New Non-Combat System Solved.




The new non-combat system is going to be riddle based. A series of riddles, each correctly answered riddle awards xp when the series is complete you will get an end of mission experience bonus. Then you may enter the next string of riddles. Each series more difficult then the previous, they may or may not require research both in game and out.



I don't get it. You mean riddles like "First it walks on 4 legs, then it walks on 2 legs, then it walk on 3 legs. Guess what it its."? Otherwise I don't see how we can fit riddles into CoH.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Well, they did it in Batman with The Riddler...



As long as the riddles are game based..because I'm not the sharpest in the shed but if its about CoH I can get it.



First it walks on 4 legs

[/ QUOTE ]

I'd claim a Man, but then that damn Sphynx would probably screw up the Reward Screen, and instead give me the reward before I'd gotten chance to answer, and Mission complete would appear and I'd escape before needing to stop the Core attacks... Wait, I'm all confused.



It could never work. This riddle thing would be cool but it would lead to broadcast spam of "WHATS ANSWER TO SPHINX RIDDLE??". After the riddle had been solved it would be posted on the boards for bragging rights. Or someone would just blurt it out over broadcast in the game. It would have to be something that would be unique to each player for it to work that way and I doubt that will ever happen. I am guessing it will be a "you have found a Tsoo password that can let you in a warehouse" or somesuch. A create your own story arc if you will.



*insert obligatory grumbling about the mis-quoted Sphinx riddle here*



That can't be it because this new system is also said to be like crafting in a way. So it must produce something... not sure what, and it starts with the word "Automatic", but yes it is also like detective work or problem solving.

But likely only one of these things said about it will actually be what it is and the rest were just thrown in to throw us off the trail



Riddles?! Are you sure?
Because I thought it was going to based on three card monte



auto = car (in dutch)

And i know Statesman has an uncle who has a nice who has daughter who knows this farmer who bought his cow from the dutchboy company... so it all makes sense.

We are getting cars!!!



Riddles?! Are you sure?
Because I thought it was going to based on three card monte

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That was the plan, but the 3 Card Monte guy got 'arrested' by a BS scrapper yesterday and is no longer available




Let me guess he was three levels higher than the scrapper but he still ran like a little girl when he saw him comming right?



Nope. Pie crafting.



The new non-combat system is going to be riddle based. A series of riddles, each correctly answered riddle awards xp when the series is complete you will get an end of mission experience bonus. Then you may enter the next string of riddles. Each series more difficult then the previous, they may or may not require research both in game and out.

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It's a person. First crawling on all fours, then walking upright, and finally old and using a cane.



I say it's going to be dancing... for every hour spent dancing = 1 bub of EXP.



It could never work. This riddle thing would be cool but it would lead to broadcast spam of "WHATS ANSWER TO SPHINX RIDDLE??". After the riddle had been solved it would be posted on the boards for bragging rights. Or someone would just blurt it out over broadcast in the game. It would have to be something that would be unique to each player for it to work that way and I doubt that will ever happen.

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How is that any difference than what will happen with the badge system?



How is that any difference than what will happen with the badge system?

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Once you know how to get the badge, you still have to go do the work.



you're all wrong. its a series of pie eating contests.



My idea of Non-Combat System (just a guess)
Guides/Escorts ("Where is ICON at???/Can you get me to the Mutant Store?")
Taxi Drivers ("Can someone TP me to the Yellow Line???")
Paramedics ("Rez plz !!!")
Waste Management ("Can someone please clean-up the level 35 Rikti ambush !?!?!")
and last but not least...
Bankers/Influence Brokers ("Hey buddy...can you spare some inf ???")



The new non-combat system is going to be riddle based. A series of riddles, each correctly answered riddle awards xp when the series is complete you will get an end of mission experience bonus. Then you may enter the next string of riddles. Each series more difficult then the previous, they may or may not require research both in game and out.

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But that would require the Riddler to be introduced as an ArchVillian, and I doubt they could get the rights from DC for that.

And any ripoff would DEFINITELY put Cryptic/NCSoft and CoH in MAJOR jeopardy.



Nope, it's not riddles....

Besides, we already have that in our game...

Every time I post, it's kinda like a riddle (wrapped in an enigma...)



Maybe there is going to be an agency of superhuman studies which would enlist your help to:
a) tutor real or NPC supernoobs.
b) engage in "danger room" style testing of prototype weapons
c) perform skill tests and puzzle solving as part of a scientific study of superhumans.
d) accept community service type assignments like some of the numbered list below:

1- Save someone in a burning building (break down doors/find safe path)
2- Get shrunken and save the shrunken scientist.
3- Get inside the doomsday machine and deactivate it
4- There's been a cave-in. free the miners
5- Retrieve all the radiactive meteor fragments

You could be required to gather knowledge or tools, or problem-solve to complete these missions.

Whatever the system is. I think it will offer locations and or abilities that aren't otherwise available in the game.

Custom Fan Art!
Lions Tigers and Bears Volume 3 now available!
Timothy & the Transgalactic Towel
The Gimoles graphic Novel



Nope, it's not riddles....

Besides, we already have that in our game...

Every time I post, it's kinda like a riddle (wrapped in an enigma...)

[/ QUOTE ] lol leave it to statesman to say somthing like this.



Nope, it's not riddles....

Besides, we already have that in our game...

Every time I post, it's kinda like a riddle (wrapped in an enigma...)

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I'm just a mystery wrapped in a twinkie.

The Dark Blade
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