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  1. khorak_EU

    check me out

    I have to check you out? Are you pretty?
  2. khorak_EU

    Bored Phase

    I drink loads of cider. Like tonight! I SO want to do stuff of a naughty sexual nature to GG. And BlueRabbit. Don;t tell him that though, I don't wanna scare him off before I've learn Portugese.
  3. khorak_EU

    New Brute

    [ QUOTE ]
    Thanks guys i think i will go with FM/WP now with this do i need Stamina in the build.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It would be recommended. Oh you could probably cope easily enough without it if you slot your endurance reduction aggressively enough, but adding Stamina allows you that bit more breathing room and a little more personal flair for your slotting and power pool choices.

    Obviously I wouldn't be stupid enough to say Brutes NEED Stamina in all cases, but Brutes are a simple AT at their core and it's always a good idea to provide yourself with as many ways as possible to just keep on going. Stamina, Aid Self, you can't really go wrong with just making sure you don't ever stop.

    You don't need to prioritise it though, just slide it in somewhere around the thirties and it'll help deal with the huge number of toggles Willpower ends up running.
  4. khorak_EU

    New Brute

    Willpower is the best choice for solo play, certainly. You'll need Tough to beef it out a bit, but apart from that you won't find any choice as simple, effective, and robust for all situations.

    Superstrength is another good, solid choice. The combo is reliable and never fails to get the job done. If you're not too interested in SS though, I would propose consideration to Fire Melee. The damage type is resisted by virtually nothing and it can maintain an attack chain with the same kind of recharge and animation speed feel as SS does. It'll hit hard, look good, and constantly provides new and useful attack powers all the way up to 32. For the heavy damage it does, it's also quite impressively endurance efficient, Stamina and Willpowers Quick Recovery will quite happily overwhelm any attempt to make that blue bar go down. I have a FM/WP Scrapper, she runs all the Willpower toggles, Tough and Focused Accuracy without even making her end bar twitch. She can literally attack non-stop forever.
  5. khorak_EU

    City of Cute...

    Haha! These are all brilliant!
  6. khorak_EU


    [ QUOTE ]
    What if the guy is wearing that too?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    He'll look ridiculous. I'm bisexual, not mental, gender roles and distinctions haven't suddenly disappeared for me just because I won't say no if a nice guy wants to do stuff to me with his tongue.
  7. khorak_EU


    [ QUOTE ]
    Be that as it may, I recall from my Thespian days that they give you a damn good looking calf, albeit a hairy one.


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    That's kind of the point of them. Well, they give the illusion of the wearers legs being longer and more slender as well.

    I love high heels, yet another reason men have real trouble competing with women for me. Women just have so many more tools for looking yum. It doesn't matter how good the guy looks, when his female competition turns up in a long, backless dress with a high side split and heels, the battle is pointless.
  8. Check out the one in Skyway City. It's actually kinda creepy.
  9. khorak_EU

    Most inf!

    27 million. Which, upon shocked discovery, I immediately spent on a mad splurge of Crushing Impact sets.
  10. khorak_EU

    ******* Sword

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    Anyway, ******* sword would be incorrect as all BS animations use one hand AFAIK.

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    The sword itself though, before proliferation, left around the correct amount of hilt space for a hand and halfer. It's a ******* sword, our toons just aren't bothering to use it to its fullest potential. Or even much like a sword actually.
  11. [ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *stabs Blitz*
    Anything at all!? Anyone!?
  12. Yeah, Gang War is like the cherry on top of the big "F*** YOU MERCENARIES" cake. Not only are the thugs better than the military goons at....everything, and I mean absolutely everything, even the Bruisers handclap (post I14 tweak) is better and more useful control than than what the Spec Ops get up to, but then they get Gang War to stuff yet more defense and resistance in! And Gang War itself is a wonderful opener against Elite Bosses so they don't wipe out your entire cohort with their alpha.

