The Incomplete and Unofficial Guide to /bind (1.1)




Still not sure why the binds are not being saved.
Not understanding though if I had one text file with more than 280 binds in it why it would not save.

Are you saying the fill will not load because it is too big?

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No, I am saying that you get a maximum of 280 keybinds, in total. The servers will not store any keybinds past #280, no matter what is bound to those keys and no matter how you loaded the keybinds.

You can, however, change a keybind as much as you want, and the server will store the change. *This is what you are doing by rotating your keybind with different TXT files.)



lol now I get it.


[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



Is there a bind to rename your mastermind minions instead of right-clicking them? Also, what's the tilde trick again? I read about it a while ago, and can't seem to find it again.



Is there a bind to rename your mastermind minions instead of right-clicking them? Also, what's the tilde trick again? I read about it a while ago, and can't seem to find it again.

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/petrename rename your current pet
/petrenamename name rename your pet, identified by name

If by tilde trick, you mean how do you bind to the tilde key, then, it's actually very simple. tilde.



Hello to the Bind Guru’s most will know about the **AFK Enter Message Bind** & it’s relatively easy to set one up:

/bind enter "afk type something here!!…$$startchat"

My question is that I tried to add some colour to that bind & I was successful in doing that however instead of hitting the enter key & it just showing above your characters head it would also show in the chat window. Is there a way to add colour to the afk enter message bind or does it have to remain black & white?

Thank you for the help



Ive been wondering about that myself. And is there an easier way to color it without using the hard to remember letters n numbers code for colors?



Is there a bind to rename your mastermind minions instead of right-clicking them? Also, what's the tilde trick again? I read about it a while ago, and can't seem to find it again.

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/petrename rename your current pet
/petrenamename name rename your pet, identified by name

If by tilde trick, you mean how do you bind to the tilde key, then, it's actually very simple. tilde.

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Oh, no, I'd read something about pressing down on tilde to perform one ability, keeping it held while that power activates, then releasing it to perform another ability.

And thanks for the pet thing. Hope i can get it to work with what i have planned =)



Is there a bind to rename your mastermind minions instead of right-clicking them? Also, what's the tilde trick again? I read about it a while ago, and can't seem to find it again.

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/petrename rename your current pet
/petrenamename name rename your pet, identified by name

If by tilde trick, you mean how do you bind to the tilde key, then, it's actually very simple. tilde.

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Oh, no, I'd read something about pressing down on tilde to perform one ability, keeping it held while that power activates, then releasing it to perform another ability.

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Ah. That would be a Toggle Text Bind, described best in this post.

And thanks for the pet thing. Hope i can get it to work with what i have planned =)

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On the offhand chance that you are looking to create a bind to rename pets automatically, here's how:

bind key "petselect 0$$petrename name1petselect 1$$petrename name2petselect 2$$petrename name3"

Add more petselect x$$petrename namex+1 if you have more than three pets. Also realize that if you have two of your first tier pets and the one Second tier pet, your second tier pet will be petselect 2. Once you get your third tier 1 pet, however, that new pet would be petselect 2, and your tier 2's would use petselect 3 and petselect 4, respectively.

Put anther way, the first pet in your pet window is petselect 0. Each next one down in the window is the previous number +1.



I was actually hoping to create a bind that would automatically rename my pet when i use the upgrade powers (so like, 'ROBOBOT' would automatically become "ROBOTBOT Ver 2.0', just for some character flavor). But i tried the bind last night and it doesn't seem to want to do both. whichever command i put first in order is the only one to execute. hmm



Ok... here is my problem. I have a targeting bind that would target enemy near then target enemy next. When I hit TAB it targets the enemy near like its supposed to, but when I hit TAB again I get "Unknown command target_enemy_near $$ bind_load_file c:\cohkeys\TAB.txt"

Everything worked until i7 went live. Any ideas?

***BTW, same problem happening with my PB & WS bind to change forms.

In my toon bind .txt file I have this:

TAB "target_enemy_near $$bind_load_file c:\cohkeys\TAB.txt

TAB "target_enemy_next $$bind_load_file c:\cohkeys\TAB1.txt

TAB "target_enemy_near $$bind_load_file c:\cohkeys\TAB.txt


Victory Server Glo-Worm Rad/Dark Defender

Justice Server: Fossil Stone Stone/EM Tank



Ok... here is my problem. I have a targeting bind that would target enemy near then target enemy next. When I hit TAB it targets the enemy near like its supposed to, but when I hit TAB again I get "Unknown command target_enemy_near $$ bind_load_file c:\cohkeys\TAB.txt"

Everything worked until i7 went live. Any ideas?

