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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Soul Trapped Burrito View Post

    I would like this as a new costume piece.
    I will sign this if there's an alternate costume to make the baby look like Yoda.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Granite Agent View Post
    Been intrigued by the idea of 2 soul-extracted Lich pets, as suggested here on the boards. Summon Lich, /release, Soul Extract Lich, Burnout, repeat, summon Lich again.

    How long do the Soul Extracted pets stick around (assuming they stay alive)?

    Messing around in MIDS came up with these two builds, Necro/Time and Necro/Storm.

    Storm build soft-caps S/L/E and probably is more offensive/dmg. Time build also soft-caps (only S/L/E, but damn close to the 58% icap with power boost) but also provides 20% defense buff to pets (Farsight & PB) on top of manuevers, weave, and the 2 pet def IOs -- so the pets will be close to softcap themselves, I assume.

    Time build seems to have more for the MM to do (buff pets with Temp Selection, lay down Disruption Field, etc.)

    Storm build seems pretty endo intensive.

    Shrug. Any thoughts? I already have a great Thugs/Dark. Looking for something different. Demons annoy me because of their sounds and I can't seem to get the edit-sound-file thing to work.
    Soul Extraction lasts for 5 minutes. Good thing about them is they stick around and continue fighting even if you die. They do not go down easily, even the tier 1 souls. All their attacks are ranged and tend to keep their distance.

    The Burnout trick was fun at the start but got tired of going through the motions since it is such a long process. Do it on the fly. After a pet dies, Soul Extraction-Tornado-Burnout-Tornado-Soul Extraction. Chaos at it's finest assuming /Storm can have more than one Tornado at one time.

    It is hard to go wrong with /Time. I would rate it in the top 3 secondaries for MMs in terms of survivability.
  3. ricohdah

    bio armor

    Originally Posted by Synesence View Post
    ...Closest thing to get an Alex Mercer costume.
    Off topic... My brother worked on the Prototype games. Unfortunately Activision decided to close Radical's doors and laid off pretty much everyone last month. I hope you enjoyed those games, he worked really hard on them.
  4. ricohdah

    bio armor

    Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
    I did chat on beta with someone talking about how great Genetic Corruption is, though - since its duration is longer than its interval it will stack if you're by yourself and sleep bosses when slotted for sleep, and it will take the chance for Placate proc in any case preventing things from attacking you (no, you won't get extra crits from the Fortunata Hypnosis proc since placating a mob != you being in hidden status).
    Thanks for sharing that info. The Fortunata proc-critical was just wishful thinking but really isn't needed to make Bio good. I have ideas bouncing around my head on what to pair with it and how to approach the build. Going to play around on Mids' and see if it all pulls together.
  5. I'll take a stab at this. Don't pay attention to the order of the power picks. I just used an /IA build I had saved and swapped KM into the primary.

    Budget build:

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
    Expensive Build:

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  6. ricohdah

    bio armor

    Originally Posted by Microcosm View Post
    They removed the +resist/-resist toggle presumably because it would affect foes, and gave stalkers a pbaoe sleep toggle, because we all know stalkers have no AoE's and don't team with people who do.

    The scrapper version of bio armor will be both more durable and more damaging (not even considering the damage aura) than the stalker version. That is poor balance 101. Stalkers get overall higher regen % with the combined powers, but the effect is still lower than the scrapper version because of the difference in hp between the two.
    To me, it's par for the course. No Stalker secondary match up with with their equivalent AT counterpart. I think a couple might get close, like EA but still falls short. Actually IA is better on Stalkers... Hibernate, haha! Poor Tankers.

    Some players were asking for Shield, FA and Invulnerability to get ported to stalkers and my immediate thought was AAO, Shield Charge, Burn, Blazing Aura and Fiery Embrace would be omitted and Inv would get watered down.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by John_Printemps View Post
    Not 100% on it as I forgot to double check, but in the last Coffee Talk they flashed Aid Self's power description...and again, I could be wrong in what I saw, but 3.3/s animation, so ~1.03/s cutback at least, possibly more depending on how it ends up interacting with the "Injection" or whatever the "new" preliminary power is called.
    3.3s. That's pretty good but still a little high IMHO. I am not saying it should be equivalent to other healing powers since it is from a power pool. But Aid Self has a lower heal percentage, higher end cost (With exception to Dark Regeneration), longer cast time, an interrupt period and a prerequisite power pick. I can live with the most of the drawbacks except for the cast time. The pre-power pick hurts too. The only thing Aid Self has going for it is the fast recharge.

