Is PLing a Form of Cheating?




I think that PLing is a kind of bug in the game. How is it right that a person can just stand there at the train station and level. I know a guy that went from 16 to 32 in four days by PLing. This is not right.
A feature should be added that cuts ex if the character is not moving for a certain time period. I believe that PLing is a form of cheating as it takes advantage of a game feature in a way that was not meant to be.
I have had two amusing encounters with people PLing. The first one was when I encountered some people doing it (they were sitting on the Brick station) and they denied that they were. Then, the one guy suddenly levels! He didn't know what to say! The second was after a week of working to get to 29 I finally made it! I then went to the trainer in Brick and two people leveled while just standing there. It appeared that they weren't even using their character and where afk.
Frankly, this took a little out of the game for me. What is the meaning of planning and spending months on a character and facing death and debt when others don't have to.
Remember games are supposed to have some code of conduct and instant advancement is not usually one of them.



And them doing it affects your gameplay how exactly? How does them doing that diminish or hamper your ability to play?

Or is it that you are mad that someone has friends that are willing to help them lvl like that and you do not? Either way it doesnt negatively impact your ability to play your character in the slighest.



I have to kind of agree with the OP, I hate power leveling, it just doesn't fit into the game, your playing a super hero who fights crime not someone who stands afk in a tram and level faster than someone working for their levels.



Indeed it affects my enjoyment of the game and that is why I bought and continue to play the game. In a sense, it is a game community, as we are all playing it. If you are working on a job and your coworkers were stealing money it may not affect your ability to do your job or even your paycheck, but it would probably make you feel uncomfortable. Also, I am ethically opposed to cheating. If you are playing a game by yourself so what but when you are playing with others its different.
PLing should be stopped. Another reason is that it is not in line with the superhero world. What superhero gets power and glory by doing nothing?



my only problem with powerleveling is that it throws off the real figures. then after making the data bunk by having someone else crazy pl them to at least a point where their archtype has some real powers and abilities ..... and then saying the game is too easy.

personally i could give a crap if a guy wants to earn his own way, ride a team's wake to level, have someone pl them while they do nothing, or straight out cheat in some exploit to level. if it's that important to them .... great.

but when it comes time to look at the real game and reall issues that are wrong with this game ... let's not take this kind of PLing into account and act like that's normal.



i ran into a player the other night that was offering to pay 10000 inf per level if our team allowed him to PL. of course, i said no, cuz i could use that team slot for an actual player instead of a rich lazy bum.



it doesnt negatively impact your ability to play your character in the slighest.

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That's all there is to say on the subject. Besides jealousy, there's really no reason for you to care.



Indeed it affects my enjoyment of the game and that is why I bought and continue to play the game. In a sense, it is a game community, as we are all playing it. If you are working on a job and your coworkers were stealing money it may not affect your ability to do your job or even your paycheck, but it would probably make you feel uncomfortable. Also, I am ethically opposed to cheating. If you are playing a game by yourself so what but when you are playing with others its different.
PLing should be stopped. Another reason is that it is not in line with the superhero world. What superhero gets power and glory by doing nothing?

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Devils advocate time now.

They are paying their $15 a month to play the game, just like you are. If that is how they wanna spend their money, more power to them. They are paying to play the way they wanna play, just as you are.

As for fitting in line with the super hero world, not everyone likes to RP. I personally hate to RP. Again, we all pay our $15 a month to play and have fun how we want to. IF standing in one spot while someone else gets you XP and levels is fun for you, more power to ya, just as if your version of fun is to go gain XP and lvls on your own, again, more power to you too.

Seriously, if you think PL is cheating, you musnt have EVER played an online FPS shooter. Punkbuster wasnt invented for nothing ya know.



You make a good point, Punish.

I wonder how many people saw various FotM powersets and rolled up an alt and had their buddies PL it up to post 32. This would make that power set seem even more popular and overpowered to the devs who are datamining. I never really thought of that before.

