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  1. Can we please please please continue getting calendar information like this?

    Maybe I'm an immense dork but I like knowing when stuff is coming well in advance so I can plan.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    this is going to ruin PvP you will be able to see the stalkers *Sneak Sneak* visual sound.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ok the original post wasn't too funny but I about died reading this.

    Much like many others I think this is actually a cool little feature (just don't take away my sound). If it is something you toggle on that is, sometimes I just would NOT want to deal with it.

    On that note, I'm still at work someone posted that this on live O_o is that actually true?!
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Ok now for the rest. Kin for MM's are you mad! can you imagine a team of 8 mm's with anything/Kin? thats 7X8=56 !! (6pets and the MM) people affected by siphon power and fulcrum shift! now i know you are drooling over that thought but think of this with out what ever miracle the dev's think they'll find to balance that? all you guys would get ia a uber nerfed Kin and you would whine about that so. :P
    ok Stalkers What did you guys want? BS? it would be NB with new weapon options, Fire,Ice,Stone,SS. Ok you got me there they would be no different then Electric melee, but THEY WOULD BE NO DIFFERENT THEN Electric melee! ok and the secondary well it matches the primary. Whats the beef there?

    ok corrs again what did you want i read the boards not every last post but i didn't see a huge calling for anything out side of Emp for a secondary which i saw as many post against it .

    Dommies ok well hell i think you are the only people who got what you asked for. Save you Dark Illusion people but hey just play a MM and use your imagination . as far as a match set which is the only logical complaint, but still invalid. what range earth attacks are there??? until they make a earth range attack for assault to burrow from not seeing this happen, I say this because once a earth assault gets made there will be whining of a lack of a earth blast set (you know who you are). so they would need to come out at the same time to keep you happy, which is nigh imposable but they do try.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Honestly I was actually hoping for a set for MMs that combined grav and kin, maybe give MM's wormhole instead of Fulcrum shift and only the single target siphon power? Or maybe give MMs the singularity instead of fulcrum shift.

    There are ways to put /kin on a MM without it being stupid overpowered. As much as I'd love to see it, even if just once, a 8 man MM team with all /kin would be... very broken, broken on the level that a fire/kin is already.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Guess I'll post here since rednames don't seem to read the pvp boards (and I guess I can't blame them, especially today.)

    First off, I completely understand pvpers basically don't matter to you. I'm not being sarcastic... we make up, to the best of what I can see, maybe 1000 subscriptions.
    Out of ~150k, it's obvious that 1k is very very little.
    If the pvp community was to all simultaneously cancel their account(s), NCsoft would barely feel it.

    That being said, I'd like to say that (again, from what I see) we are OVERWHELMINGLY the most min/maxing of the entire CoX community, and one of the most vocal minorities at showing the devs potential imbalances in powers, sets, and ATs, especially at the higher levels, and end-game content. We study the game, on average, much more than just about any other minor subculture of gamers.

    I'd like to think that in a way, most pvpers pull much more than their weight at making the entire game better.

    That being said, would it have been too much to ask to actually run a few of these 'proliferation' choices by your playerbase?
    With I12, you've singlehandedly widened the gap between hero and villain IMbalance by porting over 2 of the strongest villain sets AND adding a widely unresistible set to the already highest damaging hero AT.
    Villains get storm, which is nice indeed, but in no way compensatory for the 3 game-breaking sets heroes just got.

    Do you realize that there is NO HvV arena ladder?
    Do you understand why?
    Do you even openly recognize that the factions are in fact not balanced?

    I understand that pve >>>> pvp, financially.
    Still... I think you might be underestimating how much we bring to the game, and especially to pve.

    I'm assuming these decisions are irreversible for now... so I'd avoid the pvp forums if I were you

    That being said, here's something I *would* recommend for I12.1:
    - psi blast for corrs
    - access to APPs for villains
    - VEATs with CM (by Siren's plz), RAs, Fort, and AP.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You know I've been reading these posts all day, yeah all of them its been a slow day at work, but I have to say this is perhaps one of the best posts regarding the issues I've seen.

    But it might help to detail out some numbers, wondering if anyone could put together something comparing the numbers and the potential imbalances of a scrapper with fire shields + ice shields + CM + fort + forge + thaw vs anything villain side. I'm not even going to think about a tank because they are really now impossible.

    I'm a casual PVP player, I've only recently gotten into it, but this has me seriously reconsidering ever taking my SS/NRG brute into a PVP zone again. Its a pretty low end build as it is, but stacked rage and fury with some reds and I can hit through almost anything now even fort, but I think any edge I had is now gone.

