522 -
does the game have a "Credits" section that I can access? (Scrolling or Static)
I have just listened to about 5 mins of the new loading screen music and it is a real fine piece of work. I would be interested in seeing who was involved in the composition of it.
Also I have other reasons for checking out who else did what in the game, before and now.
Anybody help with this please?
Thanks -
Quote:Hi Guys,Did you switch sides at any point? The Hero and Villain arcs are separate, and if you do one, then switch, the other becomes available. If you're midway through and switch sides, the one you're working on locks out as "wrong faction", and you have to start over on your new side. This is changing in i21; they will be considered the same arc after that.
this was a situation I ended up in just after the arc went live. I was Villain and did the first two mishs then went full Hero. I went to continue the arc and found out it was "locked" to me.
However I could not just "start over" by talking to the Hero side contact. I had to switch back to full Villain to complete and then go back to Hero side. Arghhhh!
Missed this impending change but a huge handclap for it
Cheers -
Quote:I've always felt that something like this: http://cdn1.gamepro.com/blogfaction/...img_100935.jpg would be a good way to "open" the game as a login screen backdrop.
Heheh I spy... ME! -
Hello Guys,
first post in this section and I have searched with no success so apologies if this is a well known problem and has been asked before.
I have a pre inherent fitness pool lvl 40 Widow now full Hero side.
I have dual builds.
My first Build (number one in list) is a Fortunata.
My second build (number two in list) is a Night Widow.
I have respeced my number two build using a freespec with no problem.
I now want to respec build one and am using an earned Vet respec.
I am at Jack Wolfe in Galaxy with my build one (Fortunata) active.
However, when I start the respec process I am ony being offered the Night Widow power picks and not the Fortunata pools!
If I exit and go and swap builds to my second Night Widow build and then restart the respec I can see all the Fortunata power pools!
Why can I not get the Fortunata pools to show on my Fortunata build but can on my Night Widow build.
Head is explodingThanks
Edit to add: Well just logged in to try again and now when I start the respec on my Fortunata build I am seeing the Fortunata power pools as well as the Night Widow stuff. Must have been a "spurious electrical anomaly" the other night. All's well that end's well -
Logs in to Forum and reads responses.
Logs into game, goes to Talos and talks to the Detective and gets my radio.
Opens contacts list and, like a kid peering through a hole in the fingers, nervously glances at Active listings. Sees a Radio and a Levanta and a Pilgrim and acres of blissful nothings else
So, OV, if you happen to see a large beer delivery lorry stopping outside your home, make a space for a large consignment
Thank you so much for an idea that would never have crossed this old mind of mine. Such a simple thing to do, but as I hardly ever do radios on my higher lvl Alts something I could have been driven mad by for a long time!
Cheers -
apologies if this has been posted before but search brings up nothing.
Rolled a Veat to lvl 20 and switched to full Hero.
I still have a lot of redside contacts in my active list. These contacts are mainly the Papers contacts that you get automatically added the first time you zone in. These were added as I worked my way through the necessary tips and location zones during the alignment phase.
I also have a couple of contacts of the regular mission kind but none of them were ever started or have open arcs (minor or major).
I also have a long list of inactive redside contacts but that is not a problem.
Is the "Active" list stuff working as intended or can I remove those in any way. I wondered if I have had some sort or glitch or bug?
I am aware of the lvl 50 alpha slot unlock arc situation whereby if you start it on redside you must finish it there and cannot just carry on with it if you swap halfway through, but this is different.
Thanks for your time -
I think you will find that Oro access is dropping to lvl 14 when issue 21 hits live.
Cheers -
Vidiotmaps downloadable ingame map overlays are your friend. You just do a very swift register on Badge hunters site and a short download.
That gets you all you will ever need on your ingame map
Once you have that done and your map open all you have to do is right click on the spot on the map you want to travel to and you get a waypoint marker placed.
It also shows up in your Nav bar just like a mission marker so you can just follow that.
When you get there you can unset the way marker by right clicking again.
Job done
PS. Hope my right clicks are right (can not get in game just now to check) but if not hopefully somebody will set us right (arghhh!)
Edit to add. You can of course do all the waymarker stuff without downloading Vidiotmaps overlays but I strongly recomend the download as well. -
just checking before I go and mess it all up
I am rolling either my PB or WS and using my keypad with the 1 - 2 - 3 numbers bound to change from Human to Nova to Dwarf. All very basic and effective.
I then want to roll one of my Masterminds and want to use the fantastic control binds that Sandolfin has got on the Mm forums.
These use all the numbers.
So if I do roll my Mm and type in all the binds will they overwrite those original binds I have for my Kheld alts or will the game remember which binds go with which alt?
Sorry if this is a stupid question but if it can go wrong I will get it wrong
Thanks -
I do it a tiny bit different because.....
I use my left hand for keyboard work and right for the mouse (and all my PB/WS shape changing binds on a seperate number pad because I can sit it right next to the mouse).
I use the standard WSAD keys for movement. However if you look at most left hands, the small finger is usually way shorter than the top of the middle finger which is usually placed over the W key (my little finger usually ends up over the left shift key!). This makes it really uncomfortable to reach it up to the tab key.