Ah well, either way there is not much to be done about PLing. The devs would have to get rid of the SK function completely to stop it, and I doubt that will ever happen.



I have to kind of agree with the OP, I hate power leveling, it just doesn't fit into the game, your playing a super hero who fights crime not someone who stands afk in a tram and level faster than someone working for their levels.

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No, you're playing a super hero who fights crime. Them, who knows what they're doing, but apparently it isn't the same as you. Who cares? Does that stop you from going and having fun? I suppose if you worry over it it might, but in the meantime, let them diminish their own experience and you worry about yours.

I see someone doing this, I may shake my head, but beyond that I am much more concerned about myself and less concerned with what everyone else is doing. They aren't hurting me, so I'll mind my own business.

If more people worried less about what everyone else was doing perhaps the world would be a more peaceful place. Actually, I KNOW it would. Unless those people standing around are beating your grandmother, leave it alone.





Being ethically oppossed to cheating is not a from of jealousy. After working hard I do not like to see people stealing the same thing that I earned. The characters in the game define each other.



Do you have any idea how many people would quit if they took out powerleveling? A great deal.

This is one of the things that makes the kneejerk nerfs bearable, that you can just make another character, but not have to grind for hundreds of hours to get him to a playable level.



when the second update goes live pleveling wont work to well

They cut enemy xp more than half, they are smarter, and the hp is raised too. So it will take longer, not much reward, and increase in risk.

Mission XP is crazy good, im talking 5K, and that beast pleveling because there will be numerous enemies in mission now too.

These adsjustments stated above are going to change this game more than you know it.

Do you have any idea how many people would quit if they took out powerleveling? A great deal.

This is one of the things that makes the kneejerk nerfs bearable, that you can just make another character, but not have to grind for hundreds of hours to get him to a playable level.

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grrrrrrr.... grrrrr.... you [censored] ........



Yeesh, stop trolling every post, Unavailable. None of what you just said is true except mission xp getting a boost.

The enemy AI MAY be improved, but no real way to test that.



Yeesh, stop trolling every post, Unavailable. None of what you just said is true except mission xp getting a boost.

The enemy AI MAY be improved, but no real way to test that.

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do you know what trolling is>?

They did increase the AI considerably, and they did decrease the xp considerably.

Go check it out for yourself

No way to test it??? Go fight in test!



What if I found a hack for the game and just logged in at 50? Would that be right? I don't think that it would. Like I said the spirit of the game is that we are all playing together. So, its not true that everyone is playing individually. Also, if I can observe your behavior you are part of my world. This is why people can't have sex in public. Sure they are doing it together, but I have to watch. Frankly, I don't want to.



In a sense, it is a game community, as we are all playing it. If you are working on a job and your coworkers were stealing money it may not affect your ability to do your job or even your paycheck, but it would probably make you feel uncomfortable.

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I think your analogy is a bit flawed, in that there's no top-down recognition (salary, positon, etc.) here for all your hard work. I'm not getting paid to do this -- exactly the opposite. I'm paying to be entertained, and my playing the game doesn't affect the game's performance at all (maybe; more on this in a moment). We're not in competition with each other here for the most 'ub3r' character. We're here to have fun. If someone's idea of fun is to have some poor schlub get them to level 30 before they actually activate a power, then fine. I personally don't get it myself; it's rather like buying a movie ticket then coming in to watch the last 10 minutes of the film. Your loss, not mine.

The problems I see with Power-levelling (and hardcore gaming, something I do frequently) is if the developers cater to those that advance far more rapidly than the norm. Let's say that the developers say, "Whoa, there's X percent of our players going from level 1 to level 50 in three days -- better fixate on high-end content!" then there'd be a problem. I don't think that's happening, but I have no evidence either way.

Another potential problem with power-levelling are the folks who are trying to make characters simply to pwn during PvP. From the limited amount I've read about how they're implementing PvP I doubt this is going to be a problem as well; I think they're setting it up so that characters will have a fairly even field. We'll see.