    Great post though, I'm trying to hold off now for some testing before conclusions but it just seems off.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Well today I feel like the last kid left and I am gettin no love from the Devs.

    [/ QUOTE ]/pats on shoulder.......Ill pick ya buddy...... we have a whole dungeon full of last picked kids.

    I think we have been going about this the wrong way with the devs. We have to quit yelling and complaining and result to good old fashioned villainous bribery.

    Im talking donuts, tacos, beer, dancing monkeys.......know what Im saying? I am sending them hand picked turnips tonight!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You make a valid point, we are also the villains and we get all the hot chicks.

    There has to be some bartering power in that, I mean Ghost Widow got flowing hair AND fingers that move...
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I mean sure Earth is good but its kinda... ugly...

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I've wanted to change the way earth-control looks for so long...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Just compared to Plant and Therm is so ugly. I guess thats why I wanted Ill more, its not so visually hideous.

    And everyone knows everything red side is "ooo shiny".

    However I'm having giggle fits at therm and plant destroying the video cards of some of the lower end hero side players. *cackles*
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    I don't know bout y'all but wrapping my head around Plant/Therm Controllers, may just inspire me to try out those blasted Heroes...

    Course I've tested the Corruptors new set and still think Red side for life!

    I am, what I am!


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Then please by all means give us beta soon, because I'm trying not to get all Doom, but I'm feeling impressively underwhelmed as a villain player.

    The heroes got three of our better, shiny powers, Therm, Plant and Cold and we got the meh powers. I mean sure Earth is good but its kinda... ugly... and electric not really impressive, storm is awesome, but not sure how I feel about it on a MM till try it.

    I mostly PVE, but I've recently gotten into PVP and I've been enjoying, but I really fear this is going to be immensely unbalanced in zone PVP. No Doom, but heroes already had a edge up, and it seems they just got even more.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    If Dr. Brainstorm appeared in the game, I wonder what his Strike Force would be like...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Permadeath for all characters who attempt it and fail. And, of course, the good Doctor would turn out to be a robot duplicate anyway.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    <Insert mandatory reply to Castle, since no one's replied yet >

    Edit: that sounds like the worst TF ever... Jack's idea?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I did...

    Kinda after the fact though

    And if it was Jack's idea it would include a 3/5ths reduction to your existing defense bonus as well while on the TF.
  9. Does this mean we're getting that bandage costume piece too?


    Yes I'm serious ;p I have a AR corr that *NEEDS* that.

    Ok no need but come on, seriously?!


    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    If Dr. Brainstorm appeared in the game, I wonder what his Strike Force would be like...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Permadeath for all characters who attempt it and fail. And, of course, the good Doctor would turn out to be a robot duplicate anyway.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    OMG Dr. Brainstorm is Nemesis!

  10. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    The Midnight Squad


    The clandestine organization of mystics, scholars and mages, known only as the Midnight Squad, seeks to rebuild its numbers since the devastating assault of the Rikti Invasion. The Midnighters hold a secret that could bring the alien assault to an end, but without the help of the Heroes of Paragon City™ it will remain Lost forever.

    The Midnighters hold many secrets within their walls, including a highly coveted Ouroboros crystal, enabling them to travel to the far reaches of time. There is a familiar threat in an ancient land and the Midnighters need the help of both Heroes and Villains to stop it. Players step foot upon the ancient land of the Roman Cimeroran Peninsula, where they battle deadly creatures, defend an ancient city and ultimately come face to face with the enemy of time itself. Throughout this journey players uncover the mysteries of power and the origins that guide them today.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Looks like the 10-20 is Heroes only, and 35-50 is Heroes and Vills.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's the way I read it as well.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm 99.9% sure the lvl 10-20 content is available to both heroes and villains. Can we get red-name confirmation on this?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Agreed when I read that as well it seems the lvl 10-20 content is only heroes, which makes me immensely sad inside. Clarification would be greatly appreciated.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Can we maybe get a zone where it spawns like it did on test before it was nerfed to be way to easy...
    Maybe its just me but I kinda liked the desperation of the invasions on test, surrounded by scores of Rikti, flocking around you, swarming the hospital.
    Now THAT felt like a invasion by a hostile force bent on destroying us.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Here's the thing: . . .

    The invasions can still get pretty darn crazy now...
    But what it requires to have the mega battles,
    is to have mega numbers of players in the zone.

    The more of us there are, the crazier it gets!
    Bring all your buddies!


    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm on Virtue, I've been in insanely populated zones with the invasions, its totally not anywhere near as hard or awesome as it was originally on test.