    It's great the devs are updating/improving power pools, just wish they would do them all at once.

    Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
    Hmm. That's odd, because (according to Mids) your net recovery before procs with that setup is 3.04, and your end consumption while attacking is ( 4.37*2 + 9.59*2 + 6.41 + 8.53*2 + 10.78 ) / 12.144s, or 62.17 / 12.144s, or 5.12 per second, leaving a 2.08 net loss before procs.

    Now, I've noticed your procs have a different look - I assume store bought ones? Perhaps these are significantly better than the original version, which averages at about +0.2 EPS per 100 end IIRC (hence 3 of these with 117 end should be only about +0.7 EPS, still leaving a 1.3 loss per second or so). That's about the only explanation I could think of, otherwise I'm missing something about what's happening here.
    Did you include the Atlas Medallion and Portal Jockey accolades for +10% endurance? According to Mids', I have an end recovery of 4.39 e/s and a 0.86 e/s usage (FF, FS, Sprint and NR are off). Making end gain without procs 3.53 e/s.

    Yes, the PF procs are store bought. I got them when they were broken, procing 3 times per minute and slotting 3 of them provided 11.7 end every 7ish seconds. Of course it was fixed but still is a little better than the standard, procs about once every 45 seconds (Original procs about once every 50 seconds).

    Also don't forget I have several IOs that are boosted to +5 so power casting costs are a little lower than what you may think.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
    Interesting. Do you use Ageless? Edit: I guess not since Rebirth is selected. Duh me.

    At a passing glance I suppose your endurance consumption isn't sustainable over long periods of time due to no end red in IS and SB. Then again I guess with so much DPS even heavy targets might die before you'd bottom out, making infinite sustainability not a necessity? Yet another thing I didn't consider!

    My own planned build is slightly different. It's intended for non-incarnate play as I tend to sub on and off, and with your chain should do about 280 DPS (wow) if my math is right. Save for Aid Self usage potentially decreasing that a fair bit, of course, but hey. I'm probably going to keep the potential endurance overkill on mine, I like having an extra cushion of safety on that front, and of course ~280 DPS (likely lower) will take quite a bit longer than 380 to 470 DPS to kill anything.

    Stoked about this combo, this might be the first time I manage to get some decent damage out of something I truly enjoy conceptually.
    Surprisingly endurance is not a problem though I do toggle off Focused Fighting, Focused Senses, Sprint and Ninja Run when fighting a pylon. All toggles, except Combat Jump, are on during normal play. Most enemies are 1 or 2 shot to death and running between foes bumps up the end a bit. I rarely ever solo, except for the signature story arcs, and am probably getting an end buff often when teamed.

    280 DPS sounds kind of low so I gave it a go and got a time of 3:30 for 310 DPS running the SB-IS-AS-SC-SB-IS-AS-CU chain. Tossed in the Mako +5 boosted IOs into IS and SB. Though Pylon 17 owned my butt and hospitalized me 3 times in a row. Checkout the vid in an hour or so, currently uploading:

    I played around with the attack chain and can still get 100% criticals with CU using [BU-AS-CU] SB-AS-SC-IS-SB-AS-CU. One less IS but not sure if it will greatly improve DPS on my build as it will be a little less chance for Assassin Focus and BU recharges in a different spot in the chain.

