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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lighting_Thron View Post
    you realy think that the game would have 13 millions players with a half world for the player?

    just look at Lord of the Rings online, amazing game but without a second faction, the devs have said before thats its the only reason the game don't have a number similar to wow.
    Um, no, the LOTRO devs have never said that. Ever. I say this as one who has been in LOTRO since friends-and-family alpha and is related to one of the devs (who would be vehemently opposed from a lore and gameplay standpoint).

    If we had a vote on Open World, I would vote no for the reasons others have mentioned already.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Morac_Ex_Machina View Post
    And this sums up my feeling about all the boosters. I think they are all great, but yes, they are all niche and I hope for more niches too be filled in later boosters.
    This is true. However, with Valkyrie, Magic, and Cyborg, I've found uses of pieces and parts that go well beyond the niche of the packs. The run animation (and that's really the only thing I was commenting on) for Ninja Run really is niche. I'm sure I could find other combinations for the costume parts to extend them beyond merely ninja.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SilverAgeFan View Post
    Okay, I agree with this in a big way. And I was VERY excited about the prospects of this power. Enough for a quick impulse $10 purchase. Love the flips, the leaps, etc. I think this comes close to being CoX's answer to CO's attempt at acrobatics as a travel power.

    My beef is with the aesthetics of the run itself to be honest. It looks VERY VERY specifically anime in style. And out of context or when not holding a weapon, it has this very goofy "phantom of the opera or Dracula on crack" quality to it. Again this is NOT to say that the animation isn't amazing or the effectiveness of the power is not impressive. My own take on the animation when used out of context reminds me of a remark in the U.S. version of The Birdcage about John Wayne's signature "manly" walk viewed out of context. It's nothing game breaking or doomtastic, it's just a bit... silly to the point of embarrassing when it doesn't fit.

    I really hope that either travel power customization or additional mini travel powers come along with as uniquely defined styles but in different directions. Though I could see Captain America or the Beast bouncing around a page with a similar effectiveness and equal amount of tumbles as to what NS provides, I just could never see them running like that on tippy toes, rigid upper body, only using their knees and ankles to propel themselves. The only cartoon characters I've seen outside of anime that run that way are those in Hanna Barbera cartoons--and I have a sneaking suspicion that very few of us, regardless of tastes, are aspiring that set of aesthetics with our CoX characters. (ugh. now I have that sound effect they used for running stuck in my head... )

    Anyways, I'm gonna give it a rest at this point. I'm sure I'm coming across as a stick-in-the-mud over this pack that so many people clearly enjoy and an animation that, though it is not my tastes, is admittedly superb. Thumbs up to the folks who worked on it. And I'll hold hope any future releases with new movements styles (be it a booster or free) will better suit my preferences.
    Both of your main posts in this thread sum up my perceptions as well. The animation and art for the Martial Arts pack is fantastic, but it is very niche (and most likely intended to be).

    The run animation fits a very specific type of character: It is a ninja run, not a general purpose "Natural"-origin run. Hopefully in the future we'll get a similar run or other "Natural" travel power that will fit a broader range of character concepts.
  4. lionheart_fr

    Ninja Running

    Originally Posted by Ardrea View Post
    I just wish it didn't look the way it did -- like my character is rushing over to elbow-jab someone.
    This is the main problem I have with it. The animation does not look natural, athletic, or acrobatic on the run itself. It looks like you're getting ready to ram somebody, not sprint across the city. I can't think of many of my characters that would look right with that animation.

    Hopefully in the future we'll get another version with more natural, athletic animations.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    Did that get fixed? It's been broken since - oh, I think issue release.
    You can still check names from the server screen before you begin creating a character. The checker on the ID screen is indeed broken.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Iannis View Post
    Didn't they set the level cutoff really low, though? I thought it was something like if you're under level 5...if you just ran through a Sewer team at level 1 instead of only creating it to namesit you would've been over that bar.