    Point in fact, my defender can be alone in a raided zone, even a packed one, and fight the mobs spawning on her even if she's in an 8 man team but by herself on the other side of the map.

    On test? This wasn't easy for a squishy toon, it was a WAR ZONE, you died alot, you ran around, you stayed with your team and fought desperately to survive. And don't think hospitally will save you or running, they would swarm the hospital, you'd exit to 4 or 5 heavies or more, if you ran they would chase you across the map nevermind the ships sniping you from the sky. I mean the Rikti are able to take down the war walls, they decimated almost all heroes in the 1st war, the invasions in their current form? Not threatening, I actually laugh and think, "Man heroes prior to the first war were chumps." But now the hospitals are offlimits to the spawns, they don't really chase, and not nearly as many spawn. I still remember seeing what had to be 40 of them swarming around my invuln tank and a stone tank, and we were barely holding our own, only with support of our whole team did we survive.

    Am I saying we need something that insane in normal zones at all levels? No a lowbie couldn't hope to survive it and it'd be frustrating. But maybe a spawnable event in its own zone, maybe somewhere the Rikti are trying to get to something. Maybe in a PVP zone where its already high risk, or maybe even a raid event on the vanguard holdings in the war zone, they have to be mightly angry after we've bombed their ship how many times? Who knows but I want a High Risk invasion, I want to see the Rikti being as insanely awesome as they are, I want to feel like its a desperate fight with only slim odds of winning. I want it to be a challenge and a war.

    I want to experience Rikti on the level of the 1st Rikti War event. The invasion on test really felt that way before they nerfed it down, I remember thinking, "WOW! So this is why they ruined us!". Ship raids are a bit like this because everything is lvl 53, but raiding their ship isn't the same as defending a city zone from an invasion by a hostile force while there are drop ships flying in over head and carpet bombing..

    As it stands, I don't even question winning invasions, I go, I know we'll win, I know the Rikti don't stand a chance, which is not fun, or challenging. But maybe thats just me, I mean there isn't any debt, but some people can't cope with that sort of set of odds stacked against them, or dying constantly. I just want some more challenges that aren't a LRSF/STF or a ship raid.
  12. Can we maybe get a zone where it spawns like it did on test before it was nerfed to be way to easy...


    Maybe its just me but I kinda liked the desperation of the invasions on test, surrounded by scores of Rikti, flocking around you, swarming the hospital.

    Now THAT felt like a invasion by a hostile force bent on destroying us.
  13. Name: Archon X

    Currently Recruiting: Accepting new members & seeking active allies and perhaps some rivalries.

    RP Level: RP-intensive, /sg IC, Quite immersive

    PvP Level: Casual, base raids (training/rp events), arena & zones. We have a few members really into PVP and a few of our events have included a RP PVP element.

    Theme/Concept: Vigilante & Anti-heroes working in the isles to combat the corruption and evil found there. The heroes willing to do the dirty jobs most won't in the name of common good. We're also looking for neutral professionals who put contract above all else, mercenaries, and other persons for hire.

    Activity: We are active 7 days of the week through various time zones, we have a small sized group and an extremely active relationship with two large Paragon City based groups.

    Requirements for Membership: Requirements are minimal, all characters must be vigilante/anti-heroes, or professionals (mercenaries). No true villains or evil characters. Maturity and respect for your fellow players is required, and a desire to be part of the group, and its activities. Membership on our website forums is highly recommended as well.

    Leadership: Ava Mannheim, Trevin

    In-Game Contact(s): @Ran Kailie, @Trevin, @Robziel

    Out-of-Game Contact(s): Please contact us in game or through the website below.

    URL: Archon X Website, Archon X @ VirtueVerse

    Coalition(s): Ongoing relationship IC with:
    + Shinsengumi: Training, contract jobs, intel. We are part of their OOC global channel.
    + Hyperion Force: IC but casual relationship, no true in game contact or official connection.
    + Death Seven: Mercenaries for hire, contracted them for additional help as needed.

    Other Details: Rules & Regulations, Recruitment Information & Application.

    Benefits to Members:
    + Fun, mature, and low stress atmosphere;
    + Open storage in base;
    + Fully outfitted base with teleporters to all zones, medbay, mission computer, access to Ouro, and RP settings.
    + Discounted IOs: Common IOs are available for most levels for only the cost of salvage and crafting.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    Why "City Life" General Discussion ? Most everyone calls the two CoX (City of X) or City of...

