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  1. Two words: Freaking Vahzilok. :P
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Minotaur View Post
    Brillig, please stop trolling these threads with dubious facts at best.

    1. NCSoft made no effort to find out whether a number of the efforts to rescue the game were serious. Titan haven't made an effort to buy it out themselves because they wanted Paragon to have a go which occurred and some negociations did happen. Information (due to NDAs) is very scant but several other bids from consortia and studios are rumored, only one enquiry confirmed from a small studio that didn't even get a reply.

    2. CoH must have been profitable purely on the basis that in the announcement of the closure there was no mention of disappointment with its performance or unprofitability, which there was with AA and TR. It may not have been very profitable, but if it wasn't profitable, they'd have said so. Anecdotal evidence of profitability only although has been confirmed off the record by Paragon people. Do you think Paragon would have tried to take it on if it wasn't profitable ?

    3. The community has invested. It was mentioned a LONG time ago that purchasing over and above the subs = new content. People who bought costume packs pre-freedom invested, and people who bought points as I did and had 6K unused have invested in the game and not got a return.

    4. Tony has always said reverse engineering is illegal and they weren't going to do it. Certainly private servers are not on the Titan agenda.

    I don't see really what Titan has done so far other than mobilising the media and protesting against the closure to comprise the "anything else" that you think they've done badly. The only other thing going on is an attempt to make their own game which will use no NCSoft code or IP.
    I haven't read the second page of this thread yet, but this is one beautiful, well-reasoned post. Thanks, Minotaur!
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angelus Animi View Post

    Another big thanks to Leandro for all the help!
    Wow, terrific!

    How did you get all those giant monsters in there? Tell me tell me! My daughter and I are freaking out! :P
  4. I absolutely think that CoH will eventually be playable in some form or another again after November 30th.

    I also absolutely think it's new name will be "EMU," lol. If NC wasn't selling the IP with PS, our entire community and even mainstream gaming sites at large on them daily for four weeks straight, they're not going to budge in the future, either.

    And a CoH without Paragon Studios may as well be an EMU CoH. It isn't gonna be pretty, and it really is Plan Z, but it's the only plan we've realistically got left.

    But I do hope NCSoft never recovers from their abysmal reputation, and I hope Blade & Soul and Wildstar fail miserably in NA and EU because of it. They should just pull out of the west altogether, they really should. They only see us as quick, cash-grab box fee sheep, then they offer no substantial support on their games (they're typically overrun with gold farmers, lag and buggy, untested patches) and then once the box fees die down they shutter them for good.
  5. And the link is right here:

    It only takes a second to post your support, too!
  6. To be honest, McC, I've found GW2 to be quite mundane. It's mainly just running around from public quest point to public quest point, and I couldn't help but wonder how hard it's going to be for the lone soloer to get through any of it even a few months down the road when everyone's a high level toon and the beginning zones are empty.

    It's pretty but it lacked depth to me. I don't see what all the fuss is about, and beyond that, sixty bucks is a lot for an 8-class game that only gives you 5 character slots then charges you 10 bucks a piece for extra slots. Yeah, yeah, no monthly fee, but it's NOT massively multiplayer so it shouldn't have one anyway. It just pretends it is to try and snow people, really.

    That's the other thing that got me-- it's all channeled just like GW1 is, it's just that this time mirror 1 is called Yak's Bend (making believe it's a separate server when it's not) and mirror 2 is called Ferguson's Crossing or whatever. They can "name" the mirrors whatever they want: the fact is, when a player's name gets taken on one "server" it's taken on all of them (because they're all really just one overarching server). And you frequently get dumped into "overflow areas" without your party when the much-lower-than-real-MMOs-zoning-limits are reached (at least you did during launch week-- maybe the abandonment of the newbie zones has already happened now, though, and you'd be doing those public quests alone nowadays, I'm not sure, because after the COH announcement I quit playing GW2. I only played it from early start for a week before the CoH bomb dropped).

    The sad part is that there is no free trial, the cash shop is too expensive, and it smacks of cash grab in the usual NCSoft style (their cash shops in Aion and Lineage 2 are even more outrageously priced because there's no box fee with those).

