533 -
-To hit and holds help. When I form a team, I try to get a good mix of debuff AND holds. At most, I will invite at most 4 melee on the team. 2 is the minimum.
Before we go to Bobcat, I tell the team that I will taunt her and to spam as many holds as possible. My shield brute eats 3-4 lucks, then spam her with Darkest Night, Dark Obliteration and Gloom. Most of the time, I don't die, but if I do, I keep a good batch of Bounce back and breakfree so I can keep her off the rest of the team.
For the GWWs, the brutes need to keep taunt/agro on them. It sometimes helps for the squishies to attack the GWWs from behind to avoid the cone attacks.
So far, the non-master Tin mage TFs that I've led completed within 28-40 mins. I was once invited to a team that had 6 melee. Out of curiousity, I decided to stay and that took 1 hr 15 mins. -
It depends on what the toon needs. For most of my brutes, except the stoner, I took Soul Mastery. For the stoner, I took an epic pool (energy master? the one with physical perf...)
My dom has Mu and was tanking Rom with Power Surge by her lonesome in an poorly assembled ITF until the team came back from the hospital. -
Sybil Clara dialogue: Our secrets are not for men to know.
I doubt it... these girls are very secretive.
For those 2 hrs, you could've done 3 or 4 speed ITFs on different toons and gotten the nictus component as well as shards. If I end up joining an ITF and it is not speed, I just apologize and wish them good luck. I only received 1 complaint from the leader who tried to convince me that shard was so much better. Further refusal prompted said leader to part with disparaging words.
I prefer gathering the components with speed SFs and just use shards as fillers. -
Well, if nobody owns up, you can give it away. Folks like Costume contests and new accnts are always happy to get startup cash.
Quote:Oooh... I like this idea. I've miscounted several times. Assigning slot #s might help my math.Having run 100's of ITF's I feel your pain, what I do as the tells come flooding In is tell the person as im replying..."ok you are slot 5" "you got slot 6" "you got last slot" that why im sure I get the right number, any questions arrive I ask them what slot they had.
If I do miscount, I don't quit team. I just apologize and promise to invite them on the 2nd run if I have the time to do so.
If I'm running a team for regular missions, and get tells after it's full, I tell the ones who didn't make it that I'll put them in the list. If anyone quits, I tell the folks on the list that a spot is available. Half the time, folks on the list get on the team. -
Quote:Because Cryptic totally made their own rules and created an imbalanced game. Champions Online is nothing like the paper and dice version of Champions from Hero systems. The CO devs borrowed some terms like Ego, presence, etc... but wrapped it around an arcade style combat system ala Street Fighter where you spam buttons like mad.As far as everyone laughing at Champions, why do you have to mock another game to make you feel better about the one you play? Are you so worried about CoX that you have to constantly pat it on the back and tell it how great it is so it can keep on trucking? I just don't get it but I see it all the time in this game.
Some of the annoying things:
1) Blocking - instead of statistically calculating your defense, you are forced to block to avoid critical damage. As long as you block, you can't attack.
2) Enemies 5 level below you can still kill you but you get no experience if you kill them. Ie, if a level 8 mob attacks a level 16 toon, the level 9 mob can kill the level 16 toon in 2 mins or so but the level 16 toon will not get any xp from killing the lvl 8 mob.
3) Monthly Bloodmoon event - zombies give no xp. XP is only given after you complete the quest in the bloodmoon dungeon.
4) Lowbies are penalized with incredibly less mission complete xp. This discourages friends from teaming if their levels are more than 10 lvls apart.
5) Flawed collect items on indoor map - If the mission is to collect 10 items, the map will only spawn 10 items. If anyone on the team clicks on a glowie but there are other teammates outside the mission, the teammates outside the mission don't get credit for the click. Ie, the ones inside are credited 1/10 while the ones outside remain 0/10. The items will not respawn while people are inside the mission. The items will only respawn after 5-10 mins after everyone exits.
5) It is very very easy to create a crappy hero. Also, even after finding a good power combo, the hero doesn't feel super enough. After playing 8+ different CO power sets, it seems to me that CO heroes are underpowered compared to CoX supers.
There are more, but these are the few that make it a really frustrating game to play. I only play it occassionally with a friend since we used to play the paper and dice version of Champions. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't waste my time on this game, even if it was free. -
Shard drop is decent in tips too. I run tips at +0 to +2 x8 and invite level 40-49 folks only. That way, they can help kill but any shards that drop will be mine.
My lvl 30 dom is level locked, so she doesn't earn xp. However, she still earns prestige during missions. You can get a prestige bonus by logging out at a base portal everyday and earning the base monitor day job.
I have my own base and have earned 2 mill prez between my brute and corruptor.
Bosses and Lts give the most prez, so if you can handle it, run +2x8.
I suggest not turning off xp tho, and just convert some of your money to prestige. Money is easy to earn, esp if you run tips and sell the IOs that you get from exchanging A-merits. -
Quote:I agree. I tend to run with folks from my coalition for ITFs and SFs, so I know most of the people in the team. Also, the coalition leaders are very good at resolving issues with offensive players and weeding them out of the SG.Get into an active Super Group and run TFs with them. Odds of such behavior will drop quite a bit (though there are no guarantees).
