CoH Halloween Costume Contest Winners!




Hi folks.

The following has just gone up on the web site.

Congrats to all the winners!



Costume Contest Winners!
Monday, November 15, 2004


After much deliberation and much discussion, the winners and runner-ups of the City of Heroes Halloween Costume Contest have been selected. It goes without saying, but the excellent quality and quantity of entries made picking the winners both highly enjoyable and very difficult. A big round of applause to all the imaginative and inspired players who submitted their incredible pictures!

Costumes were submitted for the following categories:

Best Male
Best Female
Best Gargantuan
Most Daring
Most Humorous
Best Overall

The costumes were judged on creativity, difficulty (intricacy of design) and best recreation of their in-game character. In addition, per the contest rules, only entries that were obviously taken in public, showed a FULL frontal shot (head to toe), and included a City of Heroes logo ON the costume, were considered.

So, without further ado, the winners and runner-ups of the CoH Halloween Costume Contest can be found here.

To see all the contest entries, please visit our Costume Gallery.


Thanks again for all your hard work. Look for more fun contest events in the future!



WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!! Fire Dust!!! That's my girl!!! =]

Lord Grifter



Great choices devs. All look very, very worthy. Congrats to all the winners on some great pics...

you are a braver lot than I

PS For those of us who may never come across the winners in game, can someone tell us what that special title is. Just curious.



Good job to all the winners! I'm very impressed with the effort! Especially my peeps in Canada!



We knew Louis Train would win Most Humorous. Now we have to see him in the CoH comic... ah, well.

If only the runner-up for Most Daring... fit... into her costume better.



I probably eould have taken runner-up humorous if I had only followed the rules.

Stupid logo.



OK, I'm usually very good at spotting this (many friends who do as their way of life) but I just have to say that Avonlea fooled, very impressive.

I honestly don't see any flaws in the results here, and, really, there were so many amazing costumes that a solid argument could be made for dozens of different winners. I am astounded by both the entrants and the judges...congradulations to all of you.




Well now, Best Male? That's a nice pick-me-up for a monday. I am honored to be selected from amongst such incredible competition. I'd seriously like to thank the judges (whom I don't know by name, so I will just call them "the Academy") and while I'm certainly grateful for the Ipod and camera, it's all about the comic, baby. As long as my speaking role doesn't amount to "Hey, check out the caboose on the Louis Train."

Props to everyone, I'd have easily accepted being second to any number of entrants.

Avro Arrow
Energy/Energy Blaster, Pinnacle
"Strong and Free!"



As long as my speaking role doesn't amount to "Hey, check out the caboose on the Louis Train."

[/ QUOTE ]

I think you just dug your own grave....oh, and congrats on the win




I have to say, the Avro Arrow costume impressed the heck out of me. I really appreciated the additional shots showing all the detail, because it brought home how much work went into it. Great job!

My only disappointment from the results is that I really thought Spare Parts did a fantastic job; however, the picture put up for her didn't include a CoH logo, so possibly that disqualified her.



Wow I was pretty excited to see the winners. =D!!
Honestly ... I thought Avonlea would beat me out in the ranks for best chick.
...I had no idea...

Congrats to Hellgeist.
He was my pick for fave overall. =D

And Firedust was definately my favorite female. =')

That was really fun. I was really impressed with tons of the costumes. Hopefully they'll be another fun contest soon. I can't wait.

Oh yeah. I forsure thought that Spareparts would be up there.
=( She had a great costume.



I was happily shocked and suprised to see that the Best overall winner, Hellgeist, was a good friend of mine in real life.

Congrats Geist! Well done



Just a quick note, the third thumbnail for Avro Arrow (Overall Male Winner) isn't linked to a larger image.



Congrats winners!

It will be fun seeing you in-comic.




... I thought I was pretty daring, walking down a buisy street near a power plant with a large firearm, trying to get some pictures taken before someone called the cops...

oh, no.. I'm not bitter.

Great job to all the winners out there.
I'm just a whiner now



I’m still in shock. I can't believe it. This is a great honor! I have been bouncing off the walls I’m so happy since I found out! Thank you SO much for the great comment about my outfit! Thanks to all my friends who supported me... couldn't have made it happen without their faith and support.

A big CONGRATS to all who won! And great job to all who participated --don't be discouraged if you didn't win this year because everyone did a fantastic job and everyone should be proud and hey, there’s always next year!

Fire Dust
*Elements of Fury*



just wanted to congratulate the winners. great job guys and gals.



Well, being superstitious, I think I jinxed myself by entering as early as I's just that I didn't want it to get to be too cold to even go outside in that outfit. I thought I had a chance for Most Daring, but oh well. Some of my friends don't agree. The comic store that a friend works at says he polled 74 people today showing my picture and the picture of the runner-up of Most Daring, and I guess he says 67 of them voted for me. Whatever the heck that's good for...!?



Woot! I'd like to start off by thanking the people at CoH for a great contest. I had (almost) as much fun making the costume in r/l as I did designing the character in the game. There were a TON of great entries and I'm very thankful to have been chosen from such a tough field. Gratz to Hellgeist, your costume rocked man! Gratz to all the other winners, your costumes were "super"! And last, but not least, thanks to my "brother" TwoTone. We're real life friends and standing side by side with you in this contest gives me a big charge. TANKERS RULE!!!!!!!!! *Insert taunt/provoke here*

The ever enigmatic,

P.S.- Would stating here that banning Marvel comics seems like a good idea be too Michael Moore-ish?




... I thought I was pretty daring, walking down a buisy street near a power plant with a large firearm, trying to get some pictures taken before someone called the cops...

oh, no.. I'm not bitter.

Great job to all the winners out there.
I'm just a whiner now

[/ QUOTE ]

Hey, don't worry. We just have to come back next year with more determination and more effort! Now that we know what they were looking for, I already have several ideas for next year Of course they BETTER have this contest again next year :P

Yeah, losing sucks, but I agree with what they chose for the winners. Congratulations to the winners and everyone who entered! Everyone put in a good effort and gave those winners a run for their money.



Whoa, Louis Train, that shoulder tattoo is awesome. Seriously.

When it comes to tattoos, nothing beats tribal.



I predicted Hellgeist for the win...excellent costume. Great work all...congrats to everyone!



TwoTone would like to thank the little people (which is most people when you’re an 8 foot tall Superhero)!

Thank you all – especially the Devs that have made this game the life-addiction that it is. Thanks to all the other contest entries…its good to know that we weren’t the only geeks out there this HEROween dressing up in spandex.

Much love to OBSIDIAN FAUST (I’m so glad that I was your runner-up, faithful traveling companion) – my good buddy in real life, and the only other guy in our Super Group (Circle of Protection representing on Pinnacle) that plays TANKS! FAUST YOU RULE!

And a shout out to Sideswipe (Faust’s sidekick).

Thanks to all again, and my congratulations to the other winners – especially Hellgesit, your costume was SOLID!

TANKERS UNITE! Consider yourselves provoked!

- TwoTone



In a way, anyone who submitted is a winner, in a more accurate way...Hellgeist is the winner. J/K

Seriously to anyone who submitted: I was AMAZED by the talent and love and dedication yoou people put in their costumes you all deserve all the applause you'll get in more. And as for the winners...WOW.



It was lots of fun! Everyone did a great job and I was suprised how many people (including myself) entered on the last day