229 -
I am not happy with the lack of info telling me that I have to use my game info to log into the forums. Took me a while to figure out my handle and password so I could log in, just as a lark I tried my game account info and it worked. Advance warning of this info would have been much appreciated.
The look is eh, guess it will take some time for me to get use to the new look. Color change from the steel blue to something brighter might be nice.
Breakdowns of the threads are now going to take me a while to find. Instead of looking for General Discussion I will have to remember it's under "Fun". Guess that won't take me long to remember, since it's one I frequent the most but the other just might. -
I know I am a altiholic now:
Blaster - 16
Defenders - 15
Scrappers - 12
Controllers - 9
Masterminds - 8
Tanks - 6
Dominators - 2
Stalkers - 2
Corrupters - 1
Brutes - 0 (just haven't come up with a power set I want to work with yet)
for a total of 71
and these are the ones I actively, play there are a few I am looking at deleting at some point. So I guess you can say I really like Blasters.
[/ QUOTE ]
Ok I had to post this.... just added a new character today.
Scrappers are now 13.
I so do have to stop getting new character ideas. All ready have 2 (a Brute and a Defender) for I16 (at least the powers sets, am working on the names and looks) -
The scary thing is...I have been to comic-cons, sci-fi cons, and anime cons and they all seem to go like that...
Thanks for the belly laughs, I REALLY, REALLY needed it today. -
I know I am a altiholic now:
Blaster - 16
Defenders - 15
Scrappers - 12
Controllers - 9
Masterminds - 8
Tanks - 6
Dominators - 2
Stalkers - 2
Corrupters - 1
Brutes - 0 (just haven't come up with a power set I want to work with yet)
for a total of 71
and these are the ones I actively, play there are a few I am looking at deleting at some point. So I guess you can say I really like Blasters. -
I'm here to chew bubblegum and kick Rikti...
and I'm all out of bubblegum
Couldn't agree more. It is great with my troller too... just love watching Rikti beat up on each other. I stand there and just LMAO.
I'm happier than a Rikti in Atlas Park...
The problem is it won't even connect to get the updates. I can surf the internet no problem, just can't connect to CoH. I did let it sit for a while and at one point it was on #38 but still no connection.
This started last Thursday and I had gotten my UVerse the week prior, with no problems connecting. I went to my BF's on Tuesday night (6/23) came home on Thursday night and just couldn't connect. Friday I was able to get it to connect, was on for about 10 minutes got DC'd then couldn't connect again.
Guess I'll have to re-install the game, thank god I picked up the Architect version.
Thanks for the help -
Please tell me how you did it, cause my rig at home hasn't been able to connect for a week. I have two rigs, one at my home and one at my BF's; that way we can still play together. I tried nearly everything we could think of, short of re-installing the game. I know it's not my internet, I got AT&T's Uverse two weeks ago and it ran fine with it. Please please tell me how you fixed yours, inquiring minds want to know.
Thanks for your time. -
I was getting this problem before I15 went live. Started last Thursday wtih my rig at my home, got it to work for a little bit on Friday before I was DC'd. My rig at my BF's is ok, tho it does take longer for updates. Since then I haven't been able to connect at home. I have tried nearly everything short of reinstalling the game. Any suggestions? I would really appreciate the help.
Thanks for your time. -
7) The boob slider will now have a "gravity" slider option as well.
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Oh if we could have this in real life.
9) A new type of inspiration called "Fiber"; 'nuff said.
[/ QUOTE ]
This is to go along with the new temp power "Deadly Gas" that works oh so well knocking an opponent out every time, especially when you are attacked from behind. -
Arch Name: ROUS
Arch ID: 15200
Faction: Heroic, Custom Critters
Creator Global/Forum Name: Myskats Kittens (test)/myskatz
Difficulty Level:
Synopise: They could be an experiment gone horribly wrong
Estimated Time to Play: approximately 20 minutes
Link to More Details or Feedback: Would like some feedback on the critters and mission overall
I would like comments to go Here please. Thanks... -
I have been have sync problems across all the servers I play, just like Tymer. I'm also getting map servered for a minute or two. I had it happen tonight and was killed waiting for the server to come back. It doesn't matter what I'm doing the screen freezes and the words "Mapserver Disconnected" appears (something to that effect), so I can't even do the /sync command. It is driving me crazy.