    I dunno, but the OP didn't mention GW2, and personally, I'd tell him to take a pass. And the NCSoft affiliation is of course terribad, too. Their history with games is awful.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SpikyShane View Post
    Now, I have a shortlist of four MMO games which I'm tempted by, none of which being superhero based as the alternative superhero MMO games don't appeal to me. The list is as follows (in no particular order): Raiderz, Tera, Vindictus, and Battle of the Immortals.

    All the games I mentioned look good, but I have no idea which to choose out of the four. Has anyone played any of these games and could recommend one to me, or maybe played a similar game to any of these which they could recommend instead? I'm swinging more toward Raiderz or Tera, but your opinions will help a lot as the majority of you are veteran MMO players who know what you're on about when it comes to these kinds of games. Oh, and I don't mind paying a subscription, as long as it's not too expensive (around CoH price per month).
    Battle of the Immortals is a colorful, real-time combat, fixed-camera, isometric MMORPG by Perfect World International. You can use W-A-S-D nowadays (don't laugh, you couldn't during beta) but it's the lack of sky view and slightly awkward controls that will get you. Otherwise, it's pretty fun, and one of my favorite truly F2P games (it wasn't a P2P that converted, like EQ2 or LoTRO; it was launched as F2P).

    In BotI, you can "tame" practically any mob in the game and then it will fight with you. Even the same mob will have very different stats depending upon which exact one of it you tame (and if you tame 50 of them, many of them will have varying stats). The stat system for pets is very deep. The actual classes themselves aren't as deep, but the Heretic healer was about my favorite. The tank isn't bad either. But, at least when I played, almost no gold dropped from mobs or quests and you need it to level your skills, so you wind up buying it in-game with real-life money through the auction house. I just looked at it as financial support for the developers. Try the free download. It's pretty fun, bright, colorful, and has a decent player base (at least it used to about a year ago, which is when I last played it).

    Tera has excellent graphics and a cool, real-time combat engine. Dodging and blocking in real-time not only mean something but are necessary to save your skin. The classes are good, but healing is AWKWARD AS HELL lol. Priests have to target a player manually, press a shortcut key (all attacks/skills are shortcut keys; this game controls like a FPS even though it's 3rd person) then target the player again and then heal them. AoE heals are "wells" you have to drop onto the ground that time out in a couple seconds, and players have to "walk into them" during that couple seconds to get healed. Mystics (pet/support class) drop healing spheres onto the ground and other players on their team have to pick them up like loot drops with the spacebar to be healed by them. The questing in Tera really sucks though-- it's very grindy and extremely repetitive and boring. That's why they've already merged down to 3 lone servers (one PvP, one PvE and one RP) since launch this past spring. This game doesn't remind me of Lineage 3--- it IS Lineage 3. All the work went into the graphics and real-time combat engine. Try a free trial first if possible.

    Haven't played the other two, sorry.
  8. shadow35

    For teh future

    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post

    My question to everyone is: in the event CoH can't be saved, can and will you get behind a spiritual successor/new super hero MMO?

    If so, use this thread to send a message to whoever might be listening that is considering such an undertaking that a spiritual successor to CoH is something you want to happen.

    Phoenix City (I suspect just a temporary working title) is already underway and has been for some time now at Titan Networks. As these forums are owned by NCSoft, people are probably better off registering and joining the network there for that type of project.
  9. is now linked right here!

    He's having as painful a time with this situation as we are, that is obvious. I hope some CoH supporters besides myself post to thank him for his and Massively's longstanding backing of CoH in general, and especially throughout this whole mess.

    Win or lose, it's still good to say "Thanks!" once in a while to others.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lightslinger View Post
    I sincerely hope "the gloves are off" means some earnest work is being done on a private server, because at this point hijacking Paragon city is the only choice.

    Need a "we're going to steal the Declaration of Independence" style meme for this undertaking.

