CoH Halloween Costume Contest Winners!




TWO of the Winners were from my state? Wow.... Us Michiganders need something to do.



TWO of the Winners were from my state? Wow.... Us Michiganders need something to do.

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Go Michigan! (Except when you’re trying to take a picture wearing nothing but spandex and its 30 degrees outside!)

Deneige = thanks for the compliment.. I thought yours was really great too... made me sweat a little in my stilettos to be honest. ;p

Thanks to all for the incredible competition. It made doing this even more fun and like someone else mentioned I had as much fun reproducing my outfit in RL as I did when I made it on the game. I definitely hope they do it again next year too. I imagine competing then will be something fierce! Woo!



Congrats to all who entered, and a special congrats to the winners! So many of you put in lots of time and effort into this contest, so good on ya! I know I wouldn't have had the patience or skill to paint all those magic designs on my pants.

And yes, we Michiganders need something to do... that's why we play CoH.



I totally don't mind losing to the great entries that were chosen (and more!). It was reward in itself to make the costume and walk in public as my hero for a bit. You guys did an excellent job! And a special thank you to my boyfriend (Djundi on Freedom), who helped me a great deal with the sewing and taping and dying my hair purple (though it didn't show up in the pic very well) and finally strapping me into the thing when it was all done!
--Fatare on Freedom



Well, being superstitious, I think I jinxed myself by entering as early as I's just that I didn't want it to get to be too cold to even go outside in that outfit. I thought I had a chance for Most Daring, but oh well. Some of my friends don't agree. The comic store that a friend works at says he polled 74 people today showing my picture and the picture of the runner-up of Most Daring, and I guess he says 67 of them voted for me. Whatever the heck that's good for...!?

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You got my vote!!

seriously though, that WAS pretty gutsy.



Is it really smart to give speaking roles to the humorous costume winners?
How do the guys trying to write a real comic feel about that?
Won't this just fuel the fire of flamers who think the comic suxx0rs?



Posted offense meant to anyone....but are we REALLY sure Avonlea is male? Look very closely at the pics.

Very closely...

arc 44622 - Find out the truth!
arc 103005 - What it's like to be a villain...
arc 58617 - What has stirred up the villain community?



Just wanted to say that great job to the judges and especially the contestants. There could have been dozens of different winners, I honestly don't know how the judges picked (except most daring and most humorous, easy choices).

To all those who entered, consider yourselves winners in my book. I am in awe of all of you.

Pinnacle - Rock Steady, Warp Speed, Dr. Twilight, Toybox, The Turtle, Quark Master, Snow Spirit, Spirit Shaman



[ QUOTE ] offense meant to anyone....but are we REALLY sure Avonlea is male? Look very closely at the pics.

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(looks down) Well personally, I'm voting "male."

And as flattering as it is that I apparently managed to fool people, I feel deep sympathy for any woman who has shoulders like mine. (The cape was helpful in maintaining that part of the disguise.)

Very closely...

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Story Arcs:
"The Joy of States-mas", #533168
"A Mosaic of Shattered Dreams", #497506 (2011 Players Choice winner!)
"Television Presents: Attack of the Toons!", #373710
"Lightning in a Bottle", #376222




Well, I gotta tell you...I saw the finger nails, the waist and hips, the uh, bosom (not the filled out part under black cloth but the skin above), the raised arm, etc. and it all seemed to be female.

But the apparent beard stubble did throw me for a loop a little bit.

arc 44622 - Find out the truth!
arc 103005 - What it's like to be a villain...
arc 58617 - What has stirred up the villain community?




The winners all recieved a legal document to fill out to claim our prizes that allow Cryptic/NCSoft to use our pictures on their site and for promotional purposes, ect. In filling out the form (Name, Address, ect.) I came across this question which just cracks me up:

CANADIAN RESIDENTS NOT FROM QUEBEC! To claim your prize, you must be able to answer the following question correctly:

12 x 10 + 4 = (please provide answer)

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... i'm so not kidding either. Poor Canadians :P



*heh* While it looks funny, that's the token quiz question that makes it a game of skill instead of sheer random chance (i.e., gambling). You see that sort of thing a lot in contests of this sort that have to deal with all of the laws in different states, countries, and provinces.



