Beast Mastery/Storm summoning




I would like to know if anyone has tried this combination? As far as I understand, you can soft-cap your pets fairly easily provided my understanding of the +Def procs are correct. This is my real question; how does the Call to Arms-proc work - if slotted in Tornado, is it active all the time or just when the Tornado is active?

Command of the Mastermind (purple): +10% (+15%)
Edict of the Master: +5%
Call to Arms (Tornado): +5%
Maneuvers: +4.1%
Steamy Mist: +5.9%
Totals: +30% defence

Each pet has at least 9% defence of their own (at least 10 from level 24+), meaning you're at a solid 40+% pet defence once Tornado is slotted at 35 and at 45+% after hitting 50 and purpling out the ATO proc. This of course depends on if Tornado needs to be out for the proc to work. Add in Hurricane and it should be a safe but endurance-intensive ride.



Command of the Mastermind is AoE defense only. You have the bonus from Call to Arms and Expedient Reinforcements regardless if Tornado is active or not.