Dark Miasma & Dark Blast Guide (Lets try again!!!)




Good guide you've got here!
I started a DDD a little after issue 2 hit and just got to 22 last night. I've been soloing my way through the low levels, and doing the task forces as they pop up.
My problem comes from having too many powers to chose from at low level! Hopefully I will be able to start picking up some of the powers I missed from this point onwards.



did Fearsome Stare's fear effect change to the sleepish effect? if so how well does it work?



fearsome stare has not changed yet. im curious to see which power, that or black hole, will be more useful to deal with overwhelimg situations when they are both changed.



tagging for favorites

thanks for info.



Have any of the above listed "Issue 2 Changes" actually gone through yet? Fearstome Stare being changed to a Sleep effect?

Has Dark Servant been updated yet?

Anyone know?



Not sure what the expected changes for DS were, but I saw a guy roaming in Brick yesterday with three DSs faithfully following behind him, so they are mobile. (I'm a lowly lv17 DDD, so I have much to learn and get ramped up on)



Yes, all the Dark Servant changes (mobility, altered rechage and end cost to compare to controller pets, and replacement of Fearsome Stare with Petrifying Gaze in its arsenal of powers and fixing of their Darkest Night power) are live. Dark Servant radically changes the way you play. Once you have 2-3 out at all times, you're wonder how you lived without them. Just last night, between my casting Petrfying Gaze and the pet's casts of it, I managed to hold a +1 level AV for a good length of time.

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad



I wanted to tag this thread and also add a question. At 15 with my DDD I'm enjoying Howling Twilight. Since it's early it's hard to tell how useful it will be later but one thing I found strange was the supposed END REC aspect. Maybe I just need to wait for SO but right now I don't see this power helping with my end recovery.

I'm debating whether or not to make this part of my disorient / hold powers. I will of course get TT but right now I really like Dark Pit. I was thinking that with Hasten and maybe some recharge enhancers I could make HT part of an attack cycle were I keep the mob either held or disoriented. The end recovery would be awesome but right now I just don't see it happening at all.



I wanted to tag this thread and also add a question. At 15 with my DDD I'm enjoying Howling Twilight. Since it's early it's hard to tell how useful it will be later but one thing I found strange was the supposed END REC aspect. Maybe I just need to wait for SO but right now I don't see this power helping with my end recovery.

I'm debating whether or not to make this part of my disorient / hold powers. I will of course get TT but right now I really like Dark Pit. I was thinking that with Hasten and maybe some recharge enhancers I could make HT part of an attack cycle were I keep the mob either held or disoriented. The end recovery would be awesome but right now I just don't see it happening at all.

[/ QUOTE ]

Howling Twilight is a decent disorient power, and you can use it in conjunciton with Dark Pit to stack disorients on bosses. However, Dark pit is better for Disorienting becasue it's got a lower end cost and recharge time.

The END REC aspect of the power has to do with the Resurrect aspect. That is, the resurrected ally will recover endurance scaled to the number of targets the power hits while in range of the rez'd ally. The caster doesn't recover any endurance.



I just wanted to revive this excellent DDD guide with a few updates.

Twilight Grasp - Animation time reduced to about ~2 seconds from it's previous time, and the healing was bumped up at the same time as Transfusion from the Kinetics powerset. Result? A decent heal/debuff turned into an excellent combat power.

Tar Patch - I do not have this power, but I believe that the slow pulse has been slightly sped up so it can catch villians running through after the patch has been laid down.

Darkest Night - No change since guide published, excellent power.

Howling Twilight - Increased range for debuff and res, with an additional bonus of increased health benifit for your teammates for each mob. Three or four villians is all you need to bring a teammate back to full health. Result is a very good disorient power that is now also a good combat res.

Shadow Fall - No change since guide published, excellent power.

Fearsome Stare - With the fear changes in Issue 3, Fearsome Stare can now be a powerful additional to the DDD's arsenal. It's only drawback at this time is that any debuff or damage power will temporarily "break" it's hold, allowing the feared villian to attack. This makes it less useful when combined with other debuffs or our DOT attacks, but overall still a good crowd control power.

