1500 -
Quote:Well, yeah, fake. Duh. The floor didn't really fall out from under their feet, see? They're ok, the floor's still there, it just *looked* like the floor fell!Quote:No, fake as in "they paid people to react". It's still a neat trick, but the terrible acting ruins the whole thing. :/
Mike -
Quote:I'm not raging. I want that straight out known.
That's it people, hold onto your rage and bitterness - make sure it affects others because 'that's what we do.'
I am, though, bitter, sure. Even Superman gets a little annoyed here and there. And I am *far* from Superman. I'm more like Wolverine in the first place anyway. I *will* do good, but... sometimes you got to be the jerk.
Fine. I'm a jerk. And maybe one day, sure, I will not discount the possibilty that I might forgive NCSoft for what they did to the Devs and Mods, and in far lesser importance, to us, but here's the thing: I am simply not interested in any other MMORPG because of what's happening to Co*. And the fact that I've had enough interface irritation from every other one I've tried... Co* has spoiled me rotten in that aspect. The UI alone is just that awesome.
And yes, it's "what I do", because I'm a consumer unhappy with the company's action. That is my right as a consumer. Consider it my 'vote', if you will. I can do good elsewhere with the money they don't want to take from me, thank you very much.
/I liked ToT fine, but I can also just... you know... play the game, so the Events are cool, but I... don't need them. I just want to play the game.
//Although I did like pouncing about in Atlas in the pattern I picked up hunting presents... That was always fun.
///And I like the Ski Chalet visits, surely. -
The Diablo one is... scary. And a little wrong...
The States one is.... well Fire Man said it best. Nice!
Mike -
(third post... well. There ya go...)
Both that and the Batman one were good stuff! Love love LOVE parodies. Well... good ones anyway.
Mike -
Quote:Fair enough. So I'm a little off and/or confuzzled about their control. They still are a part of the decision process. 15% is NOT ignorable, though...OK, I'll say it one more time. Nexon is the largest shareholder, but NOT a majority shareholder. Owning 15% of a company does not give you control.
The point is, though the same. Association with a bad company means you 'like' that bad company, and that means you are not going to enjoy my money being sent to you because I will simply not buy your products.
I suggest Nexon divest. And anyone else that has stock. I doubt I'll be heard or followed in this clever idea of mine. That's fine. I don't really care if you (a hypothetical 'you', as in 'that guy over there', not any specific one... I love cya... ) like supporting a company who would generate bad publicity and make really weird decisions, and worse of all, just kick everyone out without any warning whatsoever, when the studio/game wasn't hurting financially and was doing ok, and was regarded well in the industry.
Yep. Makes sense to stick with that company. /em thumbsup
So yeah. I'm doing it because I'm spiteful, I guess. I simply dislike NCSoft for doing it the way it was done. If that makes me bad... well... So be it. I'm bad. I'm bad. Shamon. (Really really bad!)
/Why do I feel like that gif that the guy is pounding on the keyboard and gets angrier and angrier until he finally pounds his hands, arms, and then finally his head, to a bloody pulp and then collapses in a lifeless heap at his computer?
//Hm. I should do something else, methinks. I know. Co* tomorrow. Yeah, that'll help.
///And for that, I *am* thankful for NCSoft allowing me to do so. But it really doesn't change things.
////I expect I might have a sudden account inaccessibility sooner than Nov 30... Le sigh, I suppose I would have brought it upon myself, yeah? -
Ok... Ok...
So, now my task is to also Go. Hunt. Find Nexon Products. And then boycott them as well.
I... don't know why I didn't make that connection before, but since they bought in June, and the announcement was in August, then that makes them liable for the decision and poor execution as well.
So. There we go. Bye Nexon. Whatever you're pushin', I'm not buyin'.
/Of course, as the majority stock holder, if Nexon somehow were to reverse the closure, I'd be more likely to reverse my boycott decision, naturally. -
Yes indeed. Maybe I want to get the costume, but would rather not PvP because I have it. Or however that works. Kinda like a badge for "Army of Me", but then I have to keep dealing with PvP aggressors. Hope there's a switch to ignore all invites to brawl them.
Not that it'll matter, because:
Quote:CoH was more of a Paragon Studios game than an NCSoft game and look where that got them. When Arenanet leaves NCSoft, I might consider GWx.
It is still a bit too soon to come in here crowing about one of the games that benefited from the accounting trick that CoH may have been sacrificed for.
I just wanted to get that off my chest, thanks for the thread!
/* no way, by the way, do I want those things, just makin' a point. -
Well, yeah, fake. Duh. The floor didn't really fall out from under their feet, see? They're ok, the floor's still there, it just *looked* like the floor fell!
