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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Synapse View Post
    Okay, here's what I've come up with. The differences are FAR less dramatic than my first proposal:

    These changes seem much more realistic, especially taking outside influences to recharge. That makes a huge difference imo.

    I'm looking forward to seeing where all this goes.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    Waitasec. Are you saying people are *relying* on procs to make a Stalker fun to play?
    Actually, people *are* doing just that. I have friends in game who are finally giving stalkers a serious shot at playing because of this handy perk. It is not just used to increase DPS, but also increase survivability, the biggest complaint people I talk to have with stalkers.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    This example makes me fairly unhappy, because of how it would translate to most of my level 50 characters.

    I have the kinds of recharge slotting going on you're talking about here, but not for purposes of my attack chain. Things like Dark Miasma and Regen characters can benefit from much more global recharge than they need to build a full attack chain, and that +recharge isn't really going into things that I slot with procs. A Regen, for example, benefits from having lots or recharge for powers like Moment of Glory and Instant Healing, while a Dark Miasma benefits from it for things like Fearsome Stare and Howling Twilight. In "final" builds on these character types, I usually jack up my total recharge into the 200-300% range (150-200% global + 50-100% slotted) to benefit those kinds of powers, not my attack chain. But by doing that, using this example, procs that do go in my attacks end up with worse proc rates than they would be today with non-SBE procs.

    A non-SBE purple proc today has a 33% chance to activate, and SBE versions have a 4.5 PPM. If the ToE proc had a purple equivalent, in this example it would only go off around 24.6% of the time.

    This is the biggest issue I think. Penalizing builds that are recharge heavy, even if this recharge focus has little to do with increasing DPS.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
    It's a fairly substantial boost to Stalker performance that has builds including it routinely over 200 dps, with many over 300 dps, in pylon testing. It wasn't just the new Assassin's Strike that provided such a substantial jump; it was also the guaranteed critical immediately afterwards on your heaviest hitter.
    If we're talking about changes and adjustments made to powers, procs, exc based on DPS performance on high end pylon testing, then there are many more things in this game that should be altered as well. Last time I checked, people have been taking pylons down with ease for some time now.

    To say something needs nerfing/adjustment based on pylon challenges is just hogwash. How many people actually run around fighting pylons all the time, compared to those who make builds for normal content? I've been leveling up 3 different stalkers since these new ATOs came out and don't think they are game breaking anymore than builds that capitalize on defense bonuses that soft cap defense on a combo that normally doesn't even come close.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Synapse View Post
    Okay, now onto the example. Let's use Assassin's Strike slotted with Stalker's Guile: +Rech/Chance to Hide (Standard):

    Assassin Strike
    Base Recharge: 15 seconds
    Cast Time: 1 second
    Area Factor: 1

    Stalker's Guile: +Rech/Chance to Hide
    PPM: 4

    Proc Chance: 106.7%

    Assassin Strike
    Base Recharge: 15
    Cast Time: 1 second
    Area Factor

    Stalker's Guile: +Rech/Chance to Hide
    PPM: 6

    0% Global Recharge/Power Recharge
    Proc Chance: 90%

    0% Global Recharge/95% Power Recharge
    Proc Chance: 86.9%

    100% Global Recharge/95% Power Recharge
    Proc Chance: 60.8%

    200% Global Recharge/95% Power Recharge
    Proc Chance: 48%

    300% Global Recharge/95% Power Recharge
    Proc Chance: 40.3%

    PPM: The above values are assuming we apply a 50% bonus to existing PPMs.

    Interesting. So, basically anyone who goes for a decent amount of recharge of a little over 100% (including Hasten, which is easily done and not by any means an extreme min/max build) that character can expect to have the proc chance cut in half. Is the current way this proc works really that game breaking? I honestly find this hard to believe.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    That really feels wrong to me.
    That's because it is wrong. This setup penalizes a build that focuses on recharge. Are they going to start penalizing builds that focus on defense, by tweaking bonus awards as you get them? Will a build that utilizes more +HP get hammered with extra diminished returns? I just think they need to tread carefully with this approach.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Reppu View Post
    I'm too lazy to even begin to study law in detail, so my stance is "Never buying IO's off the Paragon Market EVER again".

    Speaking with my money.
    Yea, definitely not going to be buying IOs either...never thought it was a wise idea to begin with though either.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
    Game balance is king.
    Right next to the true ruler of the land, profit.
  9. I wouldn't say ruined....but now the whiners who play scrappers can stop complaining about being outdone.
  10. This is why I keep Broadcast in a chat tab with other in game stuff that isn't a high priority to be constantly reading.
  11. Just reroll as a Stalker......
  12. ***UPDATE***

    Just a quick update to the issue I mentioned last night, in my prior post here. Apparently, it is related to the Titan Sentinel communication issue with Mids for powersets released after Issue 21. I found a thread mentioning this on the Titan Network forum and wanted to mention it here in case anyone else ran into this and wasn't aware.
  13. Perhaps I'm missing something reading through the thread, but every I load a build with Staff it erases all the power picks and slots from Staff.

    Any thoughts or smacks to the head for being a knucklehead? :P
  14. I've only noticed it on Staff, but it is isn't every time. Sometimes the damage effect goes off right away, other times there is a delay and other mobs become aware of your presence before the damage finally goes through.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
    I'm sure both movies will be financially successful. As for quality, I expect the Avengers to be mediocre at best, and I expect The Dark Knight Rises to be good (though, honestly, Bane as a main villain worries me a little).

    From everything I've heard about the Avengers, it sounds like it could end up as a confusing mess. Too many stars. Too many heroes. It could be awesome if done just right, but it feels like "too much" to cram one 2-hour movie. We'll see.
    Hopefully it doesn't end up like the blockbuster that was (read:wasn't) Batman & Robin. :P
  16. When I was leveling my Fire/Cold, I never picked up Aid Self. Against smaller mobs, I maximized use of Infrigidate by rotating targets to keep them away, while attacking. I also went the route of carrying Lucks and Rages to stay alive while increasing my damage output. This seemed to work great for me with this combo and also the Dark/Cold I leveled prior.
    Cold is awesome.
  17. All I know is that I'm winning....two flicks that I can't wait to see. Score! :P
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    Right offhand, I remember references to City of Blasters, then how because of some costume pieces we'd become City of Anime, or how the devs were ignoring one side or the other. Right now we're both "OMG so many four legged rigs no more!" mixed with "OMG Magic," thus we get the Liger.
    Well, Lygers *are* known for their magical abilities.
  19. dougnukem


    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    Don't forget, the president's daughter is on board and must be rescued.
    "Get off my plane!"

  20. I'm all for adjustments to Ice Armor's looks, but making it completely go away is a bit much. I definitely agree that it needs an ability to be a bit more subtle.
  21. No....just no.

    (Others have shown why, so no need to elaborate much more :P )
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    I could. But if I have to spend $20 per character anyway, why should I have to subject myself to villain side.
    You can run the first arc of Ghost Widow in about 30-45 minutes.

    BTW, I'm not opposed to this idea. I just noticed the increase of more and more suggestions of convenience features. I am rarely against these things, regardless of how lazy they might appear.....then again, I'm waiting for someone to suggest a way to just purchase all Incarnate slots to be unlocked and/or slotted. :P
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    Because the OP doesn't want to spend all the time to switch sides from hero to villain and back to hero just to get scorpion shield.
    So basically another laziness suggestion. This seems to be a huge trend lately. Why not offer up ways to buy accolades too?