343 -
It depends on how many slots you can afford to put into this power. If it is just going to be 1 or 2 slotted, go with CJ. Slap LOTG 7.5% Recharge + Defense into it and you're golden. If you can afford 4 or more, go with Maneuvers because you need the extra slots to maximize the +Def benefits as well as lowering the endurance cost.
Quote:The devs not liking something is not the same as them trying to ban it. I may dislike seafood but that doesn't mean I'm going to try to stop those who come into my restaurant/store who happens enjoy seafood from eating it. Can you not comprehend the difference?That would be wrong on your part. Positron and Statesman came out and explicitly said they did not like farming. If you were not here when they added timers to Dreck and the Woilf farms - that's your problem.
Look if you don't like me and my comments - ignore me. I will be ignoring you in the future because obviously you don't have a clue about the past history of this game.
You keep using the same lousy examples as so called "proof" of your flawed argument. Okay, I can do that too. What about Liberate TV farm on redside? It's literally been around for years and have the dev changed anything? No. What about a more recent example of Fire farms in AE? It's been around for the past 6 months and have the devs changed that? Again, no. And just how long do you think people have been farming ITF for purples and more recently shards? How do you explain these with your insurmountable logic?
It is quite apparent that it is you who is clueless due to your extremely narrow and obtuse view regarding the history of CoX. Any straying from what *you* perceive as the approved "path" is enough to blow your lid, go off in petulant triades, and start using generalizations against people who disagree with your OPINION (bolded and capped for extreme emphasis). Let's not even talk about how absurd your overreaction is given that this is only ONE issue and that's hardly enough material to judge the future direction of the game by.
Now that you have been called on your BS, you decided to resort to the tried and true pathetic defense of "I'm just going to ignore you because you have no clue and I just know better". Fair enough. Please do ignore me because if this is your mentality, I highly doubt we will have much to talk about in the future anyways. Good grief and good riddence. I feel I'm talking to a 5 year old throwing a tantrum.
You win and your opinion/logic is irrefutable. Better? -
Well, even if everyone in the league knows how to use temp powers, some of them can still be uncooperative about it. As unfathomable as it may sound, some people are just douchebags and they want the trials to fail. I have two examples of this.
On one of the first Lambda trial I ever led, I invited two blasters who apparently were friends. We did the standard clearing of the outside streets, courtyard, and just as we are starting to clear the turrets, they started complaining about how taking out turrets was a waste of time. They went on and on for a couple more turrets and me being still somewhat inexperienced at Lambda, finally got fed up and told the league to stop just to shut them up. We left about half a dozen turrets up and moved on to the sabotage phase. The sabotage went pretty well and we got all the temps so naturally, we started destroying the doors/portals. That's when people started to getting killed left and right by the turrets that were still up. These two douchebags then LOL'ed and quit the league, probably taking some temps with them. We still managed to finish the trial though it was far more ugly than it should have been. I thought about petitioning the two of them but I decided against it since I had no proof.
The second incident came just a few nights ago. Again I was leading a Lambda and as we are clearing the streets, this necro MM kept team TPing everyone all over the place. Fearing that we have a griefer on our hands, I warned him to stop so if he didn't, I would be justified in booting him. Surprisingly, he stopped so we continued on. The courtyard, turrets and sabotage went off without a hitch. During the cut scene, I saw a liche and zombie standing slightly behind Marauder but I didn't think much of it. After the cut scene ended, we exited to the courtyard only to be met with the trial failed message. After a couple seconds of "wtf?" between us, we finally figured out that Marauder probably exited through the main gate. My first instinct was that the necro MM's pets had somehow caused it so I booted him. That was all I could do since that I had no proof it was intentional. After I zoned into Pocket D however, this same MM started boasting in broadcast about how Marauder ran away because it was afraid to face him. After a couple of minutes, he then sent me a tell saying that he could report me for harrassment since I booted him. I've finally had enough and reported him.
