Thanks for Joy
Congratulations on Miss Arcana reaching level 50, and glad to hear that you're having so much fun!
(And welcome to the side! Muwahahaha! )
What's next on the agenda? Incarnate-y goodness for your new 50, or another scrapper project?
"But it wasn't anything some purples and oranges and lots of screaming in fear couldn't handle." -- Werner
30 level 50's: 12 scrappers, 7 other random melee types, 11 blaster/blapper/support squishies, two accounts, and a TON of altitis since 4/28/04
I don't even remember helping you.....but I'm glad I could
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
Y'know, I created a BS/SD scrapper just for a costume idea, and ended-up loving it so much, it turned out to be my second level 50, ever. It's definitely a really fun combo!
So - thanks again Firespray, ricohdah, Arcanaville, Eldorado, Montaugh, Princess Darkstar, Cheetatron, Smiling Joe, bjay 0801, ClawsandEffect, Moonlighter, and anyone else I forgot. Special thanks to Sailboat for the concept of, "Broadsword is a toolbox, and every tool is a can opener. And the can contains Whoopass." I thought of this everytime I hit a critter. Every. Single. Time.
On a related note, after getting a widow, a defender, a blaster, a corr, and a couple brutes to 50, I finally caved and stuck to a StJ/SD to see if I can do some stupid scrapper tricks myself. I adored her concept and powers so much that I went whole hog, spent a couple months marketing, and put together a purple 'n Hami build as soon as she hit 50.
To put it in my best Christopher Eccleston voice, she's fantastic. After one too many bad encounters with defense debuff, I had to hold back on the scrapperlock with my widow. (Which is probably for the best on teams anyways.) With my scrapper? CHARGE!
BS is fun. Paired with SD it is awesome. Nothing feels better than hitting an Av with Headsplitter for over 1000 damage. Only other time I've had a melee toon hit that hard in one hit was my SS/Stone armor brute paired with 2 Kins and a Storm for a knockout blow. So to be able to do that on my own with my BS/SD feels great. It might not move as fast as some sets but nothing else feels better than smushing a minion or LT in one hit to katana's 2-3 hits.
On a side note, Spyral just made me watch Dr Who. Again.
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
Back in May this community was kind enough to share its various opinions regarding the essential scrapper experience. Following your recommendations, my BS/SD dynamo, Miss Arcana, hacked and slashed her way through fifty levels of game content - faster than I have ever leveled a character before.
Please accept my thanks for all your advice. My game experience has broadened and its quality improved. The only drawback is, if it could be called such, all my characters are payed like a scrapper. My defenders are taking alphas, my controllers are tanking, and I have received more debt badges in a month and a half than I earned in the previous four years.
Nah. There's nothing wrong here
So - thanks again Firespray, ricohdah, Arcanaville, Eldorado, Montaugh, Princess Darkstar, Cheetatron, Smiling Joe, bjay 0801, ClawsandEffect, Moonlighter, and anyone else I forgot. Special thanks to Sailboat for the concept of, "Broadsword is a toolbox, and every tool is a can opener. And the can contains Whoopass." I thought of this everytime I hit a critter. Every. Single. Time.