27 -
Like I stated no update as of yet but servers are up
I learned long ago that they dont care about the players just their money, as that is the way of most buisinesses. Sad but true.
Anyone who has played this game for any amount of time should know by now that we dont get updates when there is downtime. Yes I think there should be regular updates, but it is a sad fact that it is common practice of the devs to keep subscribers in the dark until they see fit to update us. The update will happen after servers come up is my guess.
Quote:Once again this post states "IF" it goes well, so if it doesnt go well then no not all people will have access to. Just saying id like to see them test stuff on other servers that way it is more accessible to all playing. That is my opinion,if you dont like it well tough its mine and thats how I feel about this, also one badge I will not be going for, stupid reward for a test anyway they should give a nifty title like they would if it was any other test or event.See below.
This means you'll get another chance.
And no, I wouldn't test somethin' on all servers in case somethin' goes horribly awry. That's the point to testin'. If you bring down one, okay it sucks, but it's not the end o' the world. You bring down all servers, you've got one helluva problem. -
Quote:Of course I heard what they said, however, if they updated hardware would it not be wise to test it on more then 1 server? Also if you read my post I never said I was cancelling just know people who have and yes it is sad. Either way it means not everyone can obtain this badge if they cant log on to the server for any reason.It's unfortunate that ppl are cancelling over something that trivial. Why wouldn't you use your most populated server to try and cap it out with concurrent players logged in? Had you actually read the details, you would have seen they have upgraded hardware and want to test it.
I want the game to run efficiently and not break while I'm in the middle of a doing something. Thx for posting this Myrm, I am gonna pass the word around in game and the MoTD the week of in channel so we can make some aware who possibly don't check the forums. -
Quote:Still not impressed that "if" it goes well, so another words if they dont get the outcome they are looking for then the rest of the comunity is screwed and wont be able to get this badge. They have been showing favoritism toward freedom for a long time and it is getting old, for example, a preview of preatorian invasion for only freedom server......if this keeps up they will lose a lot of accts as I know a cpl who have already cancelled for this reason.From Second Measure's Post: Third, if this somehow goes unexpectedly awry and no one can get onto the server, we won't leave it so only a few hundred lucky people got the badge before something went boom; we will reward you for at least trying, so we'll figure something else out to award the badge if it doesn't work out, and we will be proactive about the communication.
Only problem is it keeps picking commons for me, I have only got 2 uncommons and I dcd those runs. I could see if only once in a while people get a rare or very rare (why it is called rare or very rare) However, 20 commons out of 22 runs, even a RNG will give better odss then that seems to me like it is broken and needs a fix soon.
Great idea for a badge but...they should do it on all the servers over the course of a couple days. There are some out there that can not get onto freedom because it crashes their PC (myself included). Having a badge only obyainable for a short period of time is not the problem here, the problem is if people cant log into freedom due to PC or ISP issues then this badge is not obtainable by them. Way to show freedom is your favorite server devs :O
I can honetly say that damage has nothing to do with participation. I have run 22 trials on my shield/elec tank and he does massive AoE damage and have gotten 20 commons and 2 uncommons....All of these trials ended successfully with no problems and each time I never had to go to hospital but I still get crap for drops no matter what I do in the trials. Bad part is the 2 times I got uncommon I dcd upon entering, so no I would have to say that participation formula is not working as intended. If it is working the way they intend it to then I forsee a lot of people avoiding the trials this really needs to be adressed.
Interesting concept to have a new zone added. However, I feel they should fix the bugs present now before pusing out another bug filled issue...they should really focus on that instead of so much new content that they cant keep up with the problems the community are experiencing!
I do have to say that rewards are based on participation is a joke. I lead at least 10 trials per day and am never inactive and am always killing something, yet I have still only gotten 1 rare pool the rest were uncommon.
Well I say actions speak louder than words so ill go prove it by 1 shotting some lvl 54s
Yay Peacebringer bashing
well enough of this im going to go get my "useless" PB and go kick some tail, if anyone wants to join me and see what a real PB is like servers are up youll find me forming leagues in Pocket D on Triumph but come quick they always fill fast!!