Petrifying Gaze - No change since guide published, excellent power.

Black Hole - No change since guide published. Situational power, but still useful at times. Good for seperating out bosses from groups.

Dark Servant - Core power, excellent pet. Mobility was added with Issue 2 as mentioned in the guide, but otherwise no real changes.

All defender and tanker powers were given a slight upgrade to damage and a reduction in endurance costs sometime around the release of Issue 2. Accordingly, the original numbers may be off a bit.

Dark Blast - No changes, quick attack with no drawbacks.

Gloom - No changes since guide published. Good damage but somewhat less useful in groups as DOT damage may be wasted.

Moonbeam - Moonbeam was given the same inherent accuracy bonus as other sniper attacks. Other than that, no change.

Dark Pit - No change since guide published.

Tenebrous Tetacles - No change since guide published.

Nightfall - No change since guide published.

Torrent - No change since guide published.

Life Drain - No change since guide published.

Darkstar - No change since guide published.

Just wanted to update and bump this excellent guide. If anyone has any corrections or suggestion, please feel free to add to this thread. I will try to monitor it and edit accordingly.



Fearsome Stare has been fixed, and debuff effects will no longer interrupt the fear effect.



Heh...I currently run a DDD lvl 24 that is badly in need of a respec. Glad I found this thread when I did. Without a respec, he's pretty much useless...:-p



Yes Fearsome Stare is now so powerful I wonder if I need Petrifying Glare. 2 Stares can fear most Bosses and it refreshes very quickly even "out of the box" (without additional slotting). Only disadvantage over hold is that mob can shoot back if attacked and that mob has an attack power up. There 2 ways to deal with this:

1) Slotting a To-Hit Debuff or 2 and running Darkest Night means they won't hit anything anyway.
2) Queue up attacks so you hit mob(s) which a number of attacks in a row, before their attack can refresh again. Example: Snipe then 2 fast animation attacks will usually only allow mob to shoot back once.

Besides the Cone of Effect the other advantage that FS has is that it doesn't require a lot of slots. Since PG only effects one mob, most 6 slot it with accuracy, refreshes and durations. But FS with a To-Hit and an Accuracy does just fine, saving a lot of slots or becoming even more powerful if slotted. All for about the same cost as PG.

The biggest problem with DM is which powers NOT to take. Power sets like this are great fun but frustrating because you can't fit everything into 1 build. My Dark/Rad Defender only uses 2 power pools (Jump and Fitness) and still can't get all the powers I want LOL.

You can't please everyone, so lets concentrate on me.



I'm having MASSIVE accuracy issues with my Dark/Dark powers. Admittedly I only played till level 3, but I have a level 5 Acc TO (which isn't much) but I miss probably 50% of the time without a word of a lie.

50% miss rate! I'm absolutely serious. What the hell is wrong?



My level 19 DDD has rezzed a same level hero to 100% health and 100% endurance once.This is without any enhancements and only one mob.
Is this a bug or a recent fix to the power(if its a fix a good power in my line-up has just become a great one )?

TW/Elec Optimization



It was fixed recently. All heroes are now asked if they want to rez or not and all are restored to full health and full endo. Power kicks [censored]



RE: Howling Twilight

Please note that since it is now a full rez, you can no longer add Heal or End Recovery enhancements to HT. Any ones you have slotted you might as well replace, since they arent doing anything now.

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad




"Dark Miasma/Tar Patch now also debuffs affected targetsÂ’ damage resistance and prevents foes from jumping and flying. "

[/ QUOTE ]

This power just got more interesting...