We are not worthy! The costumes, imagination and detail in the winners, and likely many others, is amazing! Wow, our respect.


Posted that was pretty rude. Jerrica, you did an excelent job on your costume. Same to everyone else who won, and some who didn't.



... i'm so not kidding either. Poor Canadians :P

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I think it's cause we're not allowed to receive anything for "free". We have to do something to earn prizes... by answering really stupid math problems. =)
They do it at fast food places. Like before I get my free mcmuffin I need to answer the "skill testing question". (which I've been able to do since I was about 6).

You wouldn't believe how many times I went over it though. I'm like "omg... what if I mess it up... I hope it's right"



Wow, thanks everyone so much for all the support and props!
And congratulations to the winners, and everybody that became a hero for this contest. I expect the next event will have as much talent and coolness as this one did, and I'm looking forward to it.
See you in game!



Congrates to all the winners and everyone that submitted an entry. There was some real work done on those customes. I don't see how you were able to get them done in the short notice of the contest while still playing COH.

I don't mind That the light is at the end of the tunnel. Just let me be able to see the light.



Congrats to all the winners and Bravo to everyone that entered.

Just one question. What are the special titles that the winners received?




The winners all recieved a legal document to fill out to claim our prizes that allow Cryptic/NCSoft to use our pictures on their site and for promotional purposes, ect. In filling out the form (Name, Address, ect.) I came across this question which just cracks me up:

CANADIAN RESIDENTS NOT FROM QUEBEC! To claim your prize, you must be able to answer the following question correctly:

12 x 10 + 4 = (please provide answer)

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... i'm so not kidding either. Poor Canadians :P

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Hmm...shouldn't it be for Texas too? Or that would probably eliminate almost everyone from there. I think a certain bumbling fool that runs something rather large and in charge comes from that state. Oh yeah, NCsoft too right?




... I thought I was pretty daring, walking down a buisy street near a power plant with a large firearm, trying to get some pictures taken before someone called the cops...

oh, no.. I'm not bitter.

Great job to all the winners out there.
I'm just a whiner now

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Hey, don't worry. We just have to come back next year with more determination and more effort! Now that we know what they were looking for, I already have several ideas for next year Of course they BETTER have this contest again next year :P

Yeah, losing sucks, but I agree with what they chose for the winners. Congratulations to the winners and everyone who entered! Everyone put in a good effort and gave those winners a run for their money.

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Yes... By then, hopefully I'll get a new trenchcoat (Technichally Trenchcoat Mask's coat is metallic cloth, not leather) and I know I'm making "CoH Assault Rifle 2.0" ^_^

I'm still adament though, about making Trenchcoat Mask look like himself, and not the kinda-trenchcoat mask model I've got in CoH... So by next year, they'd better have added Trenchcoats to the mix of clothing options for heroes.

....Of corse I always wanted to go out for Samhain dressed up as the "Mad" hatter... but that's just me. ^_-



Congratulations to all the winners! I'm sure it wasn't an easy job, but all the winners looked really good.



Jerrica is my fav, why can I not have a cutie like her, lol.



I was completely floored by the quality and quantity of entries for the costume contest. Awesome job, everybody!

It was a huge job for the team judging the entries as well. Very difficult to pick from among so many great costumes.

Congrats to ALL the participants. I'm already looking forward to next year!



Is it really smart to give speaking roles to the humorous costume winners?
How do the guys trying to write a real comic feel about that?
Won't this just fuel the fire of flamers who think the comic suxx0rs?

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haha probably...perhaps the reason they added that particular prize was to generate interest. I play on Freedom, Justice, and Victory; No one I've ever played with since beta has ever actually read thier freebie promo comic since the first issue

(except for the one guy who got his fanart published in one lol)



Just one question. What are the special titles that the winners received?

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No idea on that yet. I think they have to talk to the dev teams to get those figured out. Will be interesting to see