
Caption Champ 4/2/10
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  1. twelfth

    First 50?

    Originally Posted by seebs View Post

    dark/dark defender (36)
    dark/dark tanker (32)
    fire/kin troller (22)
    bots/traps mm (35)
    ds/dark mm (32)
    widow (13)
    Edited for the ones I thought were interesting and/or closest to 50. Obviously your defender is the closest to 50, and dark/dark is kind of a dark horse combo (pun sorta intended) - it might not be the fastest, but it is plenty safe as long as you're avoiding mobs with negative damage resistance. Being a Dark/ defender means you shouldn't have too much trouble finding a team. I can't speak for a DA/ tank, but that's you're next highest on blueside - but that might be more leaning towards a something you'd want a team to help with.

    Demon Summoning seems to be pretty dang popular and /dark is quite good on it - particularly as you're probably going to be right in combat with your pets. I agree that MM's can be quite overwhelming for management unless you spend time doing some preparatory /binds and macros. I'm no good at those things, but you might be. I've seen more than my share of bots/traps MMs too, and you've gotten mileage out of that toon so I would at least guess you're comfortable with it. /Traps is reportedly a slow-moving (but safe) secondary, so this might be a case of slow-and-steady wins the race.

    People swear by fire/kin trollers as AOE monsters. I'm not much for control sets, but there you have it. You'll have a longer journey to 50, but teams will like what you bring to the table and I reckon soloing shouldn't be overly difficult either.

    I put the widow on there because rare is the time I am playing my widow that I don't enjoy it utterly. A 13 widow is still very young, since you haven't gotten to your branching path, but I'd like to say that they bloom pretty quickly. I don't know that I'd recommend using that one toon as your "take it to 50" character, but if you're a little cool on the AT - you should give it only a little bit of time and love; I think you'll be pleased by it.
  2. EDIT: Sorry, after consideration I don't think this is a thread to discuss these problems. Just a "DEVS LOOK HERE" consolidation of major issues. Taking the threadjack away.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BackFire View Post
    Presentation of Mission Text to all team members
    I think this is an issue with how the mission text works in all missions, not just the AE. Not that it shouldn't be fixed, but I think this is more of a global thing than just the AE - and it does impact how players are supposed to enjoy the AE.

    Similiar to this, it would be nice if all members of the team got the "clue found" popup when someone completes a clue-generating objective. I've been on teams and missed these before.
  4. twelfth

    First 50?

    My question at this point is: Do you want suggestions on a AT/powerset to take to 50 from scratch? Or are you interested in which of your existing toons you could take to 50?

    Taking an existing toon to 50 is gonna be a bit easier because you know most of their strengths and faults. What do you have sitting in your character selection?

    btw, my first 50 was a fire/rad corr, but it did take me a while (About 2 years) because I did lots of lolRPs and alted around. My subsequent 50s ran around 9-12 months, but I don't really grind-grind much and solo a fair amount.
  5. This is a silly question, but is the voting limited to assigned judges or is anyone allowed to vote?
  6. It'd probably be impossible to track, but after doing it so many times, I feel like there should be a badge for:

    1. Chasing off Hellion/Skull girlfriends (the generic NPC notes, not hellion GfH bosses).; Potential Title: "No Time For Love".
    2. Foiling Purse Snatchers; potential title: "Handbag Hero".
  7. Thanks for the update WW. I'm excited for i19 party times, but I can wait until everyone can play without bugs.

    In the meantime, I'm pointing my VG/SG-mates to the boards and asking that everyone jump on Beta to help root out the Bugs!
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by crayhal View Post
    If you don't have GR, do Strike/Taskforces and convert merits to A-merits. For villain side SFs, you can do the following in about 1.5 hrs:
    26...ITF - 30 mins
    42...Silver Mantis - 1 hr
    68 total merits
    On a normal, non-speed team, this is probably closer to around 3 hrs for both together, but that's still a low investment of time.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Savos View Post
    Aegis: Psionic/Mez Resist is the best sounding IO in theory, yet worst possible in practice.
    How so? Never had one, so I don't know.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
    If you add in a chance for -recharge as well...........not only can't they heal, they can't attack
    Plus the heal in Kinetics also applies -end to the foe target - making it a handy way to keep hard targets from spamming high-end cost powers while you keep topped up on HP.