    The Champions setup of charname@accountname was ugly, though, even though it let you be Superbob@Bob and Superbob@Bobby. Don't know if they ever put in an option to mask that stuff after launch.
    I believe the first time it was for character names below 36. Most of the names that actually got released from inactive accounts were well below that, hence the change to 1-5.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Darkfaith View Post
    But I want to be on a team with six people named "Catgirl" anyways? Probably not.
    To be fair, for most names I doubt this would happen. I'm Lionheart FR on a server with at least three more Lionheart variations; I've never run into any of them in game. Even if I were to, the chances of having more than maybe two members of the same group (pug or otherwise) with the same name is unlikely.

    And again, we can already do this without adding global handles, just by adding prefixes or suffixes, or with a slight spelling variation that retains the "feel" of superhero naming conventions, so that possibility already exists.
  8. You mentioned trying to get "Atomic Striker" which is kind of funny; I got "Atomstryke" just a couple of weeks ago on Infinity. I didn't try "Atomstrike" to see if it was available (the "y" was intended and fits comic book naming conventions).

    As Samuel_Tow said, most of the names players are looking for will not be freed up with a name purge. The assumption that the names are held by inactive accounts is faulty; we don't know who holds the names.

    It is more challenging sometimes to come up with a new name than it used to be, but it is doable without spending hours at it. Since my daughter (age nine) started playing, my wife, daughter, and I have created a bunch of new characters. None of us have had to bend ourselves out of shape to come up with character names.

    To be fair, I am compiling a cheat sheet of synonyms for terms relating to different powers (not finished yet), as well as a list of prefixes/suffixes (e.g., colors, ranks, titles) to aid in coming up with names, so that helps a bit. This isn't just for CoH/V, it's also for our own little homegrown PnP game.

    So I see no need for a name purge. I wouldn't be opposed to some form of "non-unique" naming, but don't really view it as a need. We can already share names: Atomstrike, Lord Atomstrike, The Amazing Atomstrike, Scarlet Atomstrike, Atomstrike Prime, and so forth. All of these names look better than Atomstrike@lionheart_fr and don't tie it to your global identity, which maintains a bit of privacy for the players.

    Even Lionheart FR falls into this category (it doesn't stand for French; I'm American ). Lionheart is a character name I've used for almost two decades now and wanted it to be my main here. There was already a Lionheart on the server our main SG is on, so I appended FR as a SG identifier.
  9. lionheart_fr

    No "More"

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Updating the existing zones sort of goes without saying, but I'd rather they didn't "update" them like what they did to Faultline. The stories there are good, certainly, but flooding the cracks just ruined the feel of the place for me. It used to be so impressive, and now it's... Well, meh. Founders' Falls Junior all the way up until the dam. And to think that the dam wall we see now is no more than a fifth of the full height of that wall... It just makes me sad it's gone.

    As for adding a map editor to the Architect, that'd probably put an end to me ever using the editor again. If it's anything as complicated as the base editor, it'll just turn me off completely. I mean, I like freedom of creativity, but I've always been a fan of a balance between freedom and ease of use, and the SG base editor is DEFINITELY far in the side of freedom. About the only extra customizability I'd like to see about maps and the Architect is being able to pick which spawn point to put objectives in, but I'm REALLY afraid of touching the maps, themselves.
    Whereas for myself, until the Faultline revamp, I avoided it like the plague. I hated the old Faultline. Now I think it is one of the most interesting story zones in the game. Could some of the old map been left in place? Probably. It might have made the zone even more interesting. But overall, I'll take the new Faultline over the old. Opinions may vary.

    As for a map editor, if it were optional (which I assume it would be), I'd love it. I don't have time to create all new maps for an AE arc, but having the ability to set up a few custom maps for specific missions would be awesome.
  10. Been in CoH for 39 months; no 50s yet. No alts either, just lots and lots of mains.

