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  1. Ok the new forums are nice looking and seem quicker, but there is a major issue, well its major to me. NONE of the flippin guide links work and so far I have found no information indicating how to get them to work.
  2. I love NUKES from a Tanker perspective that is. I used to tank for a blaster who had NOVA, I would take my INV/SS in and gather a couple groups of enemies around me then he would jump in and NOVA. bodies were flying everywhere. It took seconds to clean up the stragglers and then we'd move to the next room or area.

    I don't know Psychic Wail but if its anything like NOVA, it makes life so much easier on a team, as long as everyone knows what is going on.
  3. I have an ICE/NRG blaster that I have taken to level 40 pretty much Solo [90-95%]..

    I also have an ICE/ICE blaster that I play that has been leveled completely solo so far and is a lot of fun. Yes I have died a few times but if you don't die a few times then your not a balster.
    I can't post builds from here becuase i don't have them, they are at home.
  4. sherlockho

    wp/ba build

    I am also playing a WP/BA tnk at the moment he is LVL 28 [Stumpmaster on Triumph] and i will post his build for others to see some time today i hope.

    keep an eye out.
  5. Why I luv my tanker?

    Because i can stand there and say:

    You want some
    Come get some!

    Bob the Bruiser lvl 50 INV/SS
  6. I've played many tankers but only one sticks with me and that is my INV/SS [also my only 50]. It is without a doubt the most fun toon I have and he isn't even tricked out because he doesn't need to be.
  7. I still play the game but I'm not on Freedom much anymore....I've been playing toons on other servers lately, and not farming them to me farming is boring.
  8. I am looking forward to this Issue more than i have any previous issue that has come along. I don't know if I have what it takes to create content worthy of being played by the general populous but I am certainly going to try my hand it and see what I can do.

    45-months and still enjoy the game.
  9. I have one and only one 50 to date

    Bob the Bruiser INV/SS Tanker dinged lvl 50 February 2007
  10. As I stated in the other thread about in-game advertising, I pesronally don't like the idea, but I realize that this is a good revenue stream for game development. Since it would appear that they will not be adding billboards and banners but using those already in existence I see no problem. Especially when you consider billboards as landing and bouncing places while SuperJumping, it is highly unlikeyl that I know what is on any particular billboard. So how does that affect their statistics? The same way my ignoring TV ads affects those statistics. unless they use some kind of metric to determine whether I was there long enough to even notice the ad. Good Luck with this NCSoft.
  11. unfortunately or fortunately, depends on how you look at it, I have gotten only 1 such tell and that was a long time ago.

    Now if you could find a way to put an end to those annoying in game e-mails or put a report as spam button in the e-mail area we might have something.
  12. I knew this would happen, so I'm not surprised.

    I said it in another thread but nobody seemed to notice.
  13. Thank you Lighthouse.

    that is good to hear but doesn't wxplain why someone I know got a double xp weekend that has left, but i who am still here did not get one. No problem.

    Unfortunately though I also see Freedom is already red and its only 6:50pm et.. this does not bode well for later

    Agent_X...not upset just getting in the right frame of mind for what i fully expect to happen. If it doesn't happen then i'll be thrilled. If it does happen then I'll just move on to somethiing else.
  14. Well considering that at approx 1:50pm ET both Freedom and Virtue were already YELLOW, I fully expect by the time I log on at 10pm ET that I it will be red and if not locked out will be laggy as in past double XP events. Good thing I have toons on other servers not that that will make up for not being able to work in the TF my friends and I started last Friday night.

    Wonders how many people were sent reinvites for double XP weekend? [doesn't expect to get answer]
  15. Did anyone other than me play Diablo on the Playstation after playing it on a PC? I did not think it ported over well to the console myself, and I truthfully do not see CoX porting over very well.

    How do you control 3 trays of powers with a console controller with any sembelance [sp?] of speed?

    I see a lot of problems with porting this over to a console, nevermind that I have too much invested in my PC to spend $ buying a console that I don't really want.
  16. This is a great thing that you folks are doing.

    Unfortunately all the stuff is already beyond my range at this point. Maybe you will run another such charity deal.
  17. Great guide Black now if all the whining [about dying] blasters that cause their own problems would read it, I wouldn't get all those complaints when I am tanking.
  18. Ahh...another item that will bring out the greed that has made some items unattainable at WW's...

    I agree with another poster that there should be no need for unlimited respecs, but then again I hate respecs it is far to easy to screw it up. YMMV

    I have on lvl 50 character and respec'ed him only twice, once because I5 made him [a tank] ineffective, and once in his 40's in order to bring taunt into my build. I have not respec'ed any of my other characters so far, and do not plan to unless there is some massive change made by the devs that affects them adversely.

    This does not mean I do not appreciate the devs attempts to make the game better, and it they see this as doing that then so be it. Since they are recipes and there is no way to store them in your base it is not as good a thing as it first appears. I personally find highly unlikely that most people will be ready to use them when they get them. In my case they will most likely be given to friends who want to respec, or put up for sale on WW's at a much more reasonable price than I expect to see them selling for.

    prepare for a confetti storm........
  20. Thanks for the INFO should come in handy as I build my Supertank on Triumph {Friar Bob}...
  21. I personally have not been involved in this discussion as I do not have any experience with /ice tanks.

    But I like others in this thread have given up on trying to get constructive ideas across to the devs. Why? Because they clearly do not think there is a problem and therefore have no intention of responding to our concerns.

    Maybe when a RED NAME decides to get involved in the discussion /ice tankers will make themselves known, until then its like shoveling pooh against the tide. [pardon my language]
  22. Best of Luck Arctic Sun aka Jesse Coble.....

    Don't be a stranger get a real account like the rest of us.
  23. I'm kinda disappointed that you can't put a telephone on top of the floor safe, as it makes a great side table.