It just goes to show that Lambda is far more vulnerable than BAF when it comes to griefers and I am becoming convinced that sometimes, people withhold their temp powers simply because they can. -
Quote:Then perhaps you should refrain from labeling those who do not share your views as "lemmings" or referring to them as the "WoW crowd" in the future.Nope I am not saying that I am better, that my way is better or that the WoW players are inferior.
Quote:What I am saying is that for 7 years the Devs had a specific goal in mind for their players - everyone can advance doing whatever it is they want to.
Quote:You may like the "content" we have been haded. I however don't as it flies directly into the face of past policy. Farming was a HUGE no-no, they added timers to farm missions so they would expire. They whacked repeatedly various AE missions. They spent a lot of time and made it a public policy that farming was not approved of.
Quote:So please ignore what the past history of the game was and why it was so successful. It would be useful if you could understand this community is what it is because we have not had the drive for the shiney that in most players mind the shiney was playing itself and having fun.
You have already done a good enough job demonizing yourself by presuming to speak for everyone as if they all conform to your thought process. -
Quote:I enjoy end game style raids that aren't too big and disorganized which CoX raids at their current incarnation aren't. I also don't mind repeating certain types of content as long as it is worthwhile for me to do so, farms included. Glad to know that makes me a lemming or perhaps even a hamster? Sorry, I've long lost track which put down is suppose to be more demeaning.You see there in lies the rub - why wouldn't they make a new currency?
If the lemmings jump over the cliff every time they make a new gate - why not? I refuse to play the Baf or Lambda trials. They are farms and I have never farmed anything other than the wall in Cim - just because I like beating up Romans!
Since your post made references to lemmings right off the bat, I'm going to assume that the rest of your post is no longer just an expression of your own preferences but rather it is serving the purpose of differentiating yourself (or your mentality) from these... mindless lemmings. Reasonable yes? Now, without further ado.
Quote:You see the trap - it's not really that hard, it's not really that fun doing it over and over - but I don't have to win and it's quick.
Quote:I play to have fun. If I am not having fun - I stop playing and quit the team I am in, swap to another character or quit the game and go do something else.
Quote:The beauty of this game and what made it different is I could always play whatever I wanted to do and advance. If I can't no problem - I just spend my entertainment dollars elsewhere. This grinding farms is as far away from fun as anything I can even imagine.
And you are better than the people who have played WoW, past or present, how.....? -
I've taken part in raids is most MMOs I've played before so I do like raids for the most part. While I don't particularly enjoy large scale (50-100+ EQ style) raids due to its chaotic *human wave* nature and mind numbing tactics (all healers chain heal main tank, everyone else bash away), I do enjoy smaller raids (DDO style) where coordination and tactics is actually possible or required. In fact, the raids I led/participated in DDO involves more strategic execution than anything I've experienced thus far and these new CoX raids/trials actually remind me a bit of that.
As long as CoX raids do not grow into 5 or 6 team monstrosities (an impossibility right now given performance/lag issues) and continue to involve strategic elements/objectives, I'm all for it. -
This again? Look, the devs did try but it was misguided. They have learned from their mistakes. Farming is a quintessential part of any MMO, a play style that the devs may sometimes openly disapprove but quietly tolerated all the same. Trying to rid MMO of farming is just not a realistic goal, *especially* in a game where the only real leveling content are all instance based.
Quote:At this point, I highly doubt anyone who has run the trials more than a few times would want to see the cut scenes again.Soooo you can skip the cut screen...great....then what...oh right yer...you have to wait for your team before doing anything cos they want to see the screen...errr so, whats the difference.
Now on the off chance that someone does want to see it and the option is put in that they can watch it at their own discretion, why would everyone else who opt to skip it have to wait? Can't they get started by themselves? We have never needed to wait for AFKers to start a mission and this is no different.
Quote:The problem with skipping the cutscenes is this -
Guild Wars, Aion, etc? They're all pre-rendered. You can just stop the movie and go on. (Which would also make "Move it into a small window and move it to the side" work.)