/What do you mean, that's not what you meant..? -
Much like the power combination, this thread will always* be strong and pretty.
/*- Provided someone saves it and puts it somewhere to be read again.
//Heard Wayback is doing it...?
///MrPlayskool, you done good, man. -
I... did not know that was able to be disabled until just now.
Man. I am *still* learning this game 7+ years into it... I feel dumb for not explorin' for that.
I usually just ensured I wasn't in 'pointer' mode, but in 'Mouselook' mode, and it wouldn't auto spin on me.
But it also never really bothered me much. Oh, every so often, but not much.
Very cool. Thanks for the info! -
Damn onions.
/Beautifully done, Evangel. Thank you.
//Now I something stuck in my throat too. 'scuse me... -
I did not start a new toon, but I finally got my 8th to the 50 level. Total Dependent requires teams, she really can't do much by herself, hence the name. Pinnacle is awesome for puttin' up with her and helpin' to get her to 50. It was *fast.* Full teams, big leagues... And of course, cool peoples.
On Friday night, got her from 46 to 49. Praetorian Friday, and an ITF. It was *NICE*.
Then on Sunday night, the weekly RWZ Mother Ship Raid, hosted by the Talsorian Guard, pushed her into the 50 level. I'd even gottan Resurrection and got to use it a couple times!And everyone looked like icy Christmas ornaments, all shiny and glitterin' in the sun with their ice armoring I gave 'em, while pounding the heck outta Rikti.
Good times, people... good times indeed.
Now, she needs to do that Alpha slot mission... more teaming later this week, Pinn, srsly.
/So much goin' on in RL, I'm missin' out on the actual participation in game... *sigh*. -
My cheeks hurt from laughin' and grinnin' s'much. You guys are the bestest, it's no wonder CoH rocks... you guys like bein' fun.
Mike -
Gratz to your level 1 addition! Now for the training part to level 2...
Gratz! Well done!
I've always wanted to try to do this, but... ah well. RL isn't kind like that to me. -
Great stuff! I'mma smilin' big at it, well done!
Quote:Right on. Brawl only Blaster. I like it. Get it to 50 by street solo only, no missions, no teams, no PL, just straight out sweeping the streets and punchin' them in the face.Ya, if I wanted to make it difficult, I'd roll a blaster, not slot anything, and only use brawl.
I triple dog dare ya. That's right, I went right to the top dare. Make my Brawl only Brute look like an amature. G'wan, do it.
Mike -
You have got to be kidding me... really, Tony?
Quote:Which is saying, to me anyway: "I heard from a friend of a friend of a brother who's married to a certain woman who happens to be from Bangladesh, and her childhood BFF moved to Seoul, and apparently emailed her that he heard from his current girlfriend who works at a Starbuck that there was this guy who was getting drinks for his bosses who worked at this company who is apparently possibly drawing up papers for NCSoft to sell something, which is maybe City of Heroes!... but it's just something I heard, as whoever is doing this negotiating isn't talking to me directly. But hey, somethings happening, so that's awesome, right?!?!"I hate to be coy about this, but I have heard that multiple publishers and developers have been interested in enquiring about City of Heroes, it isn’t just Paragon Studios at the table. Who? I can’t really say, but if there are they don’t talk to me directly.
Quit it Tony. It's disingenuous to say "I don't want to be coy about it..." then proceed to be that exact thing. This isn't how heroes act, continuing rumors that are simply that: Rumors. If not makin' them up right off, which this sounds so very like.
Speak up when someone says "Oh yeah, we're talkin' to them. Hard. We'll get it. Hang on." Until then, just... don't. You undermine your own efforts, and it smells a little like desperation. Keep up the good fight, but doing this is screaming "LOOK AT US, WE'RE STILL RELEVANT!", but what it comes off as "WE AREN'T GETTING ENOUGH ATTENTION!"
Perhaps I'm mistaken. But I would rather know this or that party has NCSoft's ear. And why would it be such a big damn secret anyway? That is the dumb part of this, if it's true, that all the parties are being secretive about it. Why? What *possible* point is that? Keep NCSoft from being embarassed they shut the doors? I believe their actions in doing that, the way they did it, did that plenty enough, so what's a little more? When they sell, if they sell, it'll still be 'embarassing' to have done so, to which, again, the point of being secret is moot.
But what do I know. I'm just a raving, ranting lunatic who's kinda tired of all these rumors, surrounding me every day. Hell, I just heard my best friend heard one about me and the girl next door. Or so he says. Whatevers, she's hot, it'll keep people guessin' about me and how the hell I managed to acquire that target.
