Devs can you please tell me SOMETHING




Since I got into beta ive been asking for a straight up punching powerset for scrappers. since BETA!.. can I get an answer? Im not the only person who wants this.. not by far.. there have been dozens of other posts asking for the same thing but Ive yet to see a dev reply to it with anything.

Cant you tell us if its being discussed.. if its in the works.. if its not going to happen.. SOMETHING.

The original character that I wanted to make in this game was not possible because there was not a punching powerset for scrappers.. ive been sitting on that character since the middle of beta and im to the point now where I WOULD REALLY LIKE TO MAKE HIM.

Now, im looking at a DM/Regen scrapper.. and its getting to the point where I may just go ahead and make him even though he isnt what I want. But its really hard to dedicate myself to this character when I still dont know if the character I really want may become available sometime soon.

SO.. how about it can I get an answer please? I could sit here and list all the reasons that ive been a good fan for this game and why I "deserve" an answer.. but it probably wouldnt matter and honestly I shouldnt have to do that anyway.. im not the only person asking for this and when a large number of people in the community want something, I think they at least deserve an answer.

(btw i did have a period of downtime when i moved, so its possible that this was answered and I never saw it.. so if it has been answered, can someone link me to it, or qoute it for m.. I did a search and didnt find anything)

Cmon devs.. my football team lost.. im having a crappy day.. throw me a bone here.



Scrappers need Energy Melee so badly it's ridiculous. It is very, very appropriate to the Scrapper AT, yet for some reason they don't have it, because, I guess, it's more appropriate for tanks. Which is utterly ridiculous. Spines is much less of a scrapper set than focusing energy into your fists and wailing on opponents. This appplies to Fire Melee as well, in my opinion.



I was looking for a set like this as well, like a Streetfighting set or something, with punches, headbutts, knee strikes, etc. I think it would be REALLY cool. FYI - I went with a DM/Regen Scrapper (it being the closest to what I wanted) and do really like that combo, but a streetfighter set would be AWESOME!!!!

That being said, the title of this post comes off a little too caustic, and I would expect the flamers to take hold of it before too long....

- Xyzor, Lightning.Rod, Kagyx - Rubber Mulch / Wholesale Candy - Freedom Server



I expect that flamers will show up here and start tearing me a new one soon as well.. but Im not sure what kind of title will get a dev to read the post... so i went with this since it seems most likely that a title that sounds urgent and is directed at the devs will most likely get their attention.



There haven't been any power sets added since beta. Why are you special?

Try the reanimated Martial Arts line. Try the boxing power pool.



Martial Arts isn't what he's looking for. Boxing is one power. Neither are good solutions. Besides, if he wants a punching set, there are two already, super strength and energy melee. Why shouldn't Scrappers get access to them? It's a reasonable request. Besides, the fact that Tankers and Blasters get access to many melee abilities that the Scrappers, who have Melee as their primary, don't get access to, is absurd. I mean, sure, there's Dark Blast, Radiation Blast and Psychic Blast that Blasters don't get, but, seriously, Energy, Super Strength, Battle Axe, Fire Melee, Ice Melee, War Mace, Electric Melee and Stone Melee are all unavialable to Scrappers for no good reason, as many of them, Fire, Ice, Electricity, and Energy, at least, seem very appropriate to Scrappers.



I personally am not that special .. however the hundred or so other scrappers who want the same thing.. they make it special.

and ooooo.. the boxing powerpool.... power pools are SUPPLEMENTAL POWERS.. you dont base your whole character around the boxing powerpool.. not if you want to make it past level 20.

as for martial arts.. i said punching.. not kicking. kind of hard to pass yourself off as a brawler when you specialize in sticking your pinky toe in someones eye.

I am aware that not everyone cares about this.. but there have been more requests for a punching powerset for scrappers than there have been for any other powerset for any other archetype.

And btw it wouldnt have to be a whole new powerset... It could be Energy melee or Super Strength from the Tanker powersets (prefferably energy melee)



Maybe it's because, for the most part, scrapper powers are smashing/lethal based? I dunno... Yeah, I know 2 have poison/poison dot and dark energy instead of lethal, but I think they've been going on that being the exceptions instead of the rule... *shrugs*

I'd think that's the main reason there's not a matching scrapper primary to tanker secondaries...

I dunno...that's out of left field, but it's a thought.

Why shouldn't there be? There could, or not, makes no nevermind to me, really... Why should there?



New sets are going in in issue 3, complain if it isnt in by then



why SHOULD there be a punching powerset for scrappers?