    One of my own:

    Pain Dom > Enforced Morale has a +recharge effect on the target. It's not just mez protect, folks! Spam that sucker!
  11. Thanks so much for playing the arc, and wow, what a flattering review. I submitted this way way back in the original first AE Challenge and have been fooling around with it since. I didn't feel like retooling it for the 3rd Challenge because it would have felt cheap to me. Anyway, you have some really great observations in here and I really deeply appreciate the contemplation you offered in consideration of the story. You've actually hit a few things on the head, and brought up other interpretations which, while they were not exactly what I was envisioning, are perfectly valid and well-thought out rationales and answers to the questions that the story brings up.

    But! In answer to your comments:

    Notes: A couple of things I thought were noticeable omissions. First, rescuing Inquiry fulfilled the ‘Find some clues’ (or Find out what was going on), but I didn’t actually find out much of anything from him. He really should grant a clue when rescued – it just seems odd that I’m looking for a clue and ‘succeed’ but don’t really find anything that seems terribly salient.
    The objectives intentionally obscure what you the player actually ends up doing, because there's no way for the player in-story to know what is going to happen in order to set the navbar objectives. I suppose that Mr. Inquiry does need a clue indicating what he's doing there as well as to set up the importance Officer Kyle.

    Also, the mission completed after I opened the fourth crate, but it was clear according to the objectives I needed to find and arrest the leader of the operation (presumably the longbow agent). I went ahead and finished that, but it seems like that should be set to required, rather than optional...
    I could have done this, but because I have Officer Kyle set as a hostile escort, setting him as a required objective causes a Failure condition if you defeat him. Which pushes you out of the mission automatically, even if you haven't finished the collection objectives (thusly causing even less sense). It was sort of a coin-toss on how to arrange this, so I went with the option that I felt would allow the player to stay in the mission as long as desired.

    Note: In the clue regarding the briefcase and costume she mentions it is the Facemaker who is responsible for my new digs ... but then refers to ‘them’ and ‘they’...
    This isn't a bad point; this is actually my redsider-preference bleeding through the text. Since the tailor in the Rogue Isles is run by the Vahzilok and Facemaker is the most prominent tailor in the Isles, I always refer to the reside tailor as "the Facemakers" like bluesiders refer to the Tailor as "Icon". I'll fiddle with this and get something worked out.

    Note: I have to say that several of the messages in the chat window as you are searching for the documents seem a bit out of character to the setup in the mission briefing.
    I've had this comment before. I am trying to play up the temptation angle, or that you could reasonably get away with crime if you just let yourself slip a bit. I've not intended these to suggest that your hero MUST be stealing them, but I wanted to leave the door open for those players who just very well might. Obviously something in the way I'm constructing those lines is rubbing players the wrong way, so I've got to find a better way to say what I'm trying to get across.

    Also, good point about the document box, I'll change that for sure.

    Note: Although the mission makes it clear that I’m setting up Inquiry as a double agent for a whole slew of villain groups, as you can see from the narrative, it seems far more natural to limit it to the Council alone.
    Not a bad point, particularly considering your logical argument following it. I suppose I was going a bit over the top on that. The "Orgy of evidence" is a sure-fire indication of a conspiracy.

    Mental Note: Next time take off the villain costume before you walk up to someone with a license to kill. At least that way her buddies won’t help her wipe the floor with you.
    Thank you for posting this screenshot. It shows another typo in Indigo's text (gender confusion).


    I think Indigo’s assertion that the revelation on the film would destroy the public’s faith in heroes is somewhat overstated.
    Possibly, but it was necessary to establish that there was at least a reason to be doing all of the questionable things, that there was an ideal that Indigo was attempting to protect. Besides of which, consider the source. Indigo knows what it's like when someone goes bad due to interpreting unfortunate events in a way that causes a break in one's faith.

    I also thought it a bit off that you go visit Indigo in the hospital at the end.
    The ending of the arc was actually fairly different in previous publications (prior iterations had you fight (a weakened) Statesman, or Miss Liberty), so this was the first one where you had to fight Indigo - but Indigo still needed to explain herself somewhat (and I didn't want to muddy up the post-arc details by adding more clues). So, I changed the final debriefing from "meeting back up with Indigo" to "visiting her in the hospital". Basically I wanted to suggest that the PC is a better person/hero than Indigo for being able to do that.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ransim View Post
    I'd rather have me some Ascendant-O's.
    You know, looking at the packaged cereal, I just assumed that's what Saul did with the leftover Ascendant-Os. Either the Xenonite kills the reviewers (they were going to give bad reviews anyway), or they will get cosmic superpowers (and be indebted to the devs for the favor - good review!). Win-win situation IMO.
  13. Couple of comments here:

    1. Why doesn't AS accept Interrupt enhancements? That should be a very easy design implementation that could help with the AS complaints. Yes, you'll have to balance your slotting to accept it, but why not? If you can pull down your interrupt timing, you might still be locked in the AS animation, but at least if you're hit outside of the interrupt time, you'll still get your strike off (and hopefully crit).

