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Hi Guys,
have been rerolling my 50 Emp/Energy troller throught the trials and am now ready to pick a Lore pet.
I really am team Heal and Buff centered (cause I got plenty of other alts for when I just want to smash things!) and would like to back this up with a decent support pet. Is there anything in the new lists of pets that heal and buff more than damage?
Not too worried about the pet per say, just what they do.
Thanks -
Quote:Hi,You get Indestructible for taking 500k points of damage.
You get Nigh Indestructible for taking 25 million points of damage.
"Nigh" means "nearly", so should those be, I dunno, reversed?
Just something I noticed earlier and thought should be pointed out.
I guess most of us notice that on the journey and I for one, agree it is misnamed and should be swapped.
It makes no sense as it is but... I also figure this is what the Dev's will find time to do if the "Well" is ever drained and somebody sieves through the mud that remains! Not holding my breath here. -
Quote:and all this time there was me thinking it was the name of a Shakespearean character in A Midsummer's night dream! Gee well what do you know, he must have ripped it off Marvel! Amazing the playwright never got sued.Also from that link:
Puck is a comic book character. If someone used that name with a costume that ripped off Puck, the whole thing may have been genericed. -
Okay, so who are these "Special Players" that were invited to the office and have helped shape our new game?
Were they jetted in and limoed to the location and plied with good food and fine wines?
More importantly, what were the special skills they brought to the table to be able to give a meaningful input.
Did they get involved in the new business model and see the costings of the new for sale stuff?
Did they have marketing expertise?
This whole change is about "Business" and being able to play the game has very little to do with running it.
Were they able to poke about behind the "Shinies" or just blinded by the light? -
Firstly the Vet badges:
I agree with just stopping the issue of new Vet badges (ie halting it at whatever badge is in force at the change over day).
It would formally mark the end of one era and the start of the new. It would act as a reminder of our loyalty to the original CoH.
It would mean I would be forever 14 badges behind, but that is a proper record of my time with the original game.
Let this happen for all existing Vet badge holders on the "Going Live" day and then no awards to new alts of any class and yes I do mean that if I roll a new alt in the Freedom game it would have no Vet badges. New game, new rules!
Secondly the rewards:
I do hope that the rewards that are in place now for all the Vet badges are made available (along with any new stuff) for purchase with our new merits (or what ever it is we are getting as money) and are available to all the player base independant of what Vet badges we hold.
lastly I really hope that there will be no method whatsover to "purchase" any additional Vet badges. (or any Anniversary badges as well)
That would just totally devalue any intrinsic value/status the badges have/had in the old game. Might as well just sell a "Badge Pack" available from day one! Pointless -
I cannot get the Avid Reader to award! (Seems a few others have the same problem)
I am on a newly rolled alt on the Beta with no transfers that have arrived yet.
I have levelled to 50 and have used the new beta only "Free merits" system to unlock and "Very rare" slot my Alpha.
I am on a redside Thugs/Pain Mm.
I talked to Prometheus before I unlocked Alpha and saw no option dialogue tree to do with the "Well". I did go through all the other tree options.
I then did the same after unlocking and slotting Alpha. Got the same no "Well" option result.
Prometheus keeps saying Mender Rameil should concentrate on the Storm (or something to that effect) He is basically blowing me out and refering me back to the Mender.
I then spoke with Ramiel who was very happy to give me his arc missions to unlock the Alpha even though it was already unlocked and slotted!
Still no joy from Prometheus.
I then ran the entire arc from Ramiel (and on my new Thugs/Pain with lvl 50 SO's slaughtered Trapdoor and the next 2 Heroes which was a hoot) and after completing the arc and finishing with Ramiel (got all end of arc rewards). Again spoke to Prometheus.
Absolutely the same as from the start. No "Well" dialogue tree options and so no Avid Reader award.
I wonder if it is to do with new alts on the beta server? I wonder if anybody can try a transfered in non alpha alt and an alpha unlocked alt and see what happens.
It would be real helpful if somebody could post a screenie of the dialogue screen with the "Well" option on it so we can compare. Thanks
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Hi Guys,
by way of a "Heads Up".
Just got off of Virtue and lots of talk about both the latest WST's not awarding Notices et cetera.
