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  1. Recent Warshade-relevant discovery regarding binds & macros:

    <font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre> /macro UnCh "powexectoggleoff Black Dwarf$$target_custom_near enemy defeated$$powexecname Unchain Essence" </pre><hr />

    <font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre> /macro UnCh "powexectoggleoff Dark Nova$$target_custom_near enemy defeated$$powexecname Unchain Essence" </pre><hr />

    These are macros I stuck on my hotkey bars for Dark Nova &amp; Black Dwarf forms. This way I have a single button that drops that form, targets the nearest defeated enemy, then fires off Unchain Essence. All in 1 single press!
  2. Plasma, I'd just like to say "THANKS" for this wonderful guide! I tried out a respec on the Test Server, based upon your guide's suggestions, with my Warshade. I must say the difference in performance was ASTONISHING! I have now taken my Warshade on Freedom to this setup and am very much enjoying myself.

    Not only did you help me make better use of some previously "wrongly placed" enhancer slots, but now my performance actually increased so much I almost don't worry about Quantums &amp; Voids! I actually had a Quantum LT sneak up on me with an ambush squad during a mission, and it barely phased me!

    Thanks again!
  3. I will totally admit I'm ignorant on this, hence why I'm asking:

    I thought the Health Pool auto powers like Endurance &amp; Health did not actually carry over into your Nova &amp; Dwarf forms? Am I mis-remembering this?
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    it is a change for combat text only.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yes, totally correct here. And it could have been put in the test notes better worded, I think. :P

    They basically removed some " " quotes from around the word smashed. It used to read "smashed" in combat text, which is wrong.

    No change in functionality, I've tested it.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Seems to be the case in my experience, I've had the 'unaffected' pop up over CoT ghost heads if I attack their buddy while they've gone intangible.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ok I got some further experience from this last night, while being SK'ed to L35 Spines/Regen friend of mine (Yo Pilesener!).

    He could be wailing AE Damage on a group of badguys for a good chunk of time, and I walk upto the group and land a hit on ONE of their buddies.. the WHOLE group swivels and starts swinging at me. After last night I really can say, Stone Tankers really are hardcore aggro magnets.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    Im Told that The "Miss" is the punchvoke missing. This only came up after punchvoke was introduced. Also Mud pots is autohit it never misses in my use of it and ive sat next to +10's with granite and rooted on and Mudpots and it hits everytime.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That means that both Earth Fist and Stone Mallet have a small AE Punchvoke effect on them? That's pretty uber if it's true, but I thought that Punch-voke effects were auto-hit?
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    If you have Mud Pots going then this is the auto-fire feature of that power missing some of the bad guys.

    If you are not running pots then I don't know what it is.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Note I've only got for powers:

    Stone Armor (The level 1 power?)
    Stone Fist
    Stone Mallet
    Earth's Embrace

    In the situations I'm talking about, I'll have Stone Armor running, maybe have Earth's Embrace buffed on. Beyond that NOTHING. I'll take a swing at a guy, and no matter if I hit or miss the TARGET... guys NEXT to the target will get "MISS" above their heads.

    Happens pretty regularly, and I noticed it IMMEDIATELY from level 1. You could make a test tanker and see what I'm talking about.
  8. Question regarding Stone Melee:

    I'm still a lowbie level 6 Stone/Stone tanker, but find that when I have a tight group of guys in front of me.. I'll take a swing at one with Stone Fist and (occassionaly) "MISS" will appear over the heads of the guys behind or next to the target. Same thing seems to be happening occassionaly with Stone Mallet.

    What the HECK is that?! There's NO description or info about it that I could find in the power description field, nor in any Stone Guides.

    Anyone know? It's driving me batty thinking I have something I can't take advantage of, because I don't KNOW about it!
  9. Have any of the above listed "Issue 2 Changes" actually gone through yet? Fearstome Stare being changed to a Sleep effect?

    Has Dark Servant been updated yet?

    Anyone know?
  10. Sorry if I'm missing the obvious here, this is meant as serious question:

    Am I to assume that I use this posted list as a guide to what I should be hunting for what given origin types? Like fighting Clockworks if I'm a Natural and want DO drops?
  11. In regards to the bind_load_file c:\coh\$name.txt bind setup, I've tried this and the bind command doesn't swap the variable. It looks for a file SPECIFICALLY named $name.txt.

    I don't know if this is a bug or intentional, but i've never gotten it to work for me.