COV Contacts, Storyarcs & Mission Badges Guide




Thanks for the great guide, it's been a tremendous help.

Just wanted to let you know of a variance I ran into today. I was sent to Basse Croupier by Hard Luck, not Hardcase. It confused the heck out of me at first when Hardcase ran out of missions and wouldn't send me on.

(Why they created 2 contacts of the same level in the same zone with such similar names, I'll never know)

@Jimmy Amp
Currently working on:
Jimmy Crush - Kin/Regen Scrapper

"Life writes the best scripts."



Yeah, i just hit 35 so i have a ton of corrections going in very soon, all the nerva 35 contacts are connected to the wrong people too



Updated alot of the 30-40 content.
Added new Mercy Contacts.

Still missing Arc Names & Souvenirs from some of the unlockable contacts, if anyone can help fill in blanks, lemme know!

Link in Sig! Enjoy.



Kristof Jaeger - level 25-29
Souvenir - Bomb Remote
Story Arc Name - Sabotage!

Just did it tonight. Plus had to get 1000 Longbow as well, since apparently, none of the 500+ I killed prior to the update counted.

A good place to go if you don't want experience (or deal with the PvP crowd) is Mercy Island. Longbow like to hang out around the ferry to Port Oakes.



Trekin follow the link in my sig, I have all the 30-40 stuff up I think I may be missing 1 story arc though. I dont recall right now if I uploaded all the 20-30 stuff as I had to take an alt up through because I lost the sheets I wrote my notes on for that range. I used your site to fill in some of the blanks until I got the new stuff. The only contact I am missing missions for is Kristof Yeager, and that is because his badge is now just fixed and so will be running my villain that was waiting for him to get the latest missions.



Went back and got the missions (believe this is the complete listing) from the Souvie for Jaeger:

Defeat 20 Longbow (in Crimson Cove? Not sure if its location limited)
Get the Longbow Intel from Operative Kirkland - Sharkshead Isle
Steal the Retinal Duplicator from Crey - Nerva
Steal Personnel Files from Longbow - Nerva
Kidnap Dr. Franklin Vimes - Nerva
Plant 5 Bombs in Arachnos Base - Nerva, they are the drum type bombs, not the little TNT ones.

No missions are timed nor are there any temp powers or badges given. There were no EB's or AV's in this story arc.



Sweet thanks for the info will get that popped up on the site tonight along with any other updates I forgot to put up.



With Arbiter Leary now filled in the Guide is complete...until I7 hits...and some spankin new contacts come in.

Enjoy...clicky siggy linky



Now Updated with:

- Temp Powers!
- Names of missions with badges and temp powers
- Arcs with EB/AV/Hero encounters are marked

Sig! Link! CLICK NOW!!1!1!!



With Arbiter Leary now filled in the Guide is complete...until I7 hits...and some spankin new contacts come in.

Enjoy...clicky siggy linky

[/ QUOTE ]

Just finished Arbiter Leary's first arc, Crossfire. Final mission is vs Indigo (Hero).

Thanks again for the great work!

@Jimmy Amp
Currently working on:
Jimmy Crush - Kin/Regen Scrapper

"Life writes the best scripts."



Haven't finished Leery's second arc yet, but I have fought both Ice Mistral and Wretch, so you might want to star his second arc.



Now this is nice!!!!



When you update the guide for I7, the Seaweed badge mission needs to be moved from Golden Roller to Lorenz Ansaldo.

I can confirm the change; I ran the mission a couple of nights ago with a team & got the badge.

Lorenz Ansaldo now gives 2 badge missons: Seaweed & Strikebreaker.



Is there any way to get this into a text format, or at least something that I can print and refer to easily? I'm usually referring to these while I'm in the game, and toggling out to the web causes graphics problems, so I use a lot of printouts.



I'm in the same boat as scientist. The list is great, but if I can't print it and refer to it while playing it's of limted use.

I tried converting the site to a PDF, but it's soo wide that it doesn't print well.




just wanted to say thanks, trekain. i'm one of those players that want to do every story arc on every character mainly because i like to read about the in-game world/backstory and such. it's nice to have a handy list to refer to to make sure i'm not missing anything.

"Scrappers don't want the bit of dignity that Brutes left them taken away by (lol)Stalkers." -Delta_Strider, on Stalker buffs.

Current Project: Hard Goodbye, StJ/Nin
Retired: Blitzwulf, Claws/Nin (50); Perdition's Blade, Night Widow (50)



I'm in the same boat as scientist. The list is great, but if I can't print it and refer to it while playing it's of limted use.

I tried converting the site to a PDF, but it's soo wide that it doesn't print well.

[/ QUOTE ]

In Firefox, right click and chose to see just that panel.

Right click again and save page. Save as html.

Open Excel, open the file you saved the page to.

Print setup and preview: get rid of header and footer, set margins to .5", and use landscape printing. Then scale to about 60% size.


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I'm back....

Took a few months off, but the lure of I12 drew me back in. So I'm in the process of updating the guide, actually redoing it from scratch. But I will need some help. I have the RWZ and Ouroboros contacts and arcs jotted down, but I didnt spend too much time with my new SoA character on training room so didnt make it too far into the arcs. So if anyone has SoA Contact/Lvl/Location/StoryArc/Souvenir/Badge?/TempPower Info either PM or post it. I think that covers most of the new content since the last guide update in September, but if there is anything else new or changed let me know. I'll start up a new thread when I think its ready for primetime.

Oh...and for the sake of everyone's printers...this new guide will be in PDF form....