COH? Those *are* the NPCs, "live." The models are going through a script, everything else is frozen - as you can tell if you have people spamming junk into it, or even managing to place themselves *into* the cutscene.
Edit: Or, just dump cut scenes all together and put the dialogues/monologues in our individual chat boxes. Whoever wants to read it can do so to their hearts content. -
Quote:Honestly, I think the reason I gave is most logical one. Do keep in mind that they also implemented a daily shard to thread conversion limit as well as adding an infamy cost to it. Seems to me that they did make a conscious effort to prevent people from obtaining the brand spanking new goodies too quickly.And by introducing threads, they made it so that only happened on the 2nd or 3rd day. Not a big difference, if you ask me. So maybe there's a different reason behind it.
Sure people can run the new trials non-stop and get all the slots unlocked within 2-3 days but to get all of the required threads/components to slot everything all the way up to tier 4? They would require exceptional (more like miraculous) luck for sure. That is assuming they finish the trials and get a shot at the end reward table in the first place. Judging from all of the complaints about failing trials and how they were too hard during the initial days right after i20 launch, I would rate successful completion as anything but a certainty back then. Anyways, you get the point. -
The devs had to come up with a new icurrency (threads) because people were hoarding shards by the hundreds. If they had kept shards as the de factor icurrency, it is conceivable that some people would be running around with all of their Tier 4s slotted during the first day of i20 release.
It's the standard game of one-upsmanship. Some players think they can anticipate the devs moves and try to get ahead of the game. The devs, sensing this, would then throw a curveball into their plans. Expect to see more versions of icurrencies with the future release of incarnate slots. Or, the devs might just switch back to shards if they find out that the hoarders have indeed exhausted their supply of shards by converting them into threads. -
Simple numbers really. Striking at AP would take out a huge amount of low levels begging for PL. Inflicting the most amount of damage/casaulty in the shortest amount of time is the most efficient method of carrying out search & destroy missions.
Instead of an addition based system (do this amount of <insert criteria> to get base reward, do an additional amount of <insert criteria> to get base reward plus one), I would've done the following. Make it a combination system.
The first part of the system would be designed to weed out the leechers/idiots by downgrading end rewards for unhelpful behavior. Minimal performance qualifier if you will. For example.
1. If you stay defeated for more than one minute without going to the hospital, you get 10 threads as the end reward.
2. If you sit in the hospital for more than one minute without exiting into the main trial map, you get 10 threads as the end reward.
3. After you are in the trial map, if you go more than one minute (for BAF) or two minutes (for Lambda) without actively affecting a mob (doing damage, debuffing, holding, etc) or assisting an ally (healing, buffing, etc), you get 10 threads as the end reward.
Now these were just some examples. The duration of inactivity or even the criterias themselves are of course up for debate. In anycase, if you don't commit any of these bad behaviors, you would be qualified to participate in the second portion of the system which is a roll. The probability table would look something like this.
10% chance for very rares.
20% chance for rares.
30% chance of uncommons.
40% chance for commons.
Personally, I would much prefer a system such as this as opposed to one that uses highly subjective and mysterious criterias to measure the contribution of a particular AT. How would one design a participation system that has to account for so many variables such as overall team competency, trial strategy, lag or game crashes (quite common since i20) anyways? Frankly, given how the current system has already screwed over MMs and some other ATs to a lesser extent, I honestly do not trust the devs enough to rely on their definition of "participation". Oh sure they can tweak the existing criterias but chances are that will only lead to some other ATs getting the shaft. -
Quote:Well for my brute, I skipped CoF. It just wasn't worth the heavy endurance cost. I also picked up Tier 3 Cardiac Alpha to help with the end issue which combined with the IO procs (Numina, Performance Shifter, etc), keeps the blue bar under control pretty well.Yeah I planned on Incarnating this one (is that a verb?) but how does Diamagnetic work? I haven't unlocked anything above Judgment and most of my 50s still need their T4 Alphas
As for Diamagnetic, one of the Tier 3 rares (Diamagnetic Total Core) applies a 100% chance -tohit proc to all your powers that can slot have a damage IO/SO/DO slotted, which Death Shroud applies. Each proc debuffs enemy tohit by 5% and can be stacked up to four times. -
The fear duration on CoF is kind of weak against anything higher than a minion so the saving grace is the -tohit component it also has. So my question is are you planning to go incarnate with your tank? If the answer is yes, skip CoF. Instead, take up Diamagnetic 100% chance for -tohit when you go incarnate. Death Shroud would serve dual purpose then, not to mention a bit of relief for your endurance bar. Lastly, if you have a lot of other AoE attacks, you can stack enough -tohit on entire mobs to make fear just about a moot point when it comes to mitigation.