However, the trick is to get into a SG where members get along. Avoid groups with dubious names like the S.Oh.Bs. They're most likely players with big egos and look down on other players. -
Quote:I have my own base with 10 salvage bins, organized by alphabetical groups. If I need Destiny for recipe X, I head to bin #2 which has salvage D-H. I tend to keep the more volatile salvage in the bins. I usually sell the following salvage at a vendor since the market has so much of them:What do people typically do with all their Salvage? Is there a way to expedite the process of deciding which set to build and then acquiring all the necessary recipes and components? Halp?
- Math proof
- spirit thorn
- silver
- fortune
- Demonic threat report
- kinetic weapon
I use Mids to plan out my build so I have an idea of which recipes I should keep for myself. I put bids out for what I need and when the bids fill, the recipes are crafted and placed in my enhancement table until my toon is ready to slot it.
Like other folks, I get lvl 25-30 common or set IOs. These are cheap to craft and last until level 50. Out of curiousity, I wondered if a lvl 50 toon with lvl 25ish IOs would do ok in a speed ITF, and the answer is yes. My brute died twice during the cyst run, but held Rom's agro in the final mish. (He was the only melee.) He can also farm AE at +1x8 with smash/lethal dmg.
If you are lucky, you can get crafted common IOs cheaper than it would take to craft. See Crafted->Other.
It does take some time to craft at lv 25. If you use DO/SOs, you will need to buy them about 8 times during leveling to 50. Each time you do so, you throw away the cost of the old DO/SOs and pay for the new ones. By using common or set IOs, your cost is fixed and don't expire as you level. -
The only thing I saw that might cause a bit of a slow down is the 5400 rpm hard drive. Depending on the model, these could affect program loads/performance. As a scratch disk for photoshop, an hi-res image rotation takes 30% longer on a system with a 5400 rpm drive vs one with a 7200 rpm drive.
However, if the drive has good caching/access time, you won't notice the difference unless you look. -
If you are on villain side, for casual play and without a strict prestige/acitivity requirement, I suggest Venu Sovereignty or Shadow Souls. Dark Flea organizes MS raids and COP runs. He also helps PL folks with his stoner Brock. Souls only has a 10k prestige requirement in order to access base storage. A lot of the members play on and off, so you don't have to worry about getting kicked out if you don't play for a week.
Both Venu and SS have fully equipped bases. They are in coalition with 10 other VGs, so you can check the coalition channel for teams, raids, etc.
Contact Dark Flea for Venu and Azure Spirit (me) for Shadow Souls. I'm on between 7:30 pm to midnite Pacific time on week nights. Flea is on earlier, so you will probably find him first. -
If I'm not already there, I will be.
I've been running Ice M on Freedom almost every night weekdays and several times during the weekend. I led about 10+ runs over the past week.
However, I am in the pacific time zone, and I get home around 7:30 pm. If you still need Ice M, and are around between 7:30 pm and 1 am Pacific Time, send a tell to Voltez Y or Azure Spirit. I'll form a team.
Also, my team will speed this SF. Kill all only when needed. Approximate duration is 45 mins - 1 hr. For XP runs, Luna is hosting several teams, but you need to reply on her post to get a spot on a team. -
Agreed. If the base is 1000, that regenT will give a bonus of 250. If the base is 100, the regenT gives a paltry 25.
When the Fitness power pool became inherent, ie, like brawl and sprint, the devs handed out 3 respec tokens about 1 week apart. Since you weren't subbed during that time, you may have not gotten the free respec tokens. You can try to petition for a token and explain that you just resubbed.
I have the following 50s:
- 4 brutes
- 2 corrs
- 2 mms
- 1 dom
Only 3 are lvl 51s: 1 brute, 1 corr and 1 dom. The other corr has a T1 and 2 brutes need to be alpha slotted. 1 brute just fell short of my expectations, so it's just used as a market mule. I don't even bother with the MMs. After playing through the lvl 50 SFs and incarnate content, MM pets aren't sturdy enough. They also kill too slowly.
WST has definitely changed my play schedule. It used to be wait for announcement for SFs while crafting, do tips and lvl lowbies.
Since I work, I have to prioritize and I play my alpha 50s first for the WST. Then I do whatever else I used to do before, but I don't feel the need to farm for shards.
I don't mind the lowbie WSTs. In fact, I like it for the double reward merits and I can run them on my lowbies. -
Quote:Welcome! I was on trial account about a year ago and it blew me away. If you haven't read it yet, check out the trial account guide.How is leveling? Is it looking for a item that drops 2% of the time of a creature that spawns always? Or is a 100% drop that gets you closer to the epic boss battle?
How is the instances or end game content?
Don't worry about loot. Cash and items go towards enhancing your powers. When I was leveling to 50, I only used what I picked up and I didn't feel weak at all. Eventually, you may want to enhance your powers to the limits, but that can come later. Not having uber stuff will not prevent you from playing the content.