So I use the options menu and keymapping to bind "nearest enemy" to the Q or E key instead and find that makes it much quicker and easier to hit.
I guess what I am trying to say is that you have the tools to customise your keyboard to assist your particular needs and playstyle so go ahead and change things till you get it the best way for you
Oh and Grats on your first "Death by F" experience -
Hi Guys,
well was just in the new Atlas and having a poke about albeit limited till the store et cetera comes up again and was loling at this.
Some player was raging because he/she just found out that Beta alts and progress and stuff were not saved after the Beta was over and all progress was lost!
Ranting like mad about it and then after a plea for us all to do the same they rage quited.
We had a huge laugh and all felt a bit happier, so whoever you were, thanks
Happy days are here again (at least for a short time) -
Quote:lol I do that a lot (well I am very old and miss happenings a lot these days!) usually followed by a "Duh"I use gratz all the time or even CG if I'm in the middle of a fight.I also frequently give grats to myself because I'm not paying attention to my own bars and just hear the ding and assume it's someone else on the team.
I like saying Grats and it would be a shame if it did fade away.
There must be the inkling of an SG title here somewhere. Gratsinators? -
Many thanks Guys, am on it now
And again, apologies for not thoroughly reading the post lists before I posted my original question, only four posts down the list arghhhhhh...duh -
Hello everybody,
apologies if this is in the wrong section but it is about bases vaguely!
I am a non SG/Base user Badgehound that has taken over a small, but lovely, base from my player buddie who built it himself for his solo SG.
He has gone to the redside for a few months to experience all that that has to give. I am just baby sitting his base till he returns.
He has 3 teleporters fitted with the 6 lowest zones equipped as their targets.
Now my Buddy has been really good to me by way of help and advise and a few laughs over the years so I want to repay some of that by way of thanks.
So as a Badger I thought, why not get all the other zones explore badges and leave them to him (the SG) as a surprise when he eventually takes over again.
So can I get them, and then after we hand over and I leave, will they still be active for him to use?
If so what do you Guys think are the most useful zones to get ( I wondered about Crey's et cetera?) based on your SG's usage. With the Ferries and Trains now being merged I think most of the game is really easily accessed now. I will work on the badges in the best order as I might not get time to do them all.
I will appreciate any thoughts on the question, so thanks in advance for all reponses -
Hi Guys,
sorry if this has been discussed elsewhere, I did look.
Was just running an old but lowbie PB through an arc from Jenny ?? in FF's.
I did a couple of defeat all DE and then got into a series of Fedex's to deliver the "Unity" cure to all the usual suspects in all the zones.
One was to deliver the cure to Miss Liberty in Fort Trident! Luckily I had heard of the location but still had to check in Help. The mish gave no clue about going to Atlas and the Train station selection menu showed no active mish marker for Atlas. I wondered if this is confusing for new players who might just go to Miss Liberty under Atlas statue?
The next mish was to deliver it to BAB's in Galaxy which got me to wonder about what happens when it becomes a tutorial zone?
Will that mean a visit to him using the Oro flashback system? I was trying to think of another regular contact arc or mission that does that now?
I think they are changing the entry level for Oro but what about lowbies sidekicked up in a team?
Any thoughts or linkies to answers gratefully received. Thanks -
Quote:Hi,Thanks for the direct link! To create an account there you have to be approved, three days and nothing so far.
apologies if I have got the wrong idea, but all you need to do to download the map pack from the badge hunters site is to register on it. This takes about 2 minutes and is done there and then, no waiting time.
The register button is at the top of the page and the Help button will give you all you need to know in case of problems. It is really easy and quick and free.
Then you can downloa anything you want from the site again all free. Enjoy. -
Hi Guys,
just by coincidence I ran a lvl 25 mish in Skyway last night "Investigate the Troll Rave" from Mercedes Sheldon arc and on the mish loading screen I got the usual game tip. This one read something along these lines -
Visit your helpful Fateweaver and have your foes change difficulty and hang out in bigger mobs - of course all this comes at a price!
Obviously a throw back to when we had to pay inf to get all that stuff changed under the old system and not removed by the Dev's when the new sytem came in. Just thought it was funny that I had read this thread and then got that message. Those were the days - no such thing as a freebie service! Bah, you kids don't know how................ -
yes these are the latest maps and will work fine after downloaded. Enjoy -
Hello Guys,
excellent info, all ready to hit it now, thanks muchly -
Hi guys and thanks for the responses
So, it looks like there are no non-damage based Lore pets, abeit some do have a bit of support stuff as secondary powers?
Bit disappointing, but at least I know which way to head now.
And yes, that will include a stop at my nearest Pylon
Cheers -
Hello Snow,
couple of queries just so I am absolutely clear:
there are (I think), 4 doors on each bunker (3 on red end and one on the green end?), so does it matter which 3 of 4 are taken out?
What strategy did you use for taking them out? Did you use the 3 teams or just one damage dealer on each door with the rest of the gang doing the terminals/power cells.
We tried the latter yesterday on a couple of runs and although seming to have it work, we never got the badgeWe did get Anti Anti-Matter as an aside, fairly easily.
And finally does anybody have the full name of the power cells so I can do a macro to use them without hunting through my temp powers tray, much like I use for the nades and acids in the Lambda? Thanks