Wizard World info roundup




Gah..I really wanted that "Gun" power pool that they had in Beta.

SMG, Shotgun, Minigun, Rocket Launcher.

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that wasnt a power pool, that was the old assualt errr... rifle powerset, they changed it to the current "all in one swiss army gun" model we have now because of the amount of time it took to animate switching weapons constantly to attack, this was esspecially bad when doing the flame thrower attack.



They will not be adding super strength to scrappers.

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Care to elaborate on this any? I would be interested to hear the reasoning behind this.



They will not be adding super strength to scrappers.

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Care to elaborate on this any? I would be interested to hear the reasoning behind this.

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If I had to guess, you guys will probably be getting the Street Fighting set instead.

So, there was no word on a speed increase for Flight, or some tweaks to the Energy blaster set (recharge and activation times are a little borked)?



[*]As mentioned before, web-slinging is very, very hard. Don't hold your breath on it happening anytime soon.

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Hrm? As long as you don't insist on actual attachment points for the swingline (which would be cool, but labor-intensive), you can get swinging by turning superleap upside down and inside out. Reverse the acceleration curve, invert the arc, go to town. All you've got to figure out is how to keep the avatar's butt off the pavement and you're set.



They will not be adding super strength to scrappers.

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Care to elaborate on this any? I would be interested to hear the reasoning behind this.

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Because then there would be around 75% less tanks than there already are...

"Through Avarice evil smiles; through insanity it sings"
Forum Troll Rule #1: Anyone who disagrees with my point of view is either a fanboy or an idiot.
I'm a proud carebear.



Wait, does this mean that Skull vs. Hellion wars in Perez are already happening? Or that they're going to happen?



Because then there would be around 75% less tanks than there already are...

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While I agree I don't see that as a very good reason not to do it. Seems like that would be a good reason to fix tankers though.



Pistols are going to be "probably scrapper."

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Does it really ruffle your feathers it's not labelled under another AT? You get guns! *blam* *blam* and all that rubbish. heh.




They will not be adding super strength to scrappers.

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Care to elaborate on this any? I would be interested to hear the reasoning behind this.

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He doesn't feel it fits the scrapper "feel." I disagree, but there you go.



Starting to get a little concerned with the lack of statements regarding DA in these Q&A sessions that States has been having. I'm getting a feeling of de ja vu from SWG where I chose DE (droid engineer) as my profession and got shat on month after month with broken promises about fixing us.

Maybe I need to stay away from professions/powersets that begin with D



Origin-specific missions are some of the most unexpected and best news coming from this, from a roleplaying and story perspective.

Ideally, I'd like to see each origin have storyarcs and missions equal to the current standard missions. Of course it would take time, but I'm not going anywhere.

And talk about increasing replay value for us alt-alcholics! 5 different types of stories to experience

Hmm, since now origins are beginning to matter for missions, I wonder if we'll see some Kheldian-only missions .... sure hope so.

The future's so bright, I gotta wear Warshades



I was also at the chat with Statesman over the weekend. The issue of dark powers was never raised, either by States or the audience. Didn't seem to be much of hot button. He did reinforce that email is a great way to make contact with the dev team, though. Maybe if you dropped them a line?

Great write-up, Bitter! It was good to meet you and I hope we see more of each other in the days ahead.

Best Regards,



Mostly excellent!

Having relied entirely on a combination of taunt and invincibility to draw aggro, I'll be very happy when people stop thinking I'm not a team oriented tanker because I chose taunt instead of provoke. To think of all the tankers who took neither and still manage to get onto teams... it kinda irks me that people act that way (btw a tanker with neither isn't a tanker at all, it's just a low damage scrapper that doesn't die... in other words, a leech).




I was also at the chat with Statesman over the weekend. The issue of dark powers was never raised, either by States or the audience. Didn't seem to be much of hot button. He did reinforce that email is a great way to make contact with the dev team, though. Maybe if you dropped them a line?

Great write-up, Bitter! It was good to meet you and I hope we see more of each other in the days ahead.

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First off, thank you BitterCupOJoe for the detailed write-up. Sounds like the devs have been very busy adding more content and powers, as well as the upcoming fixes (States said today that they were working on ways of making going to the Shadow Shard more desireable).

Next, for all of you DA scrappers, the mind controllers out there feel your pain. We haven't heard anything about the terrify fix since prior to Issue 2.

For those of you who are going to be seeing them in Anaheim, please ask about Terrify and the fear fix and anything concerning the Dark Armor fixes. The Mind and Illusion Controller, Dark Miasma Defender, and Dark Armor Scrapper communities would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.



...btw a tanker with neither isn't a tanker at all, it's just a low damage scrapper that doesn't die... in other words, a leech.

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To be fair, every tanker attack has a built-in Mag 4 Taunt element to it. So, even without Taunt, Provoke, or Invincibility, a tank can still hold agro quite effectively by simply using his fastest attacks and switching targets often. It might not be as easy, but it CAN be done.