There's a lot of content, and I've leveled 7 toons to 50 without doing all of it.
The game has a cool flashback feature though, so you can go back to the story arcs that you missed.
And if that isn't enough, players can make their own stories by the AE system. Some player created content have even earned 'Developer's Choice' awards.
Even at lvl 50 (the maximum), I don't feel like that was the end and didn't stop playing my 50. There was still a lot of things to do, and I enjoyed the challenge of lvl 50 content. With the new Incarnate system, there's even more than when I started a year ago.
Note that there are several versions of City of Heroes and each game code in a particular version gives you 30 days of free play time. From memory, they are:
1) City of Heroes
2) City of Villains
3) Good vs Evil
4) Architect Edition
5) Going Rogue
If you activated the codes in the order above, you get 30*5 = 150 days of free game time. 30 days of game time is $15. So that's 15*5 = $75 worth of game time.
How much does each one cost? If you shop around on ebay, CoH and CoV are around $5. Good vs Evil is $10 at Frys. Arch Ed is about $10-15 on ebay. Going Rogue is new, so cheapest I've seen it is $25, except for the $10 deal at Best Buy.
However, if you activate Going Rogue first, you may not be able to do the above trick and will only get 30 days of free time. Ie, you may not get 60 days if you activate Going Rogue and then 1 week later, Good vs Evil.
The order in which I activated my code are CoV, GvE, and Going Rogue for a total of 90 days of free time.
Hope to see you in game! -
Quote:You don't need the Notice to participate in Apex. My cold/rad is a new Incarnate with no alphas crafted and only had the following items in inventory:Am I missing something here?
Is there somewhere here in the forums that explains how to get these slotted and where to get the Notice of the Wells (I realize they are rare drops)
I do have 3 tiers built in the Musculature ability but am stuck with trying to get the one I need to continue the build.
1 Dimensional Keystone
10 shards
He crafted a tier 1 Nerve Alpha and had 2 shards to spare. (Whew!) He slotted it and finished Apex with a Master of.
You have 3 tiers, which is much more than what my cold/rad had. To slot the alpha, go to Powers->Incarnate Abilities. Click on the Alpha and select 'Slot Power'.
Last day for Apex! Good luck! -
Quote:My brute has Soul Mastery which gives 2 ranged attacks. Both SM attacks have a taunt, so BM follows me out of the blue and into... Lightning rod.Basically, this. My melee types have only a little more trouble than my Blaster, and the fact that swords can't trouble them is pretty big. Once you get a handle on the timing of the patches the swords are the bigger threat.
Plus if you actually took a ranged attack or two in your Epic Pool you can still do damage while BM is standing in a patch, which gratifies me a little.
As for the pylons, there's a -debuff around them and it stacks. The trick is to not stay there. So I do BU + LR + SC and then jump away from the hydras. While I wait for any debuff to wear off, I use the Soul ranged attacks. Then I jump next to the pylon, fire off 2 attacks and jump away. This also has a side-effect of the hydras focusing on me instead of squishies.
I wear my MoApex proudly. -
Quote:Nice tip!Take a look at this thread. http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=253661
You can set your OWN lft status by hitting the Team button in the bottom left.
The LFT tool is an excellent way to form groups and I strongly encourage you to use it. It can be brought up by typing /sea .
Also, if I lead a team, I will invite those who have 'looking for team' set before those who don't.
I've been playing for a year now, and found that people would rather join teams than lead a team. There are very few leaders, so very few teams. When I form a team, I broadcast in a busy zone and I get 3-5 replies within a minute. Then I fill in the remaining spots using the search tool. -
Just the minimum. I did this yesterday on my brand new 50, a cold/rad corr. I had already responded to the leader before I realized I haven't made any Alpha yet. I had just 1 Dimensional keystone and 10 shards, which thankfully, was enough to create a Nerve Alpha.
The team finished Apex with a Masters in 41 mins. -
> How many level 50's are you attempting to 'become an incarnate'?
> Do you feel that doing more than say one hero and one villain is doing 'too much at once'?
> Do you feel a shift has occured to more time devoted soley to level 50's leaving far less time to level an alt?
> Do you feel this is a good thing?
It's my decision. I can choose not to do Incarnate or I can choose to play lowbie. As long as one is having fun, that's all that counts.
At the moment, I like running my 50s, but I'm sure I'll work on my lowbies too.
> Do you seem to not have enough time to devote to alt characters because you feel you need to be collecting shards and such?
I do speed TFs, so I get components instead of shards. Components are worth 4 shards. Shards are icing on the cake. Since I do speed instead of kill-alls, I have time to do other stuff.
> Do you think changing the Weekly Task Force to a Bi-montly Task Force would be 'better'? Perhaps offering a more relaxed atmosphere for the playerbase?
Bi-weekly might be better for the devs from a maintenance/server downtime standpoint. They have to block off 1-3 hrs a week to switch WST. That adds up to about 52 hrs to 150 hrs in a year. Also, when the server is down, players can't play.
In terms of atmosphere, the incarnate content is attracting more old players to come back to the game. I think that's good for keeping the business running. -