What you SHOULD do in CoX
Be kind and courteous to others.
If someone asks a question in Broadcast, don't put them down.
If people ask for teleports through The Hollows or Steel Canyon to Icon, and you have Recall Friend, give them a helping hand.
If someone other than YOU wins a costume contest in Atlas park, don't say stupid things like, "You picked that one? OMG his costume sucks." Dumb, just dumb.
There are plenty of jerks in the world. Don't be that guy. Just play nice for crying out loud. Won't kill ya.
And for the love of god, do not act like a jerk, then justify it by saying, "I'm a villain." Role-playing has its place, for certain. Asshattery does not.
Far to much non-necessary hate out there, don't add to it.
As a wise person once said in broadcast (can't remember who) "Just because your a villian, doesn't mean you have to be a jerk."
Don't get so trapped into your way of doing things that you are not open to anything new.
The Avalanche has already started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote.
Blue Spot, Son Spot, Cyan Siren, Polar Gale, Scarlett Fury, Stygian Warlock, Lady Lilac, Elsbeth (villian), Furious Squirrel (villian)
Infinity server
If someone already has the lusca badge, but agrees to help your team out, it would be nice if everyone stuck it out to the end. He took on that 150K of debt for *you*
Moggie's big forum-brother.
"I'm a tech. I tell it how it is. I'm incapable of the sunshine blowing necessary in their field." - BillZBubba
Do join pick-up groups of newbies. The best way to teach is by example.
Keep your temper.
Separate your chatbox into two or three separate tabs and put them in separate windows. It's easier to monitor several small windows than one big one, and that way you can scan general chatter & combat logs and still catch private tells.
Respond to tells. Even if it's just to say, "No".
Pull brilliant, creative pranks on your friends. Strangers may not get the joke.
Keep in mind that Real Life is Always More Important. Always. That means be willing to log off (or AFK) whenever, and be tolerant of others who d/c without warning.
Plan ahead. Joining a Strike Force/Respec Trial/Dance Marathon/Whatever an hour before you have to go to work will just hack people off.
Play how you want. Accept the consequences of your actions with good grace, but play how you want. Some things are worth getting smacked for.
As a wise person once said in broadcast (can't remember who) "Just because your a villian, doesn't mean you have to be a jerk."
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, look at Scirroco. He's polite to Ghost Widow, and almost all of my villains are polite to others, since helping tthem out causes more evil in the long run.
Always lend a helping hand, if one needs it
If you have Recall Friend (I'm looking at YOU, level 4 WarshadeManDan) and the mission is 1.2 miles away, and they are pre-14, and you are there, TP them :P
You should not blame your faults on others. Instead, try and be a nice team player
When someone who already has Lusca tries to help you (I know this has been said before, but...) And he dies 8 times, and you DONT BOTHER TO FINISH OFF THE HEAD, thats bad playing right there.
Judge no one for what they did in the past (IE: AoE pulling, bad-mouthing someone because it was a stressful day, insulting others but feeling really bad and apologising..), but what they do RIGHT NOW.
And finally, no matter what, if you're in a group and if a team-wipe occurs, or ever BEFORE one occurs, take a look at everyone's powers and powersets, and ask the team leader if you can put out some suggestions for tactics.
However, if the teams tactics have been working except for that ONE time when the Tanker's granite/unstoppable/whatever dropped and everyone died, dont suggest new ones, just try and see if it keeps on working. If it happens again, suggest that you need new tactics.
If someone takes the time to add you to their friend list, and they politely tell you why (You are the best tanker ever, your pleasent to hang out with, people love you long time etc...)
If your NOT going to add them back: Give a reasonable explaination that is not name-calling and put-downs.
If you ARE going to add them: Give them an ego-boost. Tell them that while YOU may be a good player, tell them that without you, they wouldnt be half of it (Note: only do this if its true.) And then add them right back
This has been added to my favorites.
Things to DO in CoH/V, huh? Ok.
Melee folks, keep an eye on the health bars of your squishier compadres. When they start getting hit, it IS your job to get the agro on to yourself. You can take the extra hits, they can not. This from one that plays all his characters as if they were scrappers.
Be well, people of CoH.

Word freakin' up.
Got recharge slotted on my brute's Taunt for a reason. that's MY aggro! Mine Mine Mine!
Always compliment someone on a job well done. Did your Invun/SS tank just hold aggro on 17 mobs, all the while they NEVER ONCE attacked any other person on the team? Compliment him/her.
Did the scrapper just someone destroy that Boss that was about to eat you for breakfast? Compliment him.
Did that defender/Currupter just save your [censored]? Thank, then compliment him.
And so on and so on.
that's MY aggro! Mine Mine Mine!
[/ QUOTE ]
. . .sorry, reflex.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
If someone takes the time to add you to their friend list, and they politely tell you why (You are the best tanker ever, your pleasent to hang out with, people love you long time etc...)
If your NOT going to add them back: Give a reasonable explaination that is not name-calling and put-downs.
If you ARE going to add them: Give them an ego-boost. Tell them that while YOU may be a good player, tell them that without you, they wouldnt be half of it (Note: only do this if its true.) And then add them right back
[/ QUOTE ]
On the other shoe, rather than adding someone to your friends list or asking them if you can, tell them you really enjoyed teaming with them and to look you up any time. If they want to team with you again they will probably ask you to add them to your FL in return. This avoids the the upleasantness of them having to explain why they don't want to be on your FL or you on theirs.
Warning: This is an off-topic post! This is meant to be funny!!!
If you're going to be a master Illusion troller, it would be best to learn from this guy http://www.kontraband.com/index.asp
An example of being a jerk:
Someone who obviously is new to the game asks a question about the pool powers. He wasn't sure if when he skipped getting a pool power selection at lvl 6 if he would get a chance to get it later. He was afraid he missed out on a power.
A passing troll chimes in with "Three Words. Read. The Manual."
[censored] like this just pisses me off. Jerk.
Don't always use tutorial talk(you know what i mean: "and at lvl 20 you can get another costume slot...") on someone just because they're a lowbie.
If you check someone's build and it looks terrible to you don't flat out tell them that their build is terrible and try to get em to change it. Instead offer a few suggestions or simply ask them about their choices. Could be a concept toon.
If you're at the lvl cap twink a random lowbie every once in a while. You're not gonna use all that cash anytime soon anyway
Make an all corruptor/defender team. Yes I'm serious, go do it right now. If you're in Pocket D make it 4 corruptors, 4 defenders.
Well thats about it...
If you find in your journeys that you have to run back to a lower lvl zone to continue through an arch, and have enhancements that you are just going to sell anyways (use this example if you already have a maxed lvl character, so money is no big deal), give your high lvl enhancements to a random lowbie for them to sell. Remember how hard cash was for you to come by on your first character and how much you would have appreciated a gift like that. Sometimes, you may even get a buff out of it in passing.
Read the forums, at least once in awhile. Caveat: Ignore (most) calls for "DOOOOOOM" and other whining (though ED and I6 together... )
Team up. Look up a lowbie, esp. if they can make it to your mission. I've met numerous other folks who were playing a low level alt and ended up playing higher level stuff with them later.
Consider the *team* when you're on it. Unless everyone signs on to do an arc, look to do nearby missions that are good for group, not forcing six players to constantly run from zone to zone because you wanna do only your missions.
Sidekick up. Far too many folks hope for XP the easy way by sk'ing to lowest possible mentor. Sure, that's gonna work. But the team sometimes trudges along, pulling your sorry, slacking non-heroic tights with them. If you SK up, yes, you'll get less XP per minion, but you won't have to fear team wipes, debt, and endless jello sampling tours at Paragon City's finest hospital cafeterias...
What a pleasant thread and a nice change of pace.
Echo the courteous, polite, thoughtful play-style comments.
As in life, be tolerant. Allow people to play the way they want. Counting on others to behave the way you expect leads to disappointment which often leads to frustration. The person who can make you happiest is yourself. When someone plays in a way that you dislike, take it in stride.
On the other hand, be gracious and pleasant in response to others comments/suggestions/digs. If what they say is untrue, should you care? If what they say is true, don't you want to know?
Don't expect compliments or praise for good intentions or acts. Were you trying to be helpful or to fish for compliments and praise?
"This from one that plays all his characters as if they were scrappers." I like that.
More practical. Respec at 27, 32, 37, 42, etc. so that you can sell your old enhs (esp SOs) during the respec. It gets you well on your way to replacing them with new ones. Do your respec at the store where you will buy those new enhs. Why travel to the store naked of enhs?
Do try to forgive for honest mistakes. Accidental aggro happens; bad pulls happen, and sadly, team wipes happen. Keep your cool; its only debt.
Do compliment people on names and interesting bios if you thinkt they are neat! Alot of us who write bios do it in the hope someone will read it <^,~> having an ego boost just makes it all the more worth it! (Of course; if you didn't like the bio; you don't have to say anything <,< but if you did; its nice to hear! <^_^>
Do tell your teammates 'good job' when they do something right; and do try not to beat them over the head when they don't, unless its consistently bad.
As someone already said:
Do remember that *REAL LIFE* (Ya know; the place where those other humans are... the place where you have work/school and is outside the computer box thing?); has to come first. That goes not just for your teammates but for *YOU*. I implore any new player to watch their time close. Play; have fun, kick tail. But don't live on the game, because it can mess with you.
(I've been playing MMOs for 9 years; and I won't deny; until 6 months ago this is ALL I ever did; I messed up 2 semesters of college due to being so addicted to gaming. I'm alot better now; I'm only playing 6 hours a day (yeah... only); but still, just watch yourself. Cause no one else will realize its a problem; only you can.)
Do keep your mouth firmly shut if you see a build you don't think is very good. Its not your character, and its not your 15 bucks a month going to pay for them to play it. Thus you don't have any say in what they pick. That said; if someone asks advice on something build related; polite opinions are almost always welcome!
Do remember that a skilled player can make anything work; yes... even an AR/Fire blaster.
Do remember: Its just a game; even when you die nothing really is lost. Try to keep your chin up and a smile on your face.
Most importantly:
Do enjoy every minute of your life as much as you can; in game and out. Kick [censored] in everything you do, school, work, gaming, whatever, give it everything you've got and be proud of yourself for it. Not enough people will tell you 'good job' or 'thanks for doing your best'; but its worth it.
Thank Arc Salvo for bringing this idea up, for one.
Be polite - or try to be - to the younger players. First impressions are everything, ya know.
Put useful comments in your search comment. "I liek swordz", "sexy female", and "My wife left me for my dog today, took my truck with her so all I've got is my beer now. Screw y'all." aren't very helpful for team leaders trying to find a few extra bodies. Even if they are amusing from time to time.
Hug Ms. Liberty once in a while. Standing in the same place day in, day out, watching the youngins rush right by without even saying hello must be depressing.