They cut enemy xp more than half, they are smarter, and the hp is raised too. So it will take longer, not much reward, and increase in risk.

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None of that is true.

Being ethically oppossed to cheating is not a from of jealousy. After working hard I do not like to see people stealing the same thing that I earned.

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What exactly are they stealing? Is there a big safe at City Hall with all the exp everyone can ever earn? Did they pick-pocket your wallet which had 3 million experience points? What are they stealing? I see you're upset because they got a free ride and you didn't (I'm trying real hard not to call it envy), but as I said before, it has no impact on you whatsoever--that is, unless you let it.



PLing should be stopped. Another reason is that it is not in line with the superhero world. What superhero gets power and glory by doing nothing?

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Well, not to be a jerk (as I am in principle in agreement with you), but actually most superheroes seem to get power and glory by doing nothing. The X-men were natural mutants born with their abilities, Spider-man didn't 'work' to acquire the abilities he posessed, the Fantastic Four were victims of an accident and Superman did absolutely nothing to acheive his powers. In fact, I would say it may be more the exception than the rule that a superhero in comics gains his/her powers through hard work and dedication than through dumb luck or fate...

I guess in this way the PLers could argue that they're more true to the suprehero world than the rest of us (but I still say it sucks...)

Play the game dammit.




my confusion the title you ask if PLVLing is cheating yet when anyone says no you arguee with them...why did you bother asking if your not going to listen to anwsers that you didn't want?



The fact is that there are many group activities in the game and a lot of interaction, so it is not a simple game that you play by yourself.
Perhaps the analogy was not the best but I think that watching people cheat at the same activity that you are performing is annoying. Also, I don't believe that payment for the game entitles people to cheat. I'm sure that the developers didn't design a cheat system into the game. I would like to know what they think.




They cut enemy xp more than half, they are smarter, and the hp is raised too. So it will take longer, not much reward, and increase in risk.


None of that is true.

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????????????????? WHAT!!!!

None of that is true???!!

WTH are you talking about?

Go play on test, the XP is in half for enemies!!!!

The AI is much better, and almost ever villian group
is equipped with more powers!!!

Mission xp at teh end of a mission is raised almost 4x!!!!

Test it out if you dont believe me.

Go fight an enemy in the live servers, see how much xp you get, then go to test.

Also, see the AI in Ritki now!
Go fight a brick in Steel Canyon!
Do you even play test!!!

All enemy HP has been raised too!

I am POSITIVE about all this.



They did increase the AI considerably, and they did decrease the xp considerably.

Go check it out for yourself

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I have checked it out tonight. XP is the same on test and live except for mission xp, which is higher. So why the need to say otherwise?

The only real better villain AI is that certain members of some villain groups can now see through stealth. If this is what you meant, you should clarify.

Trolling is posting on a board for negative reaction. Posting lies in your case is doing so. Anyone here can go to the test (as I have) and see how your post about increased villains hit points and decreased xp is a lie.

You've done it in other threads, how much attention do you need? On that note, you'll get no more from me.



I have checked it out tonight. XP is the same on test and live except for mission xp, which is higher. So why the need to say otherwise?

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All i know is for a level 34 earth controller, I used to get 900 - 1.2 k for bosses like Tank Smashers and Power Tanks, now I onlyget 400 - 600 depending on level. If I could somehow get a demo file on the TESt server i would show you so.

Look I may be wrong, but I dont see how because I actually tested this, just wait till the update goes live. My intentions are not to troll, I PROMISE YOU I think I am right, I am not trying to cause any fight, but the AI is MUCH better for enemies, the XP is decreased, and the HP is RAISED.



I can only give you the benefit of the doubt and agree to disagree. I just tested it and everything is fine for me. Same xp and the villains die just as quick.

Either there is a discrepency at your level compared to mine (44 compared to 34) or it's something else.

I can only ask that other people of various levels test this out for themselves.