195 -
And did nobody see the last panel where it says "Veteran players may start at Tier 7+." And then goes on to say, "They'll get nearly everything for free."?
That part really worries me. I've been playing almost five years now. Perhaps by the time i21 hits, I -will- have six years under my belt. I surely don't want to pay anything to get back to where I am now, nor wait until it becomes available to me again.
Prefer redname confirmation on this. -
SO MUCH this. Yes, it's a fantasy world, and RP isn't "real", per se....but I really have to wonder about the person sitting behind a keyboard and screen typing out rather graphic scenarios where someone that is obviously a child is in a sexual situation.....it (in my opinion at least) borders on pedophilia, and such people, again in my opinion, NEED to be reported. If not banned.
This is a very touchy subject with some people, so this is all I'll say on the matter.
Also, I am a medium to light RP'r. I arpees in mishes when the team is comprised of like minded friends. PuG's? Nah.
Adult themes? If it's in the character's personality. I have a global ecoterrorist that claims responsibility for several of the recent major disasters. Floods, earthquakes, volcanoes and oil spills. Graphic content, which might offend some people. Which I warn about in advance. -
Actually, Hassenfeffer....this is cut and pasted from the webpage that had the MMOrgue interviews.
OK, tell me more about how Cryptic treated Base Builders in COX
City of Heroes was launched in April 2004. Super Group Bases added in the paid expansion, City of Villains in June 2006.
Options: Small, Medium, or Large. Big rooms separated by corridors.
At launch: ~12 walls/ceilings/floors, about a dozen functional items, and ~100 decor items.
5 years later: 8 or so functional items added, removed clipping of placed items.
Once a very active community (chat channels, contests, forum activity)
Cryptic ignored the base building issues until they sold to NCSoft in 2007.
NCSoft continued ignoring it, except to nerf the storage availability. (2500 items, down to 30)
Part of Issue 13 was slated to include lots of base stuff. (DATE?)
When Issue 13 was split into two separate updates, the base features mysteriously vanished from EITHER set of patch notes.
Attempts to get commentary on this were met with silence, or locked threads.
In 2008 a dev named Sunstorm took on the role of Base Building Developer
He started a thread asking for some suggestions for additions and improvements to bases, made a few more posts, and then went silent. In October 2009, he posted that hes still working on some stuff for bases. http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?p=2355311
But in December 2009, someone noticed that his forum name was no longer red. That only happens on the forums when a staff member is no longer employed.
- So, what are the primary issues that Bases faced in CoH?
- What role were they supposed to fill, functionality-wise?
- The silence from developers is scary, disappointing, and a lingering dark blotch on their overall PR efforts. Is there anything they could say at this point to make up for these bad decisions?
- Cryptic Studios is now behind Champions Online, which will soon be implementing Hideouts as a form of Player Housing. Do you have any sage words of wisdom for them on the subject, to assist in avoiding the pitfalls of the past?
Overall, that's a very discouraging thing to read. And I did this so that the bolded part would not be taken out of context. Which someone used exclusively. Bad. Do it all, so context can be had, please. -
This new feature is a step in the right direction. It's a form of base love, I am all about base love. I wish a warm fuzzy to you. Kudos for finding a way to fit it in the budget!
To be honest, while it -is- a form of base love......and a darn fine feature -should it be implimented-.....I'm of the mind it's a bone that's been tossed our way to shut us up about adding new base items/decorations.
While happy that something has been said by a Dev, I'm still sad that nothing's been done about so many other things that would've pleased a vast majority of current and staying players. -
Omigawd, Deebs. She's ADORABLE. Thankew ever so much.
Now, to figure out how to use GiMP to color her.......
Premonitions, how in the world did you do that? I tried using the [img] tags, and it didn't work.
I'm a bit concerned, actually. Not because I want an uber character that can have an interface proc firing on all the targets in an AoE's effect....but that there's a precedent already set. IO set procs in AoE powers. Chance for psi damage in the taunt set. Oblit's chance for smashing damage in foot stomp, or any other PBAoE power it can slot into. If the interface proc is changed...what's stopping them from changing all the other set procs?
Nerf the damage that reactive's doing. Not its current effect. Let it proc how it was originally. And the rest of the interface lineup. -
Gonna try this again.
Kailee, my peacebringer.
*sigh* I can't seem to get the picture to show up. Might as well fuggedaboutit.
I -am- gonna beat this thing!! Or die trying!!
For some reason, the link's broken. Yet, doing -this- leads you to the pic. Odd.
I welcome any of our European brethren that want to come and check out Virtue server. Please do come and check us out. We don't bite.
Unless you ask us to.
As for me, I might roll up a new alt just to check out Union server, as I hear it's also an unofficial RP server. -
Kailee D'Stratos is a kheldian. Sort of a "what if" type of character. Nictus were experimenting on genetically engineering host bodies for themselves. When this batch was made, one of them volunteered to inhabit the body. The change was miraculous, from nictus to peacebringer. Except...it was a totally new being. The mind had been wiped. No memories whatsoever. Deeming it a failure, the remaining nictus ejected Kailee into space, as for some reason or other...they couldn't feed on her.
