I have some general questions about the game.
Welcome, you've been through a lot to get here. Solidarity!
1. Leveling is fast. Too fast. You will breeze right past content and stories even if you solo. If you team, you might blow past huge things that you don't want to miss. You can always roll another character, or "flash back" and replay content you missed with your current character, though. So don't worry.
How is leveling? Is it looking for a item that drops 2% of the time of a creature that spawns always? Or is a 100% drop that gets you closer to the epic boss battle?
How is the instances or end game content? Thanks for reading and I'm sorry if this is in the wrong sub forum. |
2. There are no real "item hunts" in game, that your leveling is dependent upon. Sure, some older content may ask you to "defeat 25 guys that are wandering around near you," but that's not hard. If a missions asks you to find something, or several somethings, they are ALL in that one mission, flash, and make a loud noise so you can't miss them.
3. Instances are one of the primary features of City of Heroes--you may not realize how many people are actually playing, because they're all inside of separate instanced missions. Sure, there is some "neighborhood" stuff, but by and large you won't have any trouble finding people to play with in or out of an instanced map. Does that answer the question?
4. End game. For the past 6+ years, the end game in City of Heroes has been taking your characters through everything the game has to offer. Or rolling new characters and seeing the whole game from a separate perspective. It's a biiiig game. But if you jump in now, you can check out the first new "real" endgame City of Heroes has ever had, the Incarnate system. It's for level 50 (the maximum level) characters--and joining now means you'll be par with everyone else. There is one "level" of it out now, with another four coming within a few weeks.
Lay out some more questions. Other people will have better and different answers than I do, and you'll find that the City forums are markedly different than any others you've visited.
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
'Gear' (enhancements in CoH) matters very, very little. The baseline enhancement is SOs, and even the end-game content can be done on those. They can be slightly hard to afford on your first character, but they're pretty damn cheap in the larger scheme of things--after you have some idea of how the game works, it's almost trivial to keep slotted up with good ones. The higher-level enhancements, Invention Origins, are pretty much strictly a luxury item--they're nice to have, but nobody's going to kick you out of a team over not having them. Like I said, you can do all the end-game stuff on SOs that cost a pittance.
Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.
Welcome to the game.
If/when you sign up for a full account, make sure you join your server's global channels. It will let you know about events like task forces forming or people looking for teams (or for people to join teams). Also, visit your server's subforum and get to know the community!
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I just got done with DC Universe Online after going thru WOW and EvE:Online. I'm never playing WOW again because it always seems my gear-score is never high enough for someone else. EvE:Online lost its luster after I burned out hard trying to make isk to pay for my account and the amount of BS the devs let the playerbase do. DC Universe needs another 6 months at least of polishing. DC is a great game but PVP was a nightmare as it was dominated by hackers and the pve queues system is usually not working. Even with a league I asked if anyone needed a healer for instances and no one responded and when the instance poped 3 hours later 3/4 people in the group were from my league. The leveling they had was ok however to many of the boss fights required that I had another person with me. This lead to waiting for hours for a person to log on that would help me in a 150 man league. As there are a few gapes in questing at levels 17, 21 and 25 this also lead to twiddling my fingers waiting.
I'm playing thru the trial of this game right now and I am amazed at all the features. Which leads me to my questions.
How is leveling? Is it looking for a item that drops 2% of the time of a creature that spawns always? Or is a 100% drop that gets you closer to the epic boss battle?
How is the instances or end game content?
Thanks for reading and I'm sorry if this is in the wrong sub forum.