The Incomplete and Unofficial Guide to /bind (1.1)




I need help oh sultans of swat...i cannot get a toggle bind to work, here is the thread outlining what i've done

it just keeps saying unable to read....plz help i wanna be cool too

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Kaddi, take a look at your original thread, I posted something to check.




I am trying to find a bind that allows me to summon all my pets with only one button, is there such a thing? Thanks to all for any help in this

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I asked the same question elsewhere as was told no.

Besides... with MM minions you get a target so you can place them... having a combined summon function for them all would require a combined placing target as well.



I've been reading through this thread a bit, and decided to try my hand at some binds. I combined a couple of concepts I've seen here with a healing bind I had in mind to set up my numpad keys to give Deflection and Insulation Shields to my teammates. Once the binds are loaded, it only takes a single keypress and release to cast both Shields, although a pause to hold the key is needed. The most interesting part of the bind, imo, is that it rebinds keys while they are being pressed to get a different effect once they're released. The setup is two bind files, each consisting of 8 binds, one for each of the 1-8 keys on the numpad. Once the files are made, load deflection.txt to get the setup started.

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I was just wondering if there was a way to make this go through your teammates list sequentially and automatically bubble each in turn. Otherwise bubbling teammates constantly is a boring chore and I'm lazy.



ok I got a little carried away with binds and I am wondering how I reset everything and start over? Is there like a default setting or somthing. Thanks in advance for any help in this one.



Yes. If you got into the Menu, select Optioins. In the Options window, select the "keymappings" tab. There should be a button to reset all keybinds. Sorry if its a little off, going off of memory and I'm at work so I can't verify. Hope that helps or gets you closer to what you are looking for.


Victory Server Glo-Worm Rad/Dark Defender

Justice Server: Fossil Stone Stone/EM Tank



Cool thanks I am underway so I won't be able to try it until the weekend, but thanks for the tip



Cool thanks I am underway so I won't be able to try it until the weekend, but thanks for the tip

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A navy man, by any chance?



Was wondering if someone could direct me to the bind set up for a chat balloon while typing to another channel or sending someone a whisper or tell. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Happy Holidays to all



Was wondering if someone could direct me to the bind set up for a chat balloon while typing to another channel or sending someone a whisper or tell. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Happy Holidays to all

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Here's a relatively complete set:

/bind enter "afk Typing...$$show chat$$startchat"
/bind / "afk Typing...$$show chat$$slashchat"
/bind ; "afk Typing...$$show chat$$slashchat"
/bind backspace "afk Typing...$$autoreply"
/bind comma "afk Typing...$$show chat$$begin chat /tell $target, "
/bind ' "afk Typing...$$quickchat"

Change Typing... to whatever message you want.

You may also find it easier to make a bindfile, say in a folder c:\coh, which would look almost the same:

enter "afk Typing...$$show chat$$startchat"
/ "afk Typing...$$show chat$$slashchat"
; "afk Typing...$$show chat$$slashchat"
backspace "afk Typing...$$autoreply"
comma "afk Typing...$$show chat$$begin chat /tell $target, "
' "afk Typing...$$quickchat"

Save it as something like typingbubble.txt, then enter the game and type /bindloadfile c:\coh\typingbubble.txt

Instant AFK bubble based typing messages.



just adding to my favorites

Nerf unto others as you would have them nerf unto you.
[url=""]The Teqnikal way to build a raid base v1.0[/url]



ok i looked this over and made no sense to me, im new to binds and computers in general, what id like to do is when i hit fire armor my toon changes froms costume "B" to costume "A" is there anyway to do this and if so if you could post the "code" for it to work, thx for your time



ok i looked this over and made no sense to me, im new to binds and computers in general, what id like to do is when i hit fire armor my toon changes froms costume "B" to costume "A" is there anyway to do this and if so if you could post the "code" for it to work, thx for your time

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/bind key "powexecslot X$$cc 0"

Change Key to the Key you want to bind to. Change X to the slot you put Fire Armor in. Alternatively:

/bind key "powexecname Fire Armor$$cc 0"

Changing key to the key you want it bound to. Make sure Fire Armor is spelled the same as the power in game. Should be.

Costumes are numbered 0, 1, 2, and 3; not 1 to 4. The $$ is a separator. It tells the bind system that you are using two commands. If you want this bind to only turn on Fire Armor, change powexecname to powexectoggleon.



$target will display the target's name in chat, but what if I wanted to also display the target's level? For instance if I wanted to tell my team "Longbow Rifleman Level 30 spotted". I've tried $targetlevel, $target_level and a bunch of other things... is what I'm trying to do just not possible?