Quote:I get what you're saying and I'm not disagreeing with you. I'm just speculating as to why the devs chose to implement the incarnate system the way they did. Frankly, they were probably thinking along the lines of that old adage, "if it works, why change it".That's not really the issue. The issue is that because we *always* get to choose which common, which uncommon, and which rare components we get, the number of different kinds of commons is irrelevant unless you accidentally pick one you later can't use. In other words, you can make mistakes, but except for mistakes the system would present the exact same costs to every player even if there was only one of each. That's not true with the invention system because we get random drops during missions. We could use them, or we could sell or trade them. We don't get to decide what are drops are, so the different kinds have meaning.
Quote:Perhaps one way to partially remedy this is to offer "transmutation" recipes. Keep the breakdown values the same: if you really want to break a component down into the lowest form of incarnate currency, you're not going to get much. But suppose you could turn any uncommon into any other uncommon at the cost of that uncommon and, say, 6 threads. Suppose you could turn any rare into any other rare for the cost of that rare and maybe 30 threads. Something like around ten percent of the cost of construction. -
I tend to think of it this way. This is just a continuation of the existing salvage system for IOs.
Threads = infamy.
Incarnate Components = Invention Salvages.
Incarnate Tiers = IOs.
CoX has been using this system for years and I could imagine that the devs are just sticking to what they already know. It might be even easier to just use a variation of an existing system as opposed to creating a brand new one.
This system brings up a different problem though which is having to change the base currency (inf/shards/threads) with each new issue that involves new alternate advancement content. People tend to hoard stuff in MMOs and during the lull between i19 and i20, people were hoarding shards like there's no tomorrow in anticipation for the new Incarnate slots. I recall there were people claiming to have 400-500 shards. The devs don't want players to be able to acquire Tier 4 incarnate powers on the very first day after release so they have to one-up the hoarders by changing the currency. Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised we'll get another new incarnate currency with the next issue. It's either that or the devs will try to one-up us again and switch back to shards as the base currency for the next 4 incarnate slots. Either way, it's only going to get more complicated. -
More things to add.
Last night I was playing my ELM/ELA brute doing about 10 runs of BAF. I decided to do some experimentation. The first 5 runs, I was going all out trying to do as much damage and draw as much aggro as I can without dying. Using my AoE attacks on every spawn, roaming around picking off the runners, pulling the AVs, getting warned by the AVs 4-5 times each trial. Basically I was all over the map. I got 3 very rares and 2 rares as the end reward. Then for runs 6 and 7, I decided to back off quite a bit. Primarily just sticking to one or two doors, holding back against the AVs to avoid getting warned, etc. Both times I got uncommons. The last 3 runs my effort was somewhere between aggressive and passive. 2 more uncommons and a rare. 10 runs and not a single common which is consistent with what I've been experiencing so far with all of my characters.
I also had a Tanker friend in the same league as me for 6 of those BAF runs and I told her to do the experiment with me as well. The first 2-3 runs she was putting in maximum effort as I designated her for ambush duty while still coming to assist with AVs from time to time. She ended up with very rare or rares each time. During the runs where I was backing off, she was backing off as well and ended up with uncommons and a rare. Again, no commons.