Well the way I see it I love mine and dont really care what people think. Like I said come see mine and youll see a well built PB is a great asset to any team.
Quote:In that case what does a scrappers/stalkers bring to a team? Damage khelds have that. Tanks/Brutes? Aggro Control yup khelds have that. Blasters/Corruptors? More damage? Guess what khelds have that. Controllers/Dominators? Mob Contorl yup khelds can do that as well. Defenders? Buffs and heals well.....khelds cant really do that but looking at it that way what doesnt a kheld bring to a team??
.... whyyy?
Edit: Also: In that case they really bring nothing. Sorry PBs - can't think of anything else for you... -
I do not like the extended downtimes either, however, would you rather have more downtime or continuing bugs? Personally, id rather them do it at a time thats not so interruptive of gameplay but there is no time to do maint that will keep everyone happy.
To all the people that are dogging on peacebringers I join you to come over to Triumph and see my all human PB!!!! Saying they bring nothing to the team is a joke, just ask anybody around Triumph if Anarchy Assassin is just a warm body and useless on a team
A league I formed yesterday tried this and it is very possible to do. The only problem we ran across is that you need more then half of the team at +3. Other then that he dies a lot like Rieschman, very slowly his HP does move. After beating on him until there was only 2 minutes left on timer we had him at around 30% health at that point we abandoned and use pacification grenades so we got the reward table at the end. However, after using none of the acid we were never awarded the Anatacid badge.
Quote:Yes but if you notice this is for European servers only and North American servers are still down and no patch to download.http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showt...75#post3248775
"We have been made aware that this maintenance period will run longer than expected. At the current time we do not have a new Expected Finish Time. We will provide a further update if this changes. We thank you for your patience and apologise for any inconvenience. "
just got posted to that its back up. I blame freedom. that was down teh longest on the status page -
Yup going on 4 hours, I was not aware that allowing old players to reactivate accounts takes 4 hours of the live servers being down.
Yes I know myself and quite a bit of others get tired of the "once a week maint" that almost always turns out to be twice a week and for 3 hours or more. How hard would it be for the devs to give us an accurate window on when they will be doing extended maint. I can see an extra 20 mins or so but after an extra hour they should post when they will be expecting them to come up and not leave us in the dark. We do pay their wages and a little insight into when we can play would be nice.
And I see that there is no mention of the issue of whole teams being disconnected after completion of a Dr. Kahn Task Force. This also causes the whole team to not recieve merits or badge for completion. I would have to say that this is a significant bug and should be listed as a known issue seeing how at least 16 people I know have sent in bug reports about it. For everyones information support will do nothing about lost rewards due to this bug so I suggest people wait to run that task force.
I might need to add a new ignore rule to my list...anyone who threatens to leave this game for Champions when they post a complaint gets added to my ignore. Will be #2, #1 of course has long been anyone who uses the term "fanboi".
[/ QUOTE ]
Hmmm you just used the term does that mean you get to ignore yourself? -
[/ QUOTE ]I can think of multiple missions.
"Defeat Back Alley Brawler." "Defeat Mynx." "Defeat..." (think the name was Burning Demon, one of the VEAT arcs.)Multiple "Defeat one named person."
Quite a few missions full of one mob type, one "group" of one individual with a different type (Vindicators, Paragon Heroes, Freedom Phalanx, Rogue Isle Villains, etc.) You know, the exact same situation that I can set up with a group with one named boss to ensure we don't have a mission with multiple "unique named enemy so-and-so" spawning. (Yes, over the course of the game we see the rest of that specific group - but not that one mission. Even if there are mutliple missions like that in one arc - like the Crimson Revenant arc - they're in their own group, pulled out for one specific mission. A separate, "all boss" group.)
[/ QUOTE ]
These are great examples of missions that only require you to kill an AV. However the statement was there arent any "enemy groups" that have all bosses. All enemy groups consist of minions lts. and bosses at the very least.