The things Statesman says sometimes.




Players don't have a problem with AVs being unsoloable. I think soloists have a problem with getting so many missions from their personal contacts that require defeating AVs as part of the mission requirements. Players have a problem with unsoloable missions. It doesn't mean that AVs should be soloable. It means they shouldn't be part of the mission requirement if in the mission at all.

Players want the ability to solo all missions from personal contacts. Not all AVs.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes some players want every single mission to always be soloable. Not everyone feels this way. You don't even have alot of missions with AV's until you reach the 40's anyways. Unless you're completely anti-social you might have a SG or some friends by then, and even then you still have a search tool and broadcast/request channels.

I'm lvl 41 and to date I've only fought a handful of AV's in missions. The 1-40 game is what applies to the majority of gamers. Those of us that have reached or surpassed 40 are a minority. Most people don't even have this problem, as the only AV they've probably fought in their own missions is probably Dr. Vahz. The Envoy of Shadows is the first AV I fought and that was at lvl 38. I picked up some heroes the first time I fought him then retained those heroes and beat him 2 more times in the story arc without a problem.



It was menchi but now it is a more potent avatar!



Most people don't even have this problem, as the only AV they've probably fought in their own missions is probably Dr. Vahz.

[/ QUOTE ]

Most people don't have that exact problem but there are times before level 40 that you will find yourself with a mission that is not solo friendly. The option to that mission is usually kill XXX. Whoop deee friggin dooo. Kill XXX is Statesman saying that you can solo by Streetsweeping. It's not a mission its a chore. If you happen to be playing a support class pre-32 on test you can find it to be a at times not possible to solo your missions due to some bosses that are extremely difficult or you happen to be out of the correct insperations. Then its either off to find a team or off to by insperations if you are lucky enough to be playing a class that can get by with just insperations. Wow lucky enough to leave your mission to go and buy an insperation to kill a boss. When did I start considering that lucky?

Statesman's non-denial in this thread about moving this game towards forced gaming is almost an admission to me. At the very least it is avoiding the issue.



I'm still undecided about this Boss issue.

To tell the truth, the Bosses in +25 game on Test server are still slightly easier than most of the ones you had to fight back in the level 8-20 missions. Well most of them except for Tanker Smashers(DullPain) and Pariahs(damned RiktiSwords). ...those two can 1-shot a Scrapper after first knocking a few HP's off with their initial ranged attacks.

Nothing frustrates me more than some of the Bosses in Early Game. For starters you only have 1 or 2 rows of INSP's, weak sorry sad Training or D.O. enhancements, and no travel powers to help you avoid debt when you know 1 more shot is going to leave you eating Dirt followed by Jello. It's even horrible for the best Scrapper set in the game as they don't get Integration until 16....until that point they're just Blappers on a sugar rush with an inhereant Respite every 30 seconds(works great against everything BUT bosses). ...And the worst thing of all about EarlyGame, is the Borked Defense that every mob has. All our powers have ACC modifiers but the early game mobs seem to have the same exact scale of defense that late game ones have. So Whiffing 1/2 the time on a Boss, even if you have 4 Lucks stacked on and 2 Rages, can be flat out deadly anyway and is always too much demmand on our Endurance.

So Soloing a single Boss starting at level 25 who's buffer than last Issue's Bosses doesn't worry me, I can still solo them on test with the level 30 ill/kin I saved on there. He has no more trouble with one than my level 30 Regen Scrapper does.

BUT, what does worry me is 2 things actually:
1> A lot more Blind Invites from players who aren't as good as I am and who desperately need a boss killed, but don't understand that I will get nothing out of it since I won't be in the mission long enough to get their EXP bonus...
2> Respecc TF's. I can't refuse these, I love a challenge too much. But everytime I do one I end up being the Tank or the main CC'er/Offense so I have to work twice as hard against bosses that are going to also be twice as hard soon.