    I heard the Medicine pool is being changed. Drop the cast time by a couple seconds and I may take it again.
  9. I like your build. The only changes I would consider making and the reasons are:

    Call Genin - Added Overwhelming Force/Soulbound Allegiance proc. Counters the knockback of Crane Kick and chance for Build Up on multiple pets.
    Train Ninjas - Remove End Redux IO. It is not a power you constantly spam, just once at the start of the mish.
    Call Jounin - Added Achilles Heel proc. All their sword attacks has a chance to apply the dam res debuff and for bonus damage.
    Distortion Field - Added the Lockdown proc. Holds are nicer than slows.
    Time Stop - Added another Basilisk Gaze for the status resist.
    Hasten - Removed 1 Rech IO. Will be perma with 2 slots if you keep Chono Shift up at all times.
    Fistfull of Arrows - Added the Ragnarok proc for chance to knockdown.
    Oni - Rearranged to fit the Edict, Sovereign and Command pet bonuses.
    Farsight - Remove Rech IO. Farsight defense buff does not stack. Having it overlap by 25-50 secs is excessive.
    Kuji In Sen - Remove End Redux IO. It is not a power you constantly spam, just once at the start of the mish.
    Slowed Response - Added an Achilles Heel proc. For some more of a good thing if it triggers.
    Scorpion Shield - Removed defense IO as it was not doing much.
    Power Boost - Removed 2 Rech IOs. You will not need it up as much as you may think


    Power Boost + Farsight yourself and pets. Unless it has been changed since I last played /Time, your defense will be about 5% higher than what Mids' is indicating (About 50% in S/L/E). You in first with Time's Juncture applying a -tohit/dam debuff. While pets are jumping in to slaughter, use Distortion Field to slow/hold groups. Time Crawl, Time Stop and Slowed Response on tougher targets. Temporal Selection on different pets when it recharges for the 18.75% dam buff. After defense/buffs/debuffs are set up, start shooting runners/bosses. Temporal Mending all along the way.

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
    Nothing to add to the topic, but I want to thank you ricohdah for going into such extensive detail about your StJ/SR. Having just rolled that same combo myself, this is going to save me a lot of time. Heh, before I read your posts I had planned to run a SB AS CU SB HB SC chain...
    Anytime! Here's the current build. I like John/Granite's idea to add 4 Mako's to SB and HB for +6% to damage. I will likely do the same sometime down the road. I have a lot of boosted IOs which is not indicated in the this data chunk:

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  11. Without farming, Trials and TF's are the best way to level quickly.

    Levels 1-10 - DFB (2 runs with a full team)
    Levels 10-15 - Positron 1 and 2 TFs
    Levels 15-20 - DiB, Synapse TF
    Levels 20-23 - Penny Yin TF, Sutter TF
    Levels 23-25 - Moonfire TF, Sutter TF
    Levels 25-30 - Citadel TF, Hess TF, Sutter TF
    Levels 30-35 - Manticore TF, Katie Hannon TF, Sutter TF
    Levels 35-40 - Numina TF, ITF, Sutter TF
    Levels 40-45 - ITF
    Levels 45-50 - ITF, Liberty TF, LGTF, Kahn TF

    I usually skip the Shadow Shard, Ouros, Respec material when trying to level quickly. There's also the Eden Trial but ITF usually levels me through 39-41 very quickly. Hammer them out, get your TF Commander accolade. Use Experienced and XP Boosters if you have them.

    I am guessing you can go from 1-50 in about 20 hours of doing trials and TFs, not including the time to form the teams and time spent enhancing.
  12. ricohdah

    bio armor

    Originally Posted by SaintTzu View Post
    Yeah, I commented on the sleep aura in the beta feedback thread. Synapse assures me that it's a great power for stalkers (that power considered in total, I assume, it does more than just the sleep aura).

    I'm not anywhere near convinced, but I don't have the time to test up to that level so I can't give effective feedback.

    Oh, I also think the Stalker version loses the -res debuff. :/
    That's interesting, I did not really notice the sleep aura when I was glancing at Bio. Toss in the Fortunata purple proc for random placate every 10 secs for a critical. If you're swimming in a group of enemies, it's almost a guaranteed placate which would bite if about to use AS right at that moment.
  13. ricohdah

    bio armor

    We cannot seem to add IO sets to Bio on Mids' yet. It looks pretty simple to softcap S/L/F/C/E/N with some effort and influence. Seems like a strong set, a cross between WP and EA with great def/dam res and regen/rec. I would pair it with a primary that does not need much recharge to run a good chain.
  14. ricohdah

    Special IOs

    This is probably how I would slot them if I had a Thugs/Storm MM. The blank spot in Bruiser is for the ATO2 proc:

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  15. SD and GD are two of the stronger attacks in the set. I would take them both. Also Gambler's Cut has better DPS than SotW. I would only keep DA if I can not softcap lethal defense through power picks/IOs. I am not a fan of FS but keep it if you are yearning for that little bit of AoE.