    For me, leveling happens when it happens. I have no interest in "beating" the game, just playing it. If they game itself isn't fun, there's really no point in playing.

    I did manage to hit level 50 in LOTRO a while back -- but couldn't find the cap! Darn devs moved it to 60.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by HotFlash View Post
    How to you determine if an AE mission is set to the new requirements ???? I really want to earn tickets. And the stories I ran last had minions, Lt's, and a boss in them. They were all custom creations.
    If the custom creatures lacked any of the powers from the "standard" powers, they could have been nerfed to much to count for XP or tickets.

    Because we are allowed to totally customize the creatures' powers, this was put in place to keep players from making extremely easy critters and farming them for XP/tickets.

    It's a bit of overkill, since customs are usually a bit tougher than dev minions, but they are trying to find a balance to keep exploits out.
  12. lionheart_fr

    Another MMO?

    What SunGryphon said. I was getting ready to respond, but then read SG's post and it pretty much sums it up.

    The only modification I would make is to clarify that LOTRO has 5-7 character slots *per server* for those who like to play on more than one server.

    I'm a LOTRO Founder and lifetimer, although my wife and I didn't go lifetime until the Christmas after LOTRO came out; we didn't have the funds at launch. Made nice Christmas presents, though. No regrets. I highly recommend the game.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
    Really, game media hasn't been all that nice to CoX, for some reason. Everyone wants to talk about the new games coming out, and how WoW is all that and a bag of chips.
    Sometimes I think it's because CoH/V isn't just another stock MMO. They've actually done things a little differently -- which makes it better than many in my book. They bucked some established trends and are thus labeled a "lesser" MMO for it.

    Luckily, I've never worried about self-proclaimed "experts". I know what I enjoy and am glad the Paragon Studios team is continuing to keep this game vibrant and viable.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
    Garbage in terms of dev content. AE doesnt count, 99% of those arcs are crap and you know it. Reused powers ported to different ATs is not content, recolored powers are not content. Cimerora was no where near big enough and the arcs too small and too few. And dont get me started on that epic phail of the M.Bison TF that we got. We flatout told them that TF wasnt dev worthy from a story standpoint yet they didnt change it much. So yeah the past 6 issues were garbage.
    Matter of opinion (though I do understand what you are getting at). The AE, Powerset Proliferation, and Power Spectrum are among my favorite issues to date. They are fantastic and give those interested in developing there characters' stories with more than just leveling numbers a lot to work with.

    They do count for a lot of us. Opinions of course may and will vary.

    However, did you ever stop to think that these great QoL advancements they've been giving us over the past few issues may well be the offshoots of the Going Rogue work they've been doing? It sounds like they are working very hard to deliver exactly what you are asking for on a much larger scale than standard Issues. And they are devoting the time and resources to get it right, rather than rushing content out the door.

    Remember, the team had been reduced to about 15 members (if I recall) by the time Cryptic sold the rights. Since then they have ramped up to more than triple the staff. That does not result in a sudden tripling of output; the new staff still needed to be brought up to speed with the system and so forth. Now they are working on what sounds like not only massive new content, but a significant tech improvements as well.

    The new toys they've given me with AE, proliferation, and Spectrum will tide me over for a bit while I wait for GR.
  15. If you're looking for lowbie-friendly arcs, Granny Granite and the Senior Moment Gang (#139671) would fit the bill. It's my first arc, designed before we could assign level ranges, but I designed it to be lowbie/solo-friendly.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
    Well, you can have as many spaces as you want, but punctuation marks are indeed limited.
    Ah, I wasn't thinking in terms of technical limitations. My mistake. Thanks for the clarification.

    Guess I've been involved in too many naming convention threads and misinterpreted the question.

    Can I give myself negative rep for that? (wait, wrong thread)
  17. I wouldn't have expected a "one-space" rule; too many legitimate names have multiple spaces, as you illustrated.

    As far as I'm concerned, if the name makes sense, it doesn't matter how many spaces or punctuation marks are in them. There are no hard and fast "rules", only personal opinions.