    Is City Life an internal term y'all have like /Gadgets for the Blaster /Devices powers? Or is it just something y'all though sounded nice?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I have to agree, not sure I'm too fond of "City Life" I think "City of General Discussion" would sound better but its semantics really. What would be cool is if we could flag the posts there as either specific hero of villain or both, guess you could do that by putting "[Hero]" or "[Villain]" at the beginning of the subject line, but I think a little Post Icon of the CoH symbol and the CoV symbol would be a cool addition.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    Take that line, one word and add an s and the tone of that is COMPLETELY different. There was no need to single out the villains group, or even to mention they were simply renaming the CoH forum. Doesn't need to be mentioned, don't add fuel to the already raging fire, and certainly don't rub salt in a wound. Ex and Lighthouse are suppose to set a tone and standard for everyone else, putting one group on the defensive while making another seem favored is only asking for trouble.

    But meh, thats just me, I chalk it up to bad PR is all, happens, but you're looking at what is basically getting most people's feathers ruffled. Just leave names and groups out unless absolutely necessary.Its not a them or us situation so don't make it one.

    Sure that makes no more sense then the other post, going to bed.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I guess I don't see what the problem is. What does adding an S to forum have to do with anything? There was one CoV General Forum. It was simply stated that the forum for CoV general was being removed and that instead there will be one big happy general forum. I really can't see: 1) why it would be seen as singling out Villains, or 2) how else it should have been worded, since one forum involved is named with Heroes and the other named with Villains. How else do you tell everyone that they are merging them without specifying which ones they are talking about?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeesh everytime I post here I remember why I don't, oy, people who read a single line, make assumptions and don't bother reading the rest.

    Basically my comment was sarcasm, not serious thus the use of smilies, I tried to explain it in my second post that I was merely pointing out how I felt Ex had incorrectly addressed the change in her choice of wording. (Really wish I could have used a strike through instead of having to resort to red bold color, sure that didn't help )

    Thats all my point was, a post made by a red name that seems to be placing one over the other gets people up in a tiffy. Not saying I'm up in a tiffy, like I said in my first post, this is a GOOD idea. If anything maybe this will help bring more people villain side, and introduce more people to it.

    But to be honest I know why the issues have been predominantly focused on co-op, the devs have to look to the future for what is easiest to them with a smaller dev team. Address issues and add content and at the same time keep customers happy and interested so the money continues to flow. That doesn't mean however that it doesn't bother some people. And I'm not about to fault them their feelings.

    So the point of all of my rambling? Ex should consider rewording her original post, thats all I'm saying.


    I still hold onto my plea for more SFs *debates adding it to her signature* I offer the dev willing to champion my cause an endless flow of twinkies! (Okay maybe not but everyone likes twinkies right? I'm a villain bribery is okay!).
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Certainly doesn't make one feel like the red headed step child I mean it was certainly good enough for the big brother, we're use to the hand me downs.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I suppose posts like this are what set my brain into the "City Life is going to be a new forum and the two Generals will be wiped" idea. COV forums regular are going to add the merge to the Big List Of Reasons Why The Devs Hate COV(tm).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Crankiness from lack of sleep aside, Ex needs to be a bit more careful in her wording was the point of my above tirade. But let me highlight what I'm saying and see if it makes sense.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Starting next Wednesday October 3rd, 2007 we will be merging our two general discussion forums into one forum entitled "City Life" General Discussion where COH/COV game related discussions will take place.

    This week we will be collecting any threads that should be moved over and kept from the current general forums

    After doing tracking and receiving community feedback on this issue we feel this is the best way to ensure general topics which are appropriate for both groups get the attention they need.

    We will be discussing this move on this topic located in the News, Announcement, & Discussion Forum.

    If you have questions, comments, concerns or a link to a thread that should be moved please join us here for the discussion.


    Ex Libris

    [/ QUOTE ]

    + Removed: "We will be changing the name of the current COH General and closing the Villains General forum."
    + Removed: Villains from line following the line above.
    + Change: Added an S to the word forums in the sentence where the word villains was removed.

    Take that line, one word and add an s and the tone of that is COMPLETELY different. There was no need to single out the villains group, or even to mention they were simply renaming the CoH forum. Doesn't need to be mentioned, don't add fuel to the already raging fire, and certainly don't rub salt in a wound. Ex and Lighthouse are suppose to set a tone and standard for everyone else, putting one group on the defensive while making another seem favored is only asking for trouble.

    But meh, thats just me, I chalk it up to bad PR is all, happens, but you're looking at what is basically getting most people's feathers ruffled. Just leave names and groups out unless absolutely necessary.Its not a them or us situation so don't make it one.

    Sure that makes no more sense then the other post, going to bed.