    Get to it code people, you're our only hope!
    The sad fact of the matter is that I agree with you. If NCSoft won't sell the IP while taking the heat from a full-on public campaign by CoH's player base, the chances of them selling it after it's shut down and people have moved on is nil. They may pull up stakes and withdraw totally from the west within the next year or two (and they really should), but they're apparently determined to brazen out their horrible reputation until then. So be it.

    Well, I still do believe that CoH will live again. EMU isn't the way I would have preferred it, but I agree I think that's where our efforts and time are best spent now.

    So where does everyone meet up to volunteer services? Titan Network? TonyV should set it up so the specific part of the forum used for EMU is invisible to the general public; only those actually working on reverse engineering, etc., should be able to log in and see it. Granted, NCSoft minions could always eventually register as "fake help" there too (maybe samples of work would be required to "get in?"), but we may as well not wave a giant flag in their faces about it day in and day out meantime.
  11. Croatoa has always been my favorite zone, so I'll pick that.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _eeek_ View Post
    This is what I posted in the Titan forums...

    Here are my thoughts on negotiations to sell CoH were exhausted:

    Potential Buyer: Can we buy CoH from you?

    NCSoft: No

    Other Potential Buyer: Hey, I'd like to buy CoH!

    NCSoft: No

    Still Other Potential Buyer: We would like to bu...

    NCSoft: No

    NCSoft: Man, this stupid phone keeps ringing. I'm exhausted!
    Hehe, yeah, that seems about the size of it.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _eeek_ View Post
    First off, can we keep this civil, please? Making personal attacks is gaining us nothing. Agree, disagree, whatever, but if you lower yourself to bicker back and forth, you're not only NOT making your point, you're feeding into what NCSoft seems to be trying to do - discourage us, and make us think this is pointless and futile.

    Second, think about WHY NCSoft would have made a second announcement about the game closing. Why would they bother, since it's what they've already said?

    The point is that WE are making MMO news by our refusal to passively accept the closing of the game, and want alternatives. WE have made enough noise that THEY TOOK NOTICE. And now, it's about damage control.

    So, instead of the media reporting about OUR efforts, now they're reporting THEIR message. They made the newest noise.

    Now what SHOULD be in the headlines? THEIR message, or OUR message?

    To those who are negative and hateful, I'll say what we say on Virtue: take it to --- (the behemoth), 'cause we don't do that here.

    To those who are giving up, okay, I get that. Do what you gotta do to keep yourself in a good space, and God bless.

    To those who are still fighting the good fight... PLEASE! Ignore the trolls! If you don't feed 'em, they won't stick around!
    Thanks, eeek! I'm with you!
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    hmmm sounds like something I said not too long ago.

    But you are correct there. I think many are taking this thing a bit toooooo serious and might need to start considering seeking a little help or at least someone to talk to.
    And as it appears to be a compulsion for you to jump into every single thread and immediately be negative, you are taking this thing a bit toooooo seriously as well, so you too might need to start considering seeking a little help or at least someone to talk to.
  15. Hello there all!

    Have you noticed that the newest "modern MMO with the quirky old-school feel," Project: Gorgon, has just landed on Kickstarter? Pro vets from EQ2, the Asheron's Call series and STO have banded together and are looking for funding!

    Hey, Paragon Studios, you guys could pull something like that off, too (at least if you wanted to). Let us know what you're up to as time goes by, would you please?

    I would donate to you.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
    Two people independently reported hearing the rumor:

    Will that suffice, your pedanticness?
    I sure hope you don't believe those two people, Brillig. I hope you're being facetious here.

    But just in case you're not, or in case anyone else is buying into that spiel.... Don't you remember when we had MishiLove, the phony Asian-stereotyper with the supposed inside information, spouting "It lives! July 13 2013" nonsense about the super-secret project after CoH's closure was announced? Zwill had to charge into the thread and give him/her the reality slap: Nope, cancelled with CoH.

    And remember the other gem, that SOE had made an offer to buy CoH part and parcel within 2 hours of the announced shutdown? Poor John Smedley had to actually announce publicly on his Twitter that it never happened and never would to shut people up.