They are checking if last weeks respec WST's are still awarding.
Just so you are aware there may or may not be a problem.
Cheers -
Oh I so want to see "Albert" on the next Ustream prog and ask where he buys his dresses!
Hi Castle Builder,
sadly I don't have an answer for you, but I would also post question this in the MasterMind section where the chances of help might be higher. Fingers crossed you get what you need -
Hi Guys,
thank you for the info and guidance
Seems that I cannot do what I want to do in the manner I described.
I do have, and use, Shadow Fall and SS for personal stealth at the moment.
Is there a power similiar to "Group Fly" that gives "Group Invisibility"? I could then go "Follow me/Passive" on the pets?
I also have "Grant Invisibility" that I could use to buff up the pets on an individual basis and get them to stealth follow whilst under that buff? Wonder if it works on Pets?
Maybe I should change my playstyle (am rubbish anyway) and just stealth/tp myself to the objective and enemy spawns and then "Fear" them all whilst summoning and buffing the Pets?
Bit messy that way though and the odd miss might get me checking the carpet close up!
Cheers -
Hi Guys,
have been rolling my MM (lvl 42 Necro/Dark) after a long break and sort of looking at it with a fresh eye.
I have had a few stealth jobs where I also need to drop the adjacent foes.
I aimed to summon my pets and get them all buffed up, leave them at the mish door and then stealth myself to the objective.
When there I wanted to TP and/or ATT the pets into the foes all guns a blazing sort of.
However to get the pets to stay at the door and not follow me I have to use "stay" or "go to" which works ok until I TP, because when they appear they immediately rush back to their original spot!
Help please. Or am I trying to do the undoable?
Thanks -
Hi Guys,
without coming all over as a "fanboy", can I just point out that whilst we were having the horrid log in problem, a number of our own "wise head" Forumites were putting in a lot of work and head scratching trying to solve the problem for us.
Succesful or not and now overtaken by Dev action, I would like to say thank you to those who were involved, yes you know who you all are
Hope you get the info I know you are all curious for!
Cheers -
log in from UK is back to normal, at least for me.
I always had near instant access, and that is what I have now got again following the latest fix.
Many thanks. -
Hello Badge Hounds,
so Silver Albatross hits 1200 thanks to the the loyalty badge
Been a journey, exasperating at times (yes you Mu Guardians in RV!) but mostly huge fun.
Am four away from the WST 50 run support badge(yay Treespec, here I come) and all that leaves, to my shame, are 5 "Masters of". I try and try but a lot of leaders don't want a scrappie along (got kicked from a MoSTF after asking and being invited by Star, who then realised that I was a shock horror Scrapper. Felt a lot unwanted that day)
None of this would have been possible without the unswerving support of all the guys in our Badge Hunting community. LOL I asked some dumb questions over the years.
Thank you all for your patience and wise heads and obvious sense of humour.
Do it over if I had the chance? Probably.
Cheers -
Hi Guys,
minor threadjack,
anybody else getting this, when I summon both the MVAS and my first Vet Pet (Imp) they both get together to occupy the same space. I summon them in different spots.
The bodies overlap so I get an MVAS with Imp wings sort of.
If I am travelling or just fly/hovering they will stay apart albeit very cosy, but once I land or stop travelling they end up morphed together again.
I wonder if the "Sytem" that tracks player/pet location is getting a bit confused? Also curious what happens to somebody with all 3 pets (MVAS and 2x Vets)
Just checking before I bug it. Thanks -
temp powers not working as intended.
Not only not working, but taken a backwards step in so much as Ninja now not available.
I had the ridiculous sequence of having Ninja active at the start of the Gun turrets phase, but it cycling on and off at irregular intervals usually in mid jump, sending me crashing back to the ground where I was imprisoned till it cycled back on again.
I was forced to sit and wait by the warehouse door till the guns had been defeated like a leech! (The team were really supportive albeit giving me a deserved mild freindly joshing) I also got the "Threads" reward just as an added "Bonus" due I feel sure to my inactive time in the Gun's phase. Made me feel really Incarnate, NOT!
This bug seems to be so obvious,fundamental and reproducable I am astonished it did not show up in Test.