    Edit: Clarifying what I meant above changed Ex's quote to how I feel it should have read and detailed edits below it.
  17. Why purge the area completely? Why not just turn it into a locked archive that people can view and search but that can't be posted to or edited?

    There is no ways in a few days all of the useful threads in that CoV General forums could be identified.

    And no comments on my opinion regarding the fact that the Hero forum is being kept instead of a whole new forum being made and two old ones being archived.

    Certainly doesn't make one feel like the red headed step child I mean it was certainly good enough for the big brother, we're use to the hand me downs.

    Edit: I will say I think there needs to be one single forum don't get me wrong, but the tone of Ex's comment leaves a bit to be desired. This is especially true given many of us who came in with CoV and prefer CoV have felt very much unloved by the devs given the lack of content additions we've received since launch. And this is in comparison to what Heroes had in the same amount of issues after launch. We got one issue for CoV with content and that was it, everything else we've had to share with the heroes.

    You know I'd really like some more Strike Forces to fit into all the gaps we have Villain side, and not just co-op stuff, sometimes you want to be villainous with your fellow bad guys and no stinkin' capes stickin' their noses in with their goody two shoes junk.

    I mean really, more SFs.... pretty pretty please... Maybe a couple villain only hazard zones? Something, anything, throw me a bone Give people a REASON to want to play the villain side...
  18. Thanks guys, probably should have noted that these were each done in about 30 minutes, so I really can't wait to see what they can do with more time and better references.
  19. I hit up the 2007 Baltimore comic con today, a last minute excursion, and right before leaving I quickly printed out a crappy art reference for Ava in case I came across an artist to get a sketch from.

    First I'll say there were tons of great artists there doing sketches, I was actually overwhelmed. But given my spending was limited to what I had on me, which wasn't much, I chose to only get two sketches at the con itself from two newer artists.

    I am thoroughly impressed by both of these artists and their enthusiasm, and the awesome art work i got given my horrible reference. I highly recommend both and I plan to commission full pieces from them myself this week.

    Ava Adore Sketch by Michael Langdale (Who I might add has an awesome DA gallery so I suggest checking it out)

    Ava Adore by Kaiser of Kaiser Studios (Sadly their side doesn't have much up, but I was blown away by the artwork they had on their table.)
  20. Base Wishes

    I made a post a bit ago about Decorative Item Costs. I really don't see why decorative items without any functional purpose cost anything or nearly as much as they do.

    Make em free or drop a zero from the end of the price.
  21. The lag is really painful, zone loading is obnoxious, and I'm missing the bombing runs just trying to get to the zones. Maybe if it was more often then every 3 hours people wouldn't be jumping to get to those zones so badly.

    I liked how it was on test myself, more staggered over the 3 hour windows then all at once and a lot more frequent.

    Nevermind once the rikti start porting in and the lag becomes unrealistic, I was getting a slide show just now in KR, everyone was. I'd lower the amount of people per zone for the duration of this.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Has it really been a month? Sorry to have dragged my feet so long....

    The Troll is DONE!

    For those of you who've missed the first two drawings, it's not too late to enter. Follow the instructions in the original post, and I'll wait though this weekend to select my third and final victim. I've not decided which media will be used either...

    Thank you all for giving me so much to work with.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Still open to bribes?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm listening ...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Undying love and gratitude.

    Sadly, I don't know what I could offer. I can do a print out of my DA account, including things that are not included as prints officially. Maybe even a unique art piece. Though I am quite a bit limited due to lacking a camera right now.

    I'm also a web developer, I could do a design/site for you in trade, my site is in the middle of an overhaul so pardon the lack of some content.

    But sadly my bribes are not that good.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    Has it really been a month? Sorry to have dragged my feet so long....

    The Troll is DONE!

    For those of you who've missed the first two drawings, it's not too late to enter. Follow the instructions in the original post, and I'll wait though this weekend to select my third and final victim. I've not decided which media will be used either...

    Thank you all for giving me so much to work with.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Still open to bribes?
  24. ransim

    Two chaotic Gods



    Wow thats just amazing, I absolutely love that style of art, I'm going to drop you an email, I'd love to have some commissions done for something I'm working on if you're open to them right now.
  25. ransim

    Ravaging WIP

    [ QUOTE ]
    Okay, maybe I'm alone in this but...


    that is all ^_^

    [/ QUOTE ]
    *scolds ransim* You got the troll wet! Who's gonna want a wet troll?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *raises her hand*

    However may I recommend oil instead? Or even better, light rivulets of water falling down...

    Hmmm so.... about those dodgers *whistling and runs*