Images are here: http://joelsean1966.deviantart.com/gallery/26082206
She's a bright, bubbly personality, quite innocent and naive in -some- things. Oh, she has orange hair now, due to a change brought on by contact with incarnate shards and threads. -
...that thinks that with all the long standing bugs in this game....adding a few furry NPC's to the club 55 and Pocket D maps and fixing one veteran power bug is kinda a slap in the face?
Deebs: If you ever get the urge, here. Kailee. My kheld.
Thanks in advance for even looking and thinking it over. -
Okay, upgrading slowly but surely. Have a 450 watt power supply and a free PCI Express x16 slot. Are the newer cards backwards compatible? And, if not, what's the best card to get? Posi's original suggestion of the 9800? Or is there something cheaper? Kinda want to stick to NVidia, too.
Idea. And I'm sure others have said it before, too.
What with all the microtransactions going on now...perhaps it should be suggested to the Developer in charge of bases to run it by the marketing crowd to sell a base item pack. Hell, with the sheer -amount- of base items that's wanted by people, and also found ingame already...they could make several packs. Anyone else behind this idea? I wouldn't mind paying a bit extra for that. Hell, I wouldn't mind paying several times for all the base items that /could/ be added. -
Female body types, all.
When using the /e drink emote, the character will pop forward a certain distance, then return to original position. Usually only during the part of the animation when the cup is tilted way up. It had disappeared after i17, but it's back again. Not sure if it's been mentioned already, but it's annoying enough to bear repeating.
Also, drink Enriche animation has the bottle being poured into one's eye or over one's head, all model types. -
Masterminds. Can't stand to play them, and I've -tried- to. Most all of the variations, at least before Demon Summoning came out. But...just no. Can't even stand to be on a team with one. I've quit teams when one's gotten invited. Won't do it. Nope. Can't make me change my mind, either.
Actually, to me, Earthquake is one big, pulsing defense debuff.
I've six-slotted it with Lady Grey's defense debuff. -
Quote:Cry moar.Okay, is there some way to implement power suppression so that it's actually JUST suppressing powers NOT SWITCHING THEM OFF?
Sorry! I'm getting mightily annoyed at hitting the trading house (or another suppression site) then coming out and having to waste time turning all my toggles back on again.
I'd like to see that happen in the D, so powers griefing is halted. As well as at the BM and WW.
Also, left clicking on another person's pet enables a menu. One option is "dismiss". I'd SO love to be able to dismiss a MM's pets MYSELF.
EDIT: After reading the whole thread, I -do- agree with the idea of having the option to go to a -totally- non-powered room at the markets. But I remain resolute about having the same suppression in Pocket D.
Makes no sense -to me-, to allow buffing/de-buffing powers operate when there's -no need- for them.
No actual combat can take place there, so why does one -need- to be able to "rock the aura" or run shadowfall, or a ton of other things. MM pets are the most frequently abused of them all, so I have no tolerance for them, even on Virtue, where some people RP with their pets. The greater majority of inconsiderate griefers has ruined it for the people that don't abuse it. Sadly, that's also the case for the Trading House and market/ww. -
NA Live Servers - Emergency Maintenance Thursday August 5, 2010
All North American City of Heroes servers will be taken down for a maintenance on Thursday, August 5rd, 2010 between 2:00pm and 4:00apm Central Time.
Taken from the official site.
This will mean it's down until 1 pm Pacific time.And 5pm Eastern time.
Ditto here on the west coast. Logging in fine....even can pick which server...but click on a character and hit "enter Rogue Isles/Paragon City"....bam. Booted back to log in screen.
Apparently. I can log in, even choose which server to play...but when I go to pick a character to play..I get booted back to the log in screen. Every time. So far, anyway.
Alrighty. If there's anyone out there generous enough to do some art...I've a kheldian that might interest you. Her name's Kailee D'Stratos. Some small details and backstory:
She's a "what if" kind of character. "What if" the rogue kheldians that became nictus started out trying to genetically engineer host bodies for themselves that -wouldn't- burn out? Well...Kailee is that what if. And the only one of her kind, as the kheldian that inhabited the body did not retain its personality. No personality was there. A "newborn" as it were..with the exception that there's some instinctual knowledge. Then what she's learned herself.
She has eyelids that blink in from the sides, akin to nictating membranes. But eyelids.
Eye pupils are catlike.
Tongue is Gene Simmons long, and mildly forked.
If one were to run their fingers through her hair, it'd feel like her skin. Ergo, it reflects light like her skin.
Canine teeth are only a -touch- longer than a normal human's.
Here is linky to screenshots. Apologies for the costume change, but I wanted to show what she normally wears.
Again, my undying thanks to anyone that would want to do art of her. -
Likewise. Type in password, hit login....then popup window saying can't connect to login server. Really inspiring when Thursday was an extended downtime for maintenence.