I am also unable to find any redname comment about what should surely be a "Hotfix" situation? -
Hi Guys,
thanks for all the really useful advice
As I said I have always used my jetpack to deal with vertical travel and my Ninja for the run speed boost.
I had not realised just how good it was for climbing. I will now go off to a quiet corner and practise that skill and will stick to BAF's till I got a handle on it.
Thanks again, muchly appreciated. -
well, just ran my lvl 50 Inv/Fire tank through it's first Lamda.
All was going fine till we got to the Guns take down.
My travel strategy for this Alt was/is to rely solely on Ninja run and the Temp power Jetpack for flight. The recent changes to Trains and Ferries et cetera made this method real easy to get to places on time and not hold the team back.
I have never had any trouble getting to mish doors and going anywhere I want using that combo, till now.
How do I get to the Guns level with no vertical movement apart from jump/hurdle?
I did shout for a TP but in the heat of battle the only other team member that had recall friend missed the shout. I stayed by the warehouse doors and sulked!
My paid for Temp Power was disabled boo hoo! Any ideas (apart from a respec) to overcome this bit of the trial?
Thanks -
one of those "Ultimates" sold yesterday for 2 Billion Inf!
That is a lot of "Inf" per minute, or rather a lot of "Bragging Rights" per minute
Madness -
Hi Guys,
I think what is important is the reason for the OP's question rather than the question itself.
I have this thought in the back of my mind, that the new LFG system is a first step to cross server teaming, albeit maybe only for the multi team mass raid type events that we now have a flavour of in the three new Incarnate raids.
When these events do happen, it will need to bypass all server globals as we just cannot monitor every channel all the time. The LFG system is doing that now on a micro one server basis and so to include all servers is a logical (note I do not say easy) step.
However for that to work we need to have faith in the system and by that I mean firstly in the nuts and bolts operation and robustness of the application and secondly in the quality of the end product.
I feel that the first criteria is mainly being filled and players are able to queue and get alerted to and join events.
However it is in the second criteria that the system has virtually failed. The randomness of the grouping system is in opposition to the specifics of the task we have to do. The need for sifted groups to do these specifics is another topic but is at this time a real block to us embracing the system.
So the player base has by and large gone down the other route and the other system of premade leagues. This seems to be the by far most popular method seen ingame at this moment.
This has led to the LFG system being largly ignored and so causing the situations that brought about the question by the OP. I could see a time if no changes are made that the LFG system will increasingly become so marginalised and distrusted by the player base that it will simply be ignored. A fact demonstrated by most of the previous posts.
Vicious circle scenario. Longer wait times and disappointing end results mean less use leading to longer wait times and more unhappy endings!
How this is going to work longer term is for wiser heads than me to decide
Cheers and back to my "Premades" or should that be "Premeds" for me. -
Quote:I'm not crabbing about that. Frankly, considering the work the CoX teams are doing, I'm usually more of the "praise be to them for they can't be paid enough" mentality.
But those days, I am getting a bit annoyed that up to i19 it was exceptionnally rare for a special intervention to be needed (usually less than every two months from my experience) and since Strike Pack it's getting more to be every two weeks or so.
As mentionned, for some people in Europe, me included (but I know from my in-game friends that I'm not the only one) it happens to be a fairly popular playtime that we're losing more and more often. Now since the beginning of the year, it's the second time we're having a triple-maintenance week, and we're barely in April. I'm annoyed, which I tend to express as frustration. My bad.
This. And somebody remind me when it was that a bunch of experienced Dev staff were "let go/went" from CoH by NcSoft? Coincidence? You decide for yourself cause I know what I think (based on what I actually know) -
on Virtue there is a League Leader that uses the Midnighters club room. Easy to get to and definately not interfering with anything else. -
Quote:Hi,Someone posted that no one on their run got a Notice of the Well, but all other rewards worked correctly. I haven't tried it myself.
I led an early, probably the first today after the servers went up, Posi 1 on Virtue.
We ripped it np and all got the compete mish merits and the bonus merits but nobody got the Notice.
I had to bug and petition it for all the team to see if we can get our notices as I have since run a Tarikoss on the same alt and got no notice but progress on my support badge.
Something was wrong because the servers were down for a long time and we were well after the usual start time and of course we got the bonus merits.