    Placate does a little more than what the ATO proc does. The ATO proc puts a stalker in Hide allowing the following attack to critical. Placate tricks a foe stop attacking you and also puts a stalker in Hide allowing the following attack to critical. It can be useful at low levels if you are getting your butt handed to you but highly skippable later.

    Four KB protection is good for most content. My Spines/DA currently has 4 and it is tolerable but since dropping down to 4, I have not done many missions where KB is rampant except the Katie Hannon TF. My character was being skipped like a rock on a pond, 50 yards into other enemy groups. There are several enemies that will cause you problems like Rikti Pylons, Fake Nemesis, Rularuu Brutes etc.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Granite Agent View Post
    You know you can /macro to turn it off right? It kills close FX like Ice Armor.
    /macro FXoff "SuppressCloseFx 1$$SuppressCloseFxDist 255"
    /macro FXon "SuppressCloseFx 0"

    It's a little buggy sometimes. Turning Fx off for one character and when logging in the next, their Fx is suppressed as well. So I have both macros active on all my characters. It suppresses Hasten as well!
  17. Command of the Mastermind is AoE defense only. You have the bonus from Call to Arms and Expedient Reinforcements regardless if Tornado is active or not.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Morgan78 View Post
    I have unlocked my hybrid on two of my characters. One being a dominator and the other being a controller. I have the tier 4 control core. Chance for +1 mag. Frankly I don't see anything different on my character with it on. I was kind of upset on that. What with the amount of time you have to get hybrid unlocked and completed. Also maybe it was just my but I totally misunderstood the passive to the control tree. I thought I gave mez protection not resistance. So much for not being held. Don't like the 2 min cool down. I would have just let it stay on cause we earned it or make it a straight toggle.
    I like having the T4 Control Core on my Spines/DA Scrapper. It adds a +1 mag to fear, immobilize and stun. It is kind of fun seeing the the words critical, control and waylay mixed in with numbers floating above enemies heads.

    Hybrid was a straight toggle in the early stage when it hit beta. The end cost was kind of high, 0.52 e/s and some players complained so the devs changed it. IMHO, it's a good power. In the past I have worked just as hard for accolade powers with a 25 min recharge and does a lot less than Hybrid.
  19. Did some testing on my 50+3 Mercs/Pain MM with the T3 Hybrid Assault Radial Graft. All 6 pets are getting doublehits if they are summoned after Hybrid is activated. They also get the doublehits with each Hybrid activation after the initial (Without needing to resummon).

    None of my pets are getting doublehits if summoned first, before Hybrid activation and still do not get doublehits each Hybrid activation after.

    I am not sure if zoning will affect the need to reuse Assault/resummon pets or if the distance of pet to MM matters.

    By the looks of the amount of doublehits they are getting, it's pretty strong.