I did the Respecc a few times on Test, and I never died, but watching the rest of the team wipeout so much, especially those poor Dark Kheldians, had me getting pretty freakin pissed off. I mean quite a few of these people played to level 50. I don't even have any level 50's, but I kniow that very very few BAD players ever reach level 50. I don't mind a Bright Red/and/or/Purple Boss, but 3 or 4 of them at once? No Team should be asked to do that after boosting each one by 40% HP/Damage. Make bosses less common, or face the Biggest drop in subscriptions we've seen yet...It's that simple.

Plus new contact-rules need to go into effect, like having no Bosses in most timed misisons or defeat-alls, putting it in Bright orange letters whenever there IS a boss, Increasing their EXP by 160% instead of 80%, and Greatly reducing the number of Bosses that spawn for large teams in Outdoor missions.



I just got done doing some DE missions on test. Whoop dee doo more exp. Wish they gave twice the influence they do. Maybe I could make up for all the insperations that I bought.

Oh, did I say insperations? I meant equipment. Yeah I am a little bitter about the direction this game is going.



I agree completely. If the developers wanted me to use inspirations, they'd be giving 'em out almost every time you arrested someone.

Damn the devs for forcing me to use inspirations! DAMN THEM!!!~!~!~!



Hands up, who misses watching the sparks fly when Icarus_Factor wades into a discussion?

/em raise hand



Hands up, who misses watching the sparks fly when Icarus_Factor wades into a discussion?

/em raise hand

[/ QUOTE ]

/em raise hand

What happened to good 'ol Icarus anyway?



What happened to good 'ol Icarus anyway?

[/ QUOTE ]

I came back, maybe the big I is next...



/em Pulls stakes, garlic, silver crosses and other undead-fighting paraphernalia out of his pack to slay the evil Thread Necromancer!

Honor Harrison: 50 PB

Capt. Arabella Blood: 50 Ice/Kin C
Maiden Might: 50 SS/INV B
Valentina Metis: 50 NW
Dark Falconayra: 45 EM/DA B
Imperiatrix: 45 Fire/Kin C
Fiona Flitterwing: 47 Ice/Kin C
Doc Electroshock: 43 SM/ELA B



That's it. Miss_Kitty? Go get mah gun!



Ok, time to interject a little bit here. First of all alot of what you can or cannot solo depends upon your personal skills with the game. Not everybody plays the game the same way or with the same mindset. Or is able to play as well as others. Keeping that in mind is a must when you think about how he wants the game to be.

He's gotta make content that the better players can have as much fun playing and keep it within limits that the less experienced or capeable players can play. By the way, less capeable or experienced isnt a slam on anyones ability with CoH. Some people's systems dont allow them to play with the same level of ability as others, same with their connection DSL or dialup.. Also I seem to remember a very sad thread not that long ago saying that there was someone with a disability due to a stroke only being able to play CoH with any ability. So the content that goes in game has to be for all skill levels. (Enough talking about that...)

States is trying to make a game that's fun for everyone. Not a game thats fun for no one. He listens to us, and uses his own expierences to fashion that game. Sometimes he's spot on, sometimes you want to smack him in the face with a lit stick of Dynomite (Uh Statesman, you got a little Artz on ya... Kudo's to anyone who gets that. )

But his heart is in the right place, I've seen enough and read enough to know that much. Thats my opinion of course.

Now onto the idea of forced grouping... No, I dont think thats what he has in mind. There's gonna be times where you need more then 1 person to do a mission. Whether you got the Envoy of Shadows, or a disarm 3 bombs at the same time mish. Some missions just do require a team to do. There is nothing wrong with that at all. But easily a majority of the missions can be done solo. Even for controllers. I have a grav controller and I've had no problems at all soloing post I5. It's all in how you play the game.

'If Champions Online is what "CoH was supposed to be", I'm glad that I have what I have rather than "what it was supposed to be".' - The Alt oholic
"I solo'd Hamidon...but I also totally cheated." - Back Alley Brawler
"It is still early. Someone is going to get stabbed tonight I can feel it." - Ishmael (said in Jello Shooters chat)



P_F, you got sucked into a necro post...

Liquid was wanting to shoot the 'mancer.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.