Iron Fist
Power Fist
Captain America

to name a few



If im not mistaken (and i might be) arent the new sets in issue 3 supposed to be epic powersets? meaning you have to be level 50 to get access to them?

If thats the case.. it would kind of suck.. but at least its something.. id still like a dev to post and say "there will be an epic AT that allows you to be a punching scrapper" so I can at least know that my character will be possible and can instead keep focusing on getting my tanker up to 50.



Well I hate to be annoying.. but like I said ive been waiting for some kind of comment on this since beta, and its getting to the point where it is becoming a hinderance to my fun.

I want an answer, and im gonna keep bumping this post till I get one, or im told to stop by a dev.

Sorry for the inconvenience folks.. but like I said, my football team lost (freakin 0 and 2 now) and im having a crappy day..and by god im gonna get some kind of response.

so.. here is the first *bump* .. hopefully it will be the last.



I bet this post will get deleted before they tell you not to bump. By the way, you are breaking the forum rules by bumping.



yes I know its breaking the rules.. but hey.. im a paying customer who just wants some kind of answer to a question..

Tell ya what.. I could copy and past this post into a new one and post it again every time this one scrolls off the page.. would that be better? :P.

least this way im keeping it all in one place.

and if they delete it.. ill repost it.

Devs.. if all you can do is post and say "we cant talk about that" then do that. I wont be happy or at all satisfied with that answer :P..but ill quit bumping.



I believe bumping is reasonably acceptable as long as you don't just put in *bump*.



Well maybe every time I "bump" this thread ill give another reason why scrappers need a punching powerset heh.



Better would be to save it for tomorrow, the devs don't do to much posting and reading on the weekends, I think.



You are probably right, but I figure the more views and replies this thread has come monday, the better chance of them taking a look at it.



Reasons why we need a punching powerset for Scrappers:

The logic behind Archetypes was that comic book heroes all fit into certain "stereotypes".. tanks, blasters, controllers, etc..etc..etc..

Therefore it is logical that in each archetype, you should also provide the powers that are stereotypically available to those comic book characters. Which is why Tanks get Invulnerability.. a kind of "catch all" powerset that allows for a slew of different character concepts. The same with Super Strength, and Energy Blast. These are somewhat generic powers that let you make many types of characters.

Thats why it is kind of surprising that scrappers do not have a punching powerset. There are so many different comic book characters.. notable ones.. that punch.. but arent tankers.

Heck.. plain ol punching can probably account for 75% of heroes in comic books.

SO.. that is why this powerset is important for scrappers.. Not having it severely limits the fanbases ability to create characters that fit the concepts they have come up with.

Ill list some notable punching scrappers later, just to reinforce the fact that a punching powerset for scrappers is very important to maintaining the integrity of the comic book atmosphere.




Heck.. plain ol punching can probably account for 75% of heroes in comic books.

[/ QUOTE ]

Brawl power.



yes I know its breaking the rules.. but hey.. im a paying customer who just wants some kind of answer to a question..

[/ QUOTE ]

There are THOUSANDS of 'Paying customers' on the Boards .. in fact, we ALL are.

And that STILL doesn't give each of us the right to 'Bump' posts concerning our Pet Peeve or Desire.

So stop bumping already. Actually, you'd probably get better replies if you LET this die here, then bring it up in the SCRAPPERS forum, where you are more likely to find people on your side.

(On a side note - I'm one of those people - I want a Fist Fighting Scrapper also... But I can't advocate you breaking the rules just because you WANT something. That's hardly the Mature Response)

My memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.

"The tip of a shoelace is called an aglet, its true purpose is sinister." The Question




I want an answer, and im gonna keep bumping this post till I get one, or im told to stop by a dev.

[/ QUOTE ]




Straight up punching - like a street fighting set - definitely, it'll happen, but not soon.



Straight up punching - like a street fighting set - definitely, it'll happen, but not soon.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmm, now how long is "not soon"?

Since one of my alt character concepts doesn't fit well with any of the current ATs, I'm thinking of parking him for now (to keep the name reserved), then reroll him once my mains hit 50. At my current rate of progression, that's looking to be around Issue #4. Is that "not soon" enough?



Straight up punching - like a street fighting set - definitely, it'll happen, but not soon.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hi Jack,

I was just wondering if a street fighting set would also include grapples. It's been discussed before, but I haven't seen a dev response.

Are grapples/throws beyond the scope of the current animation schedule/tools?

Night N'Gale - Emp/Dark | Kalashnikitty - AR/DEV
Hands of Mu - MA/Regen | PhiloBeddoe - Inv/EM

The Cake Is A Lie!

A view from the mushroom.