Finally teaming with...




I teamed with Droid- Rage, simply put he is the Best, the Finest, and the Most informed player I have ever got to team with!
Shiverslash 50th Ice/cold



I to have teamed with this "Droid Rage" fella, and a few of his alts like Da Limper, and Napoleon Complex. I would agree with Hakeswill 100%. Apparently he has never once died in PvP or PvE.



Well I finally team with a whole group of Pingus, and it was a blast, thanks for all the fun!!!



Glad to have ya along, Flunkee, even if it wasn't one of our smoothest nights

- Ping (@iltat, @Pinghole)

Don't take it personally if you think I was mean to you. I'm an ******* to everyone.

It's a penguin thing. Pingu FTW.



Good thing the Pingus have good medical coverage

I was able to team with BlackAmaranth Monday night in villains to hunt Eochias & get my Unseelee and Jack badge over there. Good times



Good thing the Pingus have good medical coverage

[/ QUOTE ]We have medical? where's my reimbursement for Ouit Of Pocket already?



We have medical? where's my reimbursement for Ouit Of Pocket already?

[/ QUOTE ]

Ummmm *takes your money and runs*



Good thing the Pingus have good medical coverage

I was able to team with BlackAmaranth Monday night in villains to hunt Eochias & get my Unseelee and Jack badge over there. Good times

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, Good Times indeed.
And the best part was, I resisted the urge to steal Shadowcaster's Soul and Sanity! Thank you Dr. Phil for teaching me Self control.

Now I can have the joy of teaming with Shadowcaster Again!

Member - Pingus, & Legendaries
Angry Sysop 50 BRUTE - Angry Woodsman 50 TANK - Angry Florist 21 CONTROLLER
"Did your Phantom Army just take the Elevator? Imaginary People riding Elevators? *facepalm*



Last night I landed on a team with Showe .. or rather Showe landed on my team .. Recently I've also teamed with Titano and Ruby for the first time.

Good times were had by all!



Glad to have ya along, Flunkee, even if it wasn't one of our smoothest nights

[/ QUOTE ]

If only someone demorecorded the chaos in the room that will never be spoken of again and added the Benny Hill show's theme...

Nice to meet you in-game, Flunkee!

- Huri Kin/Sonic Buffer/Faceplanter Extraordinaire



I just teamed with Hospitality for the first time, on a really quiet pug. Sorry i didn't faceplant, without it your welcome to the server isn't quite complete!



But I bet there were plenty of the Other Ring Trademark..MTs



actually, it was a way quiet team. odd



Whoa..that's no fun..what's teaming without chatter?
I've actually teamed with Showe for the first time this week too.



even though i have been sick ... and sorta out of it andmy hours of gaming are off

I have been able to play with Myrmydon, Drizzit, Master Ping, ran a shadow shard tf with Witty L, I run alot with BigMoneyHustla, Huo Long, The White Shadow, been a while but badge hunted with white tiger 007, in striga with a few of his toons, toted with Panther shade but he didnt recoginze me due to me being on my second account. I could go on but I
want to go back to playing.

Glock: the original point and click interface.



Got to team with Jak and a few others last night. Good lowbie stuff!




Forgot about this thread

My Brute Chainlinks got to run with Tankerbot and some GE folks last week. Had a PHENOMENAL run through the Vindicators' Base, with only 4 of us against soem of the toughest Hero class nuisances around, and we came through with hardly any defeats (I think I had the only faceplant).

Soon after that, we wiped the floor with Mr. Recluse himself. Was loads of fun



I was able to team up with some of the Pingus last night for some fun rolling Shadowcaster.
Fun was had,
Debt was had,
But, the fun over powered the debt!
As I was slotting my enhancements, most of the Pings left the team, and they never gave me a chance to say thanks for all the influence that allowed me to upgrade to SOs.

So I'll say here, thanks alot for the help, and thanks even more for letting a lowbie SK up on 50+ Missions!

Pingu's Rock

Member - Pingus, & Legendaries
Angry Sysop 50 BRUTE - Angry Woodsman 50 TANK - Angry Florist 21 CONTROLLER
"Did your Phantom Army just take the Elevator? Imaginary People riding Elevators? *facepalm*



Teamed with Mrymy!! OH, and of course my usual shady crew too...Ace, Rubes, Morgy & Titano...also again for only a few times now--Lil Mama & DarkMonkey!! SS1

[/ QUOTE ]

It was a lotta fun, hon

I really gotta start checking this thread. I team up with so many people who deserve a heads up here.

But you know I love y'all




I was able to team up with some of the Pingus last night for some fun rolling Shadowcaster.
Fun was had,
Debt was had,
But, the fun over powered the debt!
As I was slotting my enhancements, most of the Pings left the team, and they never gave me a chance to say thanks for all the influence that allowed me to upgrade to SOs.

So I'll say here, thanks alot for the help, and thanks even more for letting a lowbie SK up on 50+ Missions!

Pingu's Rock

[/ QUOTE ]

It was no problem at all, BA, and congratulations on your level.

No need for thanks, it was the least we could do to help ya out.

I'm sure it won't be your last time teaming with us. Just get a better mentor next time.

- Ping (@iltat, @Pinghole)

Don't take it personally if you think I was mean to you. I'm an ******* to everyone.

It's a penguin thing. Pingu FTW.



While I'm thinking about it...

I finally teamed wiht Dinah Might on the Synapse task force this past weekend. Good times



I think I teamed with Ice Ember during Citadel the other day...but I could be wrong..I was very tired... :-)



Yeah, that was me. Good TF (Manticore), even with the lvl 35 Bosses. Thankfully we had two rads.

It was MEGA!

Ice Ember



Yeah, that was me. Good TF (Manticore), even with the lvl 35 Bosses. Thankfully we had two rads.

It was MEGA!

[/ QUOTE ]

And a tank!!!!

Was good times sir. Good times.



Yeah, that was me. Good TF (Manticore), even with the lvl 35 Bosses. Thankfully we had two rads.

It was MEGA!

[/ QUOTE ]

And a tank!!!!

Was good times sir. Good times.

[/ QUOTE ]

Was that the MEGAFORCE/Legendaries team-up one? I think I met Kiloton (in a non-PVP setting) and Detective for the first time. Ring was there, too. Blanking on the others.