***BTW, same problem happening with my PB & WS bind to change forms.

In my toon bind .txt file I have this:

TAB "target_enemy_near $$bind_load_file c:\cohkeys\TAB.txt

TAB "target_enemy_next $$bind_load_file c:\cohkeys\TAB1.txt

TAB "target_enemy_near $$bind_load_file c:\cohkeys\TAB.txt

[/ QUOTE ]

I noticed that I had to "reload" my main bind file on my initial log-in with Issue 7 - not sure what changed, but my binds seem to work OK after I they were reloaded.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



I keep reloading and it still is bugged after I hit the TAB key. I just went back to the "Toggle_Enemy_Near" option. It seems to affect my binds that have 3 actions in them. Not real sure about that though... may just be a coinsidence.


Victory Server Glo-Worm Rad/Dark Defender

Justice Server: Fossil Stone Stone/EM Tank



Ok... here is my problem. I have a targeting bind that would target enemy near then target enemy next. When I hit TAB it targets the enemy near like its supposed to, but when I hit TAB again I get "Unknown command target_enemy_near $$ bind_load_file c:\cohkeys\TAB.txt"

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It looks like you have a space after target_enemy_near, between that and the $$. All the guides I've seen say to avoid having spaces between the command name and the $$. Have you tried that?

eg: "target_enemy_near$$bind_load_file c:\cohkeys\TAB.txt"



Ok... here is my problem. I have a targeting bind that would target enemy near then target enemy next. When I hit TAB it targets the enemy near like its supposed to, but when I hit TAB again I get "Unknown command target_enemy_near $$ bind_load_file c:\cohkeys\TAB.txt"

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It looks like you have a space after target_enemy_near, between that and the $$. All the guides I've seen say to avoid having spaces between the command name and the $$. Have you tried that?

eg: "target_enemy_near$$bind_load_file c:\cohkeys\TAB.txt"

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OMG!!! I feel so stupid. I finally noticed that I'm missing the ending " in my bind statement. I'm sorry for the trouble.


Victory Server Glo-Worm Rad/Dark Defender

Justice Server: Fossil Stone Stone/EM Tank



this is exactly what i have been looking for.

Thanks great guide



Ok I'm sure i overlooked it but I want F11 to say something and do /e flex3. How do I get this to work?



Ok I'm sure i overlooked it but I want F11 to say something and do /e flex3. How do I get this to work?

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type ingame:

/bind F11 "say something$$em flex3"

This will send something to whatever chat box is currently the default. If you want to specify a particular chat channel, choose local, broadcast, group, supergroup, or request.



Howdy all...

Been "SearchFu'ing" through the various guides and posts and what not looking for a way to locate the additional macro buttons and binds for masterminds. Does anyone know where they might be?

~ Jonathan



I've Been away from the game for a few months and have been attempting to get back into the swing of things. I used to have a keybind for all the inspirations, but I cant figure it out anymore.

The way it would work was when I hit F1 it would activate Catch a breath first. If there wasn't a CaB, it would automatically go to Take a Breather. If no TaB it'd go to Second Wind.

Could somebody plz tell me where this is posted if it is already someplace else or plz post the bind format so I can do this for all the different inspires in the game.
thnks in advance!



I'm not 100% sure on the names but here's a previous posting for an Innie "launcher"

F1 "tell $name, HP$$inspexec_name respite$$inspexec_name Dramatic Improvement$$inspexec_name resurgence"
F2 "tell $name, END$$inspexec_name catch a breath$$inspexec_name take a breather$$inspexec_name second wind"
F3 "tell $name, DEF$$inspexec_name luck$$inspexec_name good luck$$inspexec_name phenomenalluck"
F4 "tell $name, DAM$$inspexec_name enrage$$inspexec_name focused rage$$inspexec_name righteous rage"
F5 "tell $name, ACC$$inspexec_name insight$$inspexec_name keen insight$$inspexec_name uncanny insight"

You were saying you wanted F1 for Catch a Breath series, you can just switch the F1 keys around in the above bind to activate whichever "set" you want for each key. ie F1 Catch, F2 Heals etc



Sandolphan did a great job on their guide.

Hope that helps.

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Just curious how a set of binds for MasterMind Pets helps with Inspiration use? No dis to Sando's bindset, its very useful, for Mastermind but the OP was asking about the inspiration bind.

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He was likely replying to JediMystiq above the question on insps.