3300 -
Possible, but I have always understood coh to be a niche game that had a small but devoted playerbase that maintained profitability by through a hardcore base of multi-year subscribers who purchased the additional micro-transaction products. NC does not have a thematic match since their remaining games are fantasy or sci fi. the devoted fans are a hard sell because they A. loved the existing game and generally didnt care for other games. and B. the layoff was handled very poorly, and hardcore fans are unhappy with them. so while there is a general mmo competition that might scare ncsoft, Id think coh was too small, to specific, and have a fan-base too entrenched to really be a direct threat. honestly if it were that viable, would they have killed it?
I guess thats the thing. there is not much rational reason to not allow it. throwing it in the trash gets them negligible money(maybe sell the office furniture and computers) or get paid and give it up. From my non professional viewpoint it would be needlessly spiteful not to sell rather than scrap.
Eh, it used to be considered a sign of manliness to cry, showed you cared about something enough to have it affect you. emotional deadness is not really a healthy trait. w e cry because we still feel.
Quote:Depends, the devs are pretty much dtched already, apparently. many are likely looking for a job already and intervening factors likely will make it impossible to get everyone. i want everyone but realistically, i'm not in a position to determine what is realistic and furthermore, what is on soe's side and what is people moving on is not something i'm going to be able to determine from the other side of the country with only carefully worded details getting out in an industry I have zero experience in. maybe someone wants to move on to another studio, maybe they dont like sony, maybe they cant move or do whatever it will take to have sony take over, maybe they are just too ticked and are getting out of the stupid, cut throat industry. without comprehensive and nonbiased sources of information, how do you know? we had a lot of newer faces already, jay left for another studio, second measure was gone to the other project, we lost babs a long time ago, i really liked him that wasnt good, but we moved on and kept playing. many of our beloved devs were working partially or completely on the other product. so is it a " good thing", life doesn't always give you good things, coh surviving and as many devs as is feasible being retained i a good thing, we go from there. the perfect can be the enemy of the good.Here's a question to ponder:
If SOE gets their hands on the game, but decides to ditch every single developer that has worked on the game - do we still consider this a good thing?
sounds like an evasive answer, but sometimes you take what you can get.Quote:So we've established that you folks don't actually care about the developers of the game - it really comes down to you getting your CoH fix. Evidence: My question elicited responses of "ONOZ THEY MIGHT CHANGE THINGS", not "That'd be freakin' BS! Those poor devs!"
So much for the sense of community. -
To add, the two games are very different. dcou is a very fast paced, action oriented game, almost more like dynasty warriors control wise, with heavy pvp elements and an origin and customization system that is a great deal less rp friendly (your origin?, luthor's reprogrammed space robot bugs, period!) and a heavy reliance on established characters that you are never really shown as an equal to. coh is customization heavy, pvp light, rp super friendly and with traditional play mechanics, and no established characters to have to overshadow you. i can see it being a vanguard/everquest situation. honestly, ill take what I can get. if they grabbed more of the paragon employees, then i'll pay what they want, lifetime? sure, worth it. ill even buy SUPER PACKS.
as i posted in the ww thread goodnight sweet ladies(the funeral march) by emilie autumn, not the best gender fit for paragon, but..http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o71gFbix0Rs
Quote:actually i think the avilians were supposed to be the only ones with wings, and have powers directly related to them. then they just gave everyone wings and there just wasn't a need.Weren't Avilians nixed because they couldn't figure out how to make wings?
beyond that, yeah, what exactly was the coming storm, and while it was going to be likely tied to the, what was supposed to work out with silos/dream doctor, both were holding secrets, and both worked with good and bad types. did one do a face/heel turn, or were we given a choice of who we worked for? -
you know, i am composed now, so constructive comment time. All the devs did an amazing job, i am 37 and have been gaming since 7, when i first popped aquarter in a dig dug machine. I have liked a lot of studios, and have a few gaming heroes , but i havent played a shigeru miyamoto game for 8 years, not hideki kamiya, not lord british, not hiranobu sakaguchi,not yuji naka not even edd logg(though with gauntlet, i got close)
your product got into exactly what I wanted in a game, and continued to give it to me for a long time. and gave me interaction that i did not get from bethesda, nintendo or sega, this big guns. and furthermore, i have put a LOT of games away after beating them, things moved on and i was finished with them, coh im not finished with, dont think i will be. As things go by, the character they allowed me to create, rian frostdrake, seraph blue, violet tendecies, dire worg, these are characters that are going to be in my imagination for the rest of my life. in other games if they can be, in my silly short stories and i actually might pick up some books to see if i can coax some drawing ability out of my generally non artistic self.