Ok I should have posted here sooner I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE my lev 50 D3. IMO they are truely a pain at lower levels, and like any controller (not quite as bad) have troubles till pets. Some things to think about is no they dont have protection from sleep hold and annoying stuff like that, you will have pets. I once took on a mentalist and the only attack I could throw out was new pet. Go figure I got a stun badge during this 40 minute fight, but while i was held and really truely beging to hate rikti, my pets kept me alive. So yea there is draw backs but there is compensation as well. Also I should note on I3 I can go head to head with any av and not be killed, now D3's will never do enough dmg to put one down solo, its uber to be able to battle them into a stale mate even with such horrid end issues, I would never give up my D3. If you all have questions or would like build advice, i use this handle for global chat feel free to message me, or pm me and I will try to answer any questions you have. Did i mention I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE my D3



quick question about shadow fall, if you use it and grant invis to all team mates with all your debuffs running, can they hit your team? i know swift will negate the slow movement aspect of SF, can you have SF+stealth+swift on all together and walk same speed or a little slower?



don't know about swift and all negating the slow effect of stealth etc, but i do know that hurdle + Combat Jumping > sprint, if you just jump, and stealth doesn't affect the speed of it (the length of the jump)



Swift on its own doesn't quite cancel the speed drop from stealth or SF, but with swift+sprint+SF(or stealth) you will go slightly faster than someone with just sprint on. I would guess you would be a tad bit slower with both SF+stealth+swift+sprint...

But really.. why take stealth when SF has a better stealth component(based on my experiences this is true) and I am not sure but I thought it had a higher base defense buff(it is at least equal to stealth).




other question is do stealth and sf stack?



Yes, but again, why drag your speed down any further.
You are nearly invisible with SF( maybe 10ft visibility to a +3 minion, just tested that out last night), and with DN acc debuff on, you will pretty much never get hit vs +1 minions.

I just wouldn't see the point to having both, unless you were aiming for Phase Shift, in that case, go with Grant Invis to enhance your defender status..

Good Luck!



I'm trying to make my D3 as good as she can be. Can any of you please critique my build and tell me what you think and what changes you think I need to make. The only thing I don't want to change is the Super Jump (It is part of my character concept and a really good travel power). Thanks

Exported from version 1.5A of CoH Planner

Archetype: Defender
Primary Powers - Ranged : Dark Miasma
Secondary Powers - Support : Dark Blast

01 : Dark Blast acc(01) endred(5) thtdbf(15) thtdbf(46)
01 : Tar Patch slw(01) slw(3) slw(11) slw(39)
02 : Darkest Night thtdbf(02) endred(3) thtdbf(5) endred(9) thtdbf(39)
04 : Moonbeam acc(04) endred(7) thtdbf(17) thtdbf(46)
06 : Combat Jumping endred(06) defbuf(7) defbuf(21) defbuf(43)
08 : Gloom acc(08) endred(9) thtdbf(17) thtdbf(46)
10 : Twilight Grasp acc(10) endred(11) thtdbf(13) thtdbf(40)
12 : Howling Twilight endred(12) slw(13) recred(15) endred(40)
14 : Super Jump jmp(14) jmp(37) jmp(43)
16 : Hurdle jmp(16)
18 : Petrifying Gaze acc(18) endred(19) hlddur(19) hlddur(21) hlddur(37)
20 : Health hel(20)
22 : Stamina endrec(22) endrec(23) endrec(23) endrec(25) endrec(25) endrec(40)
24 : Tenebrous Tentacles acc(24) thtdbf(27) immdur(34) immdur(48)
26 : Shadow Fall endred(26) defbuf(27) damres(36) defbuf(37)
28 : Hasten recred(28) recred(29) recred(29) recred(31) recred(31) recred(31)
30 : Acrobatics endred(30) endred(42)
32 : Dark Servant recred(32) recred(33) recred(33) recred(33) recred(34) recred(34)
35 : Life Drain acc(35) endred(36) thtdbf(36) thtdbf(50)
38 : Blackstar recred(38) recred(39) recred(50)
41 : Dark Consumption acc(41) endrec(42) acc(42) recred(43)
44 : Dark Embrace endred(44) endred(45) damres(45) damres(45) damres(50)
47 : Soul Drain acc(47) endred(48) thtbuf(48)
49 : Oppressive Gloom acc(49)


01 : Brawl acc(01)
01 : Sprint jmp(01)
02 : Rest recred(02)