To me, that is the biggest problem I have when people expect one of my Scrappers to tank for them. I don't have Taunt or Provoke and my attacks don't have the built-in Taunt that Tankers do, so how could I possible hold agro??? Even if I run around like a crazy person trying to land a blow on everything in sight, I will never come close to being able to maintain agro as good as a tank. Even if I had taunt, I couldn't maintain agro as good as a tank without it. Well, not unless I chose to give up my job and instead of actually trying to damage things, I stand there Taunting all day. What a waste that would be.

I very glad, however, that they will be added an AoE element to tank attacks. Personally when I play a tank I hate feeling forced to "waste" a power pool just for one lousy 6th level power.




Gah..I really wanted that "Gun" power pool that they had in Beta.

SMG, Shotgun, Minigun, Rocket Launcher.

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that wasnt a power pool, that was the old assualt errr... rifle powerset, they changed it to the current "all in one swiss army gun" model we have now because of the amount of time it took to animate switching weapons constantly to attack, this was esspecially bad when doing the flame thrower attack.

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I know, but I still would like a low-damage Gun Power Pool. Even Hellions can have SMG's (Burst), with Lieutinants having Shotguns (Slug). Grab some 5th Minigun (Low Damage DoT) and Rocket Launcher (High Damage, low recharge, Knockback) would be kind of neat.

Because they're range and you *would* have to switch out, it wouldn't be worth it in melee range, only for initial ranged attacks, thus wouldn't be overwhelming.



How about making all of the Tanker powers having a [ VERY ] Minor AoE to them, with a taunt attached to the AoE?

Ex: Fire Melee: A small explosion around the target that sends some cinders around the target; mag 2 Taunt in a melee-ranged AoE around the target [ Not the tanker ].

Ice melee could have ice shards that go outwards from the target.

Energy Melee could have some resonating energy go outward from the target.

SS could have some similar type of resonance [ but not energy damage, making it not the same as EM ].

I don't know about the two others, but it seems like it would solve the Tankers' Damage problem and Aggro problem at the same time.



Because then there would be around 75% less tanks than there already are...

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While I agree I don't see that as a very good reason not to do it. Seems like that would be a good reason to fix tankers though.

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I believe Statesman already comment on the SS/Scrapper issue. I don't recall the exact wording he used but that was the gist of it is was to keep certain power sets unique to certain ATs



I believe Statesman already comment on the SS/Scrapper issue. I don't recall the exact wording he used but that was the gist of it is was to keep certain power sets unique to certain ATs

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Kinda like Energy Blasters or Rad Defenders? Not trying to take a shot at you, just making the point that a lot of powersets are shared across archetypes and it in no way takes away from the core archetype.

I don't want to derail the thread, I've already discussed this topic at length in others, I'd just be interested to see what reasoning the dev team has for making such an arbitrary restriction. It just doesn't make a lot of sense.



How about making all of the Tanker powers having a [ VERY ] Minor AoE to them, with a taunt attached to the AoE?

Ex: Fire Melee: A small explosion around the target that sends some cinders around the target; mag 2 Taunt in a melee-ranged AoE around the target [ Not the tanker ].

Ice melee could have ice shards that go outwards from the target.

Energy Melee could have some resonating energy go outward from the target.

SS could have some similar type of resonance [ but not energy damage, making it not the same as EM ].

I don't know about the two others, but it seems like it would solve the Tankers' Damage problem and Aggro problem at the same time.

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The devs are adding a Provoke effect to Tanker attacks in addition to the curren Taunt. I'm assuming it's going to be an AoE at the point of impact.

So that means that Super Strength Tankers are going to have a one heck of Provoke with Hurl. With the Epic Power Pool for Tankers we will be able to get our heavy duty Provokes: the ranged attacks.



To me, that is the biggest problem I have when people expect one of my Scrappers to tank for them. I don't have Taunt or Provoke and my attacks don't have the built-in Taunt that Tankers do, so how could I possible hold agro??? Even if I run around like a crazy person trying to land a blow on everything in sight, I will never come close to being able to maintain agro as good as a tank. Even if I had taunt, I couldn't maintain agro as good as a tank without it. Well, not unless I chose to give up my job and instead of actually trying to damage things, I stand there Taunting all day. What a waste that would be.

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Scrappers do have a built-in Taunt effect in their attacks: They do alot of damage. Scrappers also have the same access to Taunt and Provoke that Tanks do. What they lack is the defenses of a Tank, but still, if there's no Tank and your the toughest guy around, I don't see the problem in Tanking for the team. You'd expect a Tank to do it for you.

(Sorry, a little off topic )



Any word on when to expect this to come to play?



[ QUOTE ][*] Someone else brought up pistols, and he added that to the "must-have" list. Pistols are going to be "probably scrapper."

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Hmm, pistols and super reflexes. Gun-kata, anyone?

[ QUOTE ][*]Semi-regular zone-specific events are coming. The first 3 or so will be in Issue 3. He said (I believe) that this was partially in preparation for giant monster attacks.

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Thanks for the update!!! (cruised here from the LJ link, in case you're wondering)

Some pretty exciting stuff there, especially new powers and power pools. I'm a little bit (just a tiny smidge) disappointed that the mission difficulty slider won't affect the mob count, though I am wondering how it will interact with how missions scale with groups...