I know these experiments are not very scientific because there are far too many unkown variables present which *could* contribute to the participation calculation. Still, I thought the results were interesting. -
Quote:Yeah, I would also conclude that is the case from my experiences during the past 2 nights. when I ran with more or less the same team through multiple Lambda trials.1. My theory is that participation is being measured somehow and leading you to a "supertable" of random rewards. If you have low participation, perhaps you have a high probability of getting the thread or common reward table, and if you have high participation you have a higher probability of getting the uncommon or rare tables. But you always have some finite chance of getting higher value tables at any level of participation.
Tuesday night I was on my Dom leading 6 consecutive Lambda trials and ended up with a heavy dose of uncommons, a common and 10 threads. The whole night I got disconnected or crashed out about 4 times. Coincidentally, the run where I ended up with 10 threads was when I got disconnected twice due to my router getting reset happy. I didn't even know this reward option existed prior to that.
Last night I switched to my Brute and did 5 Lambda runs and my connection was relatively stable (I hate AT&T) as I only disconnected or crashed out twice the whole night on two seperate runs. In league chat we were basically reporting what we got for the end rewards and it seemed like certain people (2 trollers and someone else) just kept getting the same common table while me and another person kept getting the uncommon table. I think one person even got the 10 threads option twice. At the end of the night I ended up with 4 uncommons and a very rare.
I don't think you can attribute any of that to sheer randomness. Some metric must be influencing which end reward table you're getting. It's too bad we will never find out what it is though because the devs will likely never make that information public for fear of players trying to "game the system". -
I've spent the past week in Pocket D exclusively and I rarely see people spamming their AoE powers or buffing others for no reason. The vast majority are just standing still, minding their own business, broadcasting "LF trial" or recruiting for leagues. Occasionally you do see a few people jumping around but that's about it. This was also on Freedom where during peak hours there are easily 30-40 people standing around at any given time, though I can't speak for other servers.
Quote:Apparently you missed the part when I said it takes 30 seconds combined (or perhaps a little bit more) to toggle 10 powers off *and* on with my /DA Brute. They do have have to come back on at some point you know. Heck, Death Shroud takes 3ish seconds to turn on by itself because of the long animation. And to do that for each and every trial I run with him which numbers in the 25-30 now?Let's face it, you can't get people to behave around roleplayers if they don't want too. The fact people feel so strongly about thier right to run thier toggles because it'd take a harrowing 30 seconds to turn them on (Though really? My Willpower is fairly toggle heavy and it barely takes ten) shows how much of an uphill battle that'd be.
I hate to repeat myself again but it seems my point is just not getting across. Once more, I have a total of 18 level 50's that I wish to take through the Trials. 5 of them are brutes, 3 are stalkers and 2 are VEATs and each of them have between 6-8 toggles. Even my 3 Doms have at least 4-5 toggles. By my estimation, at the current rate of iexp progression, I would have to run the trials a combined 450-500 times to get all of their 4 slots unlocked and slotted with Tier 3 rares. I could conceivably use convert *some* threads into iexp though I can't imagine doing that too often due to prohibitive inf concerns. Yeah, it's really reasonable to ask me to play toggle-a-power 450-500 times as if I have nothing better to do. -
If it's a coding limitation then I could understand but are you certain that all recharge types (Global/Incarnate/Standard IOs) fall under one flag? I only ask this because of the funky way Widow/Fort Mind Links work. It doesn't take standard IO/SO enhancement but it does take defense IO sets, including those with recharge components. It also can be affected by global recharge bonuses. But because it doesn't take IO/SO enhancements, Alpha spiritual tree also doesn't affect ML's recharge.
Yeah, it kind of sucks that the developers decided to apply this arbitrary decision to only Spiritual while all other other Alphas affect Judgement. Would have been nice to have known this little tidbit of information before I decided to go with Spiritual Alpha on a large portion of my characters. This is not to mention spending a ton of inf respecing their builds around it. So much for helping us make *informed* decisions.
There are a couple of threads in the suggestions and ideas sub-forum regarding this topic. You may want to head there and add your experiences to them instead.