    2. For people who are complaining that Stalkers need to be able to take aggro from other players, Stalkers do have a power for this - it's called the Presence pool. With i19, you'll be able to free up some power options for it if you want to play your stalker that way.

    3. Good ideas: Hide/Placate inherent (although there's the matter of getting no more slots to spread between the whatever new powers fill those spots), increase the unsupressed portion of hide.

    4. Interesting ideas: Anti-tanking placate power (I disagree that this is brute/tank griefing. Brutes and Tanks have enough taunt-effects to take back any aggro they would lose); I like shadestorm's idea of a "Distraction Bonus", but I'd suggest that it affects the re-Hide rate. The more stuff going on the easier it is for the Stalker to re-Hide and continue the crit-from-hide rate.
  14. Man, now if we could get a Mids updated early so we can spec things out beforehand.
    (I know there's a unofficial mock-up out there, but still...)
  15. If you're already making an attachment using an outside email program, just have them attach the .costume file from the Costumes folder in your CoH drive.

    I've had problems converting the "text" file to costume file process mentioned above - I've gotten errors and or problems with it getting all the pieces over (or recognizing the conversion at all). Just easier to do the regular .costume file.
  16. Once you get high enough to begin them, there are also Task Forces and Strike Forces, which are dedicated storylines and team challenges which tell a story about some (relatively) large or important threat. These are challenging missions, however, which have mandatory level requirements (and require a certain number of players on a team to begin). In order to get all of the info from the contact, you generally should be the leader of the team - but you can read the mission briefing text and clues even if you aren't the leader.

    +1 on Ouroboros & Arc Souvenirs (which are found in the "clues" tab on the Navbar).
    +1 for Trying the Hollows, Faultline, Striga, etc. Again, you just might outlevel the contacts pretty fast though.

    ...there is a guy named Dr. Vahzilok that shows up in a story arc (series of missions). It culminates the story of the Vahzilok enemy group, which caps out around level 20. You could just level up past 20 and never encounter him, but he is part of a linear story related to Vahz.
    I'm a great example of this. I never fought Dr. Vahzilok on any of my heroes as part of a contact story arc. Never found the arc in which to fight him. It wasn't until the new Positron TFs that I actually ever saw him outside of the AE.
  17. twelfth

    Corr vs. Blaster

    Blasters will, at base, give you more DPS than Corrs. There are always modifications to this as Corrs generally have (and /Rad in particular) have ways to up their damage potential by debuffing the target or buffing the team. Blasters will also have access to Build Up, which Corrs don't (and on DP/ they don't get Aim either).

    Part of your disappointment with your DPS, I think, is actually an issue with your powerset. Dual Pistols is not an OMFGUBER damage set. It's not awful either - it's a solid, middle-of-the road set that provides a lot of versatility depending on what role you want to play. Just keep that in mind.

    As for my preference? It's despite the above bit about damage, I'm gonna go Corr. /Rad is a great team set, easy to learn, and no one will really complain about you being on the team. Also, if you have a heal - use it. It's easy, autohit, heals yourself. You don't have to be the healzors, but your team will appreciate the steady stream of HP replacement you can give. Check out the Corruptor forums, and look at the guides out there on /rad and enjoy as you BOOMHEADSHOT an weakened AV.
  18. Much of the backstory about CoX is actually told in optional objectives known as History Plaques or History Badges. These are scattered throughout most of the zones in the game in both Paragon City and the Rogue Isles (Paragon has considerably more of them than the Isles - which is due to City of Villains being added as an expansion after the initial launch of CoH).

    The only problem with the history badges is that they are generally placed in oblique areas and in order to read them all linearly, you have to hop between zones to find them - sometimes going into areas where you're very underpowered in comparison to the roaming critters. You'd also have to know where they are, but the above links should help with that. You should save that website, by the way, it is the wiki for the game itself, which can provide a LOT information about what happens in game both mechanically and story-wise.

    Outside of that, my suggestion is to just start with your starting contact and work through the storyline of their missions. I will say this - given the speed at which the early levels go - you will outlevel the contacts pretty fast, or be given access to other contacts (which sometimes makes new players think that they have to abandon the first contact; you don't). This means that you might outlevel missions from your contact before the "story" of their mission arcs are completed, and they will not let you proceed. The only way to be certain to avoid this is to Disable XP* (yes, you can turn off gaining XP in this game) until you're finished with that story to your satisfaction.