    Admittedly, if one goes overboard with punctuation all over the place, there will be more opinions against it than for it.
  18. lionheart_fr


    Altitis is not a disease to be cured, it is a gift to be nurtured.

    It's not a problem for me. I have no alts -- just lots and lots of mains.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Maniac_Raid View Post
    I'll clarify. Yes, you can chose to ignore it and expect whatever you want. You choose to ignore the in-game canon for the existence of AE to suit your needs, and beliefs. But just because you, and others who share your opinion make that choice doesn't make it a fact for the devs to think that a bank/transfers between toons on the same account needs to be added to the game.
    I don't expect anything; these posts are purely for discussion purposes, not to demand anything from the devs (my brother is a dev for another MMO; I know better than that).

    The only argument I'm making here is that there is no "canon" or logical storyline reason for characters on the same account not to be able to use bank transfers with each other. The notion that they can never meet is absurd on the face of it in an RPG. The whole point of an RPG is to be able to write your own backstory for your characters and fit them into the devs game world.

    In my backstory, I can write that my character met the president of the United States. Never actually happened in game, of course, but nobody would question it.

    But if I have two characters who are brothers with fully fleshed-out backstories about their escapades together, it won't wash because these brothers could never have met in "RL"? That members of the same SG have can never have met? Technical limitations should have no impact on storylines in an RPG.

    I DO realize that the toons on one account are not the same person, and it's simply that an account cannot have two toons logged in at the same time which keeps up the aspect that was brought up that they can never meet, and thus never exchange inf/anything. They can be in the same SG/VG, have all the same contacts, and friends, defeat all the same villains/heroes. If all of the toons ever created on a single server were real live people in and alternate dimension, it's plausible to think that Captain Amazing and Sidekick Bob, who while in this world are characters on a single account, could meet, and trade between them. In that world, they are not connected in any way.
    Again, it is not (or perhaps only barely) plausible to think that two members of the same SG, with the same contacts, friends, etc., can not possibly have ever met. That's technical limitations trumping RPG elements all the way. It's not a valid reason to say two characters on the same account can't share influence (especially since they *can* share just about everything else via the SG base).

    The only valid reason for not allowing is that the devs said so. This doesn't mean that they can't change their perspective based on the evolution of the game or player feedback. Hence threads like this one.

    But then, answer me this. How often have you been approached by a multi-millionaire whom you have no connection to all, and been given a massive amount of money?
    Actually, right here in this game. My daughter joined a costume contest in Atlas on one of her characters. She was in the middle of the line when another player jumped in and bumped her off of the platform into the water. She just jumped back up at the end of the line (instead of trying to push back into the middle).

    She did not win the contest, but afterward a high-level character sent her a tell and said that she saw what happened, liked the way my daughter handle the situation, and proceeded to give her 2 million influence. It made a nice impression on my nine-year-old.

    I've had high-level characters that I don't know pop by while I'm at a vendor in Atlas on a low-level character and drop a ton of level 50 enhancements on me to either store or vendor for a bunch of influence. I've done the same for others.

    I really need to stop reading this thread. I feel I'm playing devils advocate far more than I ever intended...
    No, you're fine. You are pointing out the technical realities of the game in a reasonable fashion. Personally, I feel no sense of contention with you; I'm just plopping my two influence worth in too.

    I play with my wife and daughter, so the issue of trading influence and such is really moot for me.

    This is just a mechanic that I think has become obsolete based on the maturation of the game and reasonable story/RP elements. It would be a QoL change for the players, not a major game-changing feature.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
    "Yes, but"...
    Yes, but...

    I drop bad AE missions as quickly as it becomes apparent they fit the category of which you speak. While I love playing good AE content, I certainly don't deny that there is a whole lot that I avoid like the plague.

