COV Contacts, Storyarcs & Mission Badges Guide




I tried this earlier with a graphic that was annoying to update, and found a new format that should be much easier.

As always, PM me or post any changes or blanks you can fill in, and I'll add the info.

Clicky the linky! Enjoy!
Trekains Contact Guide



Geocities isn't recommended You'll go over bandwidth quickly

This space is intentionally left blank.



Will take sugestions for any other free hosting service.



big update today



I must agree on the Geocities thing.

A friend I know uses, I don't know if they are better, but its worth looking.

As far as your contact guide, I must say I love it. They layout works great for me. Now if it only fit my screen . This for me is easier than the general text Style.

If you wanted to improve it, a little snapshot of the Contact might not be a bad idea.



Would this be the same Trekain that produced the map guides for Earth and Beyond? If so then its damn nice to see another EnB player and you for that matter since you did so much for us in EnB!



Would this be the same Trekain that produced the map guides for Earth and Beyond? If so then its damn nice to see another EnB player and you for that matter since you did so much for us in EnB!

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EEK! I've been recognized! Yeah, that was me...



When you "unlock" a contact, who do you get it from?



When you "unlock" a contact, who do you get it from?

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Unlockable contacts are just random contacts who wont give you missions unless you have a certain badge, requirements are listed in the guide. No contact will introduce you to them, you must approach them yourself. I will soon be adding /loc's to all the contact listings, but until then see Hermod's Guide for more info



Today I got the Sledgehammer souvenir from the Story Arc called Master of Destruction from Operatice Wellman (Cap au Diable).



Hi, what is the lvl limit on Kristoff Jaeger?
Also Veluta has 2 Story arcs, ill post the names when i get home today..

As for Nerva's other broker it is Stella the mouth, she is about 150m from the ferry slightly up a ramp on the left side.

Also not sure how detailed your going but since you listed Willy Wheelers non-souve' story arc... Tarixus has a story arc that ends with acquiring the Blackwand a temp power. You might want to list that (someone may want to do a list of temp power mish as well...)

Great job Trekain, glad someone is organizing this stuff. In CoH i used for this stuff



Hi, what is the lvl limit on Kristoff Jaeger?

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I'll add lvl limits for the unlockables when i get home. Some of them are hard to figure out since most people cant get the badges before the lower limit.

Also Veluta has 2 Story arcs, ill post the names when i get home today..
As for Nerva's other broker it is Stella the mouth, she is about 150m from the ferry slightly up a ramp on the left side.

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Please! Thank you! I've been meaning to ask around for some of this info. Also there were rumors early on of 2nd arcs on the first tier of Pt Oakes contacts, if anyone knows these please let me know (Arc name & souvenir)!

Also not sure how detailed your going but since you listed Willy Wheelers non-souve' story arc... Tarixus has a story arc that ends with acquiring the Blackwand a temp power. You might want to list that (someone may want to do a list of temp power mish as well...)

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Maybe i'll add temp power stuff, didnt seem like people really "hunted" those, maybe some do. If people do i'll add them.
As for "sorta" story arcs, they have clues that make them seem like it is a story arc, but in the end no souvenir was given. Im not sure if these are broken or not really arcs at all, but better safe than sorry. I added them.

Also I have a new host for the guide, so I can move it off of Geocities, i'll be doing that also tonite.



If you do add temp powers in PO off Bucor Loa Bone mission gives you a Loa Bone - Summon 5 zombies.

Billie Heck mission to defeat 3K Kevin(not sure on last part of name) will get you a temp power Amulet that lets you summon 5 imps.

Ballista 1 mission will let you leave the mission with a Jet Pack and an hour of fly time.

This just saved me a lot of time on missions, I started at 25 and 30 logging missions, then started an alt and got up into CaD. I was missing Sharkhead and the 1st tier Nerva. WIll have to cross reference with your site to fill in the gaps. I also have been logging which ones are timed missions.



defeat 3K Kevin(not sure on last part of name)

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It's 3K Kelvin (as in temperature measurement)



Would this be the same Trekain that produced the map guides for Earth and Beyond? If so then its damn nice to see another EnB player and you for that matter since you did so much for us in EnB!

