes. It's coming. Safeguard missions. Being worked on right now (outside my office, in fact).

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Wouldn't you know it. All the Electrical attacks going off prepping i7 wrecked my surveillance equipment that I installed there. Now I have to kidnap another janitor, fork out more money for new cameras, and....
/looks around
uhm nothing to see here



I take safeguarding as making a pre-emptive strike to protect the citizens of Paragon City from a potentially very bad situation. Here's what I can envision:

I noteworthy villian (maybe not a central villian) is amassing a large force of Arachnos troops to begin another attack on Paragon City. It is your job (and anyone you choose to bring with you) to cripple thier base of operations. However, your time to do so is limited. Security is tight and is expecting an attack from the heros. In order to give yourself more time to accomplish your central goal, you must create a few distractions.

These distractions could come from blowing up vehicles, supplies, buildings, and making troops disappear. But be careful, focusing your attention too long in one region of the base could get you discovered. You will need to be tactical and keep moving to keep the villians off your tail.

Other side missions could exist in these bases, some of which could be similar to those in Mayhem Missions. Free a captured healer, sneak into barracks and other buildings to steal supplies and plans, capture Arachnos personel to help open up other parts of the base.

Your final goal could vary, perhaps needing to destroy a central HQ or perhaps recovering a new type of weapon from the villians.

Anyways, that how I take safeguarding.



Obviously side quests (re-capture the Villain, etc. ) will increase your time limit.

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I can't help but visualize the Safeguard Mission side quests as the "old lady's cat is stuck in a tree" sequence from the first scene in The Incredibles.

"Hmm. Nemesis forces are attacking City Hall, but... yeah, I've still got time."

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Indeed. When I first read States's comment, the first thing that came to mind is "Spidey Patrol". Spiderman spends a lot of time in the comics just swinging around New York handling every little crisis he comes across. Stopping muggings (or chasing down purse snatchers), saving people from burning buildings, stopping getaway cars, etc. I think we'll see something like that.



Obviously side quests (re-capture the Villain, etc. ) will increase your time limit.

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I can't help but visualize the Safeguard Mission side quests as the "old lady's cat is stuck in a tree" sequence from the first scene in The Incredibles.

"Hmm. Nemesis forces are attacking City Hall, but... yeah, I've still got time."

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Indeed. When I first read States's comment, the first thing that came to mind is "Spidey Patrol". Spiderman spends a lot of time in the comics just swinging around New York handling every little crisis he comes across. Stopping muggings (or chasing down purse snatchers), saving people from burning buildings, stopping getaway cars, etc. I think we'll see something like that.

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Isn't that what we do normally? I mean, aside from the getaway car thing. Street hunting is stoping muggings and shake downs and saving people from burning buildings (in one very specific case). Safeguard missions sound like escort/protect missions. I'd love it if they were more, though, but either way I'm sure they'll be able to work in named villains just like they worked in named heroes in Mayhem missions.



Of course not. Dev ambiguity builds mystique.

Same reason why so many of them love to leave cryptic one-sentence comments and spontaneously vanish in a puff of smoke.

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"This Dev comment is tooooo long," Goldilocks said. She moved to the next comment.

"This Dev comment is tooooo short," she decided. She eyed the next Dev comment skeptically.

"Maybe it will be juuuuuuust right," she thought, hopefully.


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Oh my god! I just about fell over laughing. Perfect execution.

And... Yummy.. new word to chew over. Safeguard. Hmmmm...



Yes. It's coming. Safeguard missions. Being worked on right now (outside my office, in fact).

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If I hug you States; will it creep you out? Cause like, I seriously want to but I don't want to invade your personal space >.>

Uhm... <,< but yah that's awesome! <@_@>



Yes. It's coming. Safeguard missions. Being worked on right now (outside my office, in fact).

[/ QUOTE ]

Dammit, States! You're not supossed to respond to "Calling out Dev" posts! They're against the rules.

Currently listening to Cheap Trick's Dream Police

Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.



Yes. It's coming. Safeguard missions. Being worked on right now (outside my office, in fact).

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Dammit, States! You're not supossed to respond to "Calling out Dev" posts! They're against the rules.

Currently listening to Cheap Trick's Dream Police

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Quiet you! >.<



Yes. It's coming. Safeguard missions. Being worked on right now (outside my office, in fact).

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WHOOO! Statesman, you rock! It'll be a shame to have to take you down in the endgame villain TF.


Also on Steam



Yes. It's coming. Safeguard missions. Being worked on right now (outside my office, in fact).

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What this really means: Posi and Manti are running down the hall outside his office, shooting at each other with Nerf darts, knocking over the water coolers, breaking down doors, tipping over desks and yelling:
"i shots u!!"
"no wai i doged i hav teleprot!!! i shots u first!"
"my armor blos up u r ded!!!!"

But that's just a guess.



Please confirm that a Hero equivalent to these (and Newspaper missions in general) will be coming in I8.

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Yes. It's coming. Safeguard missions. Being worked on right now (outside my office, in fact).

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Holy crap! I can't believe that worked!

Devs! Please confirm there will be pie in I-8!



Hah. The 'Hero equivalant' to a mayhem mission is preventing villains from doing damage in the area. While something new would always interest me, I believe the unique Croatoa missions (like say... the infamous Firbolg portal one or preventing Red Cap hordes from destroying the Stonehenge contruct) were more or less loathed by the general populace.

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Lol, ya know I actually did complete that "stop 30 fir bolg" thing. I had to do it solo to keep the mob numbers down. The reward/bonus was really crappy and not any higher than any other mission. Everyone's better off letting it fail and moving on.



Yes. It's coming. Safeguard missions. Being worked on right now (outside my office, in fact).

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Woah! You have a smoking area right outside your office? I already know that's where the most ideas and discussions take place.

Waaaaaait. Safeguard? You sure they're not just talking about the last time they went home and showered?



Yes. It's coming. Safeguard missions. Being worked on right now (outside my office, in fact).

[/ QUOTE ]

What this really means: Posi and Manti are running down the hall outside his office, shooting at each other with Nerf darts, knocking over the water coolers, breaking down doors, tipping over desks and yelling:
"i shots u!!"
"no wai i doged i hav teleprot!!! i shots u first!"
"my armor blos up u r ded!!!!"

But that's just a guess.

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They need to release the securitycam footage of Cryptic's offices and call the video 'Dev Decision Making'.

It'd be a smash hit.



I am too lazy to read every response!
Possible repeated posting FTW!

Safeguard could mean that we go to the Rogue Iles and blast the crap out of thier stuff in order to prevent them from ever coming over to Paragon.

You still get to blow things up!

End Of Man - Ill/emp Troller <- First 50.
Robosaurus - Robo/Dark <- Second 50
Urban Viking - BS/Regen <- Unplayed