Days Go By (Fond Farewells Part II)




You've done a great job here. Dang, it seems like you just got here. Good luck on your next assignment, have fun and make lots of dough!

Level 50: Furlon the Grim, BS/Regen Scrapper, Virtue
Current creations:
Slaughterface, DB/Elec Brute
Captain Warhead, Rad/Rad Defender, Virtue
Capt. Scar, Arch/Ice Blaster

Global @ Capt. Scar



Well Artic... I posted as one of the first people in your welcome thread that you had some big shoes to fill after taking over for Gil.

They were filled. Have fun out there.



We'll miss you both <~.~> gawd; I shouldn't feel much of anything seeing two people leave the boards who I only know from reading the occasional post, but without you its not going to be the same.

We'll miss ya Arctic and Alexa <~.~> wish ya the best in your new positions!

And yes; I am an overly emotional person. You got a problem with that? <stares at other posters> <teardrop> DAMMIT! I'm trying to be intimidating!

Don't gooooooo <T.T>

Ok go... (so ya know... you keep that whole 'job' thing >.> kinda important)

But don't forget to write! >.<



Too many people are leaving! Take care in your new job, Arctic, and I hope everything goes well for you over there. I'm going to miss your updates!

Arc #41077 - The Men of State
Arc #48845 - Operation: Dirty Snowball



*hands Yumii a blankie and box of tissues*

o.o we should get them to join the chat channel..

I am Sleepy! Hear me Yawn!!
Veni, Vidi, Dormivi!
-Alpha Kitty of the Guardian chapter of the Legion of Catgirls
Never forget--Sleepy could conquer the world, if she could just stay awake long enough. =) -Llanwe



Best wishes! It was cool having you be part of CoH!



Thanks for the stories. Be safe.



Farewell Artic and thank you for all the beautiful tales you've spun for us!
Of course after you've spoiled us so much lately with all the zone and villain group updates i'll probably suffer withdrawl effects since it'll probably be cold turkey while someone else settles into your role (and they'd better live up to their predecessor! )

Like Underworld? Then take a look at!
And don't forget to join the fight for our City!,134.0.html




I am sad. It is like a muse has left. Arctic Sun... You're words filled a much needed space in this gaming community. For a gamer the imagination is a like a unending void. It must constantly be fed. I know as a gamer you has contributed incredibly to my hunger for more.

Do you know the joy you have brought? Truly, do you know how many faces have lighted up at the headlines of your stories? Tell me it wasn't easy to walk away from that. I tell you this, Arctic Sun you did an incredible job. In this short time the bar as been raised yet again.

Salute to you Sir. Well done and prosperous life to you and yours.



Wow Arctic you just joined the team not to long ago. I wish you much sucess and want to thank you for the times you have helped me out when I pmed you. Take care and good luck.



I'm quite shocked by this, partly because I spoke recently with Arctic via PM, and get any type of vibe.

As said before, you came with big shoes to fill, and you did so admirably. I thoroughly enjoyed your work, and I hope you'll keep us up to date on what else you'll be doing.

I do regret that you never really got to write you OWN story. Granted, you put your mark on the villain backgrounds you did, but I was really looking foward to a completely Artic_Sun imagined article. If the little newspaper piece on the PDP rave flier was any indication, you've got some great skills that would have translated well.

So, good luck Arctic, and's hoping you continue to find challenges and fun in your future endeavors. Stop by once in a while and let everyone know what you're up to.

Best wishes

(BTW: Nice to see ya Gil, even if it is under not so happy circumstances. Might want to be carefull about when you pop by, otherwise you'll start getting called a bad omen )



G'bye, Awry. Many thanks for the time you've spent with us.

~Gabriel ;;



Farewell, Arctic Sun. We hardly knew ye!

Good luck in your new job!



Man this actually makes me really sad too see you and Arctic go. I don't post very much but I read and play a lot. I have enjoyed both you and Arctic's posts.

Alexa- Your posts were always fun to read and I have enjoyed the time you spent here. Thanks.

Arctic- Loved the villain backgrounds they were fun too read and very informative. Thanks.

Too Both- May you always find shade and water. Have fun with you new jobs and don't forget to drop by and say hi. Also thanks for putting up with this wacky bunch.

*I will post this in both farewell forums. I hope you can forgive me this small incursion. *

Iron Tiger



This doesn't have anything to do with the comic situation (I see I'm not the only one, by the way thanks for answering my PM), does it?

Going to miss you! {{hugs}}



Arctic Sun,

Best wishes and much joy in your new role. Check in on us from time to time.


can i have your stuff?



I wish you well in your future endeavours, You did a great job in the short time here.



Good luck Artic. I've enjoyed the write ups and all your hard work.



/em begs




I just wanted to chime in and said:

Fair thee well, you will be missed...



Arctic, as a writer, editor, and creative analyst, (among a plethora of other titles) I always looked up to you. It is a sad day to see you leave, but I will do my best to keep all your work in backgrounds and zones alive in my fiction (to appear in my website currently under construction).

My sincerest thanks for all you have done for the game and the community. You will be missed!

Good Journey...

Kenja's Logitec G15 Masters Guide
Kenja's Concise Commands and Emotes Guide (I10)
Kenja's Links Guide for Badge Collectors
Visit SalsaVille!



Good luck in your new Endeavors.

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



Take care & good luck!

I really enjoyed reading your backgrounds/updates! Thanks

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



But, but I only just met you. *sniff*

I wish you well on your future endeavors and thank you for all your wonderful work here.



Arctic it has been fun reading your work. Good luck on these new endeavors and as you well know the City and it's Hero's will always be here waiting for you.


Arc: A Little RnR (17523) - Poster
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