I sent this Post to positron Cuppa and stateman. I got responces back from cuppa, and stateman. States said they were looking into it. This was back in august.

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



Ok I have this setup so i can quickly heal and buff my teammates. This seems to work very well. However, when I hit 1 (just 1, no shift) to fire off x-ray beam, it says "unknown command numpad3".

lshift+1 "unselect$$team_select 1$$powexec_name transfusion"
lshift+2 "unselect$$team_select 2$$powexec_name transfusion"
lshift+3 "unselect$$team_select 3$$powexec_name transfusion"
lshift+4 "unselect$$team_select 4$$powexec_name transfusion"
lshift+5 "unselect$$team_select 5$$powexec_name transfusion"
lshift+6 "unselect$$team_select 6$$powexec_name transfusion"
lshift+7 "unselect$$team_select 7$$powexec_name transfusion"
lshift+8 "unselect$$team_select 8$$powexec_name transfusion"
numpad1 "unselect$$team_select 1$$powexec_name speed boost"
numpad2 "unselect$$team_select 2$$powexec_name speed boost"
numpad3 "unselect$$team_select 3$$powexec_name speed boost"
numpad4 "unselect$$team_select 4$$powexec_name speed boost"
numpad5 "unselect$$team_select 5$$powexec_name speed boost"
numpad6 "unselect$$team_select 6$$powexec_name speed boost"
numpad7 "unselect$$team_select 7$$powexec_name speed boost"
numpad8 "unselect$$team_select 8$$powexec_name speed boost"
lshift+numpad1 "unselect$$team_select 1$$powexec_name increase density"
lshift+numpad2 "unselect$$team_select 2$$powexec_name increase density"
lshift+numpad3 "unselect$$team_select 3$$powexec_name increase density"
lshift+numpad4 "unselect$$team_select 4$$powexec_name increase density"
lshift+numpad5 "unselect$$team_select 5$$powexec_name increase density"
lshift+numpad6 "unselect$$team_select 6$$powexec_name increase density"
lshift+numpad7 "unselect$$team_select 7$$powexec_name increase density"
lshift+numpad8 "unselect$$team_select 8$$powexec_name increase density"
h "unselect$$target_enemy_near$$powexec_name transfustion"
lshift+p "say <color white><bg red><border yellow> I am going to attempt to pull.Please stay out the the line of sight, of the mobs."
lshift+f7 "say <color white><bg green><border black> Lets do this.$$emote thumbsup"
lshift+f8 "say <color yellow><bg red><border black> I'm knee deep in crud over here. Need assitance!$$emote whistle"
lshift+f6 "say <color red><bg yellow><border orange> RETREAT! FALL BACK!!"

I also have a series of binds set up to fire off powers, and say liltte witty remarks but those are set up through different bind files. Any help on how I can get my 1 button back would be greatly appreciated.

Nerf unto others as you would have them nerf unto you.
[url=""]The Teqnikal way to build a raid base v1.0[/url]



Ok I have this setup so i can quickly heal and buff my teammates. This seems to work very well. However, when I hit 1 (just 1, no shift) to fire off x-ray beam, it says "unknown command numpad3".

lshift+1 "unselect$$team_select 1$$powexec_name transfusion"
lshift+2 "unselect$$team_select 2$$powexec_name transfusion"
lshift+3 "unselect$$team_select 3$$powexec_name transfusion"
lshift+4 "unselect$$team_select 4$$powexec_name transfusion"
lshift+5 "unselect$$team_select 5$$powexec_name transfusion"
lshift+6 "unselect$$team_select 6$$powexec_name transfusion"
lshift+7 "unselect$$team_select 7$$powexec_name transfusion"
lshift+8 "unselect$$team_select 8$$powexec_name transfusion"
numpad1 "unselect$$team_select 1$$powexec_name speed boost"
numpad2 "unselect$$team_select 2$$powexec_name speed boost"
numpad3 "unselect$$team_select 3$$powexec_name speed boost"
numpad4 "unselect$$team_select 4$$powexec_name speed boost"
numpad5 "unselect$$team_select 5$$powexec_name speed boost"
numpad6 "unselect$$team_select 6$$powexec_name speed boost"
numpad7 "unselect$$team_select 7$$powexec_name speed boost"
numpad8 "unselect$$team_select 8$$powexec_name speed boost"
lshift+numpad1 "unselect$$team_select 1$$powexec_name increase density"
lshift+numpad2 "unselect$$team_select 2$$powexec_name increase density"
lshift+numpad3 "unselect$$team_select 3$$powexec_name increase density"
lshift+numpad4 "unselect$$team_select 4$$powexec_name increase density"
lshift+numpad5 "unselect$$team_select 5$$powexec_name increase density"
lshift+numpad6 "unselect$$team_select 6$$powexec_name increase density"
lshift+numpad7 "unselect$$team_select 7$$powexec_name increase density"
lshift+numpad8 "unselect$$team_select 8$$powexec_name increase density"
h "unselect$$target_enemy_near$$powexec_name transfustion"
lshift+p "say <color white><bg red><border yellow> I am going to attempt to pull.Please stay out the the line of sight, of the mobs."
lshift+f7 "say <color white><bg green><border black> Lets do this.$$emote thumbsup"
lshift+f8 "say <color yellow><bg red><border black> I'm knee deep in crud over here. Need assitance!$$emote whistle"
lshift+f6 "say <color red><bg yellow><border orange> RETREAT! FALL BACK!!"