    What embarrassments.

    I'm not buying some fool's nonsense, which was probably seen by the two people you quote in the exact place where it originally appeared, which was as some random Schmoe's reply in Massively's "Crushes Hopes and Dreams" blog. I know because I saw it, too, and in fact I am the one who quickly jumped in with an actual link request, which the guy refused to give and then quickly moved on, lol.

    The kicker? THIS IS THE ORIGINAL POST IN MASSIVELY'S THREAD, COPIED DIRECTLY HERE: If a Trion representative is telling the truth, they refused an $80 million deal with no negotiation.I didn't typo that, and I fact-checked: Yes, they are refusing to sell off a game they have absolutely no interest in keeping going for 80 MILLION. They don't want the game, and they don't want anyone else to have it either.

    These "two people" you quote, Brillig, are merely contorting this other guy's b.s. Where does it even say TRION were the ones offering? How can you even be sure this "original b.s. dude" wasn't talking about PS offering money to NCSoft, and some Trion employee happened to know them and find out about it? And it's all nonsense anyway.

    Sorry, but until you see it by a red name, don't believe it. Much like MishiLove and the other guy (Monkey something?) who appear to have since disappeared from these boards, that random poster in Massively's thread was obviously just looking for attention.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
    This needs to be validated. If I'm not mistaken, he said a little later that he got the dates confused, and that people would indeed be able to play on November 30.
    Yeah, he corrected it later. But now I can't change the title. So I changed the post at least, lol.

    Poor Hitstreak. You can tell this is as hard on him as it is on us. I'm grateful for his strength of character, though.

    And he said he can't speak about whether or not Paragon is incorporating under another banner. But let's hope they are in some fashion.
  18. On the Twitch TV Hitstreak did today, he said the LAST FULL DAY of CoH gaming we will have will be November 30th. The servers go down at 11:59:59 seconds on the 30th. But not sure if it's PST or EST? Does anyone know?

    By the way, earlier he said the 29th (hence my title) but then he corrected it to the 30th.
  19. Does anyone have a link? I've googled all over and can only find old ones. Grrr. Sorry, I'm not much on social media in general so I'm out of touch with it, lol.
  20. I just got home from work. Did Twitch TV play today at 1:30 like it was supposed to?

    I have to run and get my son from school-- but I'll try and check back when I return.
  21. shadow35

    Thank you!

    Welcome aboard the crazy train, er, while it lasts anyway....

    It's always good to hear from another subber, no matter how late in the day; I'm sure PS appreciates every grateful comment, too. Actually I was never that active on the boards either and I've been playing since the day after launch, so I hear you. Sometimes tragedy brings people together, though.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Turjan View Post
    If you have GW toons, I'd suggest saying your goodbyes now while you still have the chance.
    Well, one thing I noted right away was that while Lineage 2 and Aion both moved to a new payment login system online, CoH as well as Guild Wars 1 did not.

    Things aren't lookin' too hot for GW1 right about now.

    There are already 157 responses to yesterday's announcement by NCSoft on's new "NCSoft Crushes the Hopes of CoH Fans" article.

    All those wanting NCSoft to know how they feel, please add your own post as well! This article is already listed at the top right under "Breaking News" too, so it will grab peoples' attention even after it rolls off the front page. Let's give NCSoft something to read here!
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sengara View Post
    So I'm not sure where to reply with this thought, but why don't the folks that are trying to reverse engineer the system and create a new CoH (or CoH like game) start up a KickStarter?

    There are a lot of people who buy Paragon points, myself included, that would be willing to save up a bit and chip in to a project like that. KickStarter lets you do a "thank you"/"prize" system for donating. Put a promised pre-order at 100$ and I'm in.
    "Reverse engineering" = illegal private server, something I seriously doubt would be allowed on Kickstarter for oh, about a zillion different reasons.

    And personally, although I would cheer on any fan-made attempt at a game of some sort, a bunch of "fans" aren't the type of dev team I would pay kickstarter funds to, and I suspect not many other people really would, either. Even many pro teams go bust.