I have always liked your posts and comments, they were funny and informative. You will be missed. Good luck, just don't be a stranger.
luv ya -
I like the t-shirt...so we have Pinky and the Brain now. That's funny
I'm going to have to book mark this.
Just my two cents... -
I love the first set, it's great, I was laughing so hard it brought tears to my eyes. The second set is good too. I really liked it. Keep up the great work..
well i was going to put this with the original post, but i didnt see an option to edit .. weird.
anyhoo, heres page 2, its a continuation of the phone call from the first page. this is based on an actual phone call, almost word for word!
no lie!
Clawkitty page 2
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Yea that is nothing new...worked for a while with Wolf Camera in a Chicagoland Suburban store and I remember calls like this.
My BF was just commenting to me if this could be done on four panels going horizontal this would be great for the City Scoop.
Just my two cents... -
I saw it, and started to giggle...
Please continue on with this project. Having worked in retail as well, I would really like to see how you balance both sides of this.
Thank you for the time...
[/ QUOTE ]
I too work in retail, tho for me I would like to use the claws on some of my fellow employees. Just keep up the great work cause I look forward to more..
Just my two cents... -
Another suggestion for people wary of putting their credit card online but have trouble finding time cards is to use one of those Netspend Visas.
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Not a bad idea...tho I have never had a problem finding the time cards or using them (and I have been using them for nearly 18 months now and so has my boyfriend for nearly 21 months). I work in a retail store that carries the PlayNC card and since the card covers 7 games now we carry more copies. Just go to Fry's Electronics, they are $10 for the 15 day, $15 for the 30 day and $30 for the 60 day cards(that's USD) and covers both CoH and Cov. The nice thing for me is I get an employee discount so the 60 days is about $5 cheaper. They are locked up for security since we have had people steal time cards of other games (i.e. Wow and Star Wars Galaxy) in the past, so don't be surprised when you see them in a locked case of some kind.
I also recycle the product cases. I use them to replace broken DVD cases. Also since my Dad passed away 5 years ago, I have become the family photo archivist. I scan the family photos and make slide shows on DVD's for everyone, using these cases to put the DVD's into and make nice covers with info and photos (the cases look more proffesional too, not those cheap one I could buy). I am currently looking for the equipment to start working on the old slides my Dad had, this way my Mom can enjoy them without pulling out that old slide projector. And of course my 4 siblings with nieces and nephews will want copies.
Just my 2 cents. -
Noticed the message in the GMOTD last night when I logged in, and thanks Lighthouse for the heads up.
This is the first thread I've EVER read from page 1-20. Holy moly I don't know how you forumites do it AND keep a sense of humour.
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We're psychotic.
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I resemble that remark -
This may have been mentioned already (I didn't read through every page) but the price would seem more reasonable if it also included a month of game time like the GvE package did. Charging for "extra" content is a bad idea, IMO.
[/ QUOTE ]
The $10 GvE code did not include a month of game-time. Think about it for a moment: one month of play-time commands a standard price of $15, by itself. Why on Earth would they sell you costume parts, emotes, AND that same month of play-time for less than $15? Usually, when you add things to an existing sales option, the price goes up, not down!
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually the box GvE does come with a month free, though the online purchase of GvE does not. Just my 2 cents -
Just my 2 cents...Yes the cost for this recipe early on will be high, the toons who will want them the most, will more likely be higher levels as well. They will more likely have the influence to purchase them. Just be patient the prices will come down.
I have to agree with being able to store them in the vault...you have to be careful with WW, you have limited space and time to store there. I used it once and lost what I stored there, my loss. I learned something from it though.
My only concern is how this might contribute to a resurgence of the spam tells and contribute to the spam emails promoting the cash for influ/infmy website...
Just my 2 cents -
All players with City of Heroes retail* accounts will now have access to City of Villains, and all City of Villains retail* accounts will now have access to City of Heroes. Players that didn't previously have access to "the other side" will find that they do now. Just log in to check it out!
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So I just bought both versions of the game...does this mean that I wasted my money and if I had waited a week, I could have paid half as much?
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Exactly. I am really pissed about this, there needs to be some form of compensation for those who did buy both games. Like maybe a free month or2 or something because this is totally unfair to those who spent their hard earned money on both games.
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Think of it this way...when you purchased CoH you got a free month, then when you purchased CoV you got another free month. Those who have CoH or CoV, that get the other side won't get the free month, I think you are up on them by a free month already. So why complain. Just my 2 cents.