I also have to say, i know this can be a touchy subject, but one thing that i liked with melissa in particular is that she is someone who, while she doesnt whack you with it, is someone of similar religious faith, I often feel like game devs and i dont have much in common,and that a lot i feel just straight up disrespect me, but I have always knew i could trust her when she was in charge to not make the game yet another one i had to play while being put down. I really am going to miss you, and ALL of you guys better let us know when you find other work, i will go to those games based on that alone.(unless they are ncsoft, then yer on yer own).
oh and its corny, but given that the cd just came out recently, i felt this song kind of fit. readjust pronouns for dev team members who apply. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o71gFbix0Rs -
Quote:eh of all things, wow NOW would actually kind a work for me. the biggest issue i had was the races were generic, the gear made everyone look the same, and no monks. well, draeni look cool, transmogrifiers can change armor and monks in the next expansion.*hides from oncomming hate comments* probably the infamous WoW cause of knowing friends there
If anyone plays ill probably keep the same credentials/global name there so it will be easy to find me there too *pouts* Im gonna miss everyone in the community and not getting to meet more people personally. Im gonna miss Zwills famous hats on Twitch TV! and all the random GM spawns in zones all over and crap!
well, i have a lt for champions, and its an ok diversion. I was actually looking forward to phantasy star online 2 next year, so by less than pleasant circumstances, looks like I will be on there a lot more. Really though,, think im unlikely to get as into a mmo again, they are time consuming and it really took a lot of the right circumstances to get me in here. beyond that the lack of results from your actions, coupled with the treadmill style leveling system and slow growth at higher levels, id have more fun with skyrim, skylanders giants and whatever nintendo throws at me, with the smattering of jrpgs.
and you know, i already paid for gw2 before this happned, i might eventually play it again since that gets ncsoft absolutely zero money, but i wont spend another cent in it. and id dissuade any friend on the fence from gettign it or any ncsoft game. -
surprisingly for some, given my costume requests, i'm not. but i have seen some really well made costumes from the culture.
i do love the concept of monstrous characters though, particularly heroes. It always stuck me as the more believable extension of the x-men, who generally were hated and shunned, but looked like lingerie models. if you want a really believable story of someone who is hated and shunned, make them monstrous, and it also makes them being powerful more realistic. i also love the more "old legend" stories of people exhibiting various personality traits having some physical trait they shared with an animal that we traditionally associate with it. like a strong warrior having abear like trait, or a cunning fighter with wolves. -
Quote:well, i suspect that some enterprising person or persons will do something slightly legally grey, and im hoping they get the word out to enough of us so we can come there.
I keep wondering if there isn't something we can do. I joked around with a friend of mine about "Kickstarter!" though I know that's not realistic, but isn't there something that can be done? Petitioning a corporation probably won't work, but I keep thinking there has to be some way for us to vote with our money. Just can't imagine what it might be. -
Quote:My guess is that they are as surprised as we are. My guess is they were doing fine from a business level, but ncsoft just needed to unload some costs. thats the screwed part of this, it was probably never about coh, just shifting resources. I know that most big layoffs i have been part of, it was never about us, we generally were exceeding expectations by far, its just the overall economic space.Well this is... Confusing. So, we had coffee talk yesterday talking about the new Tech Knight set, and now this? Aren't those things typically decided in advance? And why do something like this? I thought the point of reinvesting in City of Heroes was because it had a stable player base that generated consistent income. What happened to that?
You know what I said about the coffee talks only taking place when there's something to say? Yeah, now would be a good time to have one. -
i already bought gw2, it is the last penny they will see from me.
right, the devs were great, ill post something constructive to them later, now its just anger, not a lot constructive to be said.
