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  1. dougnukem


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    What ever happened to our other one? That thing could be seen from space!

    Which may explain how a mod found it...

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    it was not even was out right deleted

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    srsly... they got rid of the biggest pyramid EVER

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    start it over?

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    Start what over?
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    Thanks. I don't frequent the boards that much and either my search fu wasn't good or there isn't a thread about it anymore.

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    Don't feel bad, they just purged the forums recently, so lots of threads have "gone away."
  3. <QR>

    I don't think the set is that bad, if at all. I've found it useful and adjust my play style according to what I'm playing. With EB, I tend to move around more, than I would playing, say, Ice Blast. Then again, I'm not a min/max player, I play whatever feels fun to me at the time I'm playing, which is why I am always trying new combos...constantly. Otherwise, I'd get bored, but that's just me.

    I'm not campaigning the set to be perfect, as no set is. But it's not the red-headed step child some folks make it out to be.
  4. dougnukem

    Our new "Infi"


    At least Infi isn't a gerbil.
  5. <QR>

    I went Muns mainly for concept, but LRM is just great to watch anyways. Honestly, the Blaster APPs all offer something a little different, so it's just a matter of what you want/need.
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    How often do you get held w/the softcapped defense? I'm trying to decide between using flight or going for super jump + acro.

    Normally I'd just get acro no question, but it's an energy blaster so I want hover to control the knockback more effectively.

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    One or two breakfrees is usually enough to deal with any mezzes that get through. Knockback winds up being a bigger problem on the ground. If they knock you on your butt you cant maintain your range and that ranged defense winds up being worthless.

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    Yea, I've KB much more annoying, as I got a nasty taste of chain KB with Rikti Drones hitting me over and over. I didn't actually stand up for almost 15 seconds of continuous KD.
  7. Yea, FA's target cap is a big downer. I was so excited when I got Boost Range on my AR blaster, but I was a bit bummed with FA's difference. Maybe after I IO her out, I will be more impressed. Either way, overall, I've had a blast with the combo.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    An attitude against Energy Blast consists of the simple habit of people to assume they are dealing with a bad powerset rather than a bad player.

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    This. But people have to blame some "thing", instead of an actual person, in order for their lives' to continue safely and without confrontation.
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    The person in question was on crack.

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    True Story
  10. dougnukem



    It increases the magnitude of the the KB, which in turn goes above 1.0 and it becomes KB instead of KD.
  11. /afk my cat is projectile vomitting across the living room.
  12. &lt;QR&gt;

    Do you just look for things to complain about? What a shallow life you lead....
  13. dougnukem

    Good Bye


    Don't let the door hit you in the [censored] on the way out.

    Oh, don't forget to put your pants back on, before you go outside.
  14. dougnukem

    Latest 'Troller

    LOL, can never have enough alts. As far as kin goes, I have a 42 fire/kin, so I'd prefer not.
  15. dougnukem

    Latest 'Troller

    I've been looking at rolling a combo up that would be more useful on teams, especially later game TFs. The catch is, I'd like to use some powersets I haven't yet. My 50 trollers are in my sig, and with that being said, I'm thinking something like Earth or Mind, and Emp or Therm. I do have a 34 Earth/Sonic, so I am leaning towards Mind a little more, but have always found the lack of pet a little disheartening.

    Please share your thoughts and opinions to help sway my decision one way or another. Thanks in advance.
    I'm also open to any other combo suggestions as well.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    -gets three-shotted by minions with throwing knives-

    My experience differs.

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    Those knives are nasty lol.
  17. &lt;QR&gt;

    I rarely used it on my Dark/Cold, but use it alot via Thugs/Storm. It really depends on the type of teaming environment you're in. It's great for large tough mobs, like parts of ITF, where the bosses and EBs are a plenty. But if you're just drilling through mobs, it will just waste time from my experiences.
  18. dougnukem

    Bye Bye Badges


    Momma says, Badges are the Devil!
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    Well who killed Snowglobe... The suspects are what most of the population of the Triumph Server?

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    True Story
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    Also, if you level up in the AE, you'll miss a lot of badges and the accolade powers that come with them. You'll miss opening up Ouroboros and the Midnight Club and unlocking hidden contacts (redside) and TFs (blueside).

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    ProTip for getting Oro without leaving the MA building:

    "hey, can someone drop an Oro portal for me?"

    Hop through and get the badge.

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    But after you leave Ouroboros, you won't be in the AE building anymore. Then you'll have to, like, travel back to it. That's tooooooo haaaaaaaaard.

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    Dang, hadn't thought of that!


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    It was such a great plan. It worked right up until it didn't.

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    Load up an AE mission, use oro portal, then use mission teleporter. Solved.

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    Don't forget, you have to leave the building to level up.
  21. &lt;QR&gt;

    When it's one of those little annoying dogs that yaps instead of barks....


  22. [ QUOTE ]
    Flower Knight. She's in the first mission of the tutorial... and then we see her what, once more, chatting away in Ouroborus?

    &lt;;_;&gt; C'mon, give her a LITTLE story at least... please? Anything but more Fusionette (I like her, but not THAT much)

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    Fusionette is a Nemesis Automaton.

    True Story
  23. dougnukem

    Mod 8


    Did someone say pie?
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    Heather and Imeco need to come back ASAP to beat these people back with their pants.

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    Me and Imeco haven't been wearing pants since I got here...

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    Poor Mini-Heather.
    She has to see the what an Imeco really is.
    She's too young for that heather!!!!

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    Gotta get them to learn early....its why we have her playing video games and calling people noobs.

    And uh....everyone does it! Just ask Sun..he does it to everyone!

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    True story.
  25. &lt;QR&gt;

    I 6 slotted Blood Mandate, but I am going for ranged defense in my build.