Wizard World info roundup




Pistols are going to be "probably scrapper."

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Does it really ruffle your feathers it's not labelled under another AT?

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Yes. Because now I'm most likely going to have to stand within punching distance of somebody to shoot at them with a gun....and still risk missing.



Yes. Because now I'm most likely going to have to stand within punching distance of somebody to shoot at them with a gun....and still risk missing.

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I suspect it'll probably be to the same range as Impale or Focus; long enough to not be melee, but nowhere near the range of blasting. I can see some PBAoE's in a set like that too, among other things. Main trick is the impressive I've gotten is that it's not just firearm useage (that's assault rifle), but more cinematic gunkata.

Of course, we'll see how it is when it comes out.




I suspect it'll probably be to the same range as Impale or Focus; long enough to not be melee, but nowhere near the range of blasting.

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Well I hope so.



Im expecting paragon to look a little like Libria with all the grammaton clerics going around if pistols come in with scrapper. In fact besides that, having a scrapper with range (or semi-range) would be fantastic for those freaking runners.

Not that I'm complaining, I'd probably weaken and make one myself, seeing as Equilibrium is one of my favourite movies.



I suspect it'll probably be to the same range as Impale or Focus; long enough to not be melee, but nowhere near the range of blasting. I can see some PBAoE's in a set like that too, among other things. Main trick is the impressive I've gotten is that it's not just firearm useage (that's assault rifle), but more cinematic gunkata.

Of course, we'll see how it is when it comes out.

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You mean we'd have to stand in the reliable range for small-arms? Well that's just crazy talk!

Pistols are very scrapper. Short-range, probably a few melee attacks, and a little bit of John Woo finesse, I'll bet. Sounds like a plan to me!



Origin-specific missions are some of the most unexpected and best news coming from this, from a roleplaying and story perspective.

Ideally, I'd like to see each origin have storyarcs and missions equal to the current standard missions. Of course it would take time, but I'm not going anywhere.

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Yeah, I'm hoping for a story arc that will last from 1-X lvl, maybe even an arch-enemy or two popping up here and there every five levels or so. And he levels with you, too, getting more powerful everytime you face-off again.

And if you fail one mission, you can't run it again. Instead, new missions pop up. Sort of like a "Choose Your Own Adventure." It would certainly add to the replay value.



Pistols don't fit the blaster feel, either.. every attack being short range doesn't work very well for them. But it works OK for scrappers.

A no attack "Group-Friendly" Defender is like a "Team Friendly" basketball player who won't dribble, run, or shoot, under any circumstances. "I'm a PASSER."



Someone else brought up pistols, and he added that to the "must-have" list. Pistols are going to be "probably scrapper."

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Woot! My thread months ago was heard, or at least someone with a similar idea is doing something about it ;-)

Gun foo!



Gun foo!

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No, no, no..It's Gunkata! Haven't you ever seen Equilibrium?



Removing the accuracy penalty for melee attacks only from flight is very difficult to do. Since it's either no accuracy penalty or every attack gets an accuracy penalty, flight will be retaining its penalty on all atacks.

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Super Reflexes Scrappers have powers that only protect against melee attacks, and powers that only protect against ranged attacks. Clearly the engine distinguishes them at some level, why not on the player side?


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I thought of asking that, but then the discussion moved on. My guess is that's either A) a piece of spaghetti code that they wrote just for the SR scrappers and is therefore not easy to move elsewhere or B) the defense code is separate enough from the attack code that it's easier to apply a modification to defense than attacks. I'd lean towards the second of those.

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For single-target damage, you have a specific target against which the attack is directed, and pull that target's defenses to apply against the attack. For area-effect damage, you have a defined area of the attack's effect from a point (either the attacking character, for cones and PBAoEs, or a mob or location, for ranged AoEs), and iterate through all targets in the area, pulling that target's defenses to apply against the attack.

For outgoing attacks, you have the originating character and their target, regardless of whether it's a ranged or melee attack, and because all attacks are 'ranged' (to allow for netlag), even melee attacks, there's no way to tell the difference without adding a flag to each power in the database to indicate whether it's a melee or ranged attack, so that the code could apply different modifiers in the one case of a character having Fly active when throwing the attack. It's a question of cost vs. benefits; making an update that requires that one of the main data files be completely redownloaded just to let the game distinguish between ranged and melee attacks while flying ranks way down on the importance list.

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



I believe Statesman already comment on the SS/Scrapper issue. I don't recall the exact wording he used but that was the gist of it is was to keep certain power sets unique to certain ATs

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Kinda like Energy Blasters or Rad Defenders? Not trying to take a shot at you, just making the point that a lot of powersets are shared across archetypes and it in no way takes away from the core archetype.

I don't want to derail the thread, I've already discussed this topic at length in others, I'd just be interested to see what reasoning the dev team has for making such an arbitrary restriction. It just doesn't make a lot of sense.

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I'm not surprised they would do this, I think the shared powersets have caused them no end of grief. Currently there's the debate about the controller/defender shared powersets (why are controllers secondaries nearly as good as Defender primaries?), and the tanker/scrapper shared sets (do invul scrappers obsolete Tankers?).

I'm betting they'll try to stay out of that situation from here on out.



Question about Fly...The thing I don't understand is why not remove the acc- from fly period. For all attacks. Honestly, I don't understand the penatly in the first place. Remove acc- and the problem is solved. Heck, I see heroes fight with super jump and/or super speed on all the time.

Now I can understand an acc- if you were flight at super sonic speed, but that isn't the case here.

Of course the other option is to change hover. I think one reason people like flight over hover is not just the speed, but the feel of how flight manuvers. Hover is very corse in its movement and doesn't flow naturally like fight does.



[ QUOTE ][*]No, pistols are not going to be a power pool. "I don't want it to turn into City of Guns."

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Understandable. Happy it's being included in the game, my pulp inspired hero has been waiting a long time for this.




Kudos to your sharing the notes, BitterCup. This is going to be linked often.



Thanks. One more thing I forgot, taunt is going to work on other players in PvP in some way or another.



[ QUOTE ][*]No, pistols are not going to be a power pool. "I don't want it to turn into City of Guns."

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No fear of that since we can only choose 4 pools.

However we should be able to buy individual powers such as guns. After all if this city is supposed to be in the US - it should be a city of guns.



Hey, that was funny, Unikorn. Are you get soft on us?



Removing the accuracy penalty for melee attacks only from flight is very difficult to do. Since it's either no accuracy penalty or every attack gets an accuracy penalty, flight will be retaining its penalty on all atacks.

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Super Reflexes Scrappers have powers that only protect against melee attacks, and powers that only protect against ranged attacks. Clearly the engine distinguishes them at some level, why not on the player side?


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I thought of asking that, but then the discussion moved on. My guess is that's either A) a piece of spaghetti code that they wrote just for the SR scrappers and is therefore not easy to move elsewhere or B) the defense code is separate enough from the attack code that it's easier to apply a modification to defense than attacks. I'd lean towards the second of those.

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Worth noting that Invincibility is being modified so that it only works against melee attacks. Humm?

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



I found this while having a search for some info on the pistol powerset that I had a vague recollection about and figured some people may want to read this. I always find it interesting to see just how bad things could be too (teletanking)

besides statesman bumped it himself we could all enjoy a blast from the past.



Wow, that is a mighty old thread you necro'd there.
