Why you should go build a Kinetics/Sonics defender





Then why do I have such bad accuracy problems on my electricity blaster and defender?? More than any other powersets.

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Maybe Geko nerfed you.

First Of The Year

Originally Posted by Edgar Allan Poe
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.



Oh great, this turned into an Accuracy whine thread, just like that.

Want better accuracy? Stop fighting Rikti, Council, and Circle of Thorns. :P

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Actually, it sounds like you're the one doing the whining here.

You think not fighting certain villain groups is the answer to possible powerset accuracy problems?? Think before you post, and come back later with a better comment.

I've been playing since COH beta, have approximately 50 alts, 1 50, 10 in the 30's-40's, 12 in the 20's, 11 in the teens, etc. I've played almost everyday since beta. I think I'm qualified with my observations of this game to give a valuable opinion.

I feel that the electricity blast powerset for blasters, AND defenders is overall less accurate than the other blast powersets. Maybe it is perceived, because of the animations. I dont know. I do know how it feels compared to all the other powersets I've played with. It does need further investigation. I like my lvl 35 dark/elec defender, as well as my lvl 25 elec/energy blaster. It's just discouraging when they seem to miss all the time.

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Really, your feelings are irrelevant. If you play that much, bring data. Bring HeroStats logs. It is pointless to dispute a post that contains discrete averments (referring to Castle's post here) with perceptions and impressions.



Oh and by the way... those travel powers.

superjump is miles better than that kinetics power that mimics it.

and siphon speed.... see here's the problem with it. it can miss, draws aggro.... and while it gives you comparable speed to superspeed it gives you none of the stealth. making it potentially dangerous to the user. Don't get me wrong... nice powers... but not real replacements for travel powers.

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In my opinion yes, they totally are, since they are unsupressed in pvp, I can jump in with IR and jump immediately away while the SJ guy is still hopping for a few seconds.



Anyone that claims they are having accuracy problems should get herostats and record their attack, firing it a good number of times against some specified enemy. Percieved accuracy is so influenced by your state of mind that without numbers, "I miss a lot" doesn't really mean anything.

Missing 4 times in a row that one time means nothing, hitting 10 times without missing that one time also means nothing, streaks happen all the time. What matters is the average over time, and for that, you need a lot of swings.



Also, on the matter of offense = defense:

All you have to do to have this break down is face a foe whos defense trumps your offense. If you have no actual defense, this foe will win (including you fleeing as a "win").

I toss this into a lot of threads on this topic; my uber-simplistic combat model. You win a fight when:

YourDPS/FoeHP < FoeDPS/YourHP

The DPS parts are meant to be extremely broad. You can increase DPS with damage buffs, recharge buffs, for DR debuffs, etc. DPS can be reduced by opponent DR, DEF, being held, slowed, end drained, etc.

The formula is meant to model battles that are short compared to health regen times. When this is not true (/Regen, some AVs) this model breaks down. But it's a valid generalization for a vast segment of combat content.

As a counterpoint to the raw damage outlay of a Kin/Sonic Defender I have recently buillt an Ice/Dark Corruptor. So far it's one of my favorite squishies ever. Nice bursty offense with potent defenses. Defenses that keep me alive while I set up my buffs/debuffs in order to then maximize my offensive potential. Against foes like bosses and elite bosses, even kinetics would not allow me to kill foes so fast that they would not get shots in on me. When those shots are tremendously damaging to either my health or my DPS (mezzes, for example), I would vastly prefer "real" defense to greater offense. "More offense for the win" does have real play application, but I consider it more fragile than a more moderate mix of offense and defense. As most Blasters will attest.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA




Charged Bolt: 100%
Lightning Bolt: 100%
Ball Lightning: 100%
Short Circuit: 130%
Zapp: 120%
Tesla Cage: 100%
Thunderous Blast: 140%

Shriek: 100%
Scream: 100%
Howl: 100%
Shockwave: 90%
Shout: 100%
Sirens Song: 90%
Screech: 100%
Dreadful Wail: 140%

[/ QUOTE ]

That's great information. Can we have this table for ALL the powersets?

A section of this website devoted to power stats (End Cost, Base Damage, Base Range, etc.) would be very useful, and easier to keep up to date than a print book.

Yes I know that people have been asking for this from Day One, but I'm asking again, because we still want it, and I still think it's a reasonable request.





Part of the problem is that Electric has NO miss animation. Hits and misses both connect as though the attack hit. The only way you can tell that a Miss occurred is that you did no damage and you see MISS on the screen.

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I haven't played Electric in quite some time, but IIRC there is too a hit animation. An electric shock aura and sound.



Right... but the electric bolts still go right into the enemy's body. You don't see the blast veer off or anything. So, if you didn't look for the "miss" above the enemy's head, and didn't look for the slight shake animation that you hit them, it appears that the blast hits...




Charged Bolt: 100%
Lightning Bolt: 100%
Ball Lightning: 100%
Short Circuit: 130%
Zapp: 120%
Tesla Cage: 100%
Thunderous Blast: 140%

Shriek: 100%
Scream: 100%
Howl: 100%
Shockwave: 90%
Shout: 100%
Sirens Song: 90%
Screech: 100%
Dreadful Wail: 140%

[/ QUOTE ]

That's great information. Can we have this table for ALL the powersets?

A section of this website devoted to power stats (End Cost, Base Damage, Base Range, etc.) would be very useful, and easier to keep up to date than a print book.

Yes I know that people have been asking for this from Day One, but I'm asking again, because we still want it, and I still think it's a reasonable request.


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While you wait for the devs to finally get around to posting this information at some random date in the probably distant future, you can find it on a third-party website at http://www.nofuture.org.uk/coh/powers/archetype.php. The data listed there is all accurate and up to date, because it comes from the exact same data the game itself uses. It currently lists the Max Targets affectable by each power, Angle of cone powers, Radius of AoE powers, Base Range, Base Accuracy, Activation Time, Recharge Time, Endurance Cost, and Time Per Tick (time between pulses of toggle powers).

(NOTE: powers that summon a pet or pseudo-pet, like Rains or Transfusion or Henchmen, currently do not show all the relevant data for the powers. They only show the data for the summon power, which summons the pet entities; the pet entities then affect the target, and this pet entity data is not yet listed. I'm working with RedTomax to hopefully get this data listed Soon(TM). )



Anyhow, have fun doing that, but realize that if you're ever on a team with a Blaster, by buffing him with stuff like Speed Boost, siphon power, and debuffing the resistance of the enemies, you're transferring all those buffs you're enjoying solo to him, and that Blaster has a 500% cap.

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Is that before or after he screams "heal me" as he's running for the nearest elevator with 6 +3 mobs in hot pursuit?

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At our last Blaster/Defender Interface subcommittee meeting, we Blasters were informed that screaming "Heal me!" is no longer appropriate. The proper phrase to scream is, of course:

"Buff my HP! Buff my HP!"

Ideally, the tank will die precisely as everyone else starts fighting, allowing aggro to be spread evenly among the blaster. -seebs, "How to Suck at CoH/CoV" Guide