    Eagle-Eye: Eagle-Eye snipes Mummified Husk with their SCAR Snipe for 154.55 points of lethal damage.
    Eagle-Eye: Your Doublehit hits for 130.62 points of Energy damage!
    Smokescreen: Smokescreen snipes Mummified Husk with their SCAR Snipe for 154.55 points of lethal damage.
    Smokescreen: Your Doublehit hits for 130.62 points of Energy damage!
    Smokescreen: Your Reactive Interface continues to burn for 18.63 points of fire damage!
    Cliffjumper: Cliffjumper blasts Death Shaman with their Assault Rifle Burst for 19.18 points of lethal damage and slightly lowers their defense!
    Cliffjumper: Your Reactive Interface continues to burn for 17.69 points of fire damage!
    Cliffjumper: Cliffjumper blasts Death Shaman with their Assault Rifle Burst for 19.18 points of lethal damage and slightly lowers their defense!
    Smokescreen: Smokescreen rattles Death Shaman with their SCAR Heavy Burst for 17.26 points of lethal damage and slightly lowers their defense!
    Smokescreen: Your Doublehit hits for 56.23 points of Energy damage!
    Smokescreen: Your Reactive Interface continues to burn for 17.74 points of fire damage!
    Cliffjumper: Cliffjumper blasts Death Shaman with their Assault Rifle Burst for 19.18 points of lethal damage and slightly lowers their defense!
    Tailgate: Tailgate blasts Death Shaman with their SMG Burst for 16.86 points of lethal damage and slightly lowers their defense!
    Tailgate: Your Doublehit hits for 35.68 points of Energy damage!
    Eagle-Eye: Eagle-Eye rattles Death Shaman with their SCAR Heavy Burst for 17.26 points of lethal damage and slightly lowers their defense!
    Eagle-Eye: Your Doublehit hits for 56.23 points of Energy damage!
    Eagle-Eye: Your Reactive Interface continues to burn for 17.74 points of fire damage!
    Windcharger: Windcharger blasts Death Shaman with their Assault Rifle Burst for 19.18 points of lethal damage and slightly lowers their defense!
    Windcharger: Your Doublehit hits for 42.47 points of Energy damage!
    Windcharger: Your Reactive Interface continues to burn for 17.69 points of fire damage!
    Smokescreen: Smokescreen rattles Death Shaman with their SCAR Heavy Burst for 17.84 points of lethal damage and slightly lowers their defense!
    Tailgate: Tailgate blasts Death Shaman with their SMG Burst for 17.42 points of lethal damage and slightly lowers their defense!
    Eagle-Eye: Eagle-Eye rattles Death Shaman with their SCAR Heavy Burst for 17.84 points of lethal damage and slightly lowers their defense!
    Windcharger: Windcharger blasts Death Shaman with their Assault Rifle Burst for 19.82 points of lethal damage and slightly lowers their defense!
    Ironhide: Ironhide hits Totem with their M30 Grenade for 19.99 points of smashing damage!
    Ironhide: Ironhide hits Totem with their M30 Grenade for 57.13 points of lethal damage!
    Ironhide: Ironhide knocks Totem off their feet with their M30 Grenade.
    Eagle-Eye: Eagle-Eye blasts Totem with their SCAR Burst for 21.77 points of lethal damage and slightly lowers their defense!
    Eagle-Eye: Your Reactive Interface continues to burn for 17.74 points of fire damage!
    Eagle-Eye: Eagle-Eye blasts Totem with their SCAR Burst for 21.77 points of lethal damage and slightly lowers their defense!
    Smokescreen: Smokescreen blasts Totem with their SCAR Burst for 21.77 points of lethal damage and slightly lowers their defense!
    Smokescreen: Your Doublehit hits for 35.78 points of Energy damage!
    Eagle-Eye: Eagle-Eye blasts Totem with their SCAR Burst for 21.77 points of lethal damage and slightly lowers their defense!
    Smokescreen: Smokescreen blasts Totem with their SCAR Burst for 21.77 points of lethal damage and slightly lowers their defense!
    Eagle-Eye: Your Reactive Interface continues to burn for 17.74 points of fire damage!
    Smokescreen: Smokescreen blasts Totem with their SCAR Burst for 21.77 points of lethal damage and slightly lowers their defense!
    Ironhide: Ironhide rattles Totem with their Burst for 25.7 points of lethal damage and reduces their defense!
    Ironhide: Your Doublehit hits for 42.72 points of Energy damage!
    Ironhide: Your Reactive Interface continues to burn for 17.79 points of fire damage!
    Eagle-Eye: Your Reactive Interface continues to burn for 17.74 points of fire damage!
  20. I wanted to tryout Water Spout on my StJ/SR Stalker build to see how much time I can knock off but it seems to have slightly worsen. Getting times around 1:55 with WS while my normal build gets times at around 1:45.

    I used my character on beta to save a respec. Maybe there are some changes that are currently on beta but not implemented on live yet that may have affected my times. Maybe I have poor slotting (5/6 Ragnarok) or perhaps I am using WS at the wrong point in my attack chain.