    I also do that with dev content that deserves to have an "it's only a simulation" button (although there is a far lower percentage of those) or that I just plain don't like, even if well-written (anything Vahz, zone zombie raids, etc.).

    The fact that there is bad content in the AE as well as good doesn't counter the points made about legitimate use of AE for RP purposes.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vega View Post
    I am an evil exploiter. Every character that I create gets at least 1mil inf and a set of costume salvage as soon as they finish the tutorial. That said, I wouldn't mind having an option such as this.
    That's not even remotely exploiting. It's reasonable, especially with regard to costume parts like insect/fairy wings. If it's part of your character's identity, you should be able to get it that early.

    There is no difference at all between sharing influence/salvage, etc., between your own characters or with a friend's characters. You can already share salvage, enhancements, and inspirations through your SG base.

    Why not influence as well since influence has become in-game currency? They've already deviated from the original concept; this would fit right in with the introduction of Wentworths and an in-game "economy."
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    You, I and everyone else can sit at our computers and imagine whatever we want, but at the end of the day the only people that can turn what they imagine into an ingame reality are the devs. The only power we have is what the devs allow us to have, and they will not hesitate to remove it whenever they want. Just ask the guys who were making Rikti and Mito farms. If they don't want us to do something they won't let us do it.

    Now I do hope they change their minds, and I hope it gets done either before or when "Going Rogue" comes out.
    Oh, I agree with you there. I was just pointing out that we shouldn't assign limits based on whether AE is technically considered "real" or not. Let's put out our ideas and assessments and let the devs consider whether they are worthwhile. We shouldn't let AE automatically put a kibosh on ideas simply because it's not considered "real."

    See my response to Maniac_Raid concerning whether "realistically" two of our own characters could meet each other or not. That's the main point I was trying to make with regard to sharing between our own characters, whether we factor AE into the equation or not.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Maniac_Raid View Post
    You and the many many others you speak of, chose to ignore this fact for you're RPing benefit, and that's fine. But you can't choose to ignore this aspect of the game and expect everyone to accept your reasoning for why your two characters can meet in game.
    Sure we can. It's just as reasonable to assume that two of my characters can meet in game as it is to assume one of my characters can meet one of yours. *They are different people in game.* They are not the same character, not the same person.

    The idea that they could not meet in game from a "real" game world perspective makes no sense at all. What that does is impose a game mechanic limitation (i.e., the same account can't have two characters logged in at the same time) on the over all game world/storyline aspect of the RPG. It's a technical issue overruling story logic. The AE lets us get around the technical issue and adds far more depth to our characters' storylines.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Just to clarify because you don't seem to be aware of what the AE actually is.

    Architect Entertainment is a company created by Dr. Thaddeus Aeon AQSA, with Crey Industries funding. The prime motive of the company is to bring opportunity to all citizens of Paragon City and the Rogue Isles to create their very own pockets of theoretical existence for others to experience first hand as a new form of entertainment. The Mission Architect is the means by which these virtual realities are created and experienced.

    In other words the characters in the missions you make for your alts to play are not real. Your alts are not actually meeting each other. The AE is basically the place your characters go to play videogames. The MA is a giant holographic video arcade.
    Only if you choose to play it that way. None of my characters go play a video arcade; the missions they run in the AE are just as "real" as the missions they run outside of the AE. That's the essense of an RPG and the AE is one of the greatest RP tools ever added to an MMORPG.

    Just because Paragon Studios had to come up with a means of separating "canon" from player-created content does not mean that the players have to view it the same way.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
    Just want to add something I forgot AE, Architecture Entertainment. This is a wonderful tool to make your own content and play others content. This has limitless content if you think about it and you can custom tailor your own challenges!

    I wasn't a huge fan of AE when first released but alot of the problems have been addressed and I think the devs have AE going in the right direction.
    This right here. If I have a choice between running the same endgame raids over and over and over again or going to AE and playing/designing new content, the AE will win out every time. It's a fantastic game continuation concept (I prefer that over "endgame").