I also have a series of binds set up to fire off powers, and say liltte witty remarks but those are set up through different bind files. Any help on how I can get my 1 button back would be greatly appreciated.

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The easist way to get your 1 key back is through the options menu & keymapping - for power slot 1 hit the 1 key

or through a bind I believe it would be:

/bind 1 "powexec_slot 1"

This should work, unless you have a bind calling & rebinding your 1 key, in which case you should save your keybinds to a text file & search through them for the mistake.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



I would like to make a bind that changes my map size. I have my map up in the corner at the smallest size, but often when trying to find certain places I need to click and drag it to make it big enough to use. So I was wondering if I could make a bind that would make my map large and then small again, is this even possiable.



As far as I know, there are no commands to change GUI elements on the screen other than whether or not they're displayed. You can't resize, zoom, move, or otherwise alter the windows.

I wish you could. Every time I roll an alt, I always go through the following dance:
<ul type="square">[*]Enable profanity[*]Enable prompt for team teleport[*]Unhinge my map and move it to the upper left of my screen[*]Unhinge the contacts window, expand it, and move it to the upper right[*]Unhinge the badges window, expand it, and move it to the upper right[*]Unhinge the clues window, expand it, and... aw, you get the idea[*]Hit the right alt key to stick the second power slot tray open, and change it from &lt;1&gt; to &lt;2&gt;.[*]Move my run power from its default slot to the Alt-0 slot.[*]Move punch from its default slot to Alt-5.[*]Invert the mouse controls.[/list]Oh, how I wish I could automate that into one command (/bind_load_file config.txt) followed by one keypress.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Seconded. *sigh*

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



There is a trick to acheive some of that:
<ul type="square">[*]Before you create a new character, open an existing charcacter.[*]Go to the options windows, tabbing each one, and svae the options.[*]Logout of that character (not the game), and create your new character.[/list]
You will still have to move your windows around, but your options will remain the same.

Does that help?



Excellent thread. I've gotten by for the past year using only my teleport bind. Now that I'm playing a pb, I find myself using more and more binds and really enjoying it.

Occasionally, I will change which key I have an action or phrase mapped to. Is there a way to reset all key binds back to the default?


Lumin (D4,50), Caelestes Lux (PB,50), Corpus Operandi (MM,50)



Yes. In the options menu, under the 3rd tab, is a button to reset all key binds. It's very nice if you use a bind file, but can be a pain if you try to type them in one at a time.

Now, I have a question....
Besides binding "team_select_#" to different keys, is there any way to 'tab' through your teammates? I thought that I saw a new code for this, but can't seem to find it now.

(We really need to have a new, updated guide with all the binds listed.)



These will also select pets. Don't know if that will me a problem for you. It'd be nice if there was a 'notpet' parameter...
&lt;key&gt; "target_custom_next friend"
&lt;key&gt; "target_custom_prev friend"
&lt;key&gt; "target_custom_near friend"
&lt;key&gt; "target_custom_far friend"

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On the other hand, if you're playing a master mind, the following is quite helpful and keeps you from needing to click on the pet window.
&lt;key&gt; "target_custom_next mypet"

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I mentioned this in a tech thread and got no answer, so I'll try here. The key+key thing isn't working for me. I tryed to set up the teleport bind /bind lshift+lmouse "powexec_name Teleport" and instead of being on lshift+lmouse, it simply activates teleport the second I hit lshift, so it's ignoring the + part. The problem with this is I can't just hold down shift key and click along my merry way, leading to a few embarasing falls if I don't time releasing the shift and repressing it right..hehe.

Any ideas?



Try 'SHIFT+LBUTTON' instead. I don't think that using 'LSHIFT' in a combination works.