    [ ] = Used at the start of the fight
    ( ) = Used in that spot if recharged

    Without Body Mastery, endurance is problematic but can last the duration if Tough and Focused Fighting are toggled off.
  21. Body Mastery would not be the best for Dark/Regen. With Quick Recovery, you do not need Physical Perfection. The amount of regen PP offers will be less than 5 hp/s after being fully slotted. With Soul Drain, you do not really need Focused Accuracy.

    As Joe said, Shadow Meld would compliment MoG very well. I am not 100% sure what is the current plan for snipes but last I heard, snipes will lose the interrupt time if the user has at least a 22% +tohit which is easy with Soul Drain and a Kismet unique. Moonbeam will be a good addition to your attacks.

    If not Soul Mastery, take Blaze, Mu or Leviathan.
  22. ricohdah

    Thanks for Joy

    Originally Posted by Nyghtmaire View Post
    So - thanks again Firespray, ricohdah, Arcanaville, Eldorado, Montaugh, Princess Darkstar, Cheetatron, Smiling Joe, bjay 0801, ClawsandEffect, Moonlighter, and anyone else I forgot. Special thanks to Sailboat for the concept of, "Broadsword is a toolbox, and every tool is a can opener. And the can contains Whoopass." I thought of this everytime I hit a critter. Every. Single. Time.
    Anytime. See you in the game!
  23. I am beginning to think DB can surpass StJ in ST DPS in longer fights. Getting 2:30ish pylon times running T4 Agility Core and T4 Reactive Radial. Getting 2:00 min times with T4 Hybrid Core. If I did not need the recharge to run the SB-SS-SB-AS attack chain, Musculature would definitely put DB over the top.
  24. ricohdah

    Proc Theory

    Originally Posted by Bengal View Post
    I'm guessing the idea there is that it gives you a lot of different TYPES of procs you could potentially slot, and then you just go for broke?

    What about toggles? I've seen some damaging toggles out there, and some fear toggles. Are there good toggles for procs?
    Having several procs in toggles is not usually the greatest since they only have a chance to proc once per 10 seconds. I did proc out a Spines/DA Scrapper at one point and loved it but in the end I decided to softcap my defense. Every 10secs, I had a damage screen that looked like this:

    Your Oppressive Gloom drains you for 6.25 points of damage to keep your opponent Disoriented!
    You crush Notion Scout for 57.39 points of bonus smashing damage!
    You blast Notion Scout for 85.66 points of bonus fire damage!
    Death Shroud deals 17.72 points of negative energy damage to Notion Scout.
    Notion Scout bleeds for 53.95 points of bonus lethal damage!
    Quills deals 12.49 points of lethal damage to Notion Scout.
    You blast Notion Scout for 80.06 points of bonus energy damage!
    You blast Notion Scout for 119.5 points of bonus fire damage!
    Death Shroud deals 24.73 points of negative energy damage to Notion Scout.
    You blast Notion Scout for 80.06 points of bonus energy damage!
    Notion Scout bleeds for 75.26 points of bonus lethal damage!
    Quills deals 17.43 points of lethal damage to Notion Scout.
    You blast Notion Disruptor for 64.57 points of bonus negative energy damage!
    Notion Disruptor bleeds for 64.57 points of bonus lethal damage!
    You blast Notion Disruptor for 96.37 points of bonus fire damage!
    Death Shroud deals 19.94 points of negative energy damage to Notion Disruptor.
    You crush Notion Disruptor for 64.57 points of bonus smashing damage!
    Quills deals 14.95 points of lethal damage to Notion Disruptor.
    You blast Notion Scout for 96.37 points of bonus fire damage!
    Death Shroud deals 19.94 points of negative energy damage to Notion Scout.
    Quills deals 14.05 points of lethal damage to Notion Scout.
    Your Spectral Interface tears at Notion Scout for 12.04 points of negative energy damage!
    You blast Notion Disruptor for 96.37 points of bonus fire damage!
    Death Shroud deals 19.94 points of negative energy damage to Notion Disruptor.
    Quills deals 14.95 points of lethal damage to Notion Disruptor.
    Your Spectral Interface tears at Notion Disruptor for 12.04 points of negative energy damage!
    Your Spectral Interface tears at Notion Scout for 12.04 points of negative energy damage!
    You blast Notion Scout for 96.37 points of bonus fire damage!
    Death Shroud deals 19.94 points of negative energy damage to Notion Scout.
    Quills deals 14.05 points of lethal damage to Notion Scout.
    You land a critical hit with your Quills for an extra 14.05 points of lethal damage!
    Notion Suppressor takes 64.57 points of bonus psionic damage!
    Death Shroud deals 19.94 points of negative energy damage to Notion Suppressor.
    Notion Suppressor bleeds for 64.57 points of bonus lethal damage!
    Quills deals 14.95 points of lethal damage to Notion Suppressor.
    Your Spectral Interface tears at Notion Scout for 12.04 points of negative energy damage!
    You crush Notion Scout for 64.57 points of bonus smashing damage!
    You blast Notion Scout for 96.37 points of bonus fire damage!
    Death Shroud deals 19.94 points of negative energy damage to Notion Scout.
    Quills deals 14.05 points of lethal damage to Notion Scout.
    You blast Notion Suppressor for 64.57 points of bonus negative energy damage!
    You blast Notion Suppressor for 96.37 points of bonus fire damage!
    Death Shroud deals 19.94 points of negative energy damage to Notion Suppressor.
    You blast Notion Suppressor for 64.57 points of bonus energy damage!
    Notion Suppressor bleeds for 64.57 points of bonus lethal damage!
    Quills deals 14.95 points of lethal damage to Notion Suppressor.
    Your Spectral Interface tears at Notion Suppressor for 12.04 points of negative energy damage!
    You blast Notion Scout for 64.57 points of bonus negative energy damage!
    Notion Scout takes 64.57 points of bonus psionic damage!
    You crush Notion Scout for 64.57 points of bonus smashing damage!
    Death Shroud deals 19.94 points of negative energy damage to Notion Scout.
    You crush Notion Scout for 64.57 points of bonus smashing damage!
    Quills deals 14.05 points of lethal damage to Notion Scout.
    Your Oppressive Gloom drains you for 6.25 points of damage to keep your opponent Disoriented!

    The above damage all took place within 2 seconds, between the end and start of an Oppressive Gloom cycle. I added the smiley faces.

    A Spines/FA Scrapper would have a good combination of toggles and powers that can be proc'd to the gills:

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
    That only shows off the damage procs but there's also several other types you can slot like chance for recharge slow, knockdown, +2 hold etc.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Granite Agent View Post
    I changed up the slotting in SB to be Hami Acc/Dmg, Hami Acc/Dmg, Dmg IO, Lady Grey Negative, Mako Lethal, -RES Achilles.

    SB does not recharge fast enough to recharge at the end of the chain above (SB > AS > SC > SB). So I swapped HB & SB order in the chain.

    BU - AS - CU - SB - HB - AS - SC - etc.

    That seemed more like the order Ricodah was using. Also note that BU is actually recharging BEFORE the final SB (it recharges after the final SC). So should i hit it before the final SB ... and then still hit SB? Or Skip the final SB?

    Ricodah is running Assault which must be helping him. Best time running hybrid toggled was 2.01 so far. Woop 1.56 but i may have started the stopwatch a second or two late.
    I recommend not skipping SB, never ever. If I remember correctly, Achilles Heel refreshes if it fires while one is still active. I always use BU at the same spot, before AS-CU portion of the chain.

    Haha! The Hecatomb set on my build are almost all +5. I did that back when trying to get enough recharge for Auroxis chain. Then endurance was a huge problem and boosted any IO that was /End including LotG IOs in toggles.

    Maybe you misread my initial post. I am getting pylon times around 2:30 WITHOUT Assault; times of around 1:50 WITH Assault. I don't feel your numbers are that far off. Casting Hoarfrost and Ageless during the pylon run can account for some, those bad luck misses can account for some more, varied BU placement can affect it as well.