    Being a new player in CoX at this point, some six years after launch means that there are a lot of veteran players. These vets usually have quite a few alts, which means that a large subsection of the player base have been through the same missions and storys several times over - so they are looking for fast levelling, steamrolling through missions for the maximum amount of XP in the minimum amount of time. On Hero-side (aka Blueside), a lot of people start "sewer runs" for this purpose. This is just "street sweeping" in the sewers to get through the first eight to ten levels - if you want to do "story based" content - SKIP THESE TEAMS. There's nothing wrong with them innately, but they'll be moving at a high speed and there's no "story" to what is happening. It's just grind.

    As a new player to the game, you may also wish to put a call to the Mentor Project and there is a New Player Global Channel (which I think is N_P_C; but I'm not sure of that). You should see someone from either of these player-run mentoring groups post in here pretty shortly.

    ETA: Oh, I forgot about an easy way to learn more about the lore of the game. When you're walking around or in a mission, right-click on a targeted critter/enemy and select "Info". Pretty much all of the critters, enemies, allies, and NPCs (except wandering citizens) will have a short-write up describing who and what they are. Sometimes this description will give you a general idea of their abilities in the game-world from which you can guestimate what they will do in-game.
  19. I'm just thinking that random drops is random - TOT'd on an eight man team and got nearly zilch for drops (costumes or tips) after a while of grinding, but solo I was getting costume salvage, 5 costumes, and a tip within like... 30 mins.

    We do seem to be getting costume salvage a lot easier this year, which seems to make sense as the devs are probably expecting a higher-than-normal demand for them with lots of new Praetorian toons, and an increase in playerbase numbers with people who reactivated accounts for GR.
  20. Honestly, I suppose we should get it for having the 5th anniversary badge.
  21. I can't tell from the video, but are snowflakes & the cryogenics aura the same/modified from each other or are they distinct, separate auras?
  22. Marketing, read my lips: Six Bucks. Hell, I'll buy two at that price.
  23. Two Notes:
    1. Got a very nice nod a few weeks back from Arrowrose on playing the completely unrevised version of the arc. Again, issues with the final mission came up.

    2. The reason for post-bumping this: with i19, looks like we might get Praetorian Clockwork - which might be a good way to deal with mission 4. If so, the whole arc might get dropped down to hold at the 15-20 range. This would mean dropping Mapserver down to an EB (which is a little underwhelming for Mappy's importance in the world of CoX - but whatever).
  24. Hey everyone. I've had two MA Projects that I've had on hold pretty much since i14 - I got part way through the 3rd mish of the first one, and only sketches on the second mission arc. While I did get busy with other projects, I'm looking back at them now and wondering if they are worth continuing.

    While I have the plotting of the stories basically outlined (the two arcs are supposed to be Hero/Villain versions of the same story), I've become troubled that I can't seem to think of a good way to integrate the story into the MA, while keeping it an engaging and play-worthy piece of gaming.

    I tend to work on my arcs in secret until there's at least a reasonably polished draft up, but I can't seem to break through on these one-or-two cases. In thinking about it, there's no imperative to keep the project underwraps when maybe getting some input from others during the drafting phase could be useful for knocking ideas loose.

    So, question is - do you think it's worth it to put up an obviously, completely unfinished arc up in order to have people make mechanical suggestions on how the story should be executed?

    By unfinished I mean that the story does abruptly end without resolution, Big Bads remain unrevealed, plot threads are not resolved, etc. Basically I'm concerned about how to fiddle with making missions out of the story or being able to convey the important aspects of the story (rather than editorial opinions on the plot itself). Is this worth while, is it kosher from an MA etiquette standpoint, etc. Or should I continue to just poke the inert thing privately in test mode?
  25. Worse comes to worse, if all else fails - talk to Mongoose and select "Complete Current Mission from this Contact". This will autocomplete the mission and allow you to move on. You can only do this once every three days, however - so it is usually a last resort.

    Also, if you use the Fateweaver (check your map, its the blue-"person" symbol; in Mercy she's pretty much in the middle of the map, she's under the clocktower), you can "reset" the mission to your new difficulty settings by returning (or calling) your contact and select "Abandon Current Mission from this contact". This will remove (but NOT complete) the mission, allowing you to re-start it with your new difficulty settings.

    However - I hate Mongoose. I hate his missions. They don't get any better. Just skip him. At level 7, you're perfectly capable of handling Port Oakes. Head over there, speak to the Broker Contact and get a "newspaper". This will allow you to select from three random, basic, short missions you can play. Eventually you'll get access to the Mayhem mission.

    By the point you get to that bank mission, you're gonna forget all about stupid freaking Mongoose and all his stupid freaking snakes.