I know its not a joke, it would be in too poor a taste to do so... forum rules do not permit me to say what i think of ncsoft for doing this. the profanity would be apocalyptic. at this point i'd return the other ncsoft product i recently purchased for this.this is inexcusable. i need to go punch a heavy bag..a lot.
if its a hacking thing. i hope the hacking guess is the answer, its a thin hope, but dang. -
that'd be a cat astrophe
anyhow, weapons as emination points has not happened here yet, its something I have been hoping for for quite a long time. guns, wands, electric guitars, alaternate emenation points for blasts would be nice for a lot of concepts. Now if you meant a temp power...then i dunno, it would really have to look like a generic squirt gun and not an actual super soaked, or we get lawyers up the rear end again. but a generic squirt gun wouldn't be bad. -
Quote:well off the top of my head(with numerous trips to wikipedia for spelling help). a single horn oni horn. we have a rhino set of two horns, but a single one in the center of the forehead, no dice. also, oni are shown wearing tiger skins, still dont have good tiger skins, either in the one or two piece(see lum from urusi yasura) variety. a tetsubo club for tws would be nice too.Honestly, what's left to add from the action anime/manga genre? Let me list some of what I've seen in the anime and manga I've seen or read.
For costumes
Feudal/Fantasy Japan - Samurai, Ninja, Martial Arts robes, animal parts, demon horns
Modern Japan - School uniforms, suits, Harajuku rave
Mecha Japan - Mecha armor and form fitting power suits
Alt History Japan - Steam Punk, Upper class European Renaissance outfits
Powers - Martial Arts, Ninjutsu, Swords, Pistols, Beam Weapons, Psychic Attacks, Energy Attacks, Elemental Attacks, Titan Weapons
We pretty much have everything already. Of course most of these powers also apply to western action animation and comics.
Other than perhaps adding an attack animation that's more Anime/manga influenced to some of the power sets we've had since day one, creepy drowned horror girl hair or a "Magical Girl" ribbons and sparkles costume change emote, can't think of something missing that's a major staple that fits within the confines of the game engine as we know it.
a kimono,i know in the game, nothing below the knees, but i have seen several that go knee length, or a modified short one like the girl in sin city/ the oni girl in soul calibur ..whatever the last one was. male ones too, and with several patterns please.
miko robes. we get close with existing robes, but those red ribbons around the sleeves..and the tapering larger sleeves in general. also, the high cap for onmyoji. also wouldnt mind the shirts that yamabushi wear, yuigesa, and a shakujo staff weapon.
various stock noh masks. as seen in naruto for the black ops, and the ankama ninja in empowered. would also like a fox mask, like kunimitsu from the tekken series.
also, while we get impressively close with the gunslinger coat, a bikers coat (TokkÅ-fuku) with the kanji writing going up and down the lapels. like bahn from fighting vipers, or quite a few characters from the different biker enthusiast anime/manga.
there are other things i can think of, and im not saying any of them are major oversights(though id LOVE the kimono) and i have put most of them in dink's thread already. but just figured i'd chime in on stuff that i would love to see in the game that factors strongly in anime. heck, not to go nuts already, but would like alternate casting animations for sorcery using kanji symbols or ofuda charms -
Quote:strongly seconded. the pattern already exists ingame on npcs, just need it as a pattern for player costume partsHere's an unusual request for you Dink ... Tie-Dye.
I'm thinking take the existing T-Shirt (long and short), and Belly Shirts and the like, and make a Pattern for them that is ALL pre-tinted colors in a Tie-Dye rainbow swirl, and leave just the skin tone as a player pick option. Could possibly do the same for Skirts/Shorts and Pants as well.
Well, we've got Nature Affinity now ... and that means FLOWER POWER! -
Quote:i dunno though, a few additions in one issue years ago is pandering? we can even throw in the natural booster and the imperial dynasty set, as well as the 4 or so more textured robes we got in issue 6 and i'm still kind of iffy on that as being pandering so much as recognizing a massive entertainment medium with more than a few stylistic similarities as superheroic comic books. happily it is not ignored as the spndex or death crowd wants, but it is a significantly different definition of pander than I'd consider using. pandering would indicate that every 2-3 issues we would get more stuff. heck, on primal earth there aren't even Japanese or Chinese enemy/ groups, the tsoo are primarily hmong. and there are a grand total of 4 heroes in wisdom, the "eastern " heroes. only 2 are in game and one of the missing ones is a russian white girl. the big american spandex super-hero comic companies even do better than that.Issue 5 contained a bunch of anime-inspired costume options, such as Japanese high school uniforms (both male and female) and anime-like faces (which were for the most part renamed as "young" faces).
Of course, that was also about the same time that they launched "City of Hero" in Korea, which quickly bombed... despite them actually getting a standalone costume creator application. (Lucky jerks.)