    With two Enforcers and all the Defence IO's, your Thugs end up at...what is it, about 25% defense? BEFORE you slot the Enforcers? Sick. With 20% resist dumped on top. Thugs are like a freakin' swiss army knife, is there anything they can't do?
  13. All the Knockback Protection IOs are permanently active once slotted, any power they are put in does not have to be active for you to get the protection. It doesn't matter at all where you put them.
  14. khorak_EU

    Recipe Rethink

    [ QUOTE ]
    The level 1-20 (?) salvage barely sells for the price you can sell em to a vendor for.

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    You say this like you haven't had to buy large numbers of Luck Charms, Spell Scrolls and Ancient Artifacts. I outright farm Hellions at the lower levels because I'm pretty much forced into it if I'm not going to just transfer a ton of inf over to the toon.
  15. An auction house slot. That Edict Of The Master +Pet Defense and Sovereign Right +Pet Resistance IO's are expensive.
  16. The archetypes are in the wrong order! GET HER!
  17. She broke the board! GET HER!
    *dives on Avatea in the hopes of a dogpile*
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    Yer lets have some death metal

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yes, because the inherently lunatic lyrics of heavy metal and general instrumental composition is improved by someone trying to cover up their inability to sing.

    Get some Power Metal in you, you'll feel better!
  19. Isn't the whole point of the MA that it's a virtual reality system? Kind of wouldn't matter if the person playing doesn't fit the intended type, such things are done for training and entertainment.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    You can. It's called Torture Garden*.

    * Forking out hundreds of pounds for very well made rubber and latex outfits. Which are pretty flexible thanks, GG.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hm. *googles*

    .....need....kinky girlfriend....
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    It's still crunchy-squeaky, and not suitable for stealth

    [/ QUOTE ] it isn't. I've met a fair few latex wearing women in my time, regrettably without any risque undertones, and latex just plain isn't noisy like you keep claiming. Sure, if your stealth technique requires you to drag your arms across each other as hard as you can constantly, you might have a problem with latex squeaking, or if you've decided what the hey, I'll just wear a badly fitting latex suit right off the hanger without letting it wear in first like you have to with new shoes. The rest of us are just fine though.

    Latex is a rubbish stealth material because it's shiny and can grip certain surfaces, like the floor you're trying to slide across. Stealth isn't helped when any time you need to move against a wall or floor, your clothing drags itself off. Though it does mean anyone who catches you after that point might be in for a pleasant surprise.

    Not that it matters anyway, we now know that Arachnos operatives use actual cloaking devices and mental powers to hide themselves depending if they're Bane Spiders or Widows. They could be in clown suits for all it matters, nothing is stopping them from just walking about where they want.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    Minor difference i have, i wont take that share pain power, due the heal-penalty you get from it.

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    The heal penalty is only on yourself. As a Pain Domination Mastermind, if you're getting shot at enough that you constantly have to bust out heals on yourself, you've pretty much failed. Boodyguard will make you largely invincible in any situation where you really need it such as an ambush.

    Share Pain is fantastic. The heal is absolutely enormous and costs no endurance, so you can use it to keep your minions or even more usefully, your team mates, alive even when you're running right up to your end limit. Not to mention that Mastermind pets frequently get smashed for most of their health. Having two big heals in Soothe and Share Pain affords your minions vastly more survivability, since you always have that hefty end-free backup when the chips are down and everyone is getting ramrodded by Freak Tanks or something.
  23. BS/Regen will probably just plain irritate with all the redraw. Regen needs you using those clickies constantly, so it isn't friendly to weapon primaries. Broadsword is also a painfully slow starter, it really doesn't feel effective enough until you get Headsplitter at 32 and then slot actually 33. I wouldn't recommend it as something to keep you interested. I would personally recommend Claws or Fire. Claws is unrelenting carnage, you get to click your powers so many times it's pretty much the machinegun of Scrapper primaries, it'll keep you busy. Fire just....hurts. A lot.

    For solo, best bet is probably Willpower, it doesn't have any real holes so you'll be able to go up against almost anything without being worried about your defence. Pretty much any primary will do, Scrapper primaries are fairly indiscriminate when it comes to committing brutal murder.