Mike -
I simply disagree with that. Co* was so much better 'out of the box' than any of the others were/are at 3 years. Heck, I dare say it was better at age 1 or even .5 than CO is today, and the others too.
Co* is just that awesome and unique. I may be biased, but what drives me *away* from the other MMOs is either ludicrous amounts and variety of things to do just to do things (which sounds odd saying it, but you know what I mean) or the interface is just so piss poor, and unavoidably so, that I get frustrated that someone actually thought the UI was a *really* good idea and kept it that way.
Co* never, ever, felt this way. It felt, with just a simple amount of tweaking for the invert mouselook, correct out of the box. And the way you can customize which power goes with the number keys, and move them around at will? AND bind them easily?
Go do what we could do at age .5 to 1 with any other MMO as quickly as we did.
The Devs were just simply wizards at what they did, and no other MMO that I've played comes close to the UI, much less the rest of the game. The UI is the thing. It's like a cool looking pair of shoes... if they fit poorly, you still gonna wear them every day? Nope, gonna get the right pair of shoes. That's where those other MMOs are... STO, CO, etc, all look nifty, but they make my feet hurt.
Sorry. Got me a little riled there. Point is, CO is NEVER going to 'grow up' like CoH did, because it's already too far screwed up to get there.
IMO, of course.
Mike -
Quote:Yes. This. Myself as well, but I had to keep it low tone, still at work. I was ok with it, found humor, found a little nostagic wistuflness.. then that. Ow.Got a little verklempt there at the end with the disconnecting countdown.
Beautiful video, Michelle. Again. Thank you.
/Dammit. Just... dammit.
//Sigh... it's gonna hurt Nov 30, isn't it. -
I would play a local "let me bash them all" emulator for one... me... with no regrets or concern. As long as it worked, and I could solo brutes and tanks and scrappers and such, sure, why not? It's a method to get agression out without taking a hammer to someones face, say.*
But an online one? Not... sure I'd want to, unless there were enough community to support it... and it wasn't constantly being chased/shut down by NCSoft.
Which, as a side track, is the weirdest part. Yes, it costs some money to keep Paragon *working* on it... but what's the cost to just keep it running, as a legacy, a tribute to the work that was done on it?
But that's for another thread, and rather selfish to ask, I admit, given people's jobs/lives were screwed on that awful August day.
/* - Not that this actually happens. I wouldn't bash people in the face with hammer, that's just wrong.
//I'd use a table tennis paddle. Much more satisfying. -
Too much to do solo unless you are l33t hax0r.
Each part of the game can be broken down into these categories, on the server side:
Character information. Positional information in both simply xyz as well as arm and leg positions, and orientation. Same for NPCs and Enemies. All this information has to be relayed back to you, and all people see the same information. If the defeated enemy is face down, and 'pointing' northwest, all people see this basic positional status.
This DOES NOT include Propelled items, those are random at the client side. Just where they are is important, nothing else. Your computer decides and keeps track of the item. It also does not include Ragdoll information, I think. One may see a twisted up pretzel, where another might see a straight Exorcist defeat.
And that is just the character information. Your client sends back commands telling the server what you want your character to do, and as mentioned, lag can cause the server to tell the client 'hold on', or 'move back to here, this is where I have you' (rubberband)
The server calculates where you're supposed to be, or whether your power is reset or all that stuff, and sends back the pertinent info as needed. This is why the power lag/rubberband happens especially in a busy map, such as during a raid. Server's got a LOT to do..
Then there's the mission engine, which uses all that, but adds the rules and logic to make the mission 'go'. This DOES NOT include the words. Just how the opposing enemies work, and placements on the maps for them and any glowies. This is an independent, yet dependent, engine from the character and NPC/Enemy engines.
If you could figure out all those, then you could do an offline server that would probably maybe work solo on one decently powered computer, but would likely be better if it were a stand alone networked computer.
And I've not talked about the authentication of your account and all that noise. If you wanted to play your current characters, that has to be figured out first, I'd think.
I'm thinking everything else is client side. Again, the demorecords show the game *can be run* offline. The piggs have all the information in them, and the game just renders the data. This also means that your character information, what they look like anyway, is there. And with Sentinel+, the powers and enhancements are known, as well as badges, accolades, etc.
But that is a LOT of speculation on things. Just thinkin' about what's client, and what's server, and throwing darts. Realistically, though, it would really take a Dev to say "Here. This is how.". Or better yet, "Oops, I accidentallied the server code onto the intarwebs. My bad."
Bettin' that last doesn't happen.