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EEK! I've been recognized! Yeah, that was me...

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Wow! I remember you!
I was part of the Sidewinders' Guild on Earth and Beyond. I'm super glad to see other EnBers here, and damn glad to see you are still out there helping us out!

Member - Pingus, & Legendaries
Angry Sysop 50 BRUTE - Angry Woodsman 50 TANK - Angry Florist 21 CONTROLLER
"Did your Phantom Army just take the Elevator? Imaginary People riding Elevators? *facepalm*



Unlockable contact Archmage Tarixus (required: Lore Keeper history badge) in Sharkhead gives you the mission badge Soul Taker. You get it in a two part mission where you, well, take the soul of a CoT mage that players on the hero side may recognize He also has a story arc, but its bugged and gives no souvenier.



Veluta's 2 arcs are:
1 is: "An arachnos Ghost Story"
Souve' is: "A fragment from the spirit world"

2 is:Power of the Spirit
Souve is: Illicit copy of Malachai's Files

Note that fragment one comes first meaning its lvls are 5*-10. The second is from 10-15 range.
Not sure but from what feedback i saw in hermods thread apparently the second is the lvl specific one??

Also is kristofff a verified contact? no one seems to have gotten this longbow badge so not sure whats up...
Oh also need to know his lvls im almost to 30 so if that is the limit dont want to outlvl him....



If it is 5-10 for that one, they need to adjust it. At level 12 it was rough enough. I ended up having an SG mate SK me up and we got the 100 ghosts quickly. There is no way in Hades that someone could get the 50 ghosts prior to 10 even with others of that level. Most ghosts we fought were 11-15 range.



I posted what is below in the Unlock Contacts thread as well, but figure since it has 2 story arcs I would post them here also..

Unlocking Veluta Lunata is actually done 2ce.

When you take out only the 50 ghosts, you unlock her first story arc. You have to be atleast level 6 but if you are over 10 she won't talk to you. Once you obtain the 100 ghots trapped badge you open up her 2nd arc. which can be done at any level after 6. (I have done it at level 8 and at level 33).

The first arc gives only a souvenir A fragment of the spirit world. The second arc yields only a souvenir as well, Illicit Copy of Malachi's Files.



When you take out only the 50 ghosts, you unlock her first story arc. You have to be atleast level 6 but if you are over 10 she won't talk to you. Once you obtain the 100 ghots trapped badge you open up her 2nd arc. which can be done at any level after 6. (I have done it at level 8 and at level 33).

The first arc gives only a souvenir A fragment of the spirit world. The second arc yields only a souvenir as well, Illicit Copy of Malachi's Files.

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Not true. I only have the Pirate badge(50 ghosts) and was only given the 2nd arc. The only way to get the first arc is to get the badge and get her talking to you before lvl 10.

Anyway. Big Update today.

First off, the Guide is now being hosted here by the great folks at Since I cant edit the original post the geocities link should redirect you to the new page (but its a mess since you still end up going thru geocities so you get their ads etc.) Also the link in my sig will direct you to the correct page.

Newest additions include:
- Strike Force/Trial Contacts
- /locs for all special contacts
- Map links to
- New Storyarcs for Doc Buzzsaw, and the impossible to get Veluta Arc.

As always...PM or post any additions you may find. I was silly and lvled so slowly trying not to miss content that i found myself at lvl 28 with nothing to do til i hit 30, so im slowly working my way there, then i should have a slew of new info to add. But if you've beaten me to it, let me know whats out there!



When you take out only the 50 ghosts, you unlock her first story arc. You have to be atleast level 6 but if you are over 10 she won't talk to you. Once you obtain the 100 ghots trapped badge you open up her 2nd arc. which can be done at any level after 6. (I have done it at level 8 and at level 33).

The first arc gives only a souvenir A fragment of the spirit world. The second arc yields only a souvenir as well, Illicit Copy of Malachi's Files.

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Not true. I only have the Pirate badge(50 ghosts) and was only given the 2nd arc. The only way to get the first arc is to get the badge and get her talking to you before lvl 10.

Anyway. Big Update today.

First off, the Guide is now being hosted here by the great folks at Since I cant edit the original post the geocities link should redirect you to the new page (but its a mess since you still end up going thru geocities so you get their ads etc.) Also the link in my sig will direct you to the correct page.

Newest additions include:
- Strike Force/Trial Contacts
- /locs for all special contacts
- Map links to
- New Storyarcs for Doc Buzzsaw, and the impossible to get Veluta Arc.

As always...PM or post any additions you may find. I was silly and lvled so slowly trying not to miss content that i found myself at lvl 28 with nothing to do til i hit 30, so im slowly working my way there, then i should have a slew of new info to add. But if you've beaten me to it, let me know whats out there!

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Stange, I was doing this with a lev 29 just this morning. after the first 50 we went to talk to her. For me she told me to come back at level 6. For by partner who was 29 nothing was told to her. So we went back killed off another 50 got the 2nd badge and went back and my partner was able to then go on the 2nd story arc.

As for lev 30-35 stuff, I have collected this...

Vivacious Verandi Level 30 - St. M
Help Vivacious make some mischief
Plant weapons in Freakshow hideout
Take on the Devouring Earth
Steal Magic Weapons from Circle of Thorns
Blame theft on the Tsoo
Talk to Hardcase
Stop Battling in St. Martial
Return to Hardcase Souvenir Hardcase's Warning

Hardcase Level 30 - St. M
Retrieve Banishing Ritual
Interrogate the Wailers
Steal banishing ritual and components
Defeat Silvertongue Souvenir Silvertongue
Collect Demonic Essence
Interrogate Circle of Thorn
Interrogate Karvort the Mystic
Steal Tolshak Mysteries
Rescue Daniel Hawthorn
Visit Archmage Tarixus
Defeat Circle of Throns (kill 30)
Steal Babylon prop records Souvenir Johny Sonata Tickets
Defeat All Wailers

Hardluck Level 30 St. M
Get Lucky Dragon's beard
Defeat All operatives in base (timed 45:00)
Silence the Programmer
Find out where Luckless is staying (kill 10)
Defeat Luckless
Take Down Luckless (EB) Souvenir Luckless' Lucky Chip
Save Hardluck's brother
Get the unlucky artifact Badge Bad Luck Badge
Defeat Electroshock
Interrogate Spetsnaz Leader
Takedown Turovsky & Witness

Timothy Raymond Level 30 Nerva 2nd Tier
Defeat KitVul Badge Exterminator
Save Arachnos Lab
Help Timothy's Sister
Kidnap scientist
Unmask Rikti Spy
Defeat Thornbird & his Guards
Defeat all Rikti
Raid Circle of Thorns Library
Recover Timothy's DNA Souvenir Rikti Embryo

Operative Rutger Level 30 Nerva 2nd Tier
Take Out Fledgling Hero
Invade Longbow Base
Eliminate agents on ship
Take out Luminary (AV) Souvenir Luminary's Schematics
Kidnap Agent Wilder
Extract Desert Adder from Longbow
Assist Operative Rutger
Eliminate the Traitor
Interrogate Longbow Agents
Get Information about Infernals Base
Steal the Communications Jamming Equipment
Plant Jamming Equipment
Take Out Infernal

Psymon Omega Level 30 Nerva 2nd tier
Steal Rikti Psytech
Salvage Rikti Tech
Interrogate Troops $ steal Weapons
Defeat Romulus the Warshade (EB) Souvenir Inert Nictus Fragment
Steal Ore Sample research data
Defeat Thorn Isle Mystics
Discover Source of Disturbance



Great job Trekain, glad someone is organizing this stuff. In CoH i used for this stuff

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Why break the habit?

Story Arcs
Temp Powers



Hey RedTomax here are some temp powers - correction on the Amulet from Billie Heck, is 6-10 I am guessing you can get the temp power after 10 if you started the arc, but you can get it pre 10 as well.

As for other temp powers both these are kept after doing Veluta's first Arc the 6-9 one.

Ghostslayer Bomb

Ghostslayer Rifle



Great list. Thanks!!!!



EEK! I've